The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 22 **Purging the poison**

Reading all of those novels, where the main leads stayed with their families when things went down…Sahara had troubles. When reading them she wondered why the main characters hadn’t left their families, Sahara used to think it was a waste of time. Revenge, who cares about it? What the hell are they staying for? Revenge was not worth wasting years over, it granted nothing and left you nothing. Move on and live your life…All the bullying, why stay for that? It just didn’t make any sense, whatsoever, to Sahara…


Honestly, she can understand a bit more now, as she had needed to grow stronger, probably like them…But…Still…

I might be able to handle it to some extent…But who wants so much work!? Wouldn’t it be easier to leave such a burden behind and go adventuring?

The problem was…She had liked more than just one thing back in the estate…That was why. Did the characters stay for that too? Perhaps they also needed time to get stronger, just like she did, and liked their stepbrother or an animal or something?

But right now, Sahara couldn’t remember any books and think about why they had stayed in their predicaments…

She will have to think about it later…


Sahara knew that there were things that stopped a person from leaving their family. They had written genealogies in this era, stating your connection to the family, but…Being able to be crossed off from that genealogy, with her father being the Right Minister…Sahara knew that leaving the family the right way, would probably never happen!

But Sahara didn’t want to care about that. If they were going to kill or harm her, she’d much prefer to leave without their approval and do without it!

She didn’t much care for reputation, and she had trained as hard as she could, and will continue to do so, to be strong enough to support her own decision!

Now that Sahara had finalized her thoughts…Her new resolution was to never call the Rolland Estate her home ever again!


Sahara sighed, being homeless in her previous life before, she wasn’t new to this kind of life of being without a family. The potential of getting rained on, no money and not knowing when food was to come to you next…Sleeping in shelters owned by the city and having to get ‘moved on’. Not eating properly and taking advantage of those religious people who cared. Sahara hadn’t had many showers when she was homeless, so she had smelled, especially her feet. She hadn’t been able to take her shoes off for days, because of the smell…

For the second time…Her own family had made her homeless…Or is it a third now!?

But she was lucky! She had food and water stashed in her ‘universal bag’…She just couldn’t move…Yet…

I will make it on my own! It’s not like I haven’t done that before!




Sincerely, Sahara hadn’t realized how awesome ‘Bending Space’ meditation was. Being able to force things apart and bring things together, was just too good! It did seem to rely a little on sight, but even though her sight was blurry, seeing the poison, was still quite easy…For some reason…Did that mean that what she saw with the object, was not the same as with her eyes? How could that be so though, if anything, shouldn’t it be the other way around, because the object has no eyes? Confusion really came easily to Sahara as she shook her head to her thoughts…

Sahara might know how to use the meditation ‘Bending Space’, but it didn’t mean she understood it completely…It was like being able to say a joke, even the way it sounds and the looks you would make on your face, yet not having a clue what is funny about it…It was like that…


All the particles or molecules, or whatever they were in the small liquid, was extremely taxing, but it worked a lot better, than blindly trying to force the poison out!

Being able to see because of that little bit of liquid, Sahara was able to see the inside of her body, and saw all the little, blurry bits of blackness of the poison.

Honestly…Sahara was glad that her eyesight wasn’t particularly good right now, as she was assuming that seeing the inside of a body might be a bit gruesome…As it was, she was damned lucky that she knew what it was that she was taking out of her body. If it wasn’t such an obvious, ominous looking thing in her sight, she’d probably be too scared to touch anything! Well, that is, too scared until she started to really getting to know what is normal inside of the body…


Back on her bed, in the Rolland Estate, Sahara had known that she hadn’t been able to move her hands, so she had spent a short amount of time of not purging the poison from her organs. Due to making up her mind of leaving the ‘crazy’ family, she purged the poison from her hands instead, so that she could release those who were touching them.

It had been the time after that ‘woman’ had come in…

After teleporting, Sahara had gone back to purging the poison from her organs again, making her arms become somewhat stiff once more.


If they hadn’t been holding her hand in the first place, she wouldn’t have had to go to the extreme case of purging poison in an unimportant place!

Even though she thought this, there was indeed a place in her heart that felt special that there were people there that had been sad for her…So, she wasn’t unhappy that she had to do more work.

Back then, she was sincerely running out of spiritual essence and knew that when she teleported, that she wouldn’t have been able to go very far…

Nonetheless…I’m getting better now…I made it out! I really need some sympathy right now! I did good, right!?

A tear escaped, not really noticed though by Sahara, but she was indeed slightly extra emotional right now with all that she’s had to endure.

I mean, she did nearly die! She also has had pain in this, it wasn’t an easy episode of ‘Sahara 4.0’!


After a certain amount of time, Sahara was able to move enough to eat, which came at a good time before she starved or died from dehydration instead. Luckily, she didn’t need to go out to eat or drink, or her eyes to see and ears to hear, as the food and water was inside of her all this time!

