The Knight of Fairy Tail


Erza is floating and clouds are all around her.

Erza:'Am I still inside the lacrima? No, this feels different.'

Suddenly the scenery around her changes and it shows everyone in the guild standing in front of a large grave stone. Everyone is wearing black clothing, even Alice, and it's raining. Natsu is not there.

Makarov is at the front of the group. Alice is standing next to him and she has a dead look in her eyes.

Erza:'Does this mean? It can't be?'

Erza then looks at the grave and sees her name.

Erza:'I'm dead?

Makarov:"Erza Scarlet touched many lives in this world, with a heart as huge and boundless as the sky above. Her noble sword shone vibrantly as she protected those she dearly loved. She moved with the grace of a fluttering Fairy, and her exquisite beauty rivaled that of mother nature herself. It's a painful reminder that love can give you strength, but losing love can render you powerless. "

Makarov starts to sob.

Makarov:"We'll miss her."


Makarov:"Our Fairy Tail family will never be the same."

Org then walks over to them.

Org:"In the wake of this tragedy we have been left with two empty seats on the Magic Council. We have unanimously voted to award one of those seats to her posthumously. I am proud to declare Miss Erza Scarlet an eternal member of the Ten Wizard Saints."

Natsu then makes his entrance.

Natsu:"I've had enough!"

Natsu walks through the crowd.

Natsu:"I can't just stand back and watch you go through with this!"


Natsu walks up to the grave and kicks the roses that are resting on it; Lucy gasps.

Makarov:"Just what do you think you're doing, Young Man?"

Lucy:"Please! Calm down."

Gray runs over.

Gray:"How dare you?"

Natsu:"We all know Erza isn't dead! Come on, Alice, you do too!"

Alice shakes.

Lucy:"This is already hard enough. Please stop!"

Wakaba and Macao run over.

Natsu:"There's no way that she could be!"

Gray, Wakaba and Macao push Natsu to the ground and hold him there.

Lucy:"Why can't you face the truth, Natsu? She's gone!"

Natsu:"Let go of me! I know Erza's still alive."

Alice hugs herself and starts to cry.

Erza:'I sacrificed myself  because I thought it would make the future better for them, but that's not the case.'

Alice falls to her knees and sobs loudly.

Erza:'I never thought things would turn out this way. I wanted to save them, so that they could go on living happily. I never meant to hurt them like this.'

A bright light shine behind Erza and she gasps and turns around. She sees a hand reach out to her.



Erza opens her eyes and sees she's on a beach.

Erza:"Where am I?"

Erza looks to the side and sees everyone, Minues Alice and Natsu, running up to her.


Erza:"But this doesn't make any sense. Does this mean I'm still alive?"

Erza then notices she's being held by someone and she sees that Alice is holding her with Natsu right next to ehr.

Erza:'Alice, Natsu. You both saved me again.'

Alice stares off into the distance.

Erza:'I was lost in that sea of magic energy, and you were still able to find me.'

Alice then falls to her knees, Still holding Erza and Natsu crouches down to them.

Natsu:"I feel the same way you do."

Alice:"So do I. ANd I know everyone else does too."

Natsu:"Promise me you won't do something like that again."

Erza:"I won't."


Both Alice and Natsu cry.

Erza:"I promise. Thank you, Alice. Natsu." 

Erza:'This experience has taught me a very important lesson. You don;t die for your friends. You live for them."

The others make it to them and Lucy tackles Erza into a hug.

Erza:'Because their future wouldn't be as happy without you in it.'




The group is back at a hotel and Natsu, covered in bandages, is snoring loudly on a bed. Gray, Erza, Happy, Lucy and Alice are sitting at a nearby table looking at him. Alice is covered in banges too, Her entire right arm and hand is in bandages. She's also wearing a simple yellow dress.

Gray:"Ya think he's gonna be okay?"

Lucy:"I can't believe he's been sleeping for the last three days."

Gray:"Yeah, well that's what he gets for eatin' all that Ether-nano."

natsu wakes up and sits up.

Natsu:"Say that again and I'll smack ya!"

Happy:"You're awake!"

Natsu falls back onto the bed and falls asleep.

Gray:"That punk woke up just to pick a fight with me?"

Lucy laughs and Alice chuckles. 

Gray:"How come you're not sleeping, Alice?"

