The Last Thunderborn

Chapter 26: Modified Aikido

The morning sun bathed the forest path in golden light as Ranav approached Nanima's house. Birds chirped, and the faint scent of herbs lingered in the air. Ranav knocked softly, and the door creaked open moments later.


"Ranav!" Nanima's eyes lit up with a warm smile. "Come in, boy."


She ushered him inside, guiding him to a wooden chair in the cozy lounge. A steaming cup of tea sat on the table, its aroma mingling with the scent of dried flowers hanging from the ceiling.


"Let me take a good look at you." She stepped closer and applied the scanning spell on him. With practiced precision, she placed her hands on his wrist, feeling his pulse, and observed his skin and eyes.


After a moment, she leaned back, satisfied. "Your physical condition is normal. That's a relief."


Ranav gave her a small smile. "I feel stronger than before, Master. My strength has increased significantly."


Nanima nodded thoughtfully, taking a seat across from him. "Good. I was a little concerned about the Void. Sometimes, consuming even a small amount of Voidvine, its leaves or flowers, can lead to… complications. A calling from the Void itself, they say."


Seeing Ranav's curious expression, she elaborated, "It's rare, but it happens to those attuned to Darkness or Shadow magic. Since you haven't awakened either yet, I was confident the flower would be safe for you." She paused, her tone softening. "When you do awaken Darkness magic, the process will likely be smoother because of the flower's effects."


Ranav's curiosity deepened, but Nanima raised a hand, averting any questions. "The flower has already worked wonders on your body. You're now immune to most poisons and curses, and even Darkness magic will have reduced effects on you. That, however, comes with a drawback. Healers will raise questions after healing you."


Ranav frowned. "That sounds… problematic. What should I do?"


"Keep this knowledge to yourself," she instructed firmly. "If you ever need healing, visit someone you trust. If they ask questions, play ignorant. Say you have no idea why their darkness magic struggles to work. Do you understand?"


"Yes, Master. There was never any Voidvine flower in my life," he added with a grin.


Nanima's eyes narrowed. "This isn't a joke, Ranav. When you acquire or use treasures of great value, keep them secret. Loose tongues invite trouble. Remember that."


Ranav's grin faded as he nodded. "I understand."


Nanima relaxed slightly, though her stern gaze lingered. "Now, about your training. Have you been keeping up with your Mana Body Training?"


"Not as much as I should have," Ranav admitted sheepishly.


"Well, you've advanced to the next level. Focus on it now. Strengthen your body further. Physical strength complements magical prowess."


"Yes, Master," Ranav replied with renewed determination.


Nanima's expression softened, but then her eyes widened in surprise. "Wait a moment. Did you just call me 'Master'?"


Ranav nodded. "I've decided to address you properly from now on. As your disciple, I should have done this from the beginning. Everyone calls you Nanima, so I did too, but I realize now that you deserve my respect."


A rare flicker of emotion crossed her face. "I've never cared what you call me, boy. All I've ever wanted is your success. One day, when you become a mage of great fame, I'll proudly call you my disciple. That's all I desire. Make me proud before I leave this world."


Ranav stood and gave her a deep bow. "I will, Master."


She regarded him with a small smile. "Did your mother put you up to this?"


"No," Ranav replied, straightening. "I just had a realization."


Nanima chuckled. "Good. Now, go to the study and thoroughly read the Mana Body Training Manual. I want you to understand every stage clearly before advancing. A lack of understanding will only hold you back."


Ranav hesitated. "Master, I want to learn swordsmanship. Can you help me with that?"


Nanima blinked, taken aback by the sudden request. "Swordsmanship?"


"Yes. The Mana Body Training Manual emphasizes physical combat: swords, spears, lances, etc. I think learning sword techniques will strengthen my body and help me in emergencies."


Nanima nodded slowly. "That's a practical idea. I'll see if I can find someone from the knights to train you. For now, focus on your reading."


She stood, brushing off her robes. "I have to go earn some coins. Use the study wisely."


Ranav headed to the study, a quiet but spacious room lined with bookshelves brimming with various books and scrolls. The faint scent of parchment filled the air.


Jessica's voice rang excitedly in his mind. "Wow! I love this place. So many books to read!"


Ranav was startled. "You can read?"


"Of course, I can! Maybe reading will even help me recover some of my lost memories."


"Alright. Let's read together," Ranav offered. He grabbed the Mana Body Training Manual and opened it to the first page.


After a few moments, Jessica's impatient voice interrupted, "You're too slow! I've already read the whole page. This is boring."


"What?" Ranav exclaimed. "You finished already?"


"I just need a glance. Do you want me to prove it?"


"No, no," Ranav replied, amazed. "That's actually helpful. You can read first and guide me through the topics."


He flipped through the book until the last page. "Have you read everything?"


"Yes. I remember it all," Jessica replied confidently.


"Alright, what's next?" Ranav asked to Jessica.


"You should focus on books about Light magic," Jessica suggested.


Ranav scanned the shelves, retrieving books on Light magic and flipping through them for Jessica to read.


After about an hour, finishing more than twenty books, Jessica spoke up. "I'm low on mana. You'll need to apply your breathing technique."


Ranav sat cross-legged and began practicing Aikido, his breathing technique. As he sent mana to Jessica, he felt her relief.


"Did you just sigh?" Ranav asked.


"I did, but not through the mind link," Jessica replied, embarrassed.


Ranav grinned. "Did you just blush?"


"No! I don't blush," Jessica denied quickly.


Ranav chuckled. "You're cute when you're flustered."


Jessica went silent, and Ranav focused on replenishing her mana.


Once she recovered, she broke the silence. "Your breathing technique is impressive, but I think it can be improved. With enough modification, you might not need to sit and practice, you could absorb mana passively while doing other tasks."


Ranav's eyes lit up. "Can you show me how to improve it?"


"Not yet. I need to think it through. When I'm ready, I'll let you know."


As their conversation quieted, Jessica whispered, "That old woman is home."


Ranav smiled. "That's my Master, not 'the old woman.'"


Jessica huffed. "Fine. Your Master."


With a smirk, Ranav returned to his studies, determined to make some progress before Nanima called for him again.


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