The Knight of Fairy Tail

The Cursed Island

Alice's eye twitches as hot tea drips from her golden gauntlet. 

Wabaka:"Say what? One of the jobs from the second floor is missing?"

Macao:"But the jobs up there are S-Class quests. Anyone know who took off with it?"

Loki:"Well, it's either someone really strong or really stupid."

Laxus speaks up from his seat up at the Second floor.

Laxus:"I know. A little blue cat flew up here and ripped it off the board."

Alice grips the bar counter and it starts to crack.

Mira:"It was Happy?"

People start to mutter.

Wakaba:"He must have stolen it for Natsu and Lucy."

Macao:"That's crazy. What are they thinking?"

Alice flicks her wrist and the hot tea flies off her gauntlet and she lowers her hand and rests it on the hilt of her sword that's attached to her hip.

Alice:'Natsu, Happy, you broke the guild rules. I bet you two dragged Lucy into this.'

She tightens the hold on the hilt.

Alice:'This is not the guild way.' 

Laxus:"That's a serious breach of the rules."

Laxus looks down to Makarov.

Laxus:"Hey, gramps, a stunt like that'll get you kicked out of the guild, am I right? Not that it matters. It's not like those three losers are gonna make it back alice from an S-Class quest."

Alice stands up and draws her sword and points it at Laxus.

Laxus smiles.

Laxus:"Are you angry goldilocks? What are you gonna do about it, I kicked your ass last time and I'll do it again." *Sparks zip around laxus.*

Alice shakes with anger and Makarov puts a hand on Alice's arm and she calms down and sheaths her sword and sits back down.

Alice:"Sorry, Master."

Mira walks up the stairs and stomps over to Laxus.

Mira:"Laxus, if you knew, why didn't you stop 'em?"

Laxus:"Oh, lighten up. All I saw was a blue cat flying off with a piece of paper in its mouth. Trying to act oll sneaky. I had no idea it was Happy. Besides, Natsu's not cleared for S-Class. I never dreamed He'd break the rules."

Mira glares at him and he just chuckles.

Mira:"You haven't given me that look in a while."

Makarov:"This isn't good." 

He looks up to Laxus.

Makarov:"Well, which job was it?"

Mira:"For lifting the curse on Galuna Island."

Alice abruptly stands up. 


Macao/Wakaba:"Galuna Island?"

Loki:"Are they insane?"

Alzack/Bisca:"They're even dumber than we thought."

Makarov hops of the counter and walks a little way from the bar and looks up to Laxus.

Makarov:"Laxus, go and fetch them at once."

Laxus:"Yeah, right. I got better things to do, Gramps." *Laxus then motions to Alice.* "Why not let your attack dog do it."

Alice reaches for her sword out of anger, but she stops herself before she grabs the hilt.

Laxus:"And besides, everybody in Fairy Tail is supposed to be able to take care of themselves. Right?"

Makarov:"I don't care how you feel about Natsu. The fact is you're the only one strong enough to bring him back by force."

Gray stands up from his seat at a table behind Makarov.

Gray:"Sorry, Master."

Makarov turns to look at him.

Gray:"But I'm afraid I got to disagree with you."

Alice walks over to Gray and she puts her hands on his shoulders.

Alice:"If you don't come back with those three." *She narrows her eyes at him.* "I'll get Erza and we'll drag you all back."

Gray eyes harden with determination.

Gray:"I'll bring them back."

Alice lets go of Gray and nods. Alice walks past Gray and she heads out of the guild.

Wakaba:"She's really pissed."

Macao:"I feel bad for Natsu, Happy and Lucy."






Alice is in front of her log cabin and she's in her armor and swinging her sword into the air. Amayori is laying behind Alice, watching her.

Alice:"Ha, Ha, Ha, HAAAA."

Alice swing her sword down and it causes a big shock wave. The trees nearby sway from the wind.

Amayori gives a light roar and Alice looks to her.

Alice:"I'm fine....just a little angry." 

Amayori grumbles.

Alice:"I am fine!"

Amayori  just stares at her.

Alice sighs and shealthes her sword and walks over to Amayori  and she raises her head and lets Alice pats her head.

Alice:"I'm just really angry at Natsu, Lucy and Happy. Well not so much Lucy. She doesn't seem that stupid to go on an S-Class quest without clearance first."

Alice hears a twig snap and she looks to her right and sees erza. Erza nods to her and Alice nods back.

Alice:"Think you can gives us a ride to port?"

Amayori stands up and roars.

Alice;"Thank you."







