The Knight of Fairy Tail

A Guild for One

(Sorry for the nearly year long wait. And do leave some comments while your here.)

Previously On The Knight of Fairy Tail

"Sorry, But I'm afraid that's simply not an option at this time." Lahar speaks up. "Not till we've captured our true objective."

Everyone grows tense.

"A fiend who infiltrated and destroyed the Magic Council and fired the Etherion Cannon."

Alice's eyes widen.

"A man more villainous than the Oracion Seis. Truly black of heart. I'm referring to you, Jellal."

Jellal looks up to Lahar.

"Let's go. Know that if you resist," The Rune knights Ready their weapons. "We have explicit orders to kill you."

"Leave him alone." Wendy yells.

"You're making a mistake, man." Natsu tells him.

"Jellal Fernades is a criminal." Lahar tells them. "Society is in danger as long as he roams free. he must be brought to justice."

'What do I do?' Alice asks herself.



"No, please don't take him away!" Wendy begs. "It's not fair. He doesn't even know what he's done!" She takes a step forward. "All his memories have been completely erased."

"Ignorance of one's crimes is no defense." Lahar states. "Penal code section 13 states this explicitly. You may remove the barrier now." He says to the man next to him.

"Yes, sir." The man next to Lahar replies.

"Hold on!" Wendy takes another step forward.

"It's all right." Jellal says. "I will not resist arrest." He and Wendy look at each other. "Please forgive me. I wish that I could remember you." Tears threaten to start forming in Wendy's eyes. "I'm sorry that I cannot. Truly."

Carla steps up beside Wendy. "When she was lost and alone. You found her wandering and saved her life."

"Did I? I may never know the harm I inflicted upon you and countless others. But at least I know at some point, I helped open person."

'He really is a different person.' Alice says in thought as she watches from the back.

"Erza." Jellal calls out.

Erza doesn't respond nor does she look at him. She just looks down, lost in thought.

"I won't forget your kindness." Jellal says with a smile. Then he turns around and walks towards the jail carriage. 

Erza starts to shake and Alice sighs. 'I'm sorry Erza, but this is for the best.'

Alice watches as Jellal stops in front of Lahar.

"You have any more parting words?" Lahar asks.

"No." Jellal responds.

"You'll get at least a life sentence. That's if your lucky."

"No way." Lucy mutters in shock.

Jellal is escorted the rest of the way to the carriage. 

"In any case, you'll never see these people again." Lahar says to Jellal.

Wendy starts to cry. "He's gone."

Alice grits her teeth and curls her fists.

Suddenly Natsu shoots forward and pushes down a couple magic council members. "Hold it right there!" He yells. 

Gray steps forward. "Natsu!"

"I don't think that's a good idea!" Lucy shouts.

The members of the magic council fight to hold down Natsu.

"Stop this!" Lahar orders.

"Outta my way!" Natsu shouts and he keeps struggling. "He's one of us!" Jellal looks back in shock. "And that means he comes with us!"

"Natsu." Wendy mutters in shock.

"No, don't do this." Jellal calls back.

"Subdue that man!" Lahar orders and his men run past him.

Natsu takes down the men around him and he runs towards the ones charging at him. But Gaey suddenly stops a couple. "Keep goin', Natsu!"

"Don't stop!" Happy yells out.

Gray punches a couple men to the ground. "Give up. There's no way you guys can stop him! This is wrong anyway." He takes down a couple more men. "Jellal took down Nirvana! He just saved a whole lotta people, and this is the thanks you give him."

Just cracks his knuckles and releases some magic power. "You would punish this man for his sins, yet still choose not to reward him for his good deeds?"

Ichiya sparkles. "It pains me, but if you take him away, it will hurt Erza more!" He flexes and takes out a couple men.

Lucy blindly swings her fists around. "Hey, I can't see who I'm hitting, so I'm innocent right?"

Happy is scratching the faces of some men as he stands on Lucy's shoulder. "Me too!"

A man grabs Wendy's arm. "No, please." Carla punches the guy's

Everyone continues to fight.

"Everyone stand down, now!" An authoritative voice yells out from the back.

Everyone stops and looks back to see Alice, wearing some silver armor from the magic council, and with Fragrant Olive stabbed into the ground in front of her; with her hands on the hilt. She's standing tall and firm with a glare on her face.

