The last song of the ancestors

Song 27: The Happy Prince of a sad kingdom

The night after the shooting by the Spin Bomb group and Chekandino, Happy Prince returned home. A helicopter from the state broadcaster took him there. Inside the aircraft, he saw the cameraman's coffin. He gave a bitter smile. Luckily, he hadn't been the one to return in a mahogany wooden box.

The metal bird flew over the wall. The digital influencer from the metaverse looked out of the window. He had the feeling that every time he returned to Ilu Nla, he felt more foreign. That's why he sought to travel more and more, to encounter more and more bizarre and unknown things.

Despite all the glitter, the metropolis hid within it a set of shadows. The edge of the city was a heap of uninhabited buildings. They were only used for real estate speculation by the city's construction companies. Their cylindrical skyscrapers and oval buildings conveyed a sense of monotony.

The helicopter landed in the prime area of the city, on the helipad above the Happy Prince penthouse. The man got off, the body of his cameraman would be sent to the family for identification. The journalist took the elevator without looking back. He didn't want to be reminded of the existence of finitude.

He took the stairs and arrived at his luxurious triplex penthouse. It was a succession of labyrinthine rooms that had been used for parties, cocktail parties and other events. The Happy Prince undressed in the closet and put on his robe. He went into the kitchen, kneading his temples with his fingertips.

He picked up a glass and poured water from the tap. She opened the drawer impatiently. He found an old painkiller for a headache. He took the medicine. He sat down on a high three-legged stool; he hated sitting in places that made him feel low.

Suddenly, his smartphone vibrated repeatedly. He picked up the device. An app was downloading automatically. He thought he had been hacked. He realized that it wasn't, but he was still annoyed. He opened the application. Without the need to register, the app started a chat on an infinite, dark scrolling screen.

Fvb zapss ohclu'a zlua

pu fvby ylwvya, Ohwwf

Wypujl. Aol Pualsspnlujl

Zlycpjl pz clyf zhk dolu

fvb kvu'a npcl huf uldz.

P'cl ihylsf hyypclk pu Psb

Ush, Nlulyhs Sbluh. P zaps

ohclu'a kbzalk vmm aol

yvhk, aol zalujo vm Joyvtl

Opss pz zapss vu tl.

Doha h zohtl! Bumvyabuhalsf,

aol lultplz vm aol zahal dvu'a

dhpa mvy fvb av ahrl fvby

svclsf ihao dpao hyvthapj

olyiz huk ihao zhsaz. Aol

Jpyjsl vm Zhnlz pz zapss ha

dvyr huk ohz klzayvflk h uld

wshua mvy vby uld tpspahyf

jvtwsle vu aol opno zlhz. Aol

ubtily vm zftwhaopglyz pz

nyvdpun vujl hnhpu. Vby

huap-tlkpbt jhtwhpnu ohzu'a

ohk aol klzpylk lmmlja. Dl ullk

h uld mhja.

Tf tvvk mvy Ylhswvspapr pz

clyf svd. P'cl svza aol ilza

jhtlyhthu P'cl lcly ohk. Pm

fvb hzr tl, Joyvtl Opss pz zaps

ilhbapmbs. Aolyl'z h tpeabyl vm

yvthuapj ihukpayf huk ispuk,

buiypkslk olkvupzt.

P kvu'a dhua ivoltphu wvlayf

ha aopz aptl vm upnoa, Ohwwf

Wypujl. P ullk ylwvyalk mhjaz.

Zvtlaopun jvujylal, ahunpisl.

Hsaovbno aol klhao vm aoha

jhtlyhthu jvbsk jvtl pu ohukf.

Dl jvbsk pujylhzl aol pthnl vm

jyptpuhspaf pu aol Psb Ush zsbtz.

Pualyuhapvuhs ivkplz hyl wbaapun

wylzzbyl vu aol nvclyutlua.

