The Last Creator

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Silence, silence.

Chen Xi’s simple answer made all the royal heirs dare not say anything, even though they wanted to continue asking, are human beings really that cruel?

But under the icy gaze of all the wise people around, and Chen Xi’s pure black, seemingly innocent gaze, no one dared to ask aloud under the pressure.

Only the heir to the royal family who asked the question before laughed twice and said: “Yes, I heard it.”

After hearing the answer from the royal family heir, Chen Xi didn’t care, just nodded and then continued to play with the ear fox family.

Seeing Chenxi who is still obsessed with touching the ears of the fox clan’s tail and ears, the funny ear fox clan prince has blushing cheeks, the successors of all races, except that Chenxi is always handed over by Chenxi, do not have the energy to pay attention to other ear foxes. The prince of the clan, although the others did not ask, but in his heart he continued to think, judging in his own way whether the information disclosed by the Zhi clan was true.

Is humanity, a race they have never heard of, really that terrible?

But although they didn’t want to believe it, the results of the analysis combined with the information they had just learned made their hearts tremble.

Because they never knew that Chenxi was not a Zhi clan before. After all, Chenxi and Zhi clan look so similar, except that the eyes are black, and they are not as cold as the Zhi clan, and their emotions are more rich and changeable. Others , Chenxi is too similar to the Zhizu.

And when they thought that Chenxi was an intellectual youth, they only took it for granted that they watched the Zhizu doing their best to serve Chenxi and fulfilling all his wishes. After all, no matter what kind of privileged class they are, they are all special. You can enjoy the best of everything.

But now they actually know that Chenxi is not a wise race. Since it is not a race, why should the wise race surround him and protect him so unconditionally to satisfy all his requirements?

In the hearts of the races in the Star Beast Domain, there are only two ways to create a connection between the two races, dominance and cooperation.

And the way that the Zhizu unilaterally serves Chenxi and makes every effort to satisfy Chenxi is obviously not satisfied with the appearance of equal cooperation, so the only thing left is-dominance.

This terrible guess makes almost all the royal heirs feel a little uneasy. Could it be that the incomparably powerful intellectual race, the invincible intellectual race in their eyes, may have another even more terrifying race behind—


After all, human beings are the most ferocious race. This sentence was personally uttered from the mouths of the intellectuals, and only in this way can we explain why such a powerful intellectuals have to do their best to make Mingming another. The morning Xi of the race serves.

For a while, because of the speculation in their hearts, the faces of the successors of the royal clan were a little pale. They looked up at each other, and they all saw the same astonishment in each other’s eyes.

Because those associations became more and more terrifying, and more and more divergent, some royal successors even couldn’t help but quietly look in Chenxi’s direction, and finally their eyes stayed on Chenxi’s black hair and eyes. In the past, because of Chenxi’s The innocence and harmlessness made them overlook a lot of things, but at this time, looking at Chen Xi’s black hair and eyes, they suddenly realized how pure and evil it was!

Chen Xi naturally didn’t know that he was just playing with the ear fox prince for a while, and the heirs of the royal family were filled in their brains, but after he looked up again, he found that all the royal successors present were nervous. A lot.

The way he was nervous and trying to smile at him was really unnatural to the extreme.

Chen Xi was at a loss. He didn’t understand that he had been friendly with these intelligent races many times. They had obviously been less nervous before, so suddenly, their attitude changed back again.

What’s more, their current attitude is even more nervous than when they first met him.

Chen Xi, who didn’t understand, tentatively inquired, and couldn’t ask anything, so she could only give up. Then in order to relax the atmosphere, Chen Xi randomly searched for some topics and chatted with them.

As for the successors of the royal clans, although they were nervous, they were always answerable to Chen Xi’s words. After all, whether it was the cold eyes of the intellectuals staring at the side or the terrible truth they just guessed in their hearts, they were completely I didn’t dare to ignore Chenxi’s words, and sometimes I was really nervous. I didn’t know what to say, so I started to praise it desperately. It would never go wrong if it was nice. This is common regardless of the race.

And now they just talked about the environment of this garden, the successors of the royal family praised this garden, including the entire floating island, saying that this is the most perfect residence they have ever seen, and it will never be in the world. There is something more beautiful than here.

Of course, although it was flattery, the heirs of the royal families said these words sincerely. After all, this garden building on the floating island is indeed the most beautiful residence they have ever seen in their lives. Even the royal palaces of various races are far away. Far from it.

However, Chenxi watched everyone’s praise for this sky garden. Although she nodded in agreement, she couldn’t help but said: “It’s really beautiful here, but it’s not my favorite place to live. I didn’t live in it before. Here.”

With that said, Chen Xi fiddled with a device and said to them with the mentality of sharing her beloved things: “Let me show you the place where I lived before coming here.”

As Chen Xi’s voice fell, the holographic projection device in his hand cast a huge image, perfectly showing the majestic steel nest building in the garden.

At that moment, the originally beautiful garden seemed to be shrouded in the shadow of that huge building, adding a touch of horror and gloom.

And Chen Xi stood in front of the wicked architectural projection, smiling and saying to them: “Look, I lived here before.”

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