"But, Alice, he owes-" Natsu starts.

"Shut it, Natsu." Alice orders as she glares at him, making the dragon Slayer sit down in fear. "Everyone stop fighting and stand down, or you will face the consequences of aiding a fugitive and obstructing the law! Those include being stripped of rank and being kicked out of your guild."

"Alice-!" Grey calls out.

Alice glare at Grey. "I'm not asking, I'm ordering."

Ichiya looks to Jura. "So do we listen?" 

Jura sighs and cancels his magic aura. "We should, she has great connections within the Magic council that even I don't have. She has a great deal of power within the Magic Council."

"Thank you, Miss Alice." Lahar says. "I'll inform the council of your good deed."

Alice tightens the grip on her sword as she just looks at him with an emotionless face. "Take him away." She says. "I'm sorry, Erza." She whispers to the girl behind her.

Erza just looks down in sadness. 

It does dead quiet as men take Jellal away.

"I remember." Jellal suddenly says and he looks back at Erza and smiles. "It was the color of your hair."

Erza's eyes widen as she gasps.

Jellal steps into the carriage. "Farewell, old friend." The doors shut and the carriage drives away.

Alice remains unmoving as she unequips her armor and remains in similar armor to Erza's. Sweat falls down her brow and she takes her sword out of the dirt and walks away.

Couple hours later.

The group is all sitting around as the sun slowly comes up. Erza is not present among them and Alice is a good way away. Alice is staring off to the sunrise as she has her sword in the ground in front of her.

'I'm sorry dear sister, but... It was for the best.' Alice closes her eyes. 'I hate seeing you cry, but what I did was for the best.' She opens her eyes and looks up to some ruins and she sees Erza. A tear falls from her eye as she holds a hand up to her guild mark. 'I'll take the blame for everything.'

The sky shines with a crimson color as the sun comes up. 

Footsteps approaches Alice and she glances back to see Natsu walking up behind her. He stops a few feet from her. "We could have  taken him with us." He says.

Alice looks back at the sunrise. "You know I couldn't allow that.

Natsu growls. "But Erza needs him! She wouldn't be crying if he stayed. I know it was hard choice, but I tried to make it right."

Alice scoffs and looks back at Natsu in anger. "You know nothing of hard choices Natsu. What I did was the good of everyone. Besides, you don't know what a hard choice is until it costs innocent people's lives!"

Alice takes her sword out of the ground and walks away from Natsu.

"Innocent lives? What was that about?" Lucy looks at Happy.

Happy turns to Lucy "All I know is that a few years back Alice took on an S Class job. It was to escort a village of about a hundred people around a mountain. Since their village was constantly under attack, they wanted to move. But she decided it would be fast to go through the mountain, taking an old mine shaft, and a day later only about fifty were left."

Lucy looks back towards Alice, she's now sitting against a tree. 'She's so strong, but seems to hide a lot of pain.'





The sun is high in the sky and everyone is back at Cait Shelter. The females are in a dressing room, wearing dresses given to them.

"Ooooh!" Lucy admires her outfit. "This is adorable!"

Sherry poses. "Yeah, yeah, you look cute and all, but your're not nearly as sexy as me."

Wendy is standing a couple feet from the two, Carla is next to her. "Everyone in the village is a member of the guild. Cait Shelter's famous for its pretty textiles and clothing."

Erza is sitting on a chair on the side of the room.

"So are these like traditional Nirvit styles?" Lucy asks.

Wendy looks back at her. "I've never really thought about that before, but I guess it would make the most sense, huh?"

Sherry turns around. "I can't believe that you had absolutely no idea that everyone in this guild, but you, is a descendant of the Nirvit."

Lucy looks towards Erza, who has shadows covering her eyes.

Wendy turns to Sherry. "Well, yeah, I'm the only one who joined after it was formed."

Lucy grabs a dress and holds it up. "Come try this on, Erza. I know how you love a costume change."

"Yes. I suppose." Erza replies with a sad look.

Sherry continues her conversation with Wendy. "And I'm guessing you don't know when Cait Shelter joined the League of Guilds along with the others, do you? I don't wanna be rude, but I had never even heard of your guild before all of us were thrown together. I know every guild can't be as popular as mine, but still."

