The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 9 **Time Skip**

“My dear new niece!” Borak loudly said.

With him being so loud, like he wanted everyone to hear him at this present point in time, Sahara didn’t know if he was acting or not…

Already she had to decipher someone’s actions and words and try to think about what he truly wants…Only knowing that he was her so called uncle…

Sahara looked up and stared at her new ‘uncle’. It seemed his smile could be because he was so high up, Sahara thought!

Yes, Borak didn’t bend done, closer to her level, instead stood there towering over her…

…Yet…She didn’t initiate any kind of conversation and Borak found himself uncomfortable with her silence.

Rude little thing!

“I am your biggest Uncle!”

And yet, Sahara continued to stare. Actually, she was this >< close to ignoring him!

…So what, you used to be my eldest brother.

Sahara was still not in a good mood and wasn’t wanting to waste time. If he just wanted to troll her, she won’t stand for it!


“Do you not know how to act with your elders young one? If one acts improper, then one will be punished.” Borak stated, wanting to make it obvious that she wasn’t giving him any face.

“I haven’t said anything disrespectful.” Sahara answered, very calmly.

Borak raised his eyebrows, he hadn’t expected very much at all from such a small thing. Yet, she had retaliated very well! He became even more interested in the reason of why this tiny, little girl was accepted into the family. “Little one, you are indeed correct. I am ashamed! Perhaps, I can offer advice to the little one to make amends?”

He watched her every move…And, looked at her features.

He noticed that she looked similar to Talon, with the brown hair and eyes. Her hair, of course, was still quite short and a bit fluffy…But, with only this small resemblance, can he say that she was an illegitimate child of Talon’s?


Sahara continued to stare at her new ‘Uncle’, finding it funny that he at first seemed to want to scold her and now seemed to want to be on her good side.

Borak seemed a little dismayed, to get her to talk seemed a feat in itself!

Sahara didn’t want him to linger longer then required, so she said, “Uncle, to make amends is not needed.”

With her wanting to close the conversation, Borak was stunned. She couldn’t be even three years old, yet she sounded like she knew what she was talking about…

“Very well, I am indebted to my new niece. Find me, if you are in need one day, then Uncle will help you!” Borak said unhappily.

He had wanted to get the better of the girl or get her to think that he could be her future master, but it turned out that he had gained absolutely nothing at all! He will just have to wait a couple of years…

With no further pleasantries, Borak left his new niece alone and she went back to staring at the scenery outside of the door.


Sahara had no intention to make her new ‘uncle’ unhappy, this was just the way she was. She didn’t want to linger on useless things like having someone indebted to her or fighting about common courtesy. Sahara had read many books, were characters got into trouble with just words, be blamed for something they didn’t do or fall into a trap. To her, she was a bit worried about all of these things happening…So, she was just trying not to stand out and on purposely saying as little as possible, thinking that it should help her survive longer in this historical era of doom…

Sahara turned her head back to the hall and found Borak staring at her in contemplation.

It looks like I might have made things worse. Not only do I have to be aware of whose people are who, but of my ‘Uncle’ himself.


Sahara was already tired about it, even though nothing had happened yet.

Why can’t I be looked upon as innocent and…And you know, like a child! Why is it that I feel like he thinks I’m already going to be someone to use!?

Not long after that the gathering slowly finished, and Sahara could return to her new ‘house’.

It had been a long day, a long week, a long year…

She really wanted to take it easy and relax!

Luckily, as Sahara started to learn how to become a lady and go back to ‘school’, cultivate and train, things didn’t happen as she had predicted when she became her own niece. Her ‘Uncle’ seemed to continue to lay low and didn’t interact with her very much at all.

Even though Sahara continued to see two lots of groups, nothing happened within the family that would be considered as a fight. With this, and over time, she didn’t let down her guard completely, but she tried to relax a little bit more.



Seeing as the technology Sahara used to entertain herself with on Earth didn’t exist here, she diligently put her effort into what her father wanted. It wasn’t as boring as she first thought, simply because cultivation was something she hadn’t really learnt before, and so, her second life was more fulfilling than she would have thought possible, at least in the first years of life…

Being able to basically live her real age while being alone, instead of that of whatever everyone sees her as, Sahara ended up ahead in her studies as well, just to ‘get it over with’.

It was a plus, she thought, if she can sleep during class!


‘School’ was easy, but Sahara was lazy. She was able to pick up on what she calls as ‘painting’ really quickly, as she had thought that using a brush, instead of a pen to write, was going to be a lot harder...At first, she thought she was going back to kindergarten! It was bigger and just seemed so…Stupid! In fact, Sahara tended to ‘paint’ really big at first and couldn’t seem to write smaller for some time. It was indeed a bit frustrating that she couldn’t just pick up a pen and write in a book!

Some things in this world were even better then that on Earth! It was like technology was different in nearly all aspects here! But…Just because they had this and this, didn’t mean they had that and that, you know? Actually, Sahara knows exactly what I’m talking about because I got this from her, but I totally understand! Because this world was different, they were brought up different…


Anyway, there was just something that felt ‘really behind in the times’ with Sahara, and that was how they ‘painted’ on ‘parchment’…

Sincerely, Sahara started to wonder how they had archived so much from the past with such problems!