Alice is looking up to the night stars as the boat rocks back and forth in the waves. Erza is next her her.

The pirate captain looks to the two. The pirate crew are all knocked out around the ship.

Captain:"Uh, why do you two wanna go to Galuna Island? Ah, it's scary."

Erza:"Just shut up and steer."

The captain panics and turns around.

Captain:"Okay, okay..."

The crew starts to wake up.

Captain:"If you drop us off somewhere, you can have the boat. Please, I'm begging you, ladies! I've heard that island is cursed, and anyone who steps foot on its soil turns into a demon!"

Erza:"We will take that chance."

Captain:"But why do you have to go there?"

Alice turns around and looks to the captain, with a mean glare.

Alice:"When rules are broken, the guilty must be punished. And that is all I can tell you."

The other crew come up and start to fangirl over the two.

Pirate:"She's so cool!"

Pirate:"And they're hot too!"

Pirates:"We don't like rule-breakers either!"

Pirate:"We'll help you catch 'em if you want!"

Erza:"Sire. Now let's hurry."

Crew:"Aye-Aye, Sir!"

Captain:"I wanna join your team too! I'll brave that scary island for you!"

The captain then looks to his crew.

Captain:"listen up, you scalawags. Raise the sails, and set course for the cursed island of Galuna."







The boat reaches the island and Erza and Alice jump off the boat and onto the island. Alice points to the right side of the island.

Alice:"I'll search that half of the island and you search the other half."

Erza:"Got it." 

Alice and Erza run off into the forest in different directions. 

Alice runs past some trees and she suddenly stops and she's surrounded by trees and bushes. Alice looks around and she sees a stick on the ground and she bends down to it and picks it up.

Alice:"World Call:"

Alice's hands become covered in a golden light and a Golden Magic circle appears on her hand.

Alice:"Generate luminous element."

A ball of light appears in her hands and she puts it on the stick.


The ball of light shapes around the stick and the stick lights up. The magic circle and the glow disappears from Alice's hands.

Alice:"There.... Hmm?"

Alice tilts her head up so her ear is pointing towards the sky. Alice then throws the stick up into the tree leaves and it lights up the canopy. She sees a bunch of cultists hiding in the trees and Alice swiftly takes her sword out and swings it. 

The trees all around her fall to the ground and she hears a bunch of people scream and groan under the trees.

Alice:"Serves you right."

Battle Music

Alice then blocks some throwing knives thrown at her. Then she jumps away from her spot as a blast of magic hits the ground her she was standing.

Alicelands on the ground and sees a bunch more cultists holding all kinds of weapons and they also have magic circles in their hands.

Alice:"I don't have time for this."

Cultist:"We out number her."

Cultist:"This will be easy."


The cultists charge at Alice.

Alice:"World Call:"

Alice's hand's glow golden and a golden magic circle appears in her hand.

Alice:"Generate thermal element."

Red lights appear in her finger tips.

Alice:"Form Element, arrow shape."

The red lights form into an arrow shape and Alice points the arrow at the cultists. 

Alice:"Fly Straight. Discharge."

The arrow flies towards the group and it lands in the middle and causes an explosion and it sends many of the cultists flying.

Cultist:"What was that?"

Alice charges at what's left of the cultists and her sword glows and the blade changes into golden petals.

Alice:"This ends here."

Alice swings her hilt and the petals bash into the cultists and they are sent flying into trees and get knocked out. The petals fly around Alice.

Alice:"Don't mess with an S-Class wizard of Fairy Tail."

The petlas go back to the hilt and change back into a blade and Alice sheath her sword and it lands with a click.

Alice puts the sheath back onto her hip and she walks off.

What she doesn't notice is an Old Man wearing a mask watching her from a distance. 

Zalti:"Hmmm. Interesting."






Alice finds a clearing and she sees Erza holding a tied up Lucy and Happy in the middle of the clearing.


The three turn and see Alice.

Lucy/Happy:"Ohhh noooo."

Erza:"Had any trouble."

Alice:"No. You?"

Erza:"None at all, But I did catch two of the four troublemakers."

Alice looks to Lucy and Happy and she glares at them and they shrink under her gaze.




The next morning Gray wakes up and he's banageded up and laying on some blankets that are on the ground. He then sits up and looks around.

Gray:"Where am I?"

Gray then stands up and heads out of the tent he is in. A female villager walks up to him.

Villager:"Oh, thank goodness. I'm glad you're awake."

Gray looks to her.

Gray:"What is this place?"

