The Last Creator

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Jin Yi, who was opening the door and walking into the room, suddenly paused. Chenxi, who was rarely immersed in the virtual world, discovered this and looked at him curiously and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Jin Yi returned to normal and closed the door. It’s just that the number of reports received all of a sudden has exceeded the sum of his hundreds of years in office.

When Chenxi saw Jin Yi calmly as usual, she thought it was nothing, and when she saw Jin Yi coming, he immediately waved to Jin Yi and asked him to come over when he encountered doubts on the star network.

After the tall figure walked to her side, Chen Xi raised her two-in-one tablet and asked him puzzledly, “I have seen a lot of things recently and found a strange place, that is all these games. , And artistic creation, which were all created at least eight thousand years ago. I thought that they were all created by human beings. However, when I looked at the authors later, I found that many of the creators were you, but why are you all these thousands of years? What creation is gone?”

Jin Yi’s light golden eyes glanced at the tablet in Chenxi’s hand, and then replied: “The robot family itself is not interested in these. It used to be to serve humans, so they created those works. There will be no humans in the future, naturally. No new works will be born.” After saying this, Jin Yi paused, because he suddenly remembered that after the demise of mankind, the robot family did not have any works, but there was a specific category of works. There have always been robots in creation, and there are still a lot of robots to watch, but because the subject matter of that classification is too special, he looked at Chenxi’s little furry head, but still didn’t say it.

After hearing Jin Yi’s answer, Chen Xi sighed, “It’s such a pity.”

Chen Xi’s sigh was sincere. He came up accidentally today. He noticed this when looking through the collection of poems. Because he saw a poem he likes very much, he wanted to find out other works by the author to read it. When it was time for the author’s name, he realized that something was wrong, because the author was not a human being marked after the author’s name.

Because after he got his heart on this matter, he went to check other collections of poems, and found that the human authors and artificial intelligence authors in the future world were almost half and half. Then he expanded the scope to game paintings and found that all places are So, even one of his favorite games a few days ago, the author is artificial intelligence.

In fact, Chen Xi is not surprised that artificial intelligences can create so many works. After all, they are super-intelligent brains. The speed and range of learning are many times stronger than that of humans. In addition, they have self-awareness and emotions. It is not too simple to make high artistic achievements.

So he is simply wondering why there is such an innate advantage, but no work has been born for thousands of years. If you know that innate advantage, it can be envied by human beings. After all, you can think about it. Super brains can learn for a period of time, and that kind of artistic achievement can reach the master level of mankind.

Jin Yi looked at Chen Xi’s pity, a smile flashed in her golden eyes, and said, “Don’t feel pity, because that was before. Now you are here. I believe they will continue to create for you. The new work is here.”

Chenxi smiled embarrassedly when he heard Jin Yi’s words, but he was still very happy overall, because it means that he not only has a huge entertainment treasure house left by humans in the past, but also a steady stream of robots giving him property. Liang, he felt that he could be happy to the point of old age.

After laughing for a while, Chen Xi suddenly thought of something, and picked up an object to show Jin Yi.

That was the “paper” he asked for Jin Yi, but unlike traditional paper, it was not made of plant fibers, but a new type of synthetic material in the future, and now a handwriting has been written on it.

Jin Yi looked at the paper that Chenxi asked him to look at. After reading it, a look of surprise appeared on his face. He said, “You did this?”

“Yeah.” Chen Xi nodded, and then said: “I didn’t write well. I just saw a poem I like very much today, and I just can’t help itching.”

Jin Yi’s eyes focused on the beautiful lines of poems, and said seriously: “No, well written.”

Although there are still immature marks everywhere in those words, but considering Chenxi’s age, he has written very well, especially Chenxi’s handwriting is also very beautiful, which is already very good among teenage humans. Rarely.

In historical data, human beings are delicate and romantic creatures, but now it is the first time that Jin Yi has felt that kind of romance in Chenxi.

This feeling…very strange.

And when Chenxi saw Jin Yi complimenting his writing well, a smile appeared on his face. In fact, the reason why Chenxi could write poems, this kind of skill that seemed a bit old in his time, was still worshipped by his body. Thanks.