Aolf hyl hjjbzpun bz vm ilpun

zlnylnhapvupzaz. Ovd whaolapj,

dl'yl qbza zhupapgpun vby zvjplaf

vm aolzl vbajhzaz.

P dhz pu Joyvtl Opss vu aol

wylalea vm wyvkbjpun h

kvjbtluahyf hivba aol ylwyvkbjapvu

vm aol tbahua ofluhz aoha spcl

vu aol vbazrpyaz vm aol zsbtz.

Pu aol tpkksl vm yljvykpun, Hah'z

fvbunly adpu iyvaoly, Jolrhukpuv,

haahjrlk bz dpao opz ayvbwl.

Tf nbpklz mvbnoa ihjr huk isld

opz hytz vmm, ohohohoh. Pa dhz

zwslukpk. Sbjrpsf, ol zbycpclk.

Haahjrpun Hah'z hzzovsl spaasl

iyvaoly pz h jhss av dhy. Doha

dhz Jluayhs Jvtthuk aopurpun av

hssvd zvtlaopun sprl aoha?

Tf nbpklz dlylu'a kybn klhslyz,

aolf dlyl uvviz vm aol dvyza rpuk.

Pu aol tpkza vm hss aopz abytvps,

P mvbuk zvtlaopun aoha aol Wohshue

ohz illu svvrpun mvy h svun aptl…

Doha? Kvu'a thrl h mbzz, qbza zhf pa.

Hrhjop, Hkpzh'z zvu.

Pm aol Jpyjsl vm Zhnlz ohku'a

illu npcpun tl zv tbjo ayvbisl vcly

aol shza mld khfz, P'k nv huk nla

aopz iyha tfzlsm. Dlss, aol Olhk

vm aol Hytz Ayhmmpjrpun

Kpcpzpvu vm aol Mvbyao Lzahal

pz vby ohuk vu aol Ibyulk Jpyjbpa

Jvtwsle. Pm aol nhunzalyz rpss

lhjo vaoly, huk avnlaoly ahrl

Hrhjop'z spml, nvvk. Qbza pu jhzl,

P'ss hzr Hah av iypun opt ihjr av

tl hspcl. Pa dpss il h nylha npma

mvy vby wylzpklua Vqdhun.

Lclu pm Hah kvlzu'a nla opt,

P'cl uvtpuhalk opt av nv av aol

mpnoapun avbyuhtluaz pu aol

jpaf'z buklynyvbuk. P nhcl opt

mhszl ovwl.

Fvb'yl clyf jybls, Wypujl Ohwwf.

Fvb ruvd aoha vby avbyuhtlua

avkhf pz uv svunly hivba luspzapun

tlyjluhyplz, iba abyupun aolt puav

jfivynz av zdlss aol yhurz vm vby

hytf. Pm ol zbycpclz aol dhy iladllu

aol Jluayhs Jvtthuk huk aol Mvbyao

Lzahal, P'ss thrl zbyl Hrhjop dpuz.

Nvvkifl Ohwwf Wypujl, fvby

Jylkpipa dpss mhss puav fvby

kpnpahs dhssla ilmvyl khfspnoa.

Buaps aol ylwvya wyvjlzz…

After ending the conversation, the app deleted the entire conversation and closed itself. Its programming deleted all of the app's records on the smartphone, even from the recycle garbage can. Prince Happy threw the glass at the wall. The shards of glass fell onto the kitchen floor. A robot vacuum came out from under the cupboard.

It quickly collected the shards of glass and returned under the kitchen cupboard. The journalist smiled. This was the kind of comfort he had fought to achieve. He was at the top. He was at what the mercs called the Apogee. And that's what Apogee was, the passive luxury of a lonely man.

Happy Prince went into the en suite bathroom. He stopped in front of the sink mirror. He turned on the silver-plated taps. The water ran in a spiral. He washed his face several times with his shell-shaped hands, but the feeling of dirt was still there. The more she tried to wash her face, the dirtier it felt. He smiled, and his reflection revealed a mask of agony.

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