"Come to think of it, I hadn't either." Lucy says.

"Oh, I don't know." Wendy nervously laughs. "Wow, I didn't realize that we were so obscure."

Carla speaks up. "This is all very interesting. But everyone is waiting on us."

Some shuffling is heard behind the curtain next to Lucy. "Lucy, are you sure. This outfit feels revealing." Alice is heard.

"Oh, it's fine. Alice." Lucy replies. "You'll look cute in it."

"But, I feel very vulnerable without armor on."

"You'll be fine. It's just for an hour or two."

Alice sighs. "Fine." She walks out wearing a dress with a blush on her face. Her sword is attached to her hip.

There's bandages wrapped around her body and a couple on her head.

There's bandages wrapped around her body and a couple on her head

There's a light and thin scar across her stomach.

Lucy smiles. "See, you look great."

Alice's face keeps red as she covers her chest. "I don't know, I don't like dresses."

"I think you look lovely, Alice." Erza replies. 

"W-Well, if Erza likes it. Then I'll wear it."

"And get rid of the sword." Lucy says.

"But-" Alice starts and Lucy frowns at her. "Fine." 

Alice grabs her sword and it glows golden for a few seconds before it disappears.




Everyone is gathered in the center of the village. With Cait Shelter standing in front of our heroes.

"Fairy Tail." Robaul, the Cait Shelter guild leader, addresses the guilds. "Blue Pegasus. Lamia Scale. Not to mention Wendy and Carla. I commend your efforts in not only defeating the Oracion Seis, but saving our village from Nirvana's wrath. Speaking as a representative of our regional guild league, I, Robaul, offer my deepest gratitude. "

Natsu laughs and rubs his head. 

"Thank you." Lucy says.

Alice gently smiles along with Erza.

Robaul puts a hand on his chest and closes his eyes. "Nabura, we are in your debt.

Ichiya sparkles. "We were happy to help you, Master Robaul!" He says loudly as he hops in front of the man. "It was a hard-won victory against a ferocious opponent." He poses. "But from the deepest, darkest depths of despair, a light shined down on us. It was the bright and warming glow of true friendship. We followed it all the way to victory."

Hibiki, Eve, and Ren all clap. "Well said, Master." They say together. 


"The bright and warming glow is probably coming from the spotlight he's hogging." Grey says.

"No joke." Lucy agrees. "And by the way, did he ever fight anyone?"

"I suppose it's over now." Sherry says.

Jura puts his hands on Sherry's and Lyon's shoulder. "You two should know, I'm proud of you.

"Thank you, sir." Lyon says.

Natsu throws a hand up. "Hey, we deserve a victory party."

Happy pops up. "Aye, sir!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Ichya holds a carrot like a microphone and start singing. "It's time---"

Hibiki, Eve, and Ren pop up. "It's time!"

"To get down."

"To get down."

Hibiki, Eve, and Ren and even Ichiya start to do a weird dance. "Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes..."

Grey becomes mostly naked. "A party sounds great."

Lucy blushes. "Please keep your clothes on!" Lyon slides over to Grey without a shirt on and laughs. "You too buddy!"

Wendy laughs and Alice deadpans at the even currently happening.

"So is the Cait Shelter Guild feeling up to getting down?" Ichiya asks Robaul. Hibiki, Eve, and Ren all dance behind Ichiya.

Then Gray, Lucy, Happy and Natsu start dancing weirdly.

Wendy jumps up. "Oh yes!" But she realizes what she did and blushes

Everyone stops dancing when they notice that Cait Shelter is just standing there.

"I'm truly sorry." Robaul apologies. "I've neglected my duty to tell you about the Nirvit people. Please accept my sincere apology."

Happy then speaks up. "Well, it's not like that's gonna stop us from partyin'!"

"But we'll listen to whatever you might have to say." Natsu adds. "Right?"

"Aye, sir."

"It's all right master." Wendy says to her guild leader. "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

"It is important." Robaul states. "I ask that everyone please listen very closely to the tale I am about to tell." Everyone pays attention to him. "First, let me clear the air about something. The truth is, we are not descendants of the Nirvit people."

Wendy takes a step back in shock. "What?"

