The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 – Dragon Seeker

Vicomte Guy de Ranchocourt was motionless, sitting on his stone chair with a smile, as if he was not the one the bard had just accused, but an unrelated spectator enjoying a comedy with great interest.

“Why don’t you refute?” asked the bard. “Why are you neither surprised nor panicked?”

The Viscount leaned forward: “You are absolutely right, why should I refute? I am not surprised that someone can guess my real purpose. Since I will come to Chevignon to find the dragon god, then there are others in the world who are as good as my hero. It’s normal to see the same thing.”

The bard lowered his head slightly, his eyes slanted up, and he stared at Viscount de Ranchocourt fiercely, “You can’t succeed.”

“Why do you know that?” The Viscount smiled confidently, “I am a descendant of Grand Duke Richard, and my lineage can be traced back to Emperor Darion himself. Of course, the emperor was born in the grass, and lineage is not very important to a hero.” But I am confident that I can win the favor of the Dragon God. It has been more than one hundred and sixty years since the Second Dynasty fell, and now is the time for a new king to rise! My cousins are busy plotting plots, and have forgotten the original intention of being a ruler. I Very different from them! I will rule this land wiser than they!”

“In my opinion, there is no difference between you and your cousins. They are all villains who can only play tricks.”

“You will see the difference, Bard.” The Viscount stood up, hands behind his back. The dim moonlight filtered in through the glass windows of the hall, and fell right on the statue of the goddess behind him. For a moment, the image of the Viscount gave people a sacred feeling.

“Join me. You will see the difference between me and them.” The Viscount held out his hand to him, “You already know my secret, I cannot let an informer walk out of this hall alive. Either join me or die. “

Enzo turned his head to look at Leixi. Surprisingly, he saw a look of compassion on the poet’s face. The bard hung his head sadly, like someone who mourns a friend at a funeral but dares not show it too much.

“How similar you are to him,” Reich whispered. “I was amazed. For a moment, I almost overlapped your images.”

The Viscount missed his whisper. “…What did you say?”

Rexi continued to mutter: “It is impossible for you to gain the favor of Resh Thani. Because everything follows the guidance of the unknown force, everything is preordained long ago, and the moment of choice is over. Unfortunately, you are not One of the candidates.”

The viscount’s face changed slightly: “What do you mean? Unknown power? What do you know?”

“Since you believe in Rashthani, you must know that the dragons don’t believe in ancient gods, and they don’t believe in the world’s supernatural ‘gods’. They only believe that there is an indescribable force in the universe that dominates everything in the dark. Destiny. You should know that that nameless power is unique. All dragons are gifted by it, and they are born with a unique mission. In order to complete their respective missions, the dragons killed each other, and the ancient civilization was formally ruled by The internal war of the Dragon Clan spread and was destroyed…”

When the poet was speaking, his eyes rolled quickly and he glanced at Enzo. There was not a word, but the assassin quickly understood what he meant—

— Do it!

That look revealed infinite killing intent, piercing the assassin’s heart like an ice pick. Enzo did not expect to see such killing intent from a wandering, unrestrained bard. He never even thought that this kind of killing intent would appear on people other than the Silent One!

— No time to hesitate!

Enzo’s hands were in shackles, and there were guards around him watching over him, but none of this posed any problem to him. For the reticent, there is no real **** and cage in the world. They can turn any insignificant item into a tool for getting out of trouble. There is a wire hidden on Enzo’s body at any time. With a slight movement of his fingers, the wire will slide from the sleeve to his hand. With a few simple movements, the shackles will be released and slide down from his wrist.

The guard next to Enzo heard the sound of the lock being unlocked. Years of training have given him quick reflexes. Before the shackles fell, his right hand was already on the hilt of the sword. But the long sword was only half drawn in time! Enzo’s slender fingers clamped the wire and stabbed the guard’s throat. The thin piece of metal went right through the guard’s throat. The guard didn’t even dare to think that one day he would lose his life with such a small weapon.

The assassin took a step towards him, put his shoulder against the guard’s limp body, pushed aside the guard’s right hand, held the half-drawn sword, and drew it all out. Throw it at another guard!

