The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 11 **The Elemental Side of Cultivation!**

Sahara had left the estate many times before, but this time, it was at the time of sunset, which was different. On this planet Sahara had already gotten used to getting up early and going to bed early, so when one went out, they went out…Early…And not so late…

Anyway, it wasn’t easy for her to get angry, but she had finally overflowed and decided that she had had enough of enduring! No more keeping the peace! Sahara was going to let it out!

Just because she had the blood of the Rolland family!

Pfft, well I do too, bitch!

Just because she was the daughter of the main wife!

Pfft, then shouldn’t she be better behaved, how embarrassing!


To Sahara, it was all bullshit…Daughter of main wife, daughter of concubine…We were all people! It was just another way that people divided us up! Black, white. Rich, poor, daughter of main wife, daughter of mistress! It’s all the same shit!

It’s not my fault that the daughter of the main wife was useless! So what if I can cultivate well, it’s no excuse to bully me! What a bitch!

As Sahara continued her anger spout, she knew that she didn’t want to return to the estate, at least until she had calmed down. Through this, she was sure that Talon would worry, but at the moment…Sahara just did not care!

She knew what would happen if she got worse, well, angrier…And Gabriella wouldn’t be able to handle it whatsoever!

Gabriella didn’t know how lenient Sahara has been with her, when Sahara thought of her ‘other’ side…

She slowed down her heavy breathing...

I can’t do that, not yet. I don’t regret doing it in my past life, but I need more time at this moment…


Gabriella might be a small girl that bullies, knowing already how to use power and make it out like she’s innocent, but Sahara has a darker past then that. In her previous life…

*The author has once again silenced the ‘blabber-mouthed’ narrator*

The only problem that Sahara saw, after she had stopped mumbling her sorrows away, was that it was dark. It was the same as the modern-day Earth, where people generally stayed home after dark. Sahara wasn’t one that was scared of the dark, and when she thought about it, she wasn’t scared to walk around either. Her cultivation was already at second rank, making her determined that she would be safe enough to stay longer on the outside, all on her own.

As Sahara wandered around aimlessly, her mood slowly got better, as she took in the night-time scenery.



The capital of ‘Green Haven’ was quite big, Sahara guessed. Rolland Estate was in the inner part of the capital and where she had aimlessly walked to had lanterns, but many places looked deathly quiet.

It was normal here to shut up shop when the sun went down, which only left taverns, inns and rich shops opened, because they could afford light pearls and the manpower to stay open.

Sahara’s curiosity made her forget nearly everything else, as she continued to sight see…I mean, you gotta remember that this is another world, a cultivated one. The lights were different, so, places with no lights where so dark it almost looked haunted, yet it was ‘normal’. Even the buildings looked different as they too had ‘cultivation’ in the walls…Well, not all walls, as perhaps some people couldn’t afford it or something but nonetheless, some walls in buildings were different. Even the climate was different here! Most of the time it was sunny, and the same temperature, almost like the world didn’t turn properly…


But the light pearls had really caught Sahara’s eyes, when she had first seen them. They were just like normal lights that used electricity from Earth. But…A hell of a lot more convenient!

You can hold them, and they don’t burn you, and you can move them around very easily. There was a special meditation, that many cultivators do, which was infusing spiritual essence inside of an object, and this was how the light pearls were created.

Sahara found out quite some time ago that it was a basic meditation but had many…Branches. For instance, a more popular use of this same meditation was used to infuse weapons instead. But those that made the light pearls used only the spiritual essence from the sun, to infuse a big but ‘normal’ pearl, which made it tedious work.

Actually, for some reason, the pearls on this planet seemed much bigger than that on Earth and they were found instead on land, not in water. Sahara had a strange feeling that the pearls on this planet was even from a completely different animal…Or was even a ‘rock’ or something instead…


When Sahara had found out about infusing a type of spiritual essence, she was even more enthralled with cultivation. The book that she had first read hadn’t really said much about the elemental side of the spiritual essence…But, after a few weeks, Sahara came to realize that maybe it did, because it had talked about colors, and she remembered not understanding it.

After a few months of investigating everything, Sahara had believed that the ‘Bending Space’ Meditation represented the ‘elemental’ spiritual essence as colors instead of names. For example, the sun spiritual essence wasn’t called that but instead perhaps it was called ‘yellow’…Sahara doesn’t know which color for real though, but she was eager to find out! But again, that was why Sahara had not really learnt much about the elemental part of spiritual essence until recently, simply because it had taken this long to understand that ‘colors’ in the Bending Space Meditation actually meant ‘elemental’!

So, Sahara now understood it perfectly and found that ‘Bending Space’ Meditation was even better than before!


The strange thing about the different types of elemental spiritual essence, was that it wasn’t something that you had to worry about obtaining. Everyone could take all of the elemental types into themselves. The hard part was using the elemental spiritual essence that you want to use separately and away from the others. It was like getting a white jellybean out of a jar full of different colors of jellybeans! You gotta put ya hand in this tiny hole and guide it towards what you ‘see’, even though ‘seeing’ isn’t easy either! Perhaps it might get better, or easier…At least that was what Sahara hoped for!

Having tried it a few times, Sahara found it very difficult and understood why light pearls were so hard to make, in fact, she was in awe to those who made them!

