The Knight of Fairy Tail

Your Words

(Were getting Close to Alice Vs. Master Zero. That'll be a pretty important episode.)

Everyone is still at the top of the castle.

Happy:"So if there isn't a pilot seat or control panel where we can stop this thing, what are we gonna do?"

Natsu:"Destroy it, of course."

Lucy sweat drops.

Lucy:"Leave it to us to demolish a city, right?"

Alice:"It's what Fairy Tail does best."

Lucy:"I hate to admit it, but I agree with you."

Gray:"Not to sound pessimistic, but that's a pretty tall order."

Jura:"Before that, we should see if Brain knows how to stop Nirvana."

Carla:"I doubt that brute would share such information with us."

Wendy:*Whispers.*"If he won't tell us, maybe Jellal will know."

Wendy has a few flashbacks to when Jellal and Natsu meet back at the cave and she gasps.

Lucy, Gray and Alice notice.

Lucy:"Is everything okay?"

Gray:"Think of something that'll help?"

Alice:"I'll take anything at this point."

Wendy:"Well, I'm not quite sure, but it may be the best option we have, wo I'll do my best to find it."

Wendy runs off and Carla flies after her.

Carla:"Wendy? Where are you going, child?"


Alice:"Please, be careful!"

Lucy:"She sure is determined."

Hoteye:*Telepathy.* "My friends, can you hear me?"

Alice:*Mumbles.* "Am I going crazy or did I just hear a voice in my head?"

Hoteye:*Telepathy.* "It is I, the wizard known as Hoteye."

Lucy:"You guys hear that too or am I goin' crazy?"

Alice:"So it's not just me."

Natsu:"I heard it."

Jura:"Did you defeat midnight, Richard?"

Hoteye:*Telepathy.* "I tried my best, but in the end, it seems my magic simply wasn't strong enough to trump his. Do not concern yourself with my rescue. You must work together to bring midnight down for good. If you succeed in defeating him, Nirvana's source of magic power will be rendered dry and the city will cease its destructive path."

Natsu:*Confused.* "Am I supposed to know this guy?"

Gray:"So we can stop Nirvana without destroying the whole thing?"

Happy whimpers.

Hoteye:*Telepathy.* "He's directly below you, just outside the royal throne. His power is not one to be underestimated. Please, be cautious, my friends."

Jura:"The same to you, Richard."

Lucy:"What are we waiting for?"

Gray:"Nice. This mess just got a whole lot easier."

Natsu:"I'm all fired up now."

Alice cracks her knuckles.

Alice:"Let's do this."

Natsu:"We're comin' for you, sleepy head."

Happy:"Come on. I know you can do better than that."

Natsu:"All right, how about sir snores-a-lot?"

Hoteye:*Telepathy.* "Only one of the six prayers still remains on the battlefield. Every ounce of trust and confidence belongs to you, my friends. Defeat Midnight, and stop Nirvana once and for all. Oh Yeah! I wish you luck, my faithful comrades." 

Hoteye groans in pain.

Jura:"Sir Richard."

They get nothing from Hoteye.

Alice;"We can't waste any time, let's go!"

Alice runs towards the stairs and everyone follows her.

Once the group gets near the bottom they spot a door way.

Gray:"He should be through there."

Natsu:"Let's do this thing!

Natsu runs over to the door and tries to kick it open. It doesn't work so he tries to pull it open.

Natsu:"All right, freak. Time for a dirt nap!"

Natsu opens the door and a light shines through the door.


Jura:"Everybody get down!"

An explosion goes off.




Alice comes too and she aches everywhere. She notices she's on the ground and she raises her arms up. Some bits of her armor falls of her arms.

Natsu:"Hey, you guys, everyone okay?"

Gray:"Keep your voice down, will ya? I'm trying to sleep here."


Alice:"What's happened?"

Lucy:"Are we really this stupid? We're in Fairy Tail. I can't accept that we fell for that trap so easily."

Lucy tries to stand up but she hits her head. Alice groans and propers herself up using her arms.