Because of his health, he can’t do many things. The hobbies cultivated by his parents are some very soothing things that cultivate sentiment. Among them, reading literary works, lifting brushes and practicing calligraphy are the big ones.

Of course, Chen Xi had always felt normal about these things before. There was no love for them, and no hard work. What really made him love these things was his youth on campus.

Teenage boys and girls gather together every day, the hormones of youth will inevitably be restless, even if most people are ignorant and don’t have a deep understanding of feelings, but instinct still makes them make certain things. Hard work.

The favorite thing for boys and girls in the second phase is to secretly stuff love letters in the table for their favorite objects.

Those boys who use dog-crawling characters on weekdays will rarely try to write the characters correctly at this time.

Of course, if you can create a love poem for a confession with a higher rank, it will simply be worshipped by everyone.

Big boss, big boss, can’t afford to offend.

And Chenxi, who has been cultivated by his parents since childhood, has a natural advantage at this time. More importantly, under the influence of the youth hormones around him, he also has a kind of obscurity for a girl in the class. Hazy favor.

With a girl he likes, Chen Xi, of course, has devoted twelve minutes to the skills she has already mastered, but even in the end his poems expressing his heart are created one after another, even if his handwriting is among his peers. Rarely beautiful, it is almost invincible to all his peers in the school, and his confession poems have never been sent out once.

It’s not because of his shy personality or lack of courage, but because he knows he has no future.

A person who is judged by a doctor that he will not survive to adulthood, how can he be qualified to confess?

Even if the girl he likes accepts him, he can’t agree to each other like other classmates, and fall in love together when he goes to university.

In the end, it was nothing more than a sorrow.

Therefore, Chen Xi knows how to write poems, but the poems he writes will always be appreciated by herself and have never been sent out.

Chen Xi looked at the poems she wrote today and was a little stunned.

However, the situation is different now.

The original loneliness in Chen Xi’s eyes gradually disappeared, yes, it’s different now.

Chenxi raised her head, smiled and looked at the person in front of him, and then said: “Jin Yi, this poem is for you.”

After speaking, Chen Xi raised her hand and folded the paper on which the poem was written in her hand.

The paper in his hand is different from everything he has used in the past. This kind of future paper, whether it is the writing experience or the touch of the hand, is far more than the traditional paper before, and even the feeling of folding is very It’s cool, Chen Xi praised her in her heart, and stuffed the folded paper with poems into Jin Yi’s hand at the same time.

Jin Yi was originally a little nervous because of Chen Xi’s sudden depression, and was thinking about how to solve it.

In a blink of an eye, he realized that Chenxi’s depression was gone, and he also gave him something. He was completely stunned. He looked at the stacked poems written by Chenxi in his hand, and asked in a daze, “Give it to me. ?”

“Yeah.” Chen Xi nodded, thought about it and said again: “This is the first time I have given someone a poem written by me. You have to keep it away.”

Yes, everything is different now. He has no problems with his body now, and his life span is no longer short. The poems he writes in the future will be given to whomever he wants to give, without any scruples.

However, Jin Yi didn’t know the journey of Chenxi’s heart at this time. He suddenly received a poem, and his heart was filled with a special feeling.

Because he knows that human beings have always cherished their own works and would not give it to others casually.

And now Chen Xi gave him the poems she wrote, and also told him that this was the first time she gave poems to others.

So is he a special existence in Chenxi’s heart?

At this moment, Jin Yi’s body at the junction of the inner and outer universes couldn’t help but change a sitting posture.

In the end, Jin Yi put away the poem and said seriously to Chenxi: “I will keep it well.”

Because of an inexplicable feeling, Jin Yi did not stay in Chenxi’s room for long today. When Chenxi was immersed in the virtual world again, he checked that there was nothing to do by himself, and then walked out, but closed the door. He couldn’t help but raised his hand and touched a place on his body, and then unconsciously pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The starship is approaching the destination at a steady speed, but the earth is too far away from the wormhole leading to the outer universe, so there is still a long journey.

And Chen Xi was indulging in various entertainments every day, and he didn’t feel too much time passing by at all.

In short, every day is very happy.

However, staying in the virtual world more and exploring more deeply still gave Chen Xi an accidental discovery, and that discovery was something that Jin Yi hadn’t told Chen Xi for some reason.

