The Knight of Fairy Tail

Fight On!

(What do you guys think of Alice so far?)

Alice keeps slashing shades and she notices magic starting to form in the barrel of the Jupiter Cannon.


Suddenly the cannon blows up and Alice sighs in relief. 

Alice:"He's gonna kill me one day."

Alice moves to the side to avoid a shade soldier.

Jose:*Speakers.* "Don't get cocky. You haven't beaten me yet. Awaken the giant."

The shade soldiers head back to the Phantom Guild and it starts to move.

Alice:"Stay calm everyone!"

Cana:"No way. You got to be kidding me."

Loke:"The giant. Phantom's most powerful weapon."


Jose:*Speakers.* "Kneel before me, you detestable brats...or you will fall victim to my wrath. Savor your last moments because soon, I will end your pathetic little lives."

There are frightened murmurs from some of the Fairy Tail guild members and the shade soldiers come back to attack.

Alzack:"They're coming to attack again."

Bisca:"Giants and ghosts? How are we supposed to handle this?"

Cana:"Just focus on these things for now. We'll let Natsu take care of the giant for us."

Wakaba:"Sire, but what about..."

Macao:"His motion sickness?"

Alice sweat drops and everyone groans.

Alice:"I forgot about that."

Alice then notices the hands of the giant moving and it's drawing a massive magic circle.

Alice:"No! Abyss Break! That'll wipe out the city!"

Alice slashes a few shade soldiers coming at her.

Alice:"I need to stop, Jose."

Alice then notices Lucy, but it's Mira, walking through the crowd.


Jose:*Speakers.* "Well, Well."

Lucy(Mira) holds up her arms.

Lucy:*Mira.* "Leave them alone. I'm the one that you're after. I'll surrender if you swear to stop attacking our guild."

Alice:'Will this work?'

Jose:*Speakers.* "Be gone, imposter."


Jose laughs.

Jose:*Speakers.* "Nice transformation, but you can't fool me, young lady."

Mira changes back to herself.

Jose:*Speakers.*"I knew from the start that Lucy Heartfilia wasn't here."


Alice runs over to Mira and Cana joins her.


Alice puts a hand on Mira's shoulder.

Alice:"You did fine. Elfman will also be fine."

Cana:"Elfman can hold his own against Phantom... Because Fairy Tail Wizards never give up without a fight."

Alice turns and swings her sword at a Shade.

Suddenly a magic circle appears under Mira.

Alice:"What the?!"

The magic circle sucks Mira in.


Alice reaches for Mira and her fingers just brush over Mira's as she is sucked into the magic circle.

Jose:*Speakers.* "Did you really think your little parlor trick would fool me?"

ALice turns to the giant and sees Mira traped in it's fingers.

Alice:"Jose! You bastard!"

Jose:*Speakers.*"As punishment, I'll crush you to death as you watch you friends perish."


Alice looks to the others.

Alice:"I'm going in!"

Alice starts to run towards the giant.

Cana:"Be careful!"

Alice:'When I find you Jose, I'll make you pay! I'm not losing another family member, Not again!'




A teen age Lisanna is looknig down on a Teenage Natsu, with happy. They both are sitting at a tree.

Lisanna:"Don't tell me you two are fighting again?"

A teenage Alice walks up from the side.


Alice has Fragrant Olive attached to her right him.

Alice:"They fought again."

Natsu:"Oh, hey, Lisanna. Alice."

Happy:"Natsu ate my whole fish. And he didn't even ask me first."

Alice laughs.

Mira and Elfman come up from behind.

Elfman:"Come on, Lisanna. Let's go. We got to get to work."

Alice waves to them.

Lisanna:"What? We just finished a job. Can't we take a little break?"

Elfman:"Yeah, but it's an S-Class quest. Mirajane wants us to go along and help her out with it."

Natsu:"No way! Totally unfair!"

Happy:"What kind of job is it?"

Mira:"An emergency request. It just came in. They want us to kill off this monster called the beast. Hey, you want to come with us, Natsu? You might learn a thing or two."

