Chapter 6: Brothers in Arms 2
Raticate used Mud Shot, Dodge it and release the Gravity seal. Then Quick Attack, Pikachu focused his Aura, the seal on his right thigh lighting up. He cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. Then disappeared... Raticate was left looking this way and that searching for Pikachu. He was hit in the back with Quick Attack, don't stop Pikachu! Iron Tail Now! Pikachu kept Quick Attack active, smacking Raticate in the face with Iron Tail. As Raticate flew away he fired a Focus Blast at Pikachu. Even after receiving Pikachu's Iron Tail, it was still coherent enough to fire back a Focus Blast, and correct himself in mid-air. Coiling itself Raticate launched itself back at Pikachu. Curling into a Roll Out attack while flying at Pikachu. Alright buddy, finish this with Thunder Punch, Go! Pikachu reappeared in front of Raticate, Thunder Punch already charged up. With an overhand hook, Pikachu made a crater with Raticate. Chuuu Pikaaa.. DOOOM! Poor Raticate I cringe, I guess he wasnt strong enough to take it. The left side of its body was blown out and charred by Pikachu. WOW.. You really managed to kill it. Pikachu, how strong are you now?
How strong am I now? Frogadier: Stone Edge! Raticate tried to use Poison Jab only to be met with cut. Rock Shuriken! Naruto said as Frogadier moved. Their plan was to keep moving making Raticate tire itself out, or make a mistake.. I think I'm starting to like this guy! Naruto said as he and Frogadier took on Raticate. It used a glowing kick so Naruto responded with Mega Kick. The glow was the same color so they used the same move. Frogadier: Head Smash! Raticate responded with Iron Tail forcing Frogadier back. Frogadier shook his head out, then narrowed his eyes at Raticate. As Naruto said, release the resistance seal Frogadier: Close Combat!