The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 45 Returning To The Secret Base

I observe the two women who remain alive before me, lying on the ground and filled with hesitation. With a penetrating gaze, my mind begins to wonder about their identities. Who are they? Why were they involved in this act of kidnapping?

I direct my attention first to the fox woman, whose features exude a wild and mysterious beauty. She looks at me with pink eyes, filled with suspicion. Her response falters, but finally, she murmurs, "I am... Ari Blany."

Then my eyes turn to the human woman, who appears fragile and vulnerable in contrast to the presence of the fox woman. She hesitates for a moment, her gaze showing a mixture of fear and resignation. With a trembling voice, she replies, "Brital D. Nol."

I approach the fox woman and with an imposing, masculine hand, firmly grasp one of her ears. I feel the smooth and soft texture under my fingers as I lightly press it. She furrows her brow and closes one eye, expressing a mix of discomfort as it seems her ears are sensitive to touch. Anger and fear emanate from the furious gazes of everyone present in the royal court.

Without wasting time, I declare with authority, "We have much to discuss; you will come with me!" My words carry a promise of intense pleasure; this fox I will violate so many times that she may even forget her own name because of my seed in her womb.

Then my eyes turn to the other woman, casting a look of disdain and contempt. Commanding coldly, I do not hesitate to say, "Kill her!" A ray emerges from the weapon, hitting her with precision. She falls to the ground, her lifeless body as proof of my relentlessness.


I ignore the stares of everyone around me, take a deep breath, and clench my right hand into a fist, then magic surges and envelops all my wives and finally the giant body of the fox.

Within seconds, our bodies begin to float, and the boots on my feet activate their turbines, and the surroundings fall silent.

I float towards the imposing window, eager to catch a glimpse of the world beyond the court walls. However, before I can reach my destination, I feel a heavy hand rest on my shoulder. It's Tiberius, his gaze filled with determination and restrained anger.

"This won't end like this," he says, his voice carrying a promise of vengeance. The weight of his words resonates in my ears, but it doesn't shake my determination. There is no room for doubt or hesitation in my heart.

As Tiberius speaks, the hall is filled with a chorus of voices, each clamoring loudly, "Glory to the Crownol Empire!" The collective shout reverberates through the air, filling it with patriotic fervor. But amidst that expression of pride, I see the perfect opportunity to convey my own message.

I smile defiantly, aware of what is about to happen. With a quick and calculated movement, I tilt my head back and spit on the ground, the spit hitting the ground where Tiberius stands.

Disgust is visible on his face, and the anger he struggled to contain seems to explode within him. Blood starts to flow from his nose, a physical manifestation of his uncontrollable fury. His eyes burn with rage, but he doesn't consider doing anything other than succumbing to the outburst of anger.

I meet his gaze with coldness and defiance, aware that my act has triggered a reaction that goes beyond control. No matter how much Tiberius yells and threatens, his helplessness is evident. Nothing he can do will stop me or prevent me from achieving my goal.

As blood continues to flow from Tiberius's nose, my smile widens. Those around us momentarily fall silent, watching the confrontation between the two of us. The hall is filled with palpable tension, a battle of wills that transcends words.

I watch attentively as Aelius approaches Tiberius, his expression calm and confident. The whispers he shares with Tiberius are inaudible to me, but the conspiratorial tone indicates a conversation laden with meaning.

Aelius leans closer to Tiberius, whispering in his ear. His lips move smoothly, conveying words of reassurance and confidence. Although I can't hear what is being said, it is evident that Aelius is trying to calm Tiberius, reaffirming the strength and control they still possess.

Tiberius, with heavy breathing and blood dripping from his nose, seems to slightly calm down under the influence of Aelius's words. His rigid and tense posture begins to relax, and the unrestrained anger that consumed him gives way to focused determination.

As I observe the scene unfolding before me, it is noticeable that Aelius has a plan in mind. He is unwilling to succumb to despair or defeat. Instead, he sees this situation as an opportunity to rise again, to strengthen the Crownol Empire, and eventually hunt me down at the most opportune moment.

I ignore everything because when I want to, this nation will turn to ashes. So, I quickly leap into the air, the altitude increasing with each second. I feel a sense of weightlessness, as if gravity has lost its hold on me. I look down, watching the world become smaller and smaller as I ascend even higher.

With a firm and commanding voice, I declare loudly, "Do not dare to follow me, or you will regret it!" My words echo through the air, filled with a veiled and relentless threat.

I look at my wives and the fox and say, "Close your eyes, for we are about to accelerate greatly!" After saying that, the energy from the gauntlet enhances, creating a stronger shield around all of us.

I open my mouth and say, "Full propulsion!"


The boots on my feet vibrate with electrifying intensity as a pulsating energy courses through my body. In the blink of an eye, a blazing flame, of a bright and mesmerizing blue, emerges beneath me, enveloping me completely.

The energy grows and intensifies, propelling me forward with unmatched force. I feel like a rocket about to be launched, and the adrenaline in my veins reaches unimaginable levels.

Then, the thrust is released. In an instant, I am propelled towards the horizon, breaking the sound barrier with a deafening boom.


The speed is overwhelming, the world around me becomes a blur in my trajectory. I am like a supersonic projectile, cutting through the air with untamed ferocity.

The furious wind lashes against my face, but it doesn't faze me. The wives accompanying me float by my side, their expressions filled with confidence.


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