But that was a few years ago, when she first saw light pearls, and seeing one now didn’t totally widen her eyes with excitement as much as it did before...


Sahara suddenly remembered her grandparents from her past life, as they had told Sahara that people often went to bed not long after the sun had gone down and woke up early the next morning in their day. For some reason, Sahara remembered this, making her saddened slightly…

I miss them.

She looked down and sighed.

Her life had indeed ended, there was no way to return. But it became increasingly obvious to her ever since she was born here, that life on modern day Earth was much simpler than here…Well at least her life had been simpler, perhaps not all peoples life’s were as ‘good’ as hers…But that wasn’t something Sahara wanted to think about now, while still trying to calm down.

Or perhaps she should think of Earth and how people lived?

What would I give to sit on a couch and watch a movie? Dam…Now doing just that sounds bloody good!

Earth and people had its major setbacks, like how people sucked in how they treated others and the planet, but there were good things too! Pizza! Showers! Toilets! Air Conditioners!  


“Excuse me miss.”

Looking up, Sahara saw an old beggar man come closer to her. She wasn’t freaked out at all, and smiled at him, “What is it?”

The beggar man took another small step towards her, yet Sahara remained unmoved but became more aware. Homeless people could become that for reasons, Sahara already knew that, but here on this planet there was an extra reason that someone could be out on the streets…And that’s if you couldn’t cultivate.

“Does…Does the young miss happen to have some change to feed an old man?”

Sahara walked the rest of the way to him herself and placed one fruit into his hands discreetly, “Old man, take care of this for me.”

Then she walked away without turning back yet hearing his thanks from behind her.



Knowing of dangers and troubles that could happen at any time, Sahara used to always carry a small amount of food and water on her…And that was on Earth…Now it was very similar…

As her cultivation base had gone into the second rank, though, Sahara had found that she could do something spectacular!

They have been called many different things on Earth, such as universal bags, space bags and many, many others…That she’s now forgotten…

What Sahara uses isn’t a bag though, and she hasn’t really called it a name. What she had tried to do, ever since she thought it could be done, was find a way to put this thought of carrying ‘storage’, into her current life!

Yes, she couldn’t deny wanting a bag like this like…Forever! Who wouldn’t want a bag that could take anything and everything and you can take it wherever you want!?

The problem was, to Sahara, the ‘universal bag’ didn’t exist, well…That is until she made her own ‘universal’ bag that is!


Since Sahara cultivates upon the ‘Bending Space’ meditation, she used that to make her skin provide space for other things. She was sure it would be really disgusting to many people, but she has gotten used to it.

Since she can make things go closer and further away, Sahara stretches her skin molecules and then releases it. Since skin is naturally like elastic, it would bounce back. Then, since spiritual essence is just so damned great, Sahara wanted to see what it could do when it came to ‘holding’ weight or whatever.

She knew that she probably needed to find another way, sooner rather than later, because she assumed it could cause stretch marks, but she hadn’t really thought of anything yet. Well, Sahara actually did think of one, but she was still unsure on how to keep it…It was just to cut off a piece of skin…But does she then put it in her pocket? And does she want to walk around with a piece of dead skin? Yuck!


While Sahara thinks of something, her attached skin will just have to do.

So, since she was able to do that, she could now carry more than just a little bit of food and water, as she can make many parts of herself expand, and then bounce back when she takes away her spiritual essence. It was really quite a fabulous thing!

Not having to carry anything wherever she goes, was something she liked the most! Like right now, she didn’t carry anything…Nothing! Yet, she probably could go homeless if she really wanted to and still be warm, feed and hydrated!


Honestly, it did sort of freak her out when she did it the first time, seeing no bulge where she had a piece of fruit into her skin.

Sahara had quickly used her spiritual essence again, because her skin didn’t show the piece of fruit at all!

She was sure that there was some nerdy explanation to this, but with her basic mind, it was hard to think of it to something she could understand.

By the looks of what she could see, the fruit would grow small, just before she placed it inside of her skin, then grew bigger once again when she took it out.


It took Sahara months to figure out some kind of basic way of understanding what was happening…Then, she figured that it’s the spiritual essence that she uses, as well as the Bending Space Meditation.

When Sahara figured that it wasn’t her skin, but perhaps her spiritual essence, she tried it on something else, that she didn’t put into her skin, and found out that she could enlarge and make things smaller!

She guessed that it was having the idea of having a big, large ‘space’ and having many things fit into it, that made her spiritual essence do it the first time…It did sound farfetched, she knew that, but her thoughts happened and one and one make two, right? Well, if she was wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time!

Since she had figured that out recently, Sahara hadn’t put too much of it into practice, because she had that premonition soon after figuring that out…


Closer…Further away. And, smaller…Bigger. What else could I learn through ‘Bending Space’ meditation? It’s like…The Ultimate Meditation! I’m really like those MC’s that are written in books and have this uber thing on their side that everyone wants! Dam right! I deserve it! Just wait and I’ll go Matilda on…

Sahara let out a laugh, even though she was currently outside and by herself at night…She couldn’t help but find such a close resemblance from herself and the character Matilda! Maybe she had somehow known and that was why she said something about going ‘Matilda’ on others previously…Wouldn’t be the first time…

Whatever, just now she can say it with the power to back it up!

Again, Sahara laughed out loud, unable to help herself!

Ah, I feel so much better!

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