The Knight of Fairy Tail

Finding Erza

Alice is at the front of the boat and she's glares off into the distance as birds fly overhead the boat.

Lucy:"I'm worried about those people who were stuck in the cards. You think they're OK?"

Gray:"We let the military know about 'em before we left, so I'm sure they'll be fine."

Lucy:"I hope so."

Gray:"Wait a minute. Where the heck are we?"

Juvia:"I don't know. We've been following Salamander's lead."

Lucy looks over to Natsu and he's trying not to puke.

Lucy:"Natsu, are you sure we're going in the right direction?"

Natsu tries not to puke again and Gray gains a tick mark.

Gray:"Man, we're relying on your sense of smell. Pull it together."

Juvia:"How dare you disappoint my love with your childish actions!"

Gray:"Geez. I can't believe how easily they were able to knock us out and kidnap Erza and Happy. We're pathetic."

Alice:"I feel disgraced to be called a knight."

Lucy/Gray:'You're not really a knight.'

Juvia:"In our defense, they must have been powerful wizards to beat one as strong as Erza."

Gray:"What? They didn't beat her. Quit talking like you know her, 'cause you don't."

Juvia panics.

Juvia:"I'm sorry!"


Lucy:"Calm down. What's your problem?"

Gray sighs.

Lucy:"Those goons that attacked us said they were old friends of Erza's."

Alice:'That guy with the cleaver; he seems familiar.'

Lucy:"Which makes me wonder if we know her any better than Juvia does."

Alice fists shake a little.

Natsu then stands up.

Natsu:"What the? I just got a weird feeling."

The birds flying near them start to drop out of the sky.

Lucy:"The birds!"

Gray:"What's happening to 'em?"

The boat hit something and they look to the water and see fish and parts of boats.

Alice:"The fish too."

Juvia:"I've never seen anything like it."

They pass by a flag.

Gray:"That's wreckage from a Fiore naval ship."

Lucy:"OK, I'm creeped out."

Natsu looks in front of the boat.

Natsu:"Hey, what's that?"

Everyone looks and sees a giant tower that stretches all the way up to the clouds.

Lucy:"It must be the Tower of Heaven."

Juvia holds her hand up and a magic circle appears.

Juvia:"I'll protect us."

A dome of water surrounds the boat.

Juvia:"My water dome will keep us from being seen."

Lucy:"Nice work, Juvia."

Alice:"We're coming Erza."

Natsu nearly pukes again.

Natsu:"I can't take it."

Lucy:"Chill out. We're almost there."

Gray:"That's it. Next time we go somewhere we're knocking him out first."

After a little while the group makes it to the tower and they get on land and look around. Alice glares up at the tower.

Gray:"They got a ton of lookouts."

Natsu:"Let's charge 'em."

Lucy:"Don't even think about it. Remember, they have Erza and Happy. If we screw this up, we could be putting them in danger."

Gray:"Man, this is gonna be tricky."

Alice:"Nothing is ever easy."

Juvia then comes out of the water.

Juvia:"I found an underwater passageway into the tower."

Gray:"Seriously. Way to go."

Juvia:"You hear that, Lucy? I was just praise by Gray, not you!"

Lucy:"Yeah, yeah."

Juvia:"We can swim there in 10 minutes."

Natsu:"We can hold our breath that long, right?"



Lucy:"That's not humanly possible, you dopes!"

Juvia then creates a bubble of water with air inside.

Juvia:"In that case, I suggest you wear these. It's a water shell containing oxygen. This way, you can breathe while underwater."

Natsu:"Wow, you're awesome. And who are you again?"

Everyone puts on a bubble shell and they jump into the water. Lucy is surprised to see Alice swimming with her armor on with little to no effort at all.

After a little while of swimming the group comes to a cave beneath the tower and they get out of the water.

Gray:"So we're beneath the tower now, huh?"

Natsu:"I wonder where they're keeping Erza and Happy?"

Lucy is holding the bubble shell and Alice is wringing water out of her hair.

