The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 17 **The impending Car Accident**

You could say that Sahara felt tremendously like something terrible was going to happen, from the day after her official thirteenth birthday.

Ever since, she had headaches and bad feelings flowing through her. Funnily enough, through all of this, Sahara hasn’t had much good or bad luck, since her instincts had somewhat slacked off a bit. But…She has tended to take extra care by spending more effort to stay away from people. She knew that she could be wrong, or that it could be years before something happens, but…

Thirteen. That number…It’s like a curse for her!

Thinking back through the day, Sahara remembered being worried about marriage…

How ridiculous! Why should I bother to worry so much about marriage when ‘doom’ lingers over me like this!

She tried to stop thinking and went to the Martial Arts area, where everyone had left by now.

As she trained, she mumbled her sorrows away to the soft breeze flowing around her…



A week went by…And a drastic turn of events happened!

Not only did Sahara act through her emotions abruptly, possibly making a mistake or two. But she had indeed, nearly died!

And through this, the Rolland Estate takes a change for the worse!



Sahara vaguely felt herself being who she used to be, taken into her past like it was happening right at this instant!

“…You believe I won’t kill her!”

“I just want her to return home, I told you, that you can have me instead!” Sahara yelled.

The man put his gun, that was pointed at Sahara’s daughter’s head, into his jacket…

Sahara felt no want to put her own gun down, as she felt that things weren’t over yet at all. But she could already guess his next words…

“Very well, drop your gun, and come over here.”


“Shut up!” The man growled out roughly.


My daughter had tears in her eyes and showed her fear, breaking Sahara’s heart to her innocence. She had lost so much weight, become so pale and seemed a different child to before she had been kidnapped.

She had bruises everywhere on her body, and dried blood…She looked like she hadn’t been able to clean herself at all, even her clothes looked like the same as the ones that she had disappeared in.

Sahara breathed a heavy sigh, thinking of the last resort that she had, she might have to revert to it if something doesn’t go right.

In fear that Sahara could lose her daughter’s life, because she was in their hands, Sahara dropped her gun and slowly walked over towards the man, that was holding her innocent daughter hostage.

It was only a couple of steps or actions, as he rapidly pulled out a knife and then slashed it across my daughter’s neck!


…Sahara had already gone bad enough to kill several people without a second thought nor remorse, but what she had seen then…

Blackness overcame her, till just before the car accident…

It wasn’t like a drunkenness black out, if Sahara wanted to, not that she ever will, she could possibly remember what happened. The pain, the emotional suffering of watching the last moments of her daughter’s life is just too harsh for her to tolerate…It was so harsh that even now, as she was dreaming, she just ‘skipped’ it, like pressing the ‘skip’ button on a music or a movie player…


Sahara wasn’t very well off after the car crash, with blood all over her, losing her life though already through knife cuts and bullets. She was also handcuffed to the hospital bed, that was inside of the police ambulance. She couldn’t move a muscle and the pain seemed to slice through her whole body like it was breaking down and being pulled apart…

Just moments prior it looked like the paramedics had been just about to inject her with something, even though she had no more fight left in her.  Sahara didn’t say a word, even through all the pain, as she felt quite empty…And the biggest pain of all, was her failure. A tear had slid down her cheek…


Feeling herself return to her normal self, after being a dark, bloodthirsty and murderous person, Sahara closed her eyes, and more tears went down her face. Having her objective to save her daughter had suddenly disappeared into a puff of smoke…She had gained a new objection afterwards, and that was to kill everyone!

With her mission complete, Sahara reverted back to her ‘good’ side and felt like she didn’t mind that her life was on the verge of ending…She didn’t care that she would go to prison…She didn’t care if she was put on death trail or whatever they were. Those bastards were a gang, doing whatever they wanted, whatever they pleased. Sahara would kill who she killed again and over again if they kidnapped her daughter and would so easily…

So easily her life…

Sahara had wished, in that car while unable to do anything anymore because of restraints, she wished that the one who got killed was her, and that her daughter could live a long life but…

I couldn’t save her…I had killed everyone there, but I didn’t save her!


Sahara could feel herself losing consciousness, thinking that she’ll probably die soon.

But before she lost consciousness…The car flipped over a few times, and she felt herself fly about, still handcuffed to the bed. People had rammed into her, just like the bed. Her head hit the side of the car and she got squashed into a corner, with something heavy on top of her…

Before the car stopped moving, Sahara had stopped breathing…Then…She had been placed into a woman’s womb…

All the time in a womb, where there was nothing to do and nothing to see…Sahara had no choice but to think things through and deal with facts. A lid was placed upon her anger, her pain and her experience as time went on…

She hadn’t wished to start again, instead she had wished for death, for nothing but…After so long, she finally accepted reality and decided to give this second life a chance.