"Indeed we are the Nirvits themselves.  And many years ago, 400 to be exact, Nirvana was created, fashioned by my hands."

"By you?" Lyon asks.

Lucy's eyes widen in shock. "I don't believe it."

Happy tilts his head. "400 years ago?"

Natsu is dumbfounded.

"This doesn't make any sense." Alice says.

Robaul continues his story. "I thought if my dream of Nirvana was made reality, I could end the ghastly wars tearing the world apart. I would do so by reversing the morality of those whose minds were set on the destruction of others. We made our home there. And we took great joy in what we'd accomplished through peace. We were a shining beacon of light in a once dark and shadowy world. However, despite our best intentions, we could not change the fat that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Nirvana had brought light to what was once a terrible darkness, not by chasing it away, but absorbing it, so to speak. The world yearns for balance and order. The light serves no purpose without the darkness, and vice versa. Light is born from darkness, and darkness is born from light. The two are forever intertwined."

"Yeah, that's exactly how it played out for us." Gray says thinking about Show Sherry turned to the dark-side for a little bit and how Hoteye turned to the light-side.

Robaul continues his story. "All the world's evil, taken from those whose hearts were once consumed with it, was transferred to the peace-loving Nirvit."

Wendy's eyes shake. "It was?"

"...It was a nightmare. Engulfed in rage and hatred, we slaughtered each other until no one was left standing."

Everyone is in shock.

Robaul continues. "That's not quite true. For I am the only survivor. Then again, in this particular situation, the word 'survivor' is a little misleading. In truth, my body ceased to function many years ago. What you see before you now is a projection of the man I once was." Wendy gasps. "As punishment for my sins, I, this powerless spirit, have stood as sentinel over my creation for 400 years, keeping my weary eyes open for the one who could, at last, destroy Nirvana and consign it to the pages of history. And now... my post can be vacated for that person has been found." 

"No." Wendy shakes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Mmm." Robaul shines for a second and the villagers start disappearing, one-by-one.

"What's happening?!" Wendy looks around. "Don't go!"

"You can't must leave us!" Carla yells.

"Maguna! Pepel!"

Hibiki's eyes widen. "Everyone's disappearing right in front of our eyes."

"Why are you doing this?" Wendy asks and she starts to cry. "Please don't go!"

The villagers smile at Wendy one last time as they disappear.

"I've deceived you Wendy. For that, I am deeply sorry." Robaul apologizes. "All your fellow guild members were specters. They were nothing but illusions. "

"Are you kidding me?!" Natsu cries out.

"Illusions with their own personalities?" Lyon asks.

"That takes powerful creation magic." Jura states.

Robaul tells another story. "For many years, I lived in this deserted village alone, always keeping a watchful eye over Nirvana. Until one day, when a boy came to me with a companion needing help."

Robaul continues. "His eyes burned with such intensity and sincerity that I simply had no choice but to take the little girl in. I had resigned myself to a solitary existence, but there she was." He tells a story about his first conversation with Wendy. "I filled the village with apparitions so she wouldn't be alone."

"So you created an entire guild just for Wendy?" Lucy asks.

"No one I cared for is a real person?!" Wendy cries out as tears stream down her face. "How could you do something so cruel to me, Master?"

The last of the villagers disappear, leaving only Robaul. "Don't fret, my dear. Calm down. Neither you nor Carla need those imaginary friends." He points to the guild members behind her. "You're surrounded by real friends, who care for you." He starts to glow and he laughs.

Wendy cries as her guild leaders disappears. 

"A bright future awaits you. Embrace it with open arms." Robual says to Wendy, one last time.

Wendy runs towards Robaul. "Master!"

"To each and everyone of you, I owe my deepest gratitude. I know I can leave Wendy and Carla in your hands." 

Wendy falls to her knees and cries as her guild mark disappears. Tears drip from Carla's eyes. "MASTER!" Wendy yells out.

Everyone watches on in sadness. Alice walks over to Wendy and kneels down to her, then brings her into a hug. 

"It's okay." Alice whispers to Wendy. "The pain of losing a loved one hurts, but you'll heal." Wendy looks up at Alice and sees her gently smiling down on her. "Come with us, be a part of Fairy Tail. We'll give you a new home. I'll give you a new home."



3064 words

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