The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 4 **Homeless…At Home!**

Sahara is a realist. And when she sees someone big, well, bigger than her, with a sinister smile on their face…She thinks that she’s a goner!

She had no allies and couldn’t even stand. Even if she let out some sharp, loud cry, it would not matter in the slightest! Hell, even if there was someone close by, you know, like a nanny, they might not care! Actually, Sahara wouldn’t be surprised if they were here seeing this right now and still didn’t do anything…

All Sahara could do, is stubbornly look at this boy in front of her.

…Just do it! The sooner you do whatever it is you do to me, the sooner I can find a solution! Although, I do have a certain suspicion that this thing here is related to me and I should be happy to have met someone else but…

A bad feeling had overcome her ever since seeing this boy and she had absolutely no want to celebrate whatsoever.

The boy bent down and picked up Sahara’s arm, then started to drag her along the floor. The boy seemed to help a bit sometimes, especially if there was a step over something but yes…Being dragged…This was a first for Sahara…Thank god it was a cooler season right now and she was wearing tatty clothes…Just imagine if it was hot and she hadn’t much on…


My arm hurts like hell! Really, babies are so tiny and easy to break!

Feeling her arm pop out of its socket, Sahara could no longer keep calm and she cried out a pitiful baby cry, but this boy did not stop…

What felt like at least five minutes or so, she was dragged. Her skin, underneath the clothes that hardly sheltered her as it was, was red due to the friction, and both of her feet were bleeding. Sahara had wanted to pick up her feet, but of course, she hadn’t the strength. Her bum was soft and found every single rock that it went over. She didn’t think she got cut open down there, but she was sure that she would get quite a few bruises…Her arm, which hurt tremendously, seemed to start going a little bit numb, as Sahara guessed that the blood seemed to slow down in flowing through it…Or something…


Sahara had never experienced this kind of pain, where she was absolutely helpless and powerless…Ever!

Normally she’s like, ‘Hey, pain lets you know you’re alive’, and try to shrug it off…But screw those words! This was torture for her and her baby’s body!

Hey, scumbags in this shithole! Why are you not seeing a boy dragging a baby to here!

Honestly, Sahara had not seen anyone on the way down, not that she was looking, but she really was quite astonished to realize that the boy had been able to go so far doing this kind of thing! Perhaps, she thought, that he choose this moment on purpose…Perhaps that’s why he’s being ‘quick’, from her point of view…But she lost her thoughts as bumps and pain made her cringe in discomfort.

This whole place sucks! Forget Matildaering just a person, I’ll Matilda this whole place!

…Sahara hadn’t even been able to calm herself down, before the boy let her go and ran away all of a sudden…

What…Does he think I’ll chase him? Run little man run!

As much as Sahara wanted to laugh like a vampire in her head, she winced instead to the pain in her arm…




Sahara’s arm felt heavy and limp, and the agony of it was now starting to tear her apart!

Letting out a whimper, she closes her eyes tight and tries to calm herself down. Attempting to ‘bite’ on her pinkie finger, she started to gain more mental awareness and she looked around from where she was. Sahara happened to be just outside of what was called the ‘Rolland Estate’.


Mumbling her sorrows away, she tries to quickly crawl back inside, before something worse happens!

He couldn’t have been older then twelve or thirteen! How can someone so young, be so vicious! Surely that was a prank right, and he’d come back for me later? Right?

Sahara didn’t want to wait if her thoughts were right though, she didn’t want to be dragged all the way back again either…Hell, even if a nice adult came to take her back, did she really want to go back?

But…What other choice does she have right now? She didn’t even have teeth to bite on her pinkie finger!

And…What if they didn’t come back to get her anyway? No, she thought, she had to do something!


Unable to go far, because of the pain traveling down her arm, Sahara stops just inside of the estate.

She knew that she needed to pop her arm back in its place but…Could she do it?

I can’t even walk, for crying out loud!

Shaking her head, Sahara knew of her predicament. Even if she couldn’t pop her arm back in or not, she just knew it had to be done!

And as soon as possible!

As it was, it would take…So long to find her ‘house’!

Looking in all directions inside of the estate, Sahara had no idea in which way to go. She started to wonder if there was even a point on even trying to return to her ‘house’, before they figure out that she wasn’t even there anymore. If she calculated correctly, her arm, even put back together, probably would still hurt, in which making it a slow journey, and what were the chances of going the right way in the first place?

This is absolutely ridiculous! I’m ganna be in so much pain and I have to go somewhere just to survive! …Just think of it as a game, right? W, A, S, D…Shift click to run…Hide during the night-time…Right, I gotta find shelter!


Sahara already couldn’t believe the hate of the olden days back in her previous life! But now…She had no choice but to believe it, and deal with it!

The situation that she was in, was quite dire. And due to realizing this, Sahara had to take immediate action! So, her survival instincts kicked in and she stopped thinking too much, for if she thought too much of pain or her circumstance, she’d never find that ‘shelter’ that she ‘needed’ to do before ‘nightfall’.