Sahara woke up in a fast manner, feeling like she’d just died all over again. She had…Another nightmare…It wasn’t the first time that she has had that nightmare, but it hurt after every single time…

Her daughter had seen something that she shouldn’t have. Being so young and innocent, she didn’t understand it at all, yet, she was taken, and Sahara stopped her ‘normal’ life to get her daughter back. It took months and as the time went by, Sahara got worse and worse…Until she found herself uncaring and totally ruthless, learning what she needed to get her daughter back.

Her instincts were helping her, as Sahara had indeed gone all the way to seeing her…One last time.

The trouble that she had gone through, just to find out where her daughter had vanished of too had made her already lose her family and friends. Her new ruthless ways seeped out into her normal life, as her family saw that there was something seriously wrong with her. They had not thought that she wouldn’t just sit and wait for the police to find her, that she would just pace in the living room. No, Sahara had gone wild, she had changed enough to become someone that could threaten, that could have a glare that made people get goosebumps!


Struggling to try and put the past behind her, so that she could worry about the present, Sahara bit her lip and took some deep breaths.

She got up, unable to sleep, due to lingering pictures going through her mind. She had to wipe herself anyway, because of all the sweat, and her bed was wet. With so many issues, Sahara had no other option but to stay awake. It was still quite close to the middle of the night, but she could only wait two hours before she wanted nice, warm and delivered food to settle her stomach and her thoughts.


Since it was still so early, no one was in the kitchen, but that wouldn’t stop her. It’s not like she couldn’t cook…She just wasn’t good at it…And she was also naturally a lazy person…

As Sahara wondered what she would make with what ingredients that were there, Celeste suddenly came in and startled her.

She was also stunned to see Sahara standing there, “Why are you here?”

Sahara didn’t want to go into details, “I’m hungry.”

She watched her adoptive mother look around and she found it quite weird, wondering if she did this a lot?

After a short silence, her adoptive mother sighed, then said, “I was hungry also…Let me make something for you.”

Shrugging and wanting to sit down there in the kitchen, Celeste insisted that she go back to her room instead...Quite forcibly…


Sahara had never thought that Celeste, her adoptive mother, had harbored such hatred towards her, knowing later upon her next actions…

If she could think back to this particular moment in the kitchen, Sahara could slightly recall something hiding behind her back…And the way that Celeste had acted…

It makes Sahara feel like such an idiot for not suspecting anything at all…

The reason Talon didn’t know that a threat came to Sahara’s life, was because his daughter Gabriella, whom he had been already watching, didn’t play a part in it.

Talon had never even thought that his wife would do such a crime!


Due to the hour that it was, that Sahara ate the poisoned food that was brought to her in the middle of that night, the Second Prince’s bodyguard that was sent to watch her, had not returned from his usual trip to inform His Highness of what has recently occurred and was having a quick nap. It was…Understandable, upon why a ‘nap’ and ‘informing’ was done in the middle of the night but…It had indeed been chosen as the best time to commit something in someone else’s opinion.

If only Sahara had not gone to the kitchen. If only she hadn’t had a nightmare. But…It was all too late.

When five in the morning came, Sahara was found with what could nearly be called a scream, and she was already unable to move off the bed by herself.



Talon didn’t leave Sahara’s side, as he yelled his commands. He gave her comfort when she was conscious, letting her know that she wasn’t alone. Sahara’s hand was constantly in his, always being wrapped up like a present. His warmth, she could feel it…Feel his obvious worry over her predicament…

When Sahara’s ‘stupid grandfather’ found out about Sahara’s condition, he also yelled out commands and got very angry. Without consulting with Talon first, the ‘stupid grandfather’ slammed Gabriella against the wall in a fit of rage, but she didn’t hear any of his words, as she had fainted away.


Sahara found it quite dramatic and wanted to laugh at this scene. It was like a drama series on television…It was so unreal that she did let out a chuckle, that made people start to panic even more.

The first physician had said that the poison had not attacked the heart yet, but once it does that, there would be no help for her. Once he had gotten his medication in order, using the ‘stupid grandfather’s’ influence to gain an item or two in a hurry, Sahara drank it.

But it had made her much worse!

When she was next diagnosed, the symptoms displayed quite a horror to the physician, making him stunned…Stunned is really the right word as he looked as though he was ‘paused’.


Everyone knew this poison was not something well looked upon! Why has someone used it!?

The Golden Emperor, the Emperor of Emperors from centuries ago, declared this poison as something that cannot be used! That whoever used it, would receive death, and whomever was connected to give those poison ingredients would also receive death.

But it was so easily made, and with the Golden Haven capital in ruins, this poison had slowly come back to being used once again.

It was called the ‘Two Faced Poison’. It showed one face, that one would think of it as another poison, yet, when that antidote was used, it would produce the second face of the original poison!

And sadly, the physician had been the one to produce the second face, by attempting to cure the first diagnosed poison that only looked like another poison!

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