Lucy:"They may look silly, but they sure do work."

Juvia:"I'm impressed you made it here, because I purposely made your shell smaller so you'd have trouble breathing."

Lucy:"Gee, thanks."


Juvia pales.

Juvia:"I promise not to do it again!"

Then they hear a roar.



A bunch of cultists storm the area.

Cultists:"Identify yourselves!"

Alice growls.

Gray:"Guess we don't have a choice. We're gonna have to fight 'em."


Natsu:"You losers wanna know who we are? We're the wizards who are gonna pound your faces in!"

Natsu cathces his fist on fire and slams it into the ground; causing a smoke screen. 

Cultist:"What the?"

The group jumps above the smoke. Alice is holding a sword.


Natsu:"We're from Fairy Tail!"

Natsu breaths fire onto a group of cultists.

Alice:"Where's Erza!"

Alice yells as she crashes into a group of Cultists and she starts kick, punch and slash them.

Cultist:"She's strong and wearing thick armor!"

Cultsist:"Hit her with spells!"

Alice angry turns to another group of cultists. 

Alice:"World Call:Generate cryogenic element. Spread."

Alice slams her foot into the ground.


A wave of ice travels from Alice's foot to the cultists and the ice completely freezes them.

Cultist:"She froze them in one attack!"

Alice runs towards the last group of cultists. 


Alice throws a guy onto the ground. Her sword turns golden and after a few seconds it disappears. 

Juvia:"That seems to have done the job."

Gray:"Good work, team."

Lucy:"I hope we're not calling attention to-- oh. Who am I kidding?"

Natsu is holding a cultist up.

Virgo:"I'm afraid so, miss."

Alice:"Barely broke a sweat."

Natsu:"So where is the blockhead, buddy?"

A gate opens up and a ramp comes down.

Natsu:"What's that?"

Gray:"I think it's their way of saying come on in."

Alice takes the lead and the others follow her.

As they walk down they come to a room with a large table that has a bunch of food on top of it. Gray, Natsu and Juvia start to eat.

Natsu:*Shouting.* "Hey, Blockhead!"

Lucy:"Geez, would you keep it down?"

Gray:"I don't see the point in sneaking around anymore, not after all that ruckus that went on downstairs."

lucy:"What the heck are you guys eating?"

Alice walks over and grabs an apple and starts to eat it.

Virgo:"I suggest you join them before there's nothing left."

Lucy:*Sweatdrop.* "No thanks."

Juvia:"The door that welcomed us in was controlled by a magic user."

Virgo:"Then they are well aware of our presence."

Alice:"Then where are the reinforcements to stop us?"

Lucy:"Yeah and why would they let us in?"

Gray:"You think they are trying to provoke us?"

Lucy:"I don't know."

Virgo:"Not to be rude, but your bikini leaves little to the imagination."

Lucy freaks out a little and covers her chest with her arms.

Lucy:"Should I change?"

Virgo:"Yes, I'll help you."

Lucy:"Wait, you mean right here."

Gray blushes.


 Juvia:"Please stop looking at her, Gray."

Alice crackers her knuckles and Gray quickly looks away.

After a minute Lucy finishes changing and it's a dress.

Virgo:"I brought this over for you from the celestial world."

Lucy does a pose.

Lucy:"So boys, do I look super cute in this outfit or what?"

Everyone gathers around Lucy and Alice eats another apple.

Gray:"Oh yeah. You look great."

Juvia:"Don't compliment her!"

Virgo:*Teasing.* "He loves her."

Lucy:"Don't you start doing that too."

Natsu:"And just when were you hanging out with Happy, Birdo."

Virgo:"I wish you luck, princess."

Lucy:"Thanks for the help, Virgo."

Virgo goes back to the celestial realm.

Lucy looks to the others.

Lucy:"Oh, did you guys want me to ask her to bring you a dry change of clothes too?"

Natsu is on fire and Gray is next to him drying his clothes.

Gray:"No, this does the trick just fine."

