The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 210 **More Emperorish**

It was time for the men to start focusing or Sahara will just intercede!

They had to get over this like good little children!

They had to move on so that they could finally come together and try to stop the condensing of the spiritual essence!

Should it really be so hard!?

Maybe…Getting all these leaders together might not initially be easy but seriously! It’s a matter of survival here!

Look at those movies back on earth, all the people united when they all had the same type of problem! Why can’t they fucking do it now!


Letting go and opening her eyes, she saw Matthew looking at her and put a hand up to his head.

His hair was a mess…


It was probably a good time to wake up anyway, even though not much time had passed, but it was quite windy up here! It was sorta cold!

Matthew gathered her up closer to him and hummed into her ear. “This Prince doesn’t want to return!”

Sahara giggled, “The mighty Prince Charming is scared?”

Pinching her side, making her squeal because of it, Matthew smiled into her ear, “No, not scared, you silly girl!”

Putting his lips to her neck, he put his teeth onto her skin and very lightly bit her.

“Hey! That’s…That’s what…” Sahara blinked a few times and put her head into his own neck.

She was going to say ‘that’s what vampires do’ but she knew, quite a while ago, that vampires here didn’t even exist in stories, so it was probably better to never mention them!


“That’s what? Mmm?” Matthew turned her once again onto her back, already making his way to be inside her legs once again.

“That’s…What…” Sahara put her bottom lip between her teeth and looked up at him from below him, holding back from smiling.

…The conversation was completely forgotten…

Reaching out to him and bringing him down to her, Sahara then placed her legs around him and giggled, “You’re mine!”

Matthew let out a small huff and lifted a part of her up as he brought them together as one, making Sahara and himself let out their own noises.

“I think more that you are mine, not that I am yours!” Matthew stated, as he continued.

Sahara stared at him with somewhat glassy eyes and sighed, “Well…Well…” But nothing else was said as she wasn’t even sure how to make sense of things right now…


It could only last so long though, before reality set in…Just one more lovemaking session and both of them had to go back to remembering that they had things to do and people to see…

“Ah! What about Kin! He’s probably hungry!” Sahara was getting dressed at this time and looked up at Matthew.

Matthew had a stern look at her, before continuing to dress himself, “Oh? You care now? This morning…Oph!”

Sahara had poked him into the stomach, and it had been so sudden and strong that Matthew put a hand there and glared at her!

“What did this Prince do to deserve that!?” He asked!

Sahara gave him a quick glance, then looked away. She continued to get dressed even though she knew his eyes were on her.

She finished dressing and just as she went to turn around, arms went around her, and she smiled.

“My dearest…”

Sahara waited, “…Yes?”

“I love you.”

Turning slowly towards her man, Sahara put a hand to his face and smiled…After a small pause, making even Matthew unsure of what she was going to do with his confession, Sahara finally said, “I love you too!”

Matthew smiled for a moment and then pretended to looked grieved, “You made me wait.”

Sahara shook her head and took his belt, the last of his attire to be fixed, “…I thought you were a patient man?”

Matthew kept his stance, as he watched her with his belt and swallowed, “Most of the time…I am patient…”

Thinking of their time together not long ago, Matthew made her look at him and he kissed her. What happened to times where he could spend all night with his loving wife, all night naked and tossing with her…

It had been quite a number of days since they have really been able to just relax.

Deepening the kiss, Matthew heard her groan into him, and he pushed her into him further, hardly able to hold himself back!


“It’s not fair…” Sahara sighed as she pushed away from her man.

Being able to hear his thoughts didn’t help, as she wanted to move along with them, but also, knowing what he was thinking would have indeed led them to another type of action!

It wasn’t fair that she had to be the one to stop what they wanted!

“Ready?” She asked, putting on what she thought was a ‘business’ face.

Matthew took a deep breath and kissed her forehead, “This Prince will have to be patient after all…”

Sahara smiled quickly, then teleported them directly to Kin, as she was pretty sure that he would be wailing away for some substance…

And indeed, he was…The poor little lad!

This time Matthew could not get angry at his beloved for somewhat ‘forgetting’ their son!

He could only sigh as he left to go see his father…Where was that man anyway!?

…Where else?

Obviously, he was at the fighting stage, or whatever they were calling it!




Sahara wished it was ‘just another day with sunshine and lollipops’…But it wasn’t.

Of course, feeding Kin was number one priority upon returning and well, then there was dinner and sleep, but the next 24 hours become an eyesore…a heartsore, a bodysore…An allsore sort of day…One that sort of ends in a huge anticlimactic way…

Upon dropping off her man, and his men, to his designated stop, that being the palace where the meeting was taking place, Sahara scowled at him, pretty sure that today was just going to be another flop in their ‘discussion’!

Matthew could only smile at her with his eyebrows raised…Almost like he had a plan…

Did he remember that she could read his mind?

He didn’t have much of a plan, besides that of the one that they last had!

Sahara breathed out after he went and shook her head…

She wished, oh how she wished that she could leave it to the men!

But her job wasn’t done! Oh no! She had to be the Taxi Man!

And so…She had to pick up everyone else, considering that she took them home the day before…

Had she forgotten or wished that they wouldn’t have to meet again…

Perhaps someone miraculously had learnt her mediation in cultivation and took over her role…But no…

One by one, Sahara had to go pick everyone up!


