The Knight of Fairy Tail

Cursed Island Final

Erza, now is fully geared up, looks to Natsu.

Erza:"Natsu, we're going to destroy the moon."

Natsu:*Excited.* "Really?!"

Gray,Happy,Lucy:*Panicked.* "Huh?!"

Alice:*Calm.* "Interesting."

Lucy:'How can she be so calm about this?!'

Erza:"It's the only way we can change the villagers back to their human forms."

All the villagers cheer. 

Villager:"They're really gonna do it! We get to watch it happen!"

Villager:"That's right. And we're all finally gonna be human again!"

Natsu runs up to Erza.

Natsu:"Where do you wanna go? Do you think we should climb up to the top of the temple? It's a lot higher up there."

Erza:"We'll do it from here. The villagers can't go near the temple, and they need to witness this."

Gray:"I don't know what she's thinking. I mean, she can do some amazing things, but still."

Lucy:"So, what do you think she's gonna do to it?"

Happy:"This is exciting, huh?"

Lucy:"More like terrifying."

Alice:"I'm excited to see what happens."

Lucy:"How can you be so calm about this?!"

Alice looks to Lucy and smiles.

Alice:"I trust my guild mates with my life and Erza as never lead me astray before."


Erza:"This is giant armor. It increases my strength and allows me to throw farther." *She holds out her hand.* "And this."

Erza casts requip and she summons a giant spear.

Erza:"This is the spear of Haja. It repeals darkness."


Alice:"I haven't seen that spear in a long time."

Natsu:*Excited.* "Whoa! I see what you're planning now. You're gonna use that spear to knock the moon out of the sky."

Alice:'That's not it Natsu.'

Erza:"That's right, but I'm afraid I'll need more strength than this armor can give me." *she looks to Natsu.* "So Natsu, I'm going to need to use your fire power as a boost."


Erza:"Whenever I begin to throw the spear, I want you to his the back of it with your flames. Now I'll have to time our attack perfectly. But I think you should give me just enough power to do the job."

Natsu:"Sounds like a killer plan to me!"

Erza:"Then let's do it."

Erza walks away.


Gray:"They really think they're gonna pull this off, do they?"

Lucy:"Well, I think they've totally gone off the deep end this time."

Alice:"I believe they can do it."

erza and Natsu climb up to one of the guard towers.

Alice:"Come one, Erza."

Suddenly the top of the guard tower explodes and the spear is sent flying towards the moon.

Happy:"She did it!"

Gray:"This is bad..."

Lucy:"What are they thinking?!"

Alice watching the spear fly in the sky.


Erza:"Almost there!"

After a few seconds the spear "Hits" the moon and it starts to crack. The villagers cheer.

Gray/Lucy:"No way!"

Suddenly the cracks extend beyond the moon and the sky shatters. Now showing a regular moon instead of a purple one.

Everyone gasps.

Natsu:"The moon...."

Chief:"It's still there."

The villagers start to murmur.

Lucy holds her hands out as particles of magic fall from the sky.

Lucy:"It wasn't the moon that shattered. It was the sky."

Alice looks to the falling particles as they shine in the moonlight.

Alice:"This is pretty."

Natsu:"What the heck is going on?"

Erza:"As a result of the spell, a noxious membrane was covering the island."

Natsu:"A what?"

Erza:"The moon drip released evil energy in the form of a gas. That gas crystallized, and formed an invisible shell in the sky that covered the island. That's why the moon looked purple here."

Alice reaches up to the moon.

The villagers start to glow.

Erza:"Now that the shell has been broken, everything will go back to how it was three years ago."

The villagers stop glowing. 

Gray:"What's wrong? They're not transforming."

Happy:"Oh, no."

Erza walks back to them and she's in her original armor.

Erza:"That's because these are their true forms."

The three gasps and look to Erza.

Erza:"The moon drip never had any effect on their appearance. However, it seems to have altered their memories."

Lucy:"What do you mean?

Erza:"They think they're humans who have been transformed into demons. But it's the other way around."

Happy and Lucy gasp.

Lucy:"Wait, so you're saying... They're really..."

Erza:"Yup, you've got it."

Gray, Happy and Lucy scream and Alice laughs.

Erza:"The villagers have always been demons."

Gray goes up to one of the Villagers.

Gray:"Hey, is that true?"

The villager starts to sweat.

Villager:"Well, maybe. My memory's hazy. We all looked pretty human when you met us, didn't we?"

Alice walks up next to erza.

Alice:"Yes, because you possess the ability to take on human forms. Your false memories led you to believe... That your temporary states were actually your true forms. In reality, you were demons who had fallen victim to the moon drip's side effects."