The discovery is that in the category of film and television, Chen Xi discovered works that actually had a creative time after the new calendar, and those works were evenly distributed over the past eight thousand years, and even the creative time was only one or two years. Before, and the ratings are still very high, and there are a lot of views.

Chen Xi is really curious. To know about the games and movies left by humans, but they have never opened or played, so what is the magic of these works, so that the robots after the new calendar can continue to create, and There are many people watching it.

After watching a part of Chen Xi curiously, she found that she had opened the door to a new world, and then she didn’t get back to her senses for a long time.

In fact, those movies and TV dramas are not so bizarre themes, and even the plot and routines are still a bit dirty, but as a human, Chenxi looks at those movies and TV dramas, and her heart is really mixed and complicated.

Because the plots in those works are combined into one routine.

For example, because of the turbulence of time and space, a human being has traveled through thousands of years of time and arrived in the New Calendar era, and then was picked up by a machine race.

This robot clan takes care of humans, helps humans to familiarize themselves with the world, and works hard to be nice to him/her. Then, during the day and night, humans and the robot clan who picked him/her developed a deep relationship.

Then, at this time, the turning point came. The occurrence of human affairs finally couldn’t hide it. The news spread quickly, and then the upper layers of the machine race quickly acted. Of course, the ordinary machine race could not stay by humans. The human beings were taken away and taken care of by specialized machine races.

The ordinary robots who were forcibly separated from the humans were heartbroken, and the humans were depressed because they had left the emotional robots. In the end, because the humans became increasingly unhappy, the robots had to find the one that they picked up at the beginning. The human machine race allows him to stay with humans again.

From then on, all reunion, that ordinary machine race can be with humans every day again, and humans are no longer unhappy, they live happily forever together in this era.

And this is the only film and television work that the robot tribe is willing to create and love to watch thousands of years after the extinction of mankind.

And it is worth mentioning that in every drama of this theme, there will be a super villain in the middle and later stages, and that villain is the mastermind of the machine race at the time.

Chenxi watched every drama appear in each drama, and the mastermind that made people hateful, couldn’t help but feel more complicated.

At the same time, for the first time in my heart, I have a subtle understanding of the image of the main brain in the hearts of most of the machine races.

However, after the complexity was over, Chenxi thought from another angle and found that the film and television drama really is a film and television drama, and the probability of happening in reality is too low.

Because when he first woke up, the first person he saw was Jin Yi.

Since then, he has been by his side, and the one who gets along the most with him is also Jin Yi.

So it is almost impossible that human beings who have come to this era will be picked up by ordinary machine races, and they will live together for a long time to cultivate feelings.

Chenxi, who was so shocked by seeing these works, didn’t recover for a long time, so that when she saw Jin Yi again, she was a little absent.

“What’s the matter?” Jin Yi asked him suspiciously when he keenly noticed that something was wrong with him.

But Chen Xi raised her face and looked at the handsome face of Jin Zhunao, the villain, Yi, and after a long time she shook her head and said, “I’m fine.”

Because of some kind of strange entanglement, Chen Xi didn’t tell Jin Yi that he had discovered the works that the Robot Clan still loved to create even after the new calendar, um, it also saved Jin Yi a little face.

And Jin Yi came to see Chenxi today, and there is something. He told Chenxi that the team he mentioned before that can improve Chenxi’s quality of life has arrived.

Chenxi was stunned when he heard this, because he felt that his quality of life was already very high. The sentence Jin Yi had only said once before had long been forgotten by him. Unexpectedly, there really were people coming.

Although Chenxi was too satisfied with her life now, and felt that there was nothing to improve, but because the machine races had rushed over all the way, Chenxi still met with them under Jin Yi’s arrangement.

But as soon as they met those robot races, Chenxi couldn’t stop staring at them. There was no other reason, because Chenxi found that the eyes of those robot races were different from everything she had seen before. It was not Jin Yi’s golden color. It is not the dark red of other machine families, but an orange-red color. Although it is also a red hue, the difference can be seen at a glance.

Chen Xi was amazed, because he always thought that there were only two eye colors in the Robot Race.

However, although the eye colors are different, these machine races are also the tall and exquisite looks that Chenxi is familiar with, and they stared at Chenxi firmly the moment he appeared.

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