First it was the Purple Emperor…

He sighed upon seeing her, yet he knew the meeting had not come to a close…

Emperor Seth had been astonished to find himself suddenly back at home the day before but didn’t take long to get over it…Considering all the work he had upon his return.

It was a nice type of holiday but then…

To him, it felt like an eternity since he had last been at the meeting. He had gone to another meeting, to make up for lost time. Then he had to see his child, his newborn daughter…Then he had to try to see his Queen, who seemed to have changed to become some strange woman that came out of nowhere…

Now…After a short night sleep, he was summoned elsewhere again, because his own Haven may be at risk!

This job…His title…His worth, his payment, his so-called entitlement…

“Have a safe trip, Your Majesty.”

Emperor Seth looked at the girl who bowed her head to him and sighed…I

Is she the only one that cares?

Then, upon looking at Sahara, Emperor Seth could only frown. “You look like you know what I’m thinking…”


Sahara rolled her eyes, was she to tell the truth? Besides, doesn’t he already know?

Wouldn’t he have found out just in the last couple of days that that is exactly what she can do?

“…Some say the King is able to do whatever he wants…” Sahara said something vague, perhaps it was to continue the ‘secret’, if it truly was still a secret, or that of trying to kick some balls into Seth…Or something like that…

“Some say…” Was all he said in return…

Sahara narrowed her eyes slightly and then said, “Your Majesty…Life is…What you make it…”

Oh, how cliché is that! Omg! I’m really in a book now!

Sahara looked down and told herself off for one of the most used lines in history!


“…What is it that you mean by this line?” Emperor Seth had stopped and looked squarely at Sahara.

Sahara looked at him, and into him…Feeling that he had indeed changed since she had last seen him…He was more…Regal now…More Emperorish…

Smiling, Sahara nodded, “You have grown, Your Majesty!”

Emperor Seth frowned at her, “It means that I have grown? Then why do I feel like I have lost out?”

Seeing him this way, Sahara let out a small laugh and then said, “I apologize, Your Majesty…I just felt like you have grown more into your title since I last saw you!”

Emperor Seth frowned, “You saw me the day before…”

Sahara blinked, then nodded, “Right…No, I mean before that! I mean, before yesterday…”

It seemed that Sahara was starting to walk a fine line with this Emperor Seth, and he looked sternly at her, “You have a talent of putting people off their path of thought.”

Sahara looked from him, to around him, and wondered why he would say that…

“State what your advice meant…About making life what it is.”


Making life what it is…Uh?

Emperor Seth almost lost his complete composure as he tried to remember her exact words, “Life…Is what you make it. Explain it to me…”

Sahara showed her obvious remembrance by letting out a noise and nodding, “Yeah, life is what you make it!”

Emperor Seth waited…Only to find that Sahara stated nothing else…

“And that means?” He probed.

Sahara looked back at him, almost like he was inhuman. “…You live a life only once…”

Except if you are like me…

Sahara nearly laughed…Nearly, but then continued, “So, you make the best of it, try not to have regrets and make sure your happiness is met as much as possible!?”

Was that what it meant? I’ve died once and come back, so does that actually change circumstance for me?

“It means for me to be happy? A king, with a declining Haven? And how do I achieve that!?”

Sahara looked at Emperor Seth and found his fury hardly able to be contained.

Does he have a point? I mean, how can he achieve happiness as much as possible? How can he make his life worthwhile?


Sahara frowned, “Your…”

Going silent, still not sure what to say, Emperor Seth finally put up his hands, “Oh! You are all knowing, are you not!? You know the world is going to end and here you stand unsure on what to say!?”

Sahara felt a sort of rage going through him, almost like he was trying to make her feel the blame for his problems.

Would that make him feel better then?

Was she supposed to hear him out and just let him rant at her like this?

“What? Nothing to say? Yet, you have so much to say earlier, telling us the world could come to an end! Do you not know how little we care!”

Sahara finally got angry, “Why do you not care!?”

“We don’t believe it!” Emperor Seth let out a laugh, almost like some crazy part of himself got free for a moment.

But, just as quickly as this strange Emperor took place, the real one came back. “…I apologize.”


It was almost like whiplash…

But…It was also what she needed to hear…Wasn’t it?

“Is it true? No one believes me? Even though they have seen it?”

Emperor Seth stayed silent as Sahara looked at him and found it. It wasn’t like they all talked about it a great deal at the meeting…No…They had not brought it up at all…It had been like a silent agreement not to bother.

Sahara let out a laugh and looked away, almost in shock.

Putting a hand to her mouth, she almost collapsed to the floor.

“I can’t believe this…” She muttered.

“Sahara?” Emperor Seth went to help keep her up on her feet, only to fall with her when she lost herself in her thoughts.

If I have one, two, three, four Emperors…Four Emperors, who are the Kings over havens…If I have four of those and I am not taken seriously…Oh god…I’m alone in this…Oh shit…

Not once had Sahara honestly thought that she would not get help in this predicament…

Could they not see!?

Could they…

In what felt like pure astonishment, Sahara almost cried!

What…What do I do now!?


Looking up at Emperor Seth, Sahara faked a smile…


It was all business…Right?

Teleporting them all…

It was all business…

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