Alice looks to Gray.

Alice:"Because I absorbed the magical energy from the lacrima; not eat it like moron over there." *Alice points her thumb at Natsu.*

Erza:"I know I've already said this, but I'm sorry for causing such trouble."

Lucy:"Aw. you don't have to keep apologizing to us."

Erza looks to Gray.

Erza:"Where's your friend? I wanted to thank her."

Gray:"You talkin' about Juvia? She left a while ago. She wanted to go to Fairy Tail and talk to gramps about signin' up with the guild."

Erza:"I see."

Erza then gets up to check on her other friends.

Alice rubs her sore right hand.

Alice:"I wonder how Millianna is doing?"

Lucy:"You mean the crazy cat person?"

Alice smiles.

Alice:"She's not that bad when you get to know her."

Happy then pops up next to Alice.

Happy:*Teasingly.* "You love her."

Alice's face slowly gets red until her face is glowing and smoke is coming from her head. Gray touches her face and he quickly pulls his hand back.

Gray:"Ah! You're face is burning."

Alice crosses her arms and looks away from Happy.

Alice:"I-I have no idea what you're ta-talking about."

Happy laughs and after a few seconds Alice starts to laugh and then Gray and Lucy laugh.

Alice:'I'm glad to have you guys as my friends.'




That evening everyone, including Natsu are sitting at a dinner table eating. Natsu is shoving ham down his throat and Alice's plate is covered in food. Millinana is sitting next to Alice and she has a smug smile on her face as she talks to Alice. Alice has a big blush on her face as she's eating.

Then Millianna says something and Smoke shoots out of Alice's ears and Millianna laughs. 




Lucy is writing at a desk in her room; when suddenly Erza bursts in.


Lucy looks to her.


Erza:"Do you know where Sho and the others are?"

Lucy:"I haven't seen them since dinner."

Erza walks into the room.

Erza:"I can't find them anywhere."

Lucy stands up.

Lucy:"You don't think they'd just up and leave without saying goodbye, do you?"

Erza:"I'm sure that's it."

Lucy:"Why would they do that?"

Erza thinks for a few seconds.

Erza:"Tell Natsu, Alice and Gray to get the 'Fireworks' ready and meet me on the beach."

Erza swiftly turns and walks out of the room.

Lucy:"Huh? Erza."



Wally, Sho and Millianna are on the beach and they are getting a boat ready to leave.

Wally:"Are you sure we're gonna be able to make it in the outside world? We never been on our own before."


Sho:"We're gonna have to try. Erza's got her own problems. She doesn't need us to weigh her down."

Erza:"There you are!"

The three turn and see Erza.

Sho:"You found us!"

Erza takes a few steps towards them.

Sho:"Please don't try to stop us from leaving. We've made up our minds. All we've ever know is the inside of that tower. It's where we grew up. Now we're adults and we don't know a single thing about the outside world. This is our chance to get out there and see it. For the first time in our lives, we're free to do whatever we want! We wanna follow our dreams just like everybody else. But that's something we're gonna have to do on our own. We wanna know what it means to be free."

Erza:"Well, I have complete faith in you, and I know you'll do fine out there. I'm not worried."

Erza requips into some armor.

Erza:"However, there are three rules that any member who chooses to leave the fairy Tail guild must abide by

Erza:"However, there are three rules that any member who chooses to leave the fairy Tail guild must abide by."

Wally:"What do you mean 'leave'? We never even officially joined it."

Erza:"#1, never share sensitive information about the guild with anyone so long as you live. #2, never contact any clients you worked for while in the guild for your own personal gain. #3, although or paths must stray, promise to live the rest of your lives to the fullest. That means you must treat every day as though it were your last in this world."

Erza starts to cry and the others start to tear up.

Erza:"Never forget your Fairy Tail friends. Treasure them for as long as you live."

The others whimper and cry and Erza puts the Fairy tail flag in the air.

Erza:"Let the Fairy Tail farewell begin now!"

Lucy, Alice, Gray and Natsu appear in the background.

the four:"yes, Ma'am."

Natsu shoots some fire balls into the sky and they explode. 

Erza:"May all your journey's bring you joy."

Gray:"Here goes."

Gray shoots a beam of ice magic in the sky and it explodes.

Lucy:"What this!"

Lucy twirls her key around and shoot a beam into the sky and it explodes. 