Lucy:"Hold on."

She looks to Erza and Alice.

Lucy:"How come Lyon and the others weren't affected?"

Erza:"I assume it's because they're human. As far as I can tell, Demons were the only ones susceptible to the memory loss. I knew what was going on as soon as the villagers told me they were unable to go to the temple. The moonlight collected there was sacred, therefore creatures of darkness couldn't go near it."

Bobo:"You're quite the detective."

Bobo walks up to the group and everyone gasps.

Bobo:"I knew I could trust you and your friends."

Lucy gets scared.


Bobo:*Waves.* "Thanks, wizards. I owe you one."

Lucy and Happy hug each other and shriek.

Lucy/Happy:"A ghost!"

Gray:"You're the guy from the boat."

Chief:*Gasps.* "Bobo..."

Villager:"But I thought you were--"

Bobo:"Getting stabbed in the chest hurt pretty bad, but you gotta do more than that to kill a demon." *He laughs.*

Gray:"But, on the boat, you just disappeared into thin air."

Bobo suddenly disappears again and Lucy, Gray and Happy scream. Alice looks up and sees Bobo flying above them, with wings that grew from his back.

Bobo:"I really hope you kids can forgive me for not telling you the truth sooner."

Gray:"He can fly?"

Bobo:"I was the only one who didn't have any memory loss. I had to leave, 'cause everyone went nuts. I knew I was a demon, but everybody else-- Suddenly, they thought they were cursed humans!"

Bobo laughs and the Chief starts to cry.

Chief:"Oh, Bobo!"

The Chief grows wings and he flies up and hugs Bobo.

Bobo:"I'm so glad you finally snapped out of it, pops!"

The villagers chatter excitedly then they fly up and float around Bobo.

Erza:"Yeah. They are definitely demons."

Natsu:"I don't know. If you look at their faces..."

Chief:"My son is alive!"

Natsu:"They kinda look... more like angels to me."


Alice:"I guess they do."

Chief:"Let's have a feast tonight to celebrate!"

Villager:"It'll be an all-out demon party!"

Lucy:"i don't know if I'm rowdy enough to party with demons."

Happy:"Me either."

Suddenly a loud growl is heard and Lucy screams.

Lucy:"Is it Deliora again?!"

Natsu snickers and points to Alice. 

Lucy looks and sees Alice with her eyes closed and a small blush on her face. Alice's stomach growls again. Alice crosses her arms and looks away from the group.

Alice:"I haven't eaten in a few days."

Natsu laughs and Alice angry walks towards him and he screams.




Everyone is sitting around tables and eating some food. Natsu is eating some fire. Alice shoves a bunch of food in her mouth and quickly chews it.

Lucy:'Wow, she's nearly as bad as Natsu.'

Then she hears some giggling and talking and she looks to the side and sees a group of girls dragging Gray somewhere.

Lucy:"It looks like someone's getting a lot of attention from the ladies."

Happy:"He'll scare them off sooner or later."

Alice sets down an empty bowl.

Alice:"I give him 10 minutes."

Happy:"I bet it'll be more like five."

Alice lightly chuckles and she grabs more food.

Chief:"Well, I have to admit, I was wrong about humans."


Alice stops midchew and a fish tail is sticking out of her mouth.

Chief:"All of these years, we've chosen to hide from the outside world. We were so afraid that others would judge us by our appearance."

Bobo:"You know the curse? That was just a rumor we spread so no one would come to the island and bother us."

Lucy:"Well, it worked, 'cause the sailors at the dock were terrified. Nobody wanted to come here."

Chief:"I know, and it's a shame. But after meeting you, we've changed our minds. You've restored our faith in humans, and now we're not afraid. We're ready to go out and befriend people from other lands."

Erza:"That's good. Friendship is a beautiful thing. It's an emotional bond that transcends one's physical appearance."


Bobo laughs.

Alice finishes chewing and she swallows her food.

Alice:"Well said."

Alice keeps eating.

The villagers go quiet all of a sudden. Alice looks around and spots Sherry and Yuka. Erza stands up and Alice puts a hand on her sword.

Erza:"How can I help you?"

Yuka:"You fairy tailers are tough. The Cold Emperor's so banged up, he couldn't even make it down here."

Sherry:"That's why we've come to pay you a visit in his place."

Lucy stands up.

Lucy:"Wait just a minute! I thought we were cool. Didn't Lyon tell you guys what happened?"

Yuka:"Yes, but that doesn't matter to us."

Sherry:"We wanted to settle things with you ourselves."

Natsu runs forward.