Villager:"It's a storage area that's not too far from the village. Everything was destroyed in the attack last night, so we decided to come here for shelter."

Gray:"The whole village" That's horrible."

Gray thinks for a few seconds then he grabs his left shoulder in pain.

Village:"You know, it was a miracle that Natsu and Lucy were here. Thanks to their bravery, everybody was able to make it out alive."

Gray lets go of his shoulder.

Gray:"So are they still around here somewhere?"

Villager:"Yes, they actually wanted me to show you to their tent, once you'd finally woken up."

Gray:"Which tent?"

The villager points to a tent.

Villager:"They're waiting for you in that big one right over there."

Gray heads over to the big tent and he heads inside to see Erza sitting on a box with Alice standing next to her. Lucy and happy are tied up and sitting on the floor next to them, crying.

Erza and Alice glare at Gray as he enters.

Erza:"You made us wait. Not smart."

Gray:"Eza! Alice! Why are they tied up?"

Erza:"Lucy's got us up to speed with everything that's happened."

Alice:"I thought you were sent here to stop Natsu and these two fools."

Erza stands up.

Alice:"Needless to say, I'm disappointed."

Gray:"Where is he, anyway?"

Erza:"That's something we'd all like to know."

Lucy:"The last time I saw him, he was fighting against the Cold Emperor's lackeys. But when we went back to where the village was, there wasn't any sign of him, wherever he is, I hope he's okay. Anyway, since we couldn't find him, Erza and Alice demanded that we take them to you, but I no idea where you ended up."

Happy:"So I did some scouting from the air. And from up there, I could see that the villagers had moved into this storage area."

Erza and Alice walk towards the entrance of the tent.

Erza:"Okay, we're going to search for Natsu and then we're going back to the guild."

Gray:"But we can't leave the island just yet. If Lucy filled you two in, then you both know exactly what these villagers are going through right now."

Alice looks to Gray.

Alice:"And what would be your point?"

Gray is speechless. 

Erza:"We came here solely to apprehend these fools, for breaking the rules of the guild. I'm not interested in anything other than that."

Gray:"Rules? Have you even seem what's happened to the people on this island?"

Alice:"We have."

Gray:"And you're still just gonna turn your backs on 'em?"

Alice:"Their request is posted on the boards of every guild hall. The villagers would be better served by wizards who are cleared for S-Class. You're not qualified."

Gray:"How can you be so heartless?"

Alice grows angry and she puts a hand on the hilt of her sword and she turns and glares at Gray.

Alice:"What did you say?!"

Happy:"That's no way to speak to Lady Alice or the Great Erza."

Happy:"You suck-up."

Alice unsheathes her sword and Erza Re-quips a sword.

Erza:"Have you chosen to defy the guild's rules as well?"

Alice puts her sword at Gray neck.

Alice:"You'll face the same punishment."

Gray then grabs Alice's sword and Points it to his guild part and Alice gasps. Gray glares at her and Alice glares back.

Gray:"Do what you must. For me, there's no other choice to be made. I can't walk away from what I know is right."

Gray lets go of Alice's sword and he just walks past her and Erza and Alice keeps her sword up in the air for a few more seconds.

Gray:"I'm seeing this through to the end. And you two can't stop me."

Alice shakes then she sheathes her sword.

Erza turns to Lucy and Happy and they scream.

Lucy:"Please don't get mad at us, we don't have any control over Gray!"

Happy:"He's not feeling like himself right now 'cause he lost the fight to his old friend!"

Erza cuts the rope holding them and they both gasp.

Erza:"These events are intolerable. We'll deal with the immediate problems for now."

Lucy and Happy become happy and excited.

Happy/Lucy:"Thank you!"

Erza:"This doesn't change anything."

Alice:"You're still going to face punishment."

Lucy and Happy become less Excited and happy.

Lucy/Happy:"Yes, Ma'am."







The group is now running, Happy is flying, through the forest and they are heading towards the temple.

Lucy:"Are you kidding me? He seriously wants to fight that demon?"

The group stops and Gray explains some things.

Gray:"Even back when we were kids, Lyon's always dreamed of surpassing Ur's Magic ability. But since she's gone and he can't challenge her directly, he's decided that it's up to him to kill Deliora 'cause it's the one thing that she couldn't do."

Lucy:"Well, yeah. I guess that'd be the only way to challenge someone who's dead."


Gray:"Listen, there's something-- Something I never got to tell him. I kept it secret. Ur made me promise to never let him know, but I have to. Ur may not be with us, but she's still alive."

Everyone gasps.



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