The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 206 **Eggs and Bacon!**

“What’s going on?”

Sahara turned to Nether, not quite used to having to explain herself, but she knew that Steven also was curious…He just didn’t say it…

“Keith has taken control of the army, so it’s almost like we are back to square one…” Sahara stated. “I’m contemplating on teleporting him as well to the meeting that is happening…”

Basically, it was a meeting to stop the war, so if the army was still marching towards an incoming attack, then it was still not good enough…The meeting needed this Keith now…Wasn’t that right?

But hadn’t she been kicked out of the meeting!?

Honestly having thought the army to have gone haywire, she let out a brief laugh. It just would have been fun to watch and now it’s almost like she’s given herself more work instead!

If she hadn’t have come by…

Perhaps she had followed instincts?

‘Master, we did not tell you to come this way.’ A voice in her head suddenly said.


So then, she really did come in curiosity to watch a fun thing, only to really come across something that may be worthwhile bringing up to…

Should she just leave it? If her instincts didn’t say anything, does it mean it’s not worth worrying about?

Clearing his throat, Steven said, “Whatever it is that we do, we should decide, they may spot us sooner rather than later.”

It was true…They were getting extremely close now…


“Mmm,” Sahara stated. “Hold on!”

Slowly she made Naruto smaller and smaller, and they were able to get their footing on the ground. Then, Sahara picked up Naruto and teleported them all away.

Finding themselves in the middle of what Sahara thought was the ‘meeting area’, she found that minimal people were there.

“Where is everyone?” She asked out loud to no one in particular.

Are they finished? Finally!? It would be great to get such a huge thing done and dusted! In just three hours!

She had only checked in once, but at that time it had looked like they weren’t done…Could she had misjudged?

“Your Highness, the Emperor’s have decided to stop and have a meal.”

Sahara stared and raised her eyebrows, then sarcastically said, “Oh sure, let’s have something to eat!”

Mumbling, Sahara continued, “Nothing can beat fish and chips…Or a barbecue!”

With the strange look she got from the maid, Sahara sighed to her sarcasm, or was it sarcasm…A BBQ could actually be quite good! With that she remembered a shirt from back on her earth days, and why she remembered it! Exercise, then the next line said ‘Eggs and sides’, then the next line said ‘Eggs and Bacon!’. Yeah, that was great!

“Take me to…” She nearly said Matthew, “Take me to my Prince!”

It was the next best thing…

“Yes, of course, Your Highness!”

With that they followed behind a maid…



“That doesn’t change the fact that this isn’t working!”

Sahara could hear them talking as she got closer. They were obviously upset that the meeting wasn’t going as well as they had planned…

So, it wasn’t over then…

As much as she wasn’t surprised, she was still a little bit upset that it wasn’t over and done with…

What were the bloody men doing all day!?

“Perhaps we underestimated the Red King’s patience and stubbornness!”

Walking in, Sahara sighed and sat down, not even letting them know that she was there.

Steven and Nether silently followed her lead and sat down too, while silently shooing the maid away.

“Trying to take advantage of this isn’t happening, perhaps we should just go straight to deciding what absolutely needs to be done to stop the war instead.”

Joshua rubbed his forehead, almost reaching his limit. He had tried so hard not to lose his cool so many times that he was tired…So tired!

He really wished his Emperor would let it go and just let the meeting to end the war to take place…As it was, they had wasted all this time trying to get compensation, only to obtain nothing and have wasted this time and effort…

He had indeed been wanting compensation and to take advantage but since they had started it now felt like it was all worthless…A big waste of time!

Sahara shook her head, not surprised in the least! She had told them ages ago that trying to take advantage of this was useless!

And…It seemed that they didn’t follow up on the threat with the Red King stealing something that wasn’t his…

Taking a deep breath in, Sahara took out a star and closed her eyes.


Why did they have to do it their way!?

If it were up to her, she wouldn’t ask for compensation, she’d just make the war go away, where Green Haven didn’t lose out of course, and then talk about what really mattered! We were all people at the end of the day, why do we have to continue to treat each other like shit!

They had four? Four Emperor’s or King’s here! It was the best time to put their heads together and try to stop the end of the world!

So stupid!

Sahara was seething as she zoomed in on Red Haven and looked for a dungeon from what she had seen in the Red Haven King’s mind.

It took a while actually and without knowing, she was found out by those inside the room and then a commotion happened because of Naruto but…Sahara was too busy looking for this ‘threat’ to the Red Haven’s King! Actually, Naruto had been pretty well behaved at first! He had been on his feet and carrying people for a while, so he had rested and was happy right next to Kin! But…The little man had started to whimper and so the fox was slowly wanting more and more attention…At first look you wouldn’t think that Naruto was trying to get someone to tend to the poor little man but that’s what his little rampage was for!

