The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 35 What Happened?

<[At some point in the past!]>

In the distance, I spot a castle made of stone blocks, something that catches not only my attention but also that of the other wizards accompanying me. One of the women in the group, named Brital D. Nol, looks steadfastly ahead and raises one of her hands, pointing towards the castle. "What? How can such a colossal structure be in this position? It would require a level 3 enchantment to remain standing."

Upon hearing that, I smile and say, "Is that so?" As soon as I utter those words, everyone exchanges suspicious glances, and I see the same gleam in their eyes as in mine. Ambition, desire, and selfishness! Perhaps we have stumbled upon an ancient testament, something very old and forgotten from the time of the gods.

An older man speaks up, "I'm not sensing any magical energy coming from the castle. How is that possible? Are the blocks simply floating?"

Everyone has numerous unanswered questions, but driven by ambition and desire, they quickly advance through the forest. As they get close enough, they realize there is no magical energy protecting the environment here; in other words, there are no mages present in this location.

Another foxy woman with a beautiful feminine appearance, named Ari Blany, focuses her energy and conjures a fireball. "Frifire!"


The red energy pulsates in the air and takes the shape of a circle in the woman's palm.

Without hesitation, she hurls the ball at the wooden gate of the castle.


Everyone waits for a few moments, and nothing happens, so we quickly enter the castle and come face to face with elves. They are rare and weak beings, but extremely useful and valuable for magical experiments.

If I'm not mistaken, the city of Crownol is paying 30 magic crystals for each live elf, preferably elven women who are easily sold. If they can awaken their abilities, they can easily evolve into powerful and high-quality slaves.

Without much thought, I address my group. "Thirty magic crystals for each elf!" The fox woman who destroyed the gate retorts, saying, "Hahahaha! All these women are fertile and can be used as ingredients in my studies. I can't sell them; I want my share in blood!"

Brital D. Nol doesn't waste any time either and says, "I also want the price in blood. If they don't accept, I want some elves and the right to explore the inside of the castle first, and not only that, I want a magic core as compensation."

"Who are you? How dare you invade this place? Our master will destroy you!" exclaimed Wildy, a black elf with a teenage appearance, blond hair, and silver eyes. Upon hearing these words, I raise my hand and, with my energy, lift her off the ground by the neck, declaring, "Who do you think you are to speak to us in such a manner, inferior creature!"

While maintaining the energy pressure on her delicate neck, Kinfat Verlock, a noble mage who is almost advancing to level 2, intervenes, "I want this elf. Don't you dare harm her, otherwise, you'll owe me 30 magic crystals!"

Upon hearing his words, I waste no time and let the black elf fall to the ground. She gets up and looks at us with a frightened expression, which is almost amusing. She turns her back and starts running, but she doesn't move from her spot because the magic prevents her from doing so.

<[Currently in the present!]>

As I approach my castle, I realize that something is terribly wrong. The majestic structure that once stood proudly is now damaged and desolate. The gates, which used to protect and welcome visitors, are reduced to rubble and show severe signs of being burned by extremely hot fire.

A mix of shock and sadness overtakes me. My eyes examine every detail of the devastated scene, trying to understand what happened. The dragon from before doesn't seem to be responsible for this destruction. If it were, everything would have been turned to ashes with its powerful breath.

I descend slowly from the air, my feet touching the ground of my now ruined castle. I feel the pain in my heart as I gaze upon the wreckage that once symbolized power and greatness. A mixture of anger and sorrow engulfs me, and my scream of hatred echoes through the empty corridors.


"Who did this?!" My voice reverberates through the empty corridors, conveying all the frustration and determination burning within me. My fists clench tightly, and the energy from my gauntlet seems to pulsate in sync with my rage.

I look around for clues, trying to uncover the identity of the invaders. My mind races for answers, considering all the enemies who could have been responsible for such an attack. I vow to myself that I will avenge those who dared to defile my home and take my wives away from me.

In addition to the visible damage, the realization that everything has been looted fills me with rage. The invaders not only easily destroyed my fortress but also took with them the bodies of the elves I killed on the first day I entered this world.

The thieves dug the ground and took the bodies.

With each step I take through the corridors, my mind fills with questions. Who are these invaders? Why did they take the bodies of the elves? What purpose could they have?

I take a deep breath and continue walking, entering my old room. My eyes fixate on the small word written in blood on the wall of my room, where I used to sleep next to my beloved wives. The message, written in the elven language. Through the system, the message is automatically translated into a language I can understand. The words appear before my eyes.

"Other mages appeared... and..."

The message is incomplete, interrupted before the author could reveal the rest. A wave of concern and intrigue washes over me. Who are these "other mages" that have appeared? Where are they? Why did they take the bodies of the dead? Could the elves have some other value that I'm not aware of, such as being used as magical ingredients?


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