The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 13

13 The end of a noisy evening

If you notice, the dragons were swirling through the night sky. The number is ten. A small town has enough power to destroy it. But there are only a few soldiers themselves. It will be one of the few who knows the truth twenty years ago.

Ville was staring at Cedonil, who was in the universe, but eventually slowly pulled out his sword. The witchkiller glows red in the light of the stars.

The dragons got excited and started making odd noises.

“Well, Ville would be terrible. Are you going to kill me? You don’t listen to me at all, but you obey those annoying people. Though I don’t think I’d get my hands on a prince or a valuable predictor just to threaten you, in common sense.”

“I know. But you can’t hurt the prince and Emelda in the unlikely event. And… I can’t give you to the king.”

It would be a nice line if we were lovers, but we’re not, are we?

It is dangerous for an immortal recipe of mine to pass to the king. Because even an incomplete recipe might force me to complete my research.

If the current king were to become immortal, Prince Rain’s position would be jeopardized.

“If you kill me, then you’ll be killed, won’t you? You know what that is?

“Enough, enough…”

I can’t help being alive anymore.

Now that I know the truth, my presence puts the princes at risk.

Ville had given up. What do you say you’re only good at figuring things out at times like this?

But also beautiful golden eyes full of despair. I want to get more than any gem.

“I wish I didn’t know the truth?

“That’s what I wanted to know. I don’t resent you for that. But…”

Ville shrugged small. I wish I hadn’t been born.

The words made my head cool and hot. Since when have I learned so much passion?

“Poor man. I thought you’d be excited to kill me, kill the blind ones over your head too, and tell Lady Rain the truth and take His Majesty.

… but you can’t help it, can you? You’re afraid to tell Lady Rain the truth, aren’t you? Friendship could break. There could be a coup and the country would be rough. Or maybe he’ll be silenced? It would be a shock to learn about Bill’s parents, if Lady Rayne didn’t do anything for me. ”

I’ve only spoken to the prince a little, but I’ve told him that he puts Mistrian peace first. In some cases, even your lover or best friend could be truncated. It’s royal. It’s not a bad thing to prioritize our responsibility to keep the country at peace.

From that point of view, I can’t blame you for the current king, Lord Schnello.

Twenty years after his reign, the Kingdom of Mistria has no civil unrest or war with other countries. There are many people who honor Master Schnello as you.

Even the coup. I’m sure there’s a despicable part to it, but there’s no substitute for burying the jewels of immortality and preserving world order.

If you argue with a king over personal grievances, which of you will be called evil in future generations?

I don’t know who’s right and what to believe.

Ville looks like she’s lost. I don’t have the will to kill or hate, I don’t have the power to look for a stopover, I want it all to end quickly. A sword full of strays like that won’t kill even those witches.

“No intention. I knew there was nothing Ville could do where she found out the truth. You were right about me, weren’t you?

“Shut up! You don’t know how I feel!

The yelling was damp. I smile when I see a young man who’s about to break even now.

Yes, more emotions. I hope you won’t put up with it.

“Ville, have you ever worked such evil things that you can’t complain about dying at that young age?


“You don’t, do you? Same goes for me. I can’t wait to be done with this. I still have a lot to do. For now, I want to shut those nasty people up.”

Fished by me, and Bill did his gaze in the sky, too.

“What are you doing! Fight fast! We have to start in ten seconds.”

Sedonil is calling something. The sound of the flying dragon was also rising all the way through the sky.

Neighborhood annoyance, isn’t it? The villagers will also be frightened by now to notice the anomaly in the sky. It’s bad for you to bother me any more, and it’s time to clean up.

“Shut up.”

As I narrowed my eyes, the flying dragon stopped ringing as soon as I could. Instead, a man who seems to be a magician groans with his head.

It seemed like Bill and Sedonil didn’t know what had happened.

I could have felt it if I had a wound brain.

The frightening magic that emanates from inside me.

Fei Long’s flying style changed. Fluffy shakes his body and his wings start cramping. The magician’s man was shaken down and fell into the woods. They also decided that the dragons were dangerous as they were, one after the other going back to the ground.

“That’s why I don’t like dragons. Because I don’t feel like trying for your husband.”