Lucy:"He's not a dryer, you know!"

A group of cultists run in.

Cultist:"The intruders! We found 'em!"

The group is about to attack but Erza comes out of nowhere and takes the group out. Alice gains a big smile at the sight of her.


Lucy:"Thank goodness you're OK."

Juvia:"Wow, she's so cool."

Erza's eyes widen at the sight of them and she gasps.

Erza:"It's you. What are you doing inside the tower?"

Lucy:"Looking for you."

Alice:"I'm glad you're ok!"

Juvia:"We haven't met. My name is Juvia, and--"

Erza:"Go home!"

Alice's eyes widen.

Erza:"This place is far too dangerous."

 Natsu slams his fist into his palm.

Natsu:"You're not gonna scare me into leaving. I ain't going anywhere till that blockhead gets a good taste of my fist. I'm gonna make him pay for shooting me in the mouth!"

Erza:"You have to go."

Lucy:"But why?"

Natsu:"Your friends kidnapped Happy! I can't leave here without him!"

Erza:"They got him too? It must have been Millianna."

Natsu:"Where can I find him?"

Erza:"I'm not sure."

Natsu:"This means war."

Gray:"Who are you declaring war against?"

Natsu runs off.

Natsu:"The jerks that kidnapped my little buddy!"

Erza:"Wait, Natsu."

Gray:"Whata moron."

Juvia:"Poor Natsu."

Alice:"I feel bad for the people who kidnapped Happy."

Lucy:"Let's go and help him!"

Erza holds up her sword and the others, minues Alice, freak out.

Erza:"No. You don't have to worry about Happy. Millianna is a cat lover. She'd never do anything to hurt him." *She lowers her sword.* "I promise I'll bring them both back to the guild with me. But you four need to leave immediately."

Alice:"No way!"

Lucy:"Don't be ridiculous. We can help you."

Erza:"I don't want your help. This is my problem. It doesn't involve you."

Erza walks away from the group.

Alice:"Where a family, so it makes it our problem!"

Erza stops.

Lucy:"Erza, what's up with this tower? And who is this Jellal guys? I can understand if you don't wanna tell us. You said the creeps who kidnapped you used to be friends of yours, right? Well, were your friends now, and we're here to help you. And no matter what happens, we're always gonna have your back."


Gray:"Yeah, she's right."


Alice:"Come on!"

Gray:"You're freaking me out, 'cause this isn't like you at all. What happened to the woman who'd tell us to shut up and come along, whether we wanted to or not? We wanna stay here and help you out. Master taught us that even the strongest warriors need a little back-up every once in a while."

Erza turns around and she's crying. Alice gasps and takes a step back in shock. Erza wipes her eyes.

Erza:"I'm sorry, but you can't help me now. The odds are stacked against me. Win or lose, this battle, I'm staring death in the face."

Alice takes a couple steps forward.

Alice:"What do you mean by that?"

Erza:"There's no point in fighting what's inevitable. I can't. But what I can do is share my story with you, while I'm still here. This building is the Tower Of Heaven. It's also called the R System. Over a decade ago, a cult dedicated to black magic began its construction. It would be used to cast a forbidden spell that brings the dead back to life. The spell required multiple human sacrifices, so the cult abducted citizens of the surrounding areas and forced them to build the tower as their slaves. The only reason I know this is because I was one of those people."

Everyone gasps.

Erza:"Anyone who dared to resist the cult or tried to escape the tower would mysteriously disappear. We never had any peace of mind. We lived in constant fear. But we bonded and made friends we could trust dispute that, even though we knew we wouldn't be together long. One of my friends in the tower was a boy named Jellal."

Erza tells a little about her childhood in the Tower Of Heaven.

Erza:"So we took a stand for our freedom. We hoped to save our dear friend, Jellal. He was like the leader of our group back then. He had a strong sense of justice that I truly admired. However, something happened to him. It's almost as if he became an entirely different person. There's only one way I would describe Jellal's new persona-- pure unadulterated evil."




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