Elfman:"Do what?! I don't want him tagging along. I'm the man in this family and I can protect you on my own!"

Alice smiles and laughs.

Natsu:"Oh! Why you got to hog all the fun?! Take me with you!"

Mira looks to Alice.

Mira:"You want to come, Alice?"

Alice sighs and looks disappointed.

Alice:"I can't. I got a S-Class Job of my own to do."

Natsu:"Come on! Let me join you, Alice!"

Alice smirks.

Alice:"Sorry. It needs a grown up to do it."

Natsu growls.

Natsu:"You're only two years older than me!"

Alice laughs.



It's raining and Alice is standing in front of a grave and she's crying.

Alice:"I'm so sorry, Lisanna."

Alice falls to her knees and bawls her eyes out.

Alice:"I should've come with you, I could have waited to go on my quest for a few more days."

Alice leans down onto the ground and someone walk behind her and knees down to her and hugs her.

Erza:*Crying.* "Everything will be okay."

Alice gets up and cries into Erza's chest.




Alice is running down a hall and she wipes some tears from her eyes.

Phantom:"Look there she is!"

Ahead is a group of Phantom Lord Members.

Alice:"Out of my way!"

Alice swings her sword and takes out the group of Phantom Members.

Alice:"Jose! Where are you!"

Alice finds another group of Phantom Members.

Phantom:"Oh shit-"

Alice punches one in the face and kicks another. Alice slams the pommel of her sword in the face of another Phantom Member and she looks to the last.


The Phantom member runs away but Alice grabs the back of his shirt and stops him. He shaklily turns to Alice and he sees her glaring at him with red eyes.

Alice:"I want information."

The Phantom member screams like a little girl. 

Alice hears footsteps and she growls and she turns around and throws the Phantom member into another Phantom member behind her.

Alice:"Alright, Who's next."

Suddenly an announcement chime rings through the guild.

Jose:*Speakers.* "Attention, you pathetic Fairy Tail worms, listen carefully because I'll only say this once."

Alice growls and she holds her sword tighter. 

Suddenly a scream rings out through the speakers and Alice's eyes widen.


Jose:*Speakers.* "We have captured your precious Lucy Heartfilia, which means our first order of business is now out of the way. And that leaves us with just one more thing, my favorite part-- wiping all of you miserable brats right off the face of the Earth."

Alice looks to the Phantom Lord members in front of her with an extremely pissed off look and they get scared.

Phantom:"We should run-"


Alice runs forward and they Phantom members scream in horror. Alice beats them all down and she grabs one of the members that's still awake.

Alice:"Tell me where your Master is!"

Jose:"Right here."

Alice drops the Phantom Member and she turns around and sees Jose down the hall.


Jose:"If it isn't the Fairy Knight. One of the Battle Knight sister. The attack dog of Fairy Tail and a potential Ten Wizard Saint candidate. Or Alice Zuberg."

Alice takes a few steps towards Jose and she points her sword at him.

Jose:"You know you can't beat me."

Alice:"I don't have to beat you."

Alice takes a deep breath.

Alice:"World Call: Generate luminous element. Burst element."

A flash of light appears in the room and Jose puts up his arm to block out the light. 

Jose then moves to the side and the light dies down and Alice is next to him.

Jose:"Nice trick."


Alice swings her sword at him a few times and he dodges them.

Jose:"How can someone as strong as you fight for a guild like them."

Alice kicks at Jose and he grabs her leg and throws her away from him.

Alice:"Fairy Tail is my family. My only family. So I'll fight to the death for them."

Jose then smiles evilly.

Jose:"So be it."

Jose moves his hand in an arc and Alice runs away from her spot as where she was standing explodes and is now covered in fire.

Alice:"World Call: Generate cryogenic element. Form element, shield shape. Discharge."

A shield of ice appears in front of Alice as a dark beam hits it.

Alice:'I shouldn't be using what little magic I have left so carelessly.'