The next strange thing that she did, after teleporting, was to empty her bowels and bladder, using the same strategy as removing the poison. In fact, this was the main reason that she made a net with her sweat. Sahara wanted to make sure that she could do it to begin with, to help her…Relieve herself…

Being unable to move, Sahara knew this was a problem! And just like many others, she was sure, she didn’t want to wee her pants like a little baby!


Funnily enough, the ‘sweat net’ worked, in not just flushing her poison, but also her…Deeds. Sahara expanded some areas, to take her ‘deeds’ out, and then her skin bounced right back! It wasn’t pleasant, it also carried some pain, but because of the poison, Sahara endured through it, probably better then if she hadn’t gotten poisoned…

Another thing that she thought about, when she needed to gain her spiritual essence back, was about her skin. She was worried…

After everything she did to it, it’s probably yelling out it’s abuse to her! So, Sahara tried to think in more detail about the ‘Bending Space’ meditation and wondered if it was working on her skin this whole time…Somehow…

Sahara wasn’t too sure how she could figure this out, but she knew that she wanted to keep an eye on things, because…Well, who would want stretch marks!?

Thinking about this, she felt herself slip a few times in her thoughts, as they turned…Angry!

But, before she could let her thoughts wander off, on why she was angry, Sahara would try to think of something else…




After three whole months Sahara could move her whole body the way she had before, having to keep her blood flow slow though, so that the poison that was still in her system won’t spread much further. She didn’t run or train in Martial Arts, which made her upset…As she was used to routine and having to change it, and the reason why she had to change it, would make anyone angry!

Sahara was also one of those people that would gain weight if she stopped exercising but having been starved for a while, she didn’t particularly want to worry too much about that. Even if she did gain some weight, she will just have to lose it later…It’s not every day that you survive a killing poison after all…


Although, she has found that her body here is different to what it was like on Earth. It’s now like she had a third arm, but her metabolism was slightly different. Whether it’ll change, considering she’s just a child still, or not…Sahara liked it better and hoped that it would stay like this, as the part of her that is lazy would prefer it that way…

Anyway, her food and water lasted until she was on the outer part of the capital city, luckily none of it had spoiled having been in ‘storage’ all this time. Sahara didn’t know what it was that kept it from going bad, but the food and water tasted like it was just made or just poured. She was still in testing stages of her ‘storage’ and was very relieved to the fact that it worked, when she really needed it too.


This also gave Sahara something else to think about, and it also gave her the impression that she was trying very hard not to think of something that seemed to sweep over her quietly and darkly.

It was a similar feeling of being in denial…Or was it denial?

Nonetheless, Sahara could feel herself start to merge towards some kind of dark territory that she had been once before!

Trying to remember what she was thinking about, she shook her head and tried to concentrate more.


After a day or two of thinking about her skin, Sahara thought that perhaps since her body and skin is alive, that it was helping in preventing the food from spoiling. As it was, the body was miraculous…Well, she thought it was. And when Sahara thought that she could be her very own ‘refrigerator’ and ‘oven’, it seemed easily acceptable. Her other idea was that she was like the center of a black hole where, assumingly, no time passes, which does also fit the case, simply because the food is exactly like it is when going into ‘storage’…And really, how big are black holes anyway? They take in whole planets and it’s like they pounce back…Just like her skin…

What bothered her, was that she couldn’t come up with any other ideas. She didn’t have a flowing water area, like many others in books. She didn’t have a garden, nor a spa area…All she could think of, is that her own body is nurturing the food as it thinks it’s supposed to…And all by itself! Again, it was just something else that she didn’t understand about the ‘Bending Space’ meditation…

Whether it was right or not…The lazy side of Sahara was very happy with that idea and didn’t want to further indulge in the topic!



The vast land, that was in her sight now, looked scary at night, being so black and dark.

Sahara replenished her food, water and some other necessities, then spent her last night in the comfort of an inn, before venturing off further away from the outskirts of Green Haven.

Through her teleportation, she was able to…Steal…All of these things. And, as well, stole the inn room…Yeah, Sahara just sorta took it without paying as well…Leaving a locked door with crumbled bed sheets behind it…Ah, to see the look on the face of the one showing another to the room, only to see that it wasn’t ready for someone to use because it looked like it wasn’t cleaned properly from the last time someone used it! It made Sahara want to laugh!


Actually, Sahara did question herself on why she didn’t stay within Green Haven, considering she was getting away with stealing. I mean, it wouldn’t be hard to change her look and pretend to be somebody else…Right?

Oh! I could do what many of the characters did and pretend to be a male! Haha, I’m so doing that!

But, through her new exciting idea, she still felt like she needed to go out there, to the vast land area.

Even if she did come back to Green Haven, Sahara had to venture out and send out her stars. As she was…Curious.

Even though she was poisoned, Sahara thought that now was a good as a time then any, to go and cure her poison, as well as her curiosity…

Besides, what if she was seen while still in Green Haven? She really didn’t want to put up with anyone finding her until she was ready for it! And…And why does she want to stay anyway!? Hasn’t she endured enough!? It was better to just be on her own…

There was no other way, Sahara was leaving the whole of Green Haven, and that was that!



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