There was a poet between Enzo and another guard. The long sword roared and flew towards Lei Xi. The poet seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago. He was calm and leaned back, avoiding the long sword easily. The blade flew past his face, chopped off a strand of his hair, and hit the guard beside him.

Lei Xi brushed away his severed hair, and without looking at the guard who was spitting blood, he pulled out the sword stuck in his body with his backhand and threw it to Enzo. The assassin took the long sword, jumped onto the long stone table, and rushed towards the Vicomte de Ranchocourt like a lone wolf attacking its prey!

The Viscount jumped up, kicked over the stone chair, and fell down in embarrassment, but just avoided the assassin’s blow. The long sword fell into the air, and the assassin jumped off the stone table lightly. The Viscount took the opportunity to get up and shouted hoarsely: “Come on! There are assassins! Come on!”

His subordinates reacted quite quickly. The gate was kicked open, and a group of soldiers poured in like flowing water, with silvery weapons in their hands. There were also a few archers who pointed their bows and arrows at the poet and the assassin as soon as they entered the gate. Seeing that his reinforcements had arrived, the Viscount smiled triumphantly. His forehead hair was soaked in cold sweat, and a drop of sweat dripped from the tip of his hair, flowing down his cheek and over the corner of his upturned mouth, like a drop of tear.

He knelt on the ground, using the overturned stone chair as a barrier, and confronted the assassin.

“I advise you to capture it without a fight, kid!” The Viscount was panting, but his fighting spirit was still high. “If you surrender now, I will be merciful and reward you with death, otherwise… I will let you taste that life is worse than death!”

Seeing that a dozen soldiers surrounded Lei Xi, and he was pointed at by several arrows, Enzo couldn’t help hesitating. It wasn’t his original plan. He should have approached the Viscount quietly, taking advantage of his unawareness and stabbing him behind the back, simply and neatly, instead of making such a big and big assassination. Reich disrupted all his plans. What is he planning? Is he helping or making trouble?

While Enzo was hesitating, Viscount de Ranchocourt was unwilling to wait any longer. “Shoot the arrow!” After he gave the order, he immediately possessed himself to prevent himself from being accidentally injured. The archers immediately obeyed, and the flying arrows flew off the strings, making a sound of piercing the air, and a gust of wind blew up. Lei Xi watched this scene calmly, his white robe and white hair were blown up by the gust of wind, as if he was bathed in wind and snow. The flying arrow passed by his side and shot straight at Enzo.

Assassin Viscount Xuede Ranshawgut was lying on the ground, and at the very moment of his death, a flying arrow passed over his head and hit the statue of the goddess behind the stone table. The archers raised their bows and set their arrows again. Enzo relied on the sound of the bow string to judge the speed of the archers’ arrows, and calculated whether he had time to assassinate the Viscount between their two shots.

At this moment, the goddess statue suddenly made the sound of stone cracking!

Perhaps it was due to years of disrepair, perhaps because it was hit by a bow and arrow, or both, the black statue of the **** broke at this moment! The upper body of the statue of the woman is tilted forward, and just below her is the Viscount de Ranchocourt squatting on the ground! The Viscount was completely unaware of these changes, and stared blankly at the sky, the moonlight cast the shadow of the goddess statue on him. The shadow is getting bigger and thicker. The viscount’s dark pupils reflected the god’s benevolent and graceful face.


The idol hit the Viscount, stirring up waves of dust. Enzo shielded his face with his arms, accidentally inhaled a little float, and coughed and choked. He propped himself up on his knees as he coughed. His body was covered in gravel and dust, but he was miraculously unscathed. The idol lay horizontally on the ground and broke into several pieces, the Viscount’s two legs were exposed under the largest piece. Blood mixed with brains flowed from under the stone. Anyone who has seen this tragic scene understands that there is no hope for the viscount to survive.

“What happened… what happened?”

“The **** smashed the adults to death!”

“Nonsense! My lord is protected by the dragon god, how could he die!”