Alice jumps away from her spot and readies her sword and she takes a few deep breaths.

Jose:"What's wrong, Alice. You look tired. Just surrender and I promise to make your death swift."

Alice runs at Jose and she dodges a few dark beams of magic. Alice reaches Jose and she jumps up and yells.

Alice:"I'll never surrender!" 

Alice slices at Jose and she manages to nick his arm and she lands behind him. Alice then runs around Jose and tries to slash him again.

Jose growls and he punches Alice hard and she's sent flying into a wall and the wall cracks behind her. Alice spits up some saliva and a little blood.

Alice falls and she lands on her feet and some of the metal on her armor falls onto the ground. Other parts of her armor has some cracks in it. Alice takes a step forward and she almost falls over.

Alice:'Stay awake! Your guild needs you!'

Alice readys her sword and glares at Jose and he laughs.

Jose:"You look pathetic."

Alice smirks and laughs a litte.

Jose:"What's so funny."



A few fed beams hit Jose in the back and he stumbles forward.

Jose:'Hmm, she's pretty good.'

Alice:"It looks like your the pathetic one here."

Jose frowns and he casts a dark beam of magic and it hits Alice and she flies back into the wall and it breaks letting sunlight from the outside in.

Alice:'I can hardly move.'

Jose walks to Alice and Alice slowly gets up and more of her armor falls off and her breast plate breaks a little and you can now see her golden guild mark.

Jose:"You should have known it was pointless to go up against me."

Alice laughs and some blood falls from her head.

Alice:"I know."

Alice holds her sword tight and Jose is in front of her and she swings her sword and Jose grabs it.

Jose:"You'll die today."

Jose grabs Alice's neck and lift her up and he starts to choke her. Then he looks out the hole in the wall and he smiles. 

Jose:"Would you look at that." 

Jose grabs Alice's face and he turns it and Alice's eyes widen.

Alice sees the Fairy Tail Guild hall fall.

Child Alice:*Voice Over.* "What is this place."

Makarov:*Voice Over.* "It's a wizard guild. And it's called Fairy Tail."

Child Alice:*Voice over,* "That's a strange name."




We see a child Alice wearing a tattered brown cloak over her body. She's standing next to Makarov as she looks up to the Fairy Tail guild hall.

Makarov:*Chuckles.* "Yes, but you see nobody knows whether or not fairies have tails or if they even exist. So it'll forever be a mystery unless we try to find out, which could become an amazing adventure. And our members are the ones who would want to find out."

Alice:"That sounds amazing."




Tears fall from Alice's eyes.





Alice tries to hide behind Makarov as they enter the guild.

Wakaba:"Hey master. Who's that behind you?"

Alice gets nervous.

Makarov:"Our new member."


Gray walks up to them and he holds his hand out to Alice.

Gray:"I'm Gray. What's your name."

Alice looks to Gray's hand for a seconds then she grabs it.

Alice:"I'm Alice."




The guild hall collapses and Alice sees the Fairy Tail guild flag fall to the ground.

Alice:" my home."

Tears pours from Alice's eyes.




Alice is sitting on the bar counter and she watches Gray and Natsu meet.

Gray:"Hey. What's your deal? You got a problem with me or something?"

Natsu:"What if I do?"

Macao:"Ah. They gonna fight."

Wakaba:"No way."

Alice:"They totally are."

Cana:"Gray, your clothes."

Gray panics.

Gray:"Ah man."

Natsu:"Jeez. What a pervert."

Gray gasps and him and Natsu butt head.

Gray:"Who you calling a pervert, Pinky?"

Natsu:"You, you loudmouth streaker."

Natsu and Gray fight.

Makarov:"Well feist one, eh?"

Reedus:"He'll fight right in."

Alice takes a sip of her juice.

Alice:"Guild's gonna a lot more lively now."

Then Erza gets between them and stops their fighting.

Natsu:"What? You want some of this too then?"

Gray:"Don't do it."