No matter what mighty enemy you encounter if you were Unica, you would run desperately trying to get me away. If you can’t get away with it, I’m sure you’ll stand up to me.

Well, there’s no such thing as an opponent that I’m no match for.

“What have you done…”

“Nothing. I just taught the Feilongs that I’m stronger. If it’s a wild dragon, it’s still like a lost dragon…. Come on, Ville. Let’s go say hello to the Apostle.”

Head to where Sedonil’s dragon descended.

Fei Long was lowering himself and drooling his head at me. I’m sorry I scared you.

The magician had passed out, and the nuclear soldier seemed to have been injured by the shock when he fell. Sedonil was thrown out to the ground and sat down.

“Hey, you, what the hell are you…! To the king’s messenger, this trick! I don’t care what happens to the witch!?”

I kicked Sedonil in the shoulder and stepped straight on my chest.

“You’re making a lot of mistakes. I’ll teach you one gentle thing at a time, okay?

With that being said, his ribs sounded all pinky and weird when I put some effort into my legs. Ignoring Sedonil’s scream, I count my fingers and point out my mistakes.

“One. I’m here tonight to negotiate reciprocally with the King. If you leave us alone without a hand, I promise you true silence and western border defense in gratitude. No further concessions will be made. I’m not obliged to listen to your orders unilaterally.

Two. Ville is no longer a Mistrian knight. It’s mine. It’s my prerogative to keep him alive or kill him, to impose something on him.

Three. Watch your mouth. I take it that disrespect for me is an insult from Mistria, in the name of the king’s deputy. If you don’t want to die, you won’t hurt my mood any more. Okay? ”

Sedonil, coughing, looked at me contemptuously.

“You idiot! Those who are here are not the only forces of war brought here. As soon as we observe the anomaly, a reserve Flying Dragon Squad will head to Kruge. If you don’t let me go now, there’s a fireman in the witch.”

“Four. For me, Cruj is an important place. I don’t care what happens. That’s why I’m leaving you a message. And to the fierce watchdogs. Whatever the best kind of Golden Extinct dragon, there’s just a few gray flying dragons to deal with.”

Naturally. Below “Rasubosu” is “Nakabosu”. Honest and better kids than the original, of course.

The threat didn’t make sense to me, and Sedonil’s face grew blue as she looked at it. But I noticed a ville standing a little further away, and I could roar.

“Eh, Ville! What are you doing? Your parents’ daughter of vengeance! Slash this little girl now! I don’t care what happens to Emelda.”

“So give my order to my ville…”

Sedonil bent her body as she stepped into the neighborhood.

“Five. Miss Emelda will not be held hostage. Hurt me? You can do whatever you want. The life expectancy of a valuable predictor just shrinks even further. I think you know that.”

The most responsive to that word was Ville.

“What do you mean?

“Meaning as it is. Prediction is a tremendous strain on the brain. If I can’t keep using it, I’ll be an obsolete person soon. Strong stress will further increase the risk of brain death.”

Prediction is realized by following a river of magic flowing into nature and appropriately processing the vast amount of information drawn from it.

It’s like “kompy” from my last life. The world over there had developed tremendously when it came to information processing, but it was still not complete. The weather forecast was off and the previous life woman was getting a lot wet.

Predictive abilities unconsciously perform processing that cannot be done by a normal human brain. Don’t you think you can’t even go crazy right away?

“You should take care of him in the cage. If you think about it in other cases, it could be useless in ten years, five years, sooner.”

“Oh no… it’s a lie…”

“I’d rather be surprised what Bill doesn’t know. ‘Cause maybe Lady Rain knows. If you tie the history of witchcraft, it’s more obvious than seeing fire that predictors are short-lived.”

The two of them had a happy ending in the original. But how many years did it last when I was happy?

I think the prince was able to queen the daughter of a common man because of her short life span. After Emelda’s death, we just have to marry her right daughter again.

Prince Rain knew about Miss Emelda’s life expectancy and I guess he didn’t tell either himself or his fellow Villes…. I can’t tell you, can I? Because it’s happier not to know.