Found him!

Teleporting the almost dead person into the room, Sahara opened her eyes to seeing Felix on the floor with a strange look on his face as Naruto was licking him.


Sahara blinked and then looked up to see a bit of a mess and Matthew, “Hi.”

Matthew let out a chuckle and failed at holding back a smile, “Sahara…”

Seeing the near dead person, who was pale and not even noticing his different surroundings, Sahara pointed, “This, this is the real King of Red Haven. They only kept him alive because they needed his blood for the decrees.”

Finally, she had the full attention of all in the room and she smiled at them, “He’ll be spitting chips if he sees this man alive and well and outside of a dungeon! How funny…Would that be!?”

Spitting chips?

Seeing them finally nod or smile themselves, Sahara shook her head.

Bloody Men! I suppose I better heal him then…

Sahara got to work with the pale man that seemed delirious, while the others began to once again make plans.

Is it bad that we are using this poor soul? Well, not me, I’m not using him, but they want too! But still, don’t we want him on our side, not being used and forced to go with what we say? But, if we do this right, we’d get his throne back for him, right?

Sahara was a bit out of sorts while getting the pale man back to better health.

He had a few problems, such as iron deficiency, malnutrition, vitamin d deficiency…But there was indeed something that probably made a lot of sense…And that was that the man was indeed a bit strange. Perhaps it was the reason that someone else took the throne from beneath them but, this man wasn’t really ‘completely there’ in the head…

Having healed a lot of different type of problems before now, Sahara still had no idea upon how to heal the brain or mind. She didn’t know how to stop someone from stammering or to help someone to think properly…There really was so many things that could be wrong with a human that really, she had only healed about half of problems that they may have, and what’s to say the other half could be healed at all!?

This isn’t just any normal healing here…This is like healing 2.0…A Greater heal…I need a priest from a game or something…


Opening her eyes, she could see the man blankly looking at her, with not much to his eyes or face at all…

It seemed that the current Red Haven Emperor took the throne pretty easily. It wouldn’t be hard to overstep someone that could hardly think for themselves…

But Red Haven had been using blood to do decree’s simply because of a King from a long time ago being paranoid. The current Red Haven King was trying to abolish that type of law, where royal blood was needed to create a decree, but had not quite succeeded yet, considering that not only had the law been in for a few hundred years, but others didn’t understand upon why to get rid of it in the first place. So…Nothing had happened…If they thought about it properly, they might think that there was a reason for it and that reason was that someone not with the royal blood was currently on the throne… The only thing that could be done was to keep taking blood from the real Red Haven King and not let him die.

Sahara wanted to scoff at this, but she knew that this place was different to Earth, and that blood could be recognized by someone easily here.

It does become known that Red Haven isn’t the only one that has this law though, as another Haven also installed this law in their own Haven not long before the golden bridge had disappeared.

Nonetheless, it was apparent that Sahara had another thing to learn in the ways of healing…And so…She had to find where the problem is, in this man’s head, and see what the difference was between normal and not normal.

Perhaps having an Earth doctor come to her and explain to her what she was looking for would have helped but…She couldn’t do that…


“I don’t know what to do…” Sahara said, scratching her head that was tilted to the side.

“Are you saying that he will be like this? Someone that is incoherent? How can we use this to our advantage!?” The Green Haven Emperor almost yelled.

Sahara looked at him and frowned, “Hey! Don’t come to me saying that I haven’t helped or done anything! I just came up with an idea, is all, doesn’t mean that it’ll work!”

“This King has had it up to here with your ideas!” The Green Haven Emperor yelled back at her.

Sahara watched as her father-in-law put his hand back down, from showing her a ‘level’, took a deep breath in and then she said, “I will see what I can do! Okay! So, calm the fuck down!”

Turning in anger, Sahara mumbled as she knelled down and teleported Nether, Steven, Kin, herself and the unresponsive man away.

“Emperor Father! Yelling at her will do you absolutely no good!” Matthew stated angrily.

The Green Haven Emperor looked at Matthew with angry eyes but did not say anything. He knew, maybe more than anyone, how important she was but…She was almost intolerable! At least right now…

“Do you think Sahara can find a way to cure him, Your Royal Highness?” Joshua asked Matthew.

Matthew smiled and nodded easily to Joshua...

“Without a doubt!”

“Ah…Excuse me…” A voice interrupted them as they turned to Felix…


…Naruto was still somewhat attached to Felix, at least at this point of time…Sadly, someone had completely forgotten the animal and had already teleported away!

Felix had no choice now but to take the animal back because he simply got out of hand pretty quickly when he realized that Kin had completely vanished, along with Sahara!

Sahara would call this forced teleportation ‘homework’!

Not only that…But a certain piece of information about the army still moving with a new leader was completely forgotten…

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