Erza punches both Gray and Natsu into a wall and Alice sighs.

Erza:"What total idiots."

Gray:"But why me too?"

Erza glares at the two.

Erza:"You're not to fight. Are we clear?"

Gray:"Yes, Ma'am!"

Natsu:"Whoa. Scary."

Erza:"Hey kid. What's your name?"


Erza:"Natsu, huh? Let's get one thing straight. Everyone in Fairy Tail treats each other like family, and this Guild Hall is like our home. It's not a place for fighting. Do you understand?"


Erza:"Welcome to Fairy Tail. I'm Erza."

Natsu:"She's mean."

Gray:"For real."

Both Gray and Natsu smile at each other then they look away angrily.




Jose:"I've waited a long time to see this happen."

Jose starts to choke Alice and her vision grows dark. Alice's hand glows gold and she requips and her sword disappears. Alice smiles as her vision turns black.

Alice:'We won't lose.'




Erza is sitting with har back against a pillar and her eyes are closed. She looks beaten up. Then footsteps are heard.


Erza opens her eyes and sees Mira, Elfman and Gray.

Gray:"Is she OK?"

Elfman:"Man, it looks like something big went down."

Erza:"It's you."

Gray:"You're injured. You shouldn't be here."

Mira:"Yeah, you're not really looking to good."

Elfman looks to the side and spots a knocked out Aria.


Mira and Gray look over.

Mira:"It's Aria."

Elfman:"You got shot by that cannon and still fought this guy?"

Gray:"What the heck were you thinking?"

Elfman:"Hold on."

Mira:"You beat him on your own?"

Erza:"I must admit, I never wanted anyone to see me in such a wretched state. I guess I still have a lot to learn."

Suddenly everyone eye's widen.

Gray:"What the--"

Mira:"What is it?"

Erza:"I sense death."

Black smoke floats around the room.

Gray:"I don't like this feeling." *He shivers.*

Elfman:"I'm super manly, and it gives me chills."

Mira:"Whatever it is, it's pure evil."

Suddenly they hear clapping and they turn around and see Jose.

Jose:"Bravo. You are all quite keen. Very impressive, Fairy tail wizards. I knew this would be fun, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this entertaining. You annihilated the Jupiter Cannon, disposed of my elite Element 4, and you even managed to bring my magic giant to its knees."

Erza:"Master Jose."

Elfman:"This creep?"

Gray:"He's Phantom's master?"

Mira:"It's like there's a black cloud hanging over him. I feel sick just being near him."

Jose:"Thank you. You've been so kind to entertain me. She entertained me well. I simply must return the favor."

Something is thrown to the group from behind Jose and it lands on the ground , in front of the group and dust is sent flying.

The dust clears and it's Alice, but she's unconscious. 




Gray and Elfman move in front of Alice as Mira runs and grabs her and brings her back to Erza.

Gray:"Are you ready?"

Elfman:"You bet."

Jose:"I'll return it in full."

Jose holds up his hand.

Gray:"Ice Make Sauser!"

Elfman:"Beast arm!"

Erza:"No! Don't do it!

Elfman and Gray jump at Jose.

Jose:"How absurd!'

Jose cast black beams of magic and Gray and Elfman. Gray and Elfman shout in pain as they hit them. They both falls to the ground.

Mira:"Elfman! Gray!"

Erza tries to stand up.

Jose cast an Explosive wave and it sends Gray, Elfman and Mira away.

Erza grabs her sword and she rushes Jose and she avoids magic that Jose shoots at her.

Erza then jumps into the air and requips into her Black Wing Armor and tries to slash him, but Jose dodges, grabs Erza's arm and throws her several meters away.

Jose:"Fascinating. You took a shot from Jupiter at full force, did you not? And yet, you're still standing."

Erza:"Only because my friends have filled my heart with strength. I will withstand any physical pain to protect the ones that I love."

Jose:"Powerful, courageous, and exquisitely beautiful. Destroying you will bring me unbelievable pleasure.



2443 words 




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