Grau:"Well, we're also dumb enough to get buried alive."

Lucy:"What? But if that's the case, then where's Jura?"

Natsu uses his head to smash through the dirt. Natsu gasps. He sees Jura with his arms spread out and panting. He took the brunt of the explosion.

Everyone else breaks through the dir.


Happy:"Are you okay?"

Alice gets worried.


Lucy:"he risked his life to protect us."

The rock pillars around the area start to disappear. 

Natsu:"Pops, hang in there!"

Alice:"Come on, Jura!"

Jura slightly turns to the group.

Jura:"The strength and courage you possess--- Your guild is a lucky one. It brings me great relief to know you're still alive."

Jura starts to fall back and Alice runs forward.

Gray:"Pops, no!"

Lucy:"You can't go out like this!"

Alice catches Jura before he hits the ground.

Happy:"Please don't die!"


Tears are starting to form in Alice's eyes.

Alice:"Stay with me!"

Alice sets Jura on the ground and everyone runs over.

Lucy:"Oh man, He looks bad."

Gray:"Hang in there, Pops. We'll get help for ya."

Happy:"What are we gonna do?"

Natsu clenches his fists and grits his teeth in anger.

Suddenly a creepy voice rings out.


Everyone looks around.

Klodoa:"Brain is such a fool. He used the last of his power to lay his trap, yet only one of you fell in its snare."

Gray:"Who are you?"

Happy points to the side of the ground.

Happy:"Over there!"

They see something through the dust.

Klodoa:"He was a pitiful leader, a disgrace to the six demons."

Brains staff comes floats forward.

Klodoa:"But our goal has not fallen out of reach. As long as Midnight stands, we shall be victorious."

Klodoa floats right in front of the group.

Klodoa:"Since he's busy at the moment, there's nothing keeping me from disposing of you myself."

Everyone grits their teeth at the tense moment, but Happy freaks out.

Happy:"That cane's talkin' to me!"

Lucy:"As a talking cat, I wouldn't think you'd find it all that surprising."

Happy:"I guess."

Klodoa chuckles. Then he begins to laugh in a guffawing way.

Gray:"That's crazy. It's the staff Brain was carrying around."

Lucy:"'Kay, I'm freaked out now."

Natsu grabs the staff and starts to beat it against the floor.

Natsu:"Oh, would you knock off the creepy laughing? I've already got a splitting headache thanks to your boss--"

Lucy:"Hey! Don't go grabbing that! There's no telling where it's been, you know?"

Alice:"Both the staff and Natsu are giving me a headache."

Natsu keeps beating the staff against the floor.

Natsu:"Stop this city right now, you piece of rotting driftwood."

Klodoa gets into Natsu's face.

Klodoa:"How dare you insult my family legacy? I come from a long line of proud cedar,  so show some respect."

Klodoa's eye sockets glow and so does the ball in its mouth.

Klodoa:"Before you is the venerated seventh member of the Oración Seis, emerged from his slumber to destroy you all--"

Natsu resumes beating Klodoa against the ground.

Natsu:"I've heard just about enough outta you!"

Klodoa:"Let go of me this instant!"

Lucy:"Hold in, I thought there was only six members of the Oración Seis."

Happy:"You're right, that doesn't make sense."

Lucy:"I know."

Gray:"Who cares? Whatever the number of members might be, a cane is talking about kicking our butts."

Happy:"Look on the bright side-- It can't really kick our butts since it has no feet."

Alice:"I mean, you're right."

Klodoa gets out of Natsu's grip and floats away from him.

Kloda:"Uncivilized Neanderthal."

Klodoa floats over to the giant hole in the wall and looks outside to the city.

Klodoa:"It won't be long until their wretched guild is within our sights. Then we can finally begin to cleanse this world of refuse."

Lucy:"You mean we're already that close to Cait Shelter?"

Klodoa:"Indeed we are! Once they're stamped out. We can truly begin our crusade of darkness."

Klodoa cackles. 

Alice:"Not good."

Alice put a hand over her guild mark and clenches it.




1151 words


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