Natsu:"All right, why don't you show me what you got?"

He lights his fist ablaze.

Bobo:"Wait, Natsu! Thanks for the help, but we can't keep relying on you, so let us fight 'em."

Villager:"He's right, we got these clowns."

Villager:"If we wanna keep our village safe, we've gotta protect it."

Alice gets up and moves forward, with a hand on the pommel of her sword.

Erza:"Normally I would agree with you, gentlemen. But I think it's best that I handle this one."

Erza looks to Alice and Nods and Alice nods back.

Erza walks forward a stops a little ways from Sherry and Yuka.

Sherry:"We meet again, Titania of Fairy Tail. You gave dear angelica quite a beating earlier."

Yuka:"She seems like a formidable opponent."

Lucy:*Yelling a Little ways behind Erza.* "Watch out for that creepy chick! She can control inanimate objects."

Natsu:"And don't even bother trying to use your magic against Ol' Megabrows."

Erza:"Is that so?" *She rushes forward.* "In that case, I'll do it the old-fashioned way!"

Erza kicks Sherry in the stomach and sends her to the ground and she punches Yuka in the fash.


Lucy:"She didn't even have to use any magic."

Happy:"That's the great Erza for ya."

Lucy:"Would you cut that out?"

Alice smiles.

Alice:"We're not all about being strong with magic." *Alice flexes her right arm.* "It's all about being strong without magic also."

Sherry groans and she proper herself up with her elbow and looks to Erza.

Sherry:"You're truly an amazing warrior."

Sherry and Yuka get up.

Yuka:"No kidding. We're no match for you."

Lucy:"Uh-- wait. So you're not here to attack us?"


Yuka:"I doubt this is going to make up for all the trouble we've caused you. But we wanted to apologize in person."

Happy:"Oh, so you guys came here to settle things in a good way."

Sherry:"The Cold Emperor told us everything. Thanks to you, we can finally let go of the pain Deliora cause us so many years ago."

Gray:"You mean you were victims of Deliore too?"

Yuka:"When we were children, the monster ravaged our village. We watched it murder all of out friends and family."

Sherry:"The Cold Emperor had a plan to kill the demon once and for all. That's why we joined him."

Yuka:"You see, we wanted revenge. And we were so focused on getting it, We never realized we were hurting innocent people."

Sherry:"We were so blinded by our hatred, that we ended up acting no better than the demon itself. From now on, we'll treat other people with respect. And love."

Natsu:"All righty, then!"

Natsu comes up behind them and puts his arms on their shoulders.


Natsu:*Chuckles.* "You guys should stick around, and join in on the feast! Huh?"

Yuka:"But we were enemies a second ago."

Sherry:"I don't think it's a good idea, because I'm trying to watch my figure and--"

Natsu hugs them.

natsu:"Enough with the excuses. Live a little, would you?!"

Natsu drags them to a table and sets them down.

Natsu:"Okay, now I'm ready to party!"

Alice chuckles and she goes back and sits down.

Alice:"Party we shall then!"

Natsu laughs.



Then next morning Alice is laying under an Olive Tree near the center of the village. Alice has her eyes closed and she hears footsteps.


Alice opens her eyes and sees Erza in front of her.

Erza:"May I sit?"

Alice nods and Erza sits down next to Alice.

Alice:"So it seems this is the end of the mission."

Erza:"Yup, and we just need to bring those four home and they'll face punishment."

Alice:"I'll convince Master to not kick them out and just give that 'That' punishment."

Erza shivers.

Erza:"Not 'that' punishment."

Alice nods.

Alice:"Yup that one."

Alice stands up.

Alice:"We better get going. I want to be home soon."

Alice puts her hand on the tree and it turns into Fragrant Olive and she attaches the sword sheath to her hip.

Alice:"Let's go."

Erza gets up.




Erza is standing in front of the villagers.

Chief:"What? But miss, you deserve the reward, so take it. Please."

Erza:"Thank you. But your gratitude is payment enough."

Chief:"That's nice, but you should take the money."

Natsu and Gray are pushing in each other behind her and Alice comes up to them and she grabs their head and slams them together. They both fall to the ground.


Chief:"Foolish as they may be, if it wasn't for them, we never would have been saved. What if I give you the money not as a reward, but instead as a thank-you gift? It's the least I can do after everything you've done for out village."

Natsu and Gray get up off the floor and they, along with Lucy look at the Chief in shock. 

Erza:"When you put it that way, you make it hard to say no."

The villagers chuckle.  Natsu, Gray and Lucy get happy. Flames come out of Natsu's nose.

Gray:"She's really gonna take it!"

Lucy:"We're rich!"