The soldiers were stunned by the scene in front of them, and looked at each other, at a loss for what to do. For a while, no one dared to step forward to investigate. That slender bard seemed to be some kind of barrier that separated the sky and the sea, preventing them from going one step further!

“This must be God’s punishment…” A weak voice sounded from the team, “Your Excellency doesn’t believe in ancient gods, desecrates ancient sites, and is punished by God!”

The soldier who spoke was immediately picked out by his companions. He was a young man, probably not yet twenty, with freckles all over his face.

“Nonsense! What God’s punishment! It’s just a lie!”

“The ancient gods are false gods of alien races, and only the dragon gods are the true gods!”

The young soldier was shivering and looked like he was about to pee his pants. “That’s the statue of the ancient god! It’s always been fine, why did it suddenly collapse? It must be a punishment from the gods!” He hugged his head and screamed hysterically, shouting prayers that others could not understand , rushed out of the hall. After running a few steps, he was hit by an arrow in the back and fell staggeringly.

An archer put down the bow in his hand with a cold face.

“What are you doing in a daze! Kill those two assassins and rescue your lord!” He drew an arrow from his quiver and put it on the bow. The surrounding soldiers regrouped and prepared to besiege Leixi and Enzo. But the blind man can also see that some people in the team have obviously wrong faces, as if they are afraid of something, and the hand holding the sword is trembling, as if they have lost all fighting spirit.

In the hall, the collapsed black goddess still smiled broadly and kindly, while the still standing white statue was as cold as ice, overlooking the struggle between human beings indifferently.

The author has something to say:

Briefly introduce the historical background of this article:

In the beginning, there were elves and dwarves in the world, who established brilliant civilizations on the ground and underground respectively. The gods they believed in were many opposing twin gods, such as “the **** of truth and pretense”, “the **** of immortality and rebirth”, “the **** of being and meaning”. At that time, human beings were still uncivilized savages on some southern island. This era is called the “Era of the Ancient Gods”.

Later, the dragons migrated from another continent. Dragons do not believe in gods, but believe that there is an unknown force in the universe that governs the fate of all things. All dragons are born with unique missions. In order to complete their respective missions, a war broke out within the Dragon Clan. Their wars destroyed the kingdoms of the elves and dwarves. The elves and dwarves asked the gods for help, so the gods sent a flying ship (the boat of the black crane) to pick them up. A small number of people chose to sleep in the temple before they had time to board the spaceship.

The dragon clan suffered heavy casualties due to the war, and only single digits remained in the end. The surviving dragons made a promise not to kill each other, and then fell into a deep sleep, and flew away. At this time, human productivity improved, ships were manufactured, sailed from small islands to the mainland, and many small countries were established. Among them is the prince of a small country named Omaran, who is determined to rule the world. The giant dragon “Reshtani” appreciated his determination, and came to him in the form of a human woman to help him fulfill his wish. Omaran proclaimed himself emperor, established the first dynasty, and respected Reshtani as the “Dragon God”. This era is called the “Dragon Emperor Era”.

The empire founded by Omaran fell apart after 1,200 years. At this time, a young hero named Darien (do you still remember the song sung by the bard) appeared among the people, and he was determined to save the world. The giant dragon “Reshtani” appreciated his determination, and came to him in the form of a human woman to help him unify the countries and proclaim himself emperor. But later, for unknown reasons, Emperor Dalian forbade to leave any written records about “Rishthani”. All the information about “Resh Thani” is from word of mouth.

The empire Darion founded lasted eight hundred years. At the end of the dynasty, the imperial power declined, the various vassal states continued to fight, and the people were in dire straits. A group of refugees fleeing the war inadvertently broke into the ancient elf temple, awakened the sleeping elf priest (the poor man who didn’t have time to get on the spaceship), and converted to the ancient **** under the guidance of the priest. After leaving the temple, this group of refugees brought the belief of the ancient gods to all parts of the world. Later, the last emperor abdicated, the empire ended, and the belief in ancient gods was fully revived. This era is called the “Renaissance Era”.

The story of “The Law of the Silent Gentleman” took place more than 160 years ago in the “Renaissance Era”. “The Poem of Stars and Harbor” also has the same background, but the story takes place later.

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