In her last life there were hard drives and…And well storing data on the internet! Even if you did write down, the books you wrote in were small and had many pages!

Yeah…My rant is over, the author is getting upset that the story has not evolved in the last twenty or so seconds!

Where was I?

…Sahara did not stir up a scandal to say that she was a genius, but she seemed to look like she wasn’t listening to the teacher and yet would get full marks…So they could only assume that she was really was listening, considering that there weren’t many ways to cheat anyway…


Schooling in this world was different too but the basics, like maths, was something that Sahara could understand, simply because she had learnt it before. What was totally knew to her was that there didn’t really seem much downtime for ‘little kids’ like her…Well her age…I mean her so called age.

She was getting to three and they already wanted to plop her into school for at least three hours a day! That wasn’t including being taught to be a lady or cultivation or Martial Arts training!

What happened to playing in the dirt and running around with other ‘kids’?

It wasn’t like Sahara had the certain want to do that kind of thing, but she just wasn’t used to starting early!

Apparently though, this type of life where you started ‘school’ early but for just a couple of hours, seemed very…Normal…


Sahara’s ‘lady training’ was harder…In her previous life, she was a bogan…Dressed totally for comfort…Just thinking about the dresses in this present time though, and how uncomfortable they are, was enough to drive her insane!

Granted, she got over the ‘discomfort’ simply because she had no choice…But if she had a choice…Yeah, bogan style for the win!

Not only that, but her laziness also didn’t help her here either. She had to learn how to do everything all over again because she’d already started to slouch and walk differently to a lady. It seemed so hard, because Sahara hadn’t done this in her last life either, but…They really did punish you!


In ‘school’ she rarely got hit, but in ‘lady training’ she got hit very often!

What else was she to do but do as she was told! Sahara wasn’t stupid, she tried very hard to smash her habit and not get hit anymore!

It was also infuriating that she was an adult and being treated like a kid!

Being smacked with such an elder soul living inside the body was a bit embarrassing! It wasn’t like she wasn’t paying attention and being intentionally bad! Sahara could only mumble out her sorrows to the bad habit that her posture already got into and their strict rules!

Talon thought that her creasing eyebrows and pouting face was extremely cute and couldn’t help but watch her sometimes just because of that very reason, but Sahara was really having a tough time sometimes accepting being treated this way!


Whenever Sahara finished her ‘lady training’, she would breathe a sigh of relief and run away from the lady teacher.

On the other hand, Sahara much more preferred to cultivate and train in Martial Arts. Most of the time when she was doing these other two activities, she would be by herself. And through the years, people tended to know her as someone who rarely talks, and had quite a cold, distant personality.

Sahara had also seemed to use different clothes, that were of both that of a lady and male. She had wanted to go straight to male’s clothes, because of the comfortability, especially with Martial Arts, but Talon and Sahara had said many words to one another, and she could only negotiate to wear clothes of both male and female and only inside of the estate…




About eleven years after Sahara was reinstated as a ‘Rolland’ and had regarded this life as her primary life…It was also at this time, that not one, but two events were happening.

One was, Sahara’s ‘sister’ Gabriella, who had advanced in her schemes and bullying against her…And the other was a strange premonition, that made Sahara become more aware, even slightly anxious, yet again.

Sahara’s sister had only started with small tricks that would cause a scolding, but over the years it went to kneeling and to writing ‘lines’ as punishment.


Gabriella had quite an interesting way of getting Sahara into trouble! She seemed to be an opportunist, one at least smart enough to know that she had a bit of power and used it to her advantage! Gabriella was like…A kid assassin, nah, because she’s not killing Sahara…But she was really agile! She always had an alibi, she always had someone else to witness, always had that…Gah, she just seems to be like a natural at it for some reason…

Sahara had tried to befriend her, to stop this at the very start, but it had not worked out well for her. Ever since the last time Sahara tried, and Gabriella had schemed against her thoughtful behavior, Sahara dismissed the idea to befriend her totally. Sahara had only wanted peace, but she was also a realist and knew that that peace was what Gabriella didn’t want. So, if she didn’t want to stop and try to be mature, fine!


So…Over the years, for peace sack, Sahara had endured. Well, it wasn’t just to ‘endure’, Sahara hated this type of petty hate! She felt like she wasn’t deserving of it, but it was happening whether she liked it or not. It was hard to just ‘endure’ and leave it be, but Sahara felt it beneath her. Life shouldn’t evolve around someone bullying another like this and so…Sahara found it a ‘mission’, or ‘quest’, to continue on with life to be something that actually could be entertaining in itself.

To experience things, good or bad, was something Sahara did strive for anyhow so what was so bad about overcoming something so trivial anyway? And so, just over a year of ‘enduring’ ended up becoming years of pushing something nasty to the side of her ‘plate’!

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