Alice:"I'm ready!"

Alice puts both her hands up and from her right a ice beam shoot and from her left a red beam shoots and they explode in the sky.

Erza:"I wish we could stay together forever, but deep down I know I'd only hold you back. I don't want that."

Sho, Wally and Millianna get in the boat and start to float away.

Erza:"After all the years you spent stuck in that tower, you deserve to finally be free."

Millianna:"We'd never think you'd hold us back!"

Wally:"If we were to stay with ya, we'd do nothin' but remind ya of painful memories."

Erza:"But I have so much more than just painful memories with you. Besides, what we went through made us stronger. It brought us closer."

More fireworks go off.

Erza:"I will always hold on to those memories-- both the good and the bad."

Alice waves to Millianna and she waves back. Millianna makes a heart with her hands and Alice does the same.

Erza:"I wish you the best of luck and happiness in your new lives. This isn't goodbye. I know we'll meet again."

Sho:"We'll miss you, sister!"

Millianna:"Hope to see ya soon, Erzy-werzy! And Alice-walice!"

Wally:"Yeah, We'll meet again someday. I can guarantee you of that."

Erza:"I'll be waiting."



Team Natsu makes it back to the guild and their jaws are dropped.  Alice is still in a dress.

  Alice is still in a dress


Erza:"Well, this is a surprise."

Alice:"It's huge!"

Everyone:"They finished building it?"

Gray:"There it is, Fairy Tail's new guild hall."

They walk through the gates and there's an outside cafe.

Gray:"Are you kiddin' me? We've got a cafe now?"

Natsu is dumbfounded. Lucy sees a gift shop.

Lucy:"Do we really need a gift shop too?"

Max:"Hey, there! Glad you guys made it back okay. What's new?"

Happy flies over to the gift shop.

Happy:"They got ya working the gift shop, Max? It's been awhile since we've seen you around the guild."

Max:"Well, Master made me go back to school 'cause he wanted me to take some business classes."

Lucy goes over to them.

Lucy:"You're Max Alors! I've read all about you in 'Sorcerer Weekly.'"

Max smiles.

Max:"Yes Ma'am, that'd be me. And ya know, I've heard a lot about you, Lucy."

Lucy:"I don't wanna think about the crazy things they probably told ya."

Happy:"So what kind of stuff are you sellin' here?"

Max chuckles.

Max:"We've got T-Shirts, wristbands, mugs, towels, and of course there's our most popular item."

Max hands Happy a Lucy action figure.

Happy:"Wow, a Lucy action figure?"

Lucy:"Nobody ever asked me if I was cool with that?"

Max:"She's pose-able and her clothes come off."

Lucy screams.

Alice is holding a Lucy action figure.

Alice:"It looks just like her."

Max:"We even got one for you Alice."

Max holds up a Alice figurine. 


Alice grabs it hold looks at it. 

Alice:"I look amazing."




The group heads into the guild hall.


Erza:*Nods.* "Mmm. I could get used to this."

Natsu is sulking and Gray notices.

Gray:"Hey, man. What's wrong?"

Natsu:"I'm not good with change."

Levy waves at Lucy.

Levy:"It's so good to have you back, LU."

Lucy:"Oh, Hi, Levy."

Levy:"Isn't this awesome?"

Levy takes them behind the bar.

Levy:"Guess what? Now we've got a swimming pool behind the bar."

Romeo:"Welcome back."

Lucy:"That's kind of weird."

Natsu:"It's just not the same."

Then Levy takes them to the basement.

Levy:"And we've even got a game room down in the basement."

Macao:"You're back."

Wakaba:"Took ya long enough."

Lucy:"Does it need to be this big?"

Natsu:"I don't like it."

Levy takes them back to the main area.

Levy:"But the biggest change is upstairs. 'Cause now everybody's allowed to go up to the second floor."

Elfman is up on the second floor and he walks over to the railing and looks down to the group.


Lucy:"Oh, wow."

:evy:"Master actually lets more of us go on S-Class quests, but only if an S-Class wizard agrees to go along."

Makarov:"Well, I'm glad you dunderheads made it back safely."

Everyone looks to the side and sees Makarov.


Juvia is standing next to Makarov.

Makarov:"I'd like you to meet Fairy Tail's newest member, Juvia. Isn't see a cutie?"