Erza:"I'm sorry. Accepting your reward would be contrary to our guild's principles. However, we'd be happy to take the gate key you offered along with it."

Natsu and Gray are not happy with the decision.

Gray/Natsu:"The gate key?!"

Lucy however is really happy.

Lucy:"Come to mama!"

Bobo:"Well, at least let me take you back to Hargeon."

Erza:"Thank you. But I have a boat waiting, sir."





Everyone, including the villagers, are at the beach looking at a big pirate ship.

Gray:"A pirate ship?"

Lucy:"You kidding me! Did she and Alice hijack it?"

Happy:"This is awesome."

The crew is cheating from the boat.

Captain:"Ahoy, me beauties!"

Lucy looks to Alice and Erza.

Lucy:"'Me Beauties?"

Alice:"That's right. They've become quite fond of us."

Happy:"That's the Great Erza and Lady Alice for ya!"

Lucy:"Jeez, you're such a suck-up."

Chaptain:"Ahoy! Come aboard me ship, mateys!"


Lucy panics.

Lucy:"I don't wanna! I'm not riding that creepy boat!"

Natsu:"If you wanna swim, I'll join you."

Lucy:"Are you insane?!"

Alice grabs Natsu by his scarf and starts to drag him.

Alice:"You're not going anywhere."

Natsu:"Nooooo, Happy help me."

Happy:"Sorry, I ain't getting Lady Alice angry with me."

Everyone gets onto the ship.

Captain:"Weigh anchor! We're shovin' off!"

Pirates:"Aye aye, sir!"

The villagers waves bye to them.

Bobo:"We thank you! Hope you guys will come back someday!"

Lucy:"Yeah, you betcha!"

Natsu is trying his best not to puke. Alice leans off the side of the ship and lets the wing flow through her hair.

Alice:"I love the open air."




The group arrive back at Magnolia and they walking down the street to Fairy Tail.

Natsu:"We're home!"

Happy:"Aye, sir!"

Gray:"I'm bummed. All that time and hard work for some lousy gate key."

Happy:"Yeah, and that S-Class reward was big time money."

Erza:"Well, I'm sorry, but it wasn't an official job."

Alice:"Just be glad you got something."

Lucy:"They've got a point. Now quit your complaining."

happy:"That's pretty easy for you to say, you got a reward! Can we sell it?"

Lucy:"How could you even suggest that, Happy?! You guys just don't get it. They're hard to come by. Sure, there are lots of silver gate keys, but there are only twelve gold zodiac keys. And I'm lucky enough to have five."

Natsu:"Hmm, it's too bad they're all crazy."

Lucy:"You had better watch your mouth, you punk! Me and my celestial spirits are gonna be stronger than you someday!"

Gray:"So, which one of the zodiac keys did you end up getting?

Lucy:"It's Sagittarius the Centaur!"

Gray:"It's a horse man?!"

Gray imagines a anthropomorphic horse.

Lucy:"Well, yeah, but it's more like this..."

Lucy imagines the bottom half horse and the top half human."

Natsu has just gone off the deep end with what he thought up.

Lucy:"And that is not even close, dummy."

Alice and Erza stop walking.

Alice:"You're all so carefree. It's almost as if you've forgotten you face punishment when wwe get back to the guild."

Lucy,Gray and Natsu all gasp.

Natsu:"But why?"

Lucy:"Everything worked out in the end! Can't we just forget the whole punishment thing?"

Erza:"You're right, everything worked out. But only because Alice and I came here and finished the job none of you were qualified to do. Stealing an S-Class request is a serious offense."


Lucy:"We said we're sorry."

Alice:"If you promise that you'll never do it again, then I don't think you need to be penalized by the guild. Unfortunately, I don't have any say in the matter. Your fate is in Master Makarov's hands. So I'm sure you'll be facing punishment."

happy:"Now I'm scared. You think he's gonna make us do 'that'?"

Gray freaks out.

Gray:"Just kill me now! I don't think I could live through that again!"

Lucy starts to freak out.

Lucy:"You guys are freaking me out!"

Natsu:"Don't let 'em scare you. I'll talk the old man outta punishing us. That guy loves me."

Lucy:"I don't know if you should do the talking."

Erza:"Natsu... You can't talk your way out of this one."

Alice:"Good luck with 'That'."

Natsu chuckles then he starts to Sweat and Alice grabs the back of his scarf and starts to drag him away, crying.

Natsu:"No! Save me!"

Gray is still freaking out.

Natsu:"Anything but that! No!"

Lucy:"Would somebody please tell me what 'That' is? I'm totally freaking out!"



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