Besides, once you know about life expectancy, Miss Emelda might suppress her powers so that she doesn’t make predictions. The prince loses the means to know the crisis in the country. If it was true, the prince pulled her up onto the surface stage, even though she should have pulled her into the village behind the mountain without traveling.

I wonder if the prince really loved Miss Emelda.

Maybe I just responded to her feelings because of the guilt of making it impossible.

Or are you unconsciously deluding your feelings?

… you’re wearing too much. I’m sure those two really love each other. I didn’t let her know about life expectancy because it would be stressful for her. Let’s think so. That’s just pathetic.

“But, well, Miss Emelda seems like a born predictor, and she’s more than likely a different brain builder. Maybe you’ll live longer than you think.”

“Is there any prospect of help?!? How do I -”

“Come on? There will be no precedent for a hated child’s predictive abilities, and I think it’s dangerous to try to do something from the outside poorly. We just have to live as stress-free as possible. I guess it’s best to be stuck in a castle, knowing nothing after all.”

There’s nothing I can do. Proclaiming so, Ville is swallowed by despair and collapses on the spot again. Finally, the light went out of my golden eyes. I can’t seem to think of anything anymore.

“I don’t have to die for the predictive abilities that I got. Isn’t that right?

Cedonil did not answer. Seems to have realized its own defeat already. My eyes are trembling in small pieces with fear.

“Dear Sonia, yes, only life… eh”

“Oh, do you want my life to be safe? Then now I forgive you.”

I quickly removed the vial from my nose and poured the contents into Sedonil’s mouth to do it. There was an unpleasant smell of protein that could be baked when the noise could be played.

“Ahhh! but oh!”

“You’re a disqualified messenger, so I made sure you couldn’t talk. I think my voice will be back to normal in about a year, but until then, good luck with the writing. I hope you’re not fired for your work. Yeah, you shouldn’t eat spicy or hard food for a while. No booze, either.”

No more use for a man holding his throat and stuffing and suffering. Speak to the right soldier trembling by his side.

“Go home and tell His Majesty. The witch Sonia is unwilling to break the peace treaty with Mistria. Still, if you threaten me or my precious things, I will engrave the tragedy of more blood than twenty years ago into national history. I’m waiting for your wise reply.”

After dropping off the envoys, including Cedonil, and looking around to see if there was any danger left in the woods, I pulled Ville’s hand and returned to the tent.

Though quiet as a loose shell, when I burned the incense of the example, Ville honestly fell asleep. We were anxious so we connected each other’s wrists with cloth and I sleep next door too.

I set up a schedule of departures with dawn. Waking up, Ville doesn’t even put her mouth on breakfast and doesn’t move with her knees in her arms. Even though all four are older youths, they look like little children.

“Ville, let’s pick up Unica in the village”


“Don’t ignore me”

When I pulled my hair, Ville paid for it reflexively. Good. If they pierce the unresponsiveness, we’ll just be in trouble.

“You’re stuck at the bottom of your life, with no hope of living, and you don’t know what to do now. But it’s okay. I told you. I’ll protect Ville for you. I won’t throw it away even if it’s broken and useless. You just have to trust me and follow me.”

You’ll be safe if I keep you and kill you. I’ll be nice to you and make you forget what you don’t like.

Softly reaching out, Ville raised her face and showed her lost for a moment. But I turned away immediately.

“… no one, I can’t believe it anymore”

I answer lightly to a voice with deep and dark distress seeping through it.

“Just take your time. We’re gonna be friends for a long time.”

After a while, Ville rose cursorily.

I’m glad you’re still not feeling well, but you’re moving out for now.

I picked up Unica, thanked the village chief, and we headed to the crew.

I decided to leave the reins unchanged to Ville. You won’t have to think about anything extra if you’re focused on something.


Fu, the stiffness came from the front.

Slightly deflecting his body, he saw a Shizuku drop in Unica’s tenderness.

I know I should pretend not to notice.

But I only slightly strengthened the power of the arm that turned on Ville’s body.

Betrayed by the king, abandoned by the country, my best friend doesn’t know what to look like to my loved one.

Ville has lost everything she needs to protect. I found out that no matter how much I sacrificed myself, I couldn’t make my loved ones happy.

One Mistrian knight died that day.

It was me who killed him.

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