Juvia does a small curtsy. 

Juvia:"I can't wait to work with you."

Gray laughs.

Gray:"So you actually made it in, huh?"

Erza:"Thanks so much for helping us in Akane."

Juvia:"No, I should be thanking you because now I've found a new guild."

Lucy:"Hey, girl."

Juvia:"We will fight for Gray!"

Lucy:"That won't be necessary."

Makarov:"We've also added another new member to the guild. Someone you might recognize."

Happy:"I wonder who it is."

Everyone looks behind them.


Gray:"What? Him? Are you kiddin' me?"

Gajeel is the new member and he's sitting at a table.


Gray:"Why'd you let him in here, Gramps?"

Juvia:"Calm down. I asked him to come along with me."

Erza:"I don't mind Juvia, but he's the one responsible for destroying our guild hall."

Alice curls her fists in anger.

Alice:"Guy's calm down."

Makarov:"Now now, remember what I've taught you. Yesterday's enemy can be today's friend, right?"

Levy is crouching down behind a table.

Levy:"Yeah. If I'm okay with him here, then you should be too."

Natsu slams his hand on Gajeel's table.

Natsu:"There ain't no way! I can't work with somebody I can't trust."

Gajeel:"What's the big deal? It's not like I wanna be your buddy."

Natsu:"Man, that's cold."

Gajeel stands up.

Gajeel:"The only reason I'm here is to get work. I hate this stupid guild and everyone in it, but times are though, so I had no choice but to join."

Natsu:"Shut up, Loser!"

Juvia:"Sorry, but Gajeel was having a hard time finding work and I couldn't just turn my back on him. But I don't want you to think I have a crush on him or anything!"

Makarov:"I know you kids don't like it, but as the Master of this guild, it's my duty to help those who've gone astray find the right path. Give him a shot. You might find he's a nice guy. At least I hope so."

Erza:"While I may not agree with you, I will respect your decision. But I'll warm you-- I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on him."


Natsu and Gajeel are growling at each other and Alice sighs and shakes her head. Alice walks over to a table and sits down next to Happy.

Macao:"They act more like dogs than dragons, don't ya think?"

Happy:"Aye, sir. Ya might wanna break out the muzzles to be safe."

Alice lays her head on the table and sweat drops.

Alice:"I'm so tired."

 Natsu walks around.

Natsu:"This new guild hall just doesn't feel right."

Suddenly the lights turn off and the curtains on the stage open. A stage light turns on and Mira is holding a guitar.

Natsu:"Hey! We made it back, Mira."

Mira:"Good to see you."

Alice raises her head and looks to the stage.

Mira:"I'd like to dedicate this song to Fairy Tail's strongest team, and congratulate them on their safe return."

Mira then starts to play a her song.

Alice slowly starts to fall asleep as the song goes on and as the song finishes Alice is lightly snoring as she sleeps.

Then Gajeel gets on stage and starts to sing and Alice's snap eyes open and her eyes twitch.

Alice:"This song sucks!"

Natsu and Gajeel start fighting. Then everyone starts to fight. Someone's beer spills onto Alice and her eyes twitch again and she stands up and yells in anger.

Alice:"Can't I take one day to myself!"

Alice punches a nearby guild member.


Alice picks up a table and throws it.



Gajeel is standing in front of Levy, protecting her from Laxus's lighting.


Gajeel:"You through with me now? 'Cause I got other things to do."

Gajeel walks off.


Laxus turns and sees Alice, wearing her repaired armor, and she's angely walking up to him.

Laxus:"What is it now goldi-"

Alice gets to laxus and Slaps him hard. Levy, Droy and Jet gasp. Laxus is stunned with what happened.

Alice:"I don't care what you feel about him, but you can't just attack him!"

Laxus surprised face turns to a smug smirk.

Laxus:"You got guts."

Laxus smugly smiles at Alice and she glares at him. Lighting travels around Laxus and Alice puts her hand on Fragrant Olive, which now has a small orange cat paw rope hanging from the pommel. 

Jet:"Are they gonna fight?"

Levy:"Please don't."

Laxus sees that Alice isn't backing down and he just scoffs and walks off, bumping into Alice as he leaves.

Alice:'Laxus, you keep doing this and I'll personally make sure you get kicked out of this guild.'

Alice glares at Laxus as he walks off.



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