Sahara crawled closer to the wall of the estate and slammed herself against it, with her puny, small strength…And felt even worse pain!

This has to work, right? I mean I’ve seen it at least twice in movies or shows…

For a moment Sahara felt like perhaps it could be wrong, especially because of feeling even more pain now!


Closing her eyes, Sahara tried to pinpoint the pain in her arm and moved it around at her shoulder and had a vague idea on how what to do next…Even though she was no doctor…

What else could she do but give it another try?

Turning slightly around, so that this time she was hitting her arm in a different location, she took a deep breath…

Clenching her jaw, Sahara tried one last time, but this time in the ‘right spot’ and a noise was heard, telling her that it had worked. It wasn’t a loud noise, like she used to ‘hear’ from movies, but it most definitely felt like it was put back into the ‘right’ spot again…

Perhaps she hadn’t have done it the ‘doctor’s’ way but hey, it worked!

Highly advised not to do this at home peoples!


Because of moving in a specific direction and hitting her arm, it seemed to have pounced out of where it ‘was’ and automatically went to where it’s ‘supposed’ to be. It was more of a fluke! Sahara probably had no idea upon how lucky she was to have this ‘stupid idea’ actually work…

Tears escaped her eyes, to the pain, and she tried not to scream, luckily her low baby’s whimper hadn’t gotten any attention. God knows what would happen if someone found her here at the door to the place…They might even kick her out! No doubt the doors would shut very soon or something…Dam though, she winced again…Her arm still hurt quite a lot!

Waiting for a short while, for the pain to subside, Sahara looked around while holding her poor, little arm.


The entrance was quite large and had an archway. Sahara was all but convinced now, that her ‘stupid father’ had a decent amount of money. In her sight, there were four little houses. The biggest one looked like a gathering or reception area and two houses away from that…Looked like a kitchen!

Sahara’s smile reached her ears, making her nearly forget about her recent sorrows!

Food! Food was needed in survival! I’ve accomplished one thing, yay! Now I just need water…

Sahara forgot that games were different to real life and felt like half her problems were already gone. Of course, there’s more to it than that, which actually keeps her more on her toes then that of a game. She had to worry about her ‘business’ that happens quite frequently, she also had to worry about finding somewhere safe to sleep! There was also the problem of dealing with the pain of teething. Without the new age gum relief stuff that she had even tried as an adult, the pain is annoying!


Nonetheless, I haven’t the heart to tell Sahara that things have now gotten harder for her, considering the ‘lack but constant’ milk supply is now gone…Let us go back to see what she does, shall we…

The so called ‘kitchen’ was a good distance away, but Sahara felt determined! Still uneasy on her arm, as she slowly started to crawl, Sahara used the least amount of pressure on it and tried to forget the lingering pain.

Perhaps she should have looked at the other two houses, or see if there were other people nearby, but her instincts were in charge right now and led her to the kitchen without any extra problems. Perhaps the boy’s knowledge of ‘no one being around’ went for longer than she thought…

Was the population on this planet less then, because I swear on Earth that you could rarely pee in your own backyard without anyone knowing!


I’m catching myself here before I get carried away with drones and whatnot…Yay me!

This was how it always was…If Sahara wholeheartedly followed her instincts, she would get good luck!

After quite some time, Sahara finally made it, and found people inside. She wondered what they would do if they saw her…Luckily, Sahara saw that the kitchen was quite a big place, and that people weren’t that close by to where she was near the door. It was a gamble! Or was it a game to her now? Perhaps Sahara was really worried about her predicament deep down and was hiding it through giving herself challenges?

It really wasn’t a good thing to be…Homeless, at your own home…


Well, if Sahara was worried, she hid it well as she still wanted to continue to not be seen by anyone.

Sighing, Sahara knew it probably wouldn’t be anything good, so she continued to look around to try and find a hiding spot. Strangely enough, there was a place near the fire, behind the smoke rocks!

Sahara did worry if it would be a place where she’d burn or become too hot, but she really couldn’t linger on the decision, and quickly crawled there to get out of sight.

Again, Sahara sighed, this time in relief, as she was safe from being burnt and had not been seen by anybody.

But this relief didn’t last long…

Suddenly, a loud noise came from right beside her!


Shaking her head and wanting to laugh, Sahara had found herself in a weird predicament.

The reason why she was able to hide here, was because someone had taken away the garbage container. Now it had returned, but it also blocked off her ‘crawling’ escape…

Mmm, should I be happy or sad about this?!

Not sure on her current situation, Sahara decided though, that it should be safe enough to have a rest. The body was still that of a toddler, needing a lot of sleep was normal. Well, those were her thoughts, as she could feel her exhausted, and still painful body, drift off to sleep.

In a strange way, she was comforted. She had heat from the fire, and it wasn’t like she wasn’t used to sleeping on the floor, as it was what she had done in her previous life. Her first night away from her bed wasn’t actually too bad!



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