Chapter 3: the noble and update
The irregulars
Chapter 3
When the captain of the knights starts to interrogate them the vice captain of the knights appeared. The vice captain of the knights is a girl with a darkish blue hair and a strong perfect body.
"stop it right there captain
"urgh were having a good time here though. Why you must stop me
The vice captain stopped the captain for certain reasons.
"because these three boys might be nobles. Look at their faces their skin is soft.
Noble are people with high social status they have Thier own ranks.
•The ranking of nobility varies by culture and time period, but here's a general hierarchy:
* Emperor/Empress: The highest-ranking monarch, often ruling over a vast empire.
* King/Queen: Ruler of a sovereign state, usually a kingdom.
* Duke/Duchess: A hereditary title below king/queen but above marquis.
* Marquis/Marquise: A hereditary title ranking below duke/duchess but above earl/count.
* Earl/Count/Countess: A hereditary title ranking below marquis but above viscount.
* Viscount/Viscountess: A hereditary title ranking below earl/count but above baron.
* Baron/Baroness: The lowest rank of nobility.
And most of the nobles have Specialty.
"okay right I stop. Mens! Unleash them
The captain ordered the knights to unleash them because of the vice captain.
"thanks for saving us umm?
"it's claris Von Aquarian. Just call me claris im a Noble.
Rein and Claude is feeling worried because of her long name that if he say his name it would create a conflict or something on his mind, still Rein made a feedback.
" thank you claris for saving us. You can call me Rein
" I am Claude
"However Gen is feeling exited and worried because Gen already know some information about Noble's from anime series and comics he already knows that Noble's are rich person that have authorities and can't be messed up with.
" j-just call me Gen...
As they are done introducing their selves the vice captain Claris asked them a question.
"okay so let's get directly to the point what we're you three doing on that abandoned village it has a lot of kobolds you know it's dangerous
Therefore Claude uses his smart wits to create a fake story because telling them is useless and might be dangerous
"we are wandering around when an old woman asked us to help them bring a belonging from this abandoned village that they left because the belongings are the memento of her dead husband she said that if we do she will give us rewards she said though we only did it because we're bored and we also wanted to help so we didn't know that there's was too much of that monster in the place
Gen and Rein is shocked however they played along.
Due to all that events Claude requested to let them rest therefore they can also avoid Claris.
" anyway we're tired from all that escaping from monster so can you let us rest for a bit.
"okay sure just come to me when all of you is okay.
Claris leaves them alone and so the knights. Therefore Rein asked Claude a question .
"why did you lie Claude?
"do you think that if we tell them that we're from another world and got summoned and given mission from the sage would they believe it and I think that girl is more troublesome that the captain of the knights
"well I get the feeling but how
"didn't you see that the captain of the knights obeyed the vice captain and it's a girl about sixteen years old
" yeah your right
As Claude explained what's on his mind on Rein and Gen agreed to Claude and said
"yes but in the first place that girl is really troublesome just when she says she's a Nobile she's more troublesome ''said Gen''
" so you have a knowledge of this
" not that much but
Because Gen have a knowledge about nobility Claude asked to share it to them for information and protection
" okay share it to us
"okay so Nobile's are people that have authorities and super rich they are different from commoners who are people who's living poorly Nobile's are educated and well trained and they have a lot of money use to get what they wanted.
"so basically a troublesome rich girl. But that girl seems nice she helped us afterall ''said Rein''
However Rein seems to trust the vice captain Claris making Claude disappointed and said
"don't trust people easily because sometimes your kindness becomes your blindness.
After hearing this, rein fall's silent therefore Gen made a suggestion.
"anyway we should get to know them better rather than avoid them to get information about them and this abandoned village however we must avoid claris.
Claude agreed however he made a question without any connections about what Gen said.
"oh right Gen what did you do before when the kobold attacked me you said "shadow bind" and the Kobold is binded by the hands of shadows. Was that magic?
And Rein who is unconscious of that time is surprised
" what! Gen did what!
"ehhh well umm... Yes
Therefore Claude asked Gen on How did he use magic.
"how did you do it?
"we'll basically I got exited for a moment so I tried to use magical arts I used my imagination and otaku experience on how to create it. I first thought about what is darkness. I came to a conclusion that the darkness is the first off all things and it is the opposite of light. The darkness is the eater of all and the more to look at the darkness it will drag you and eats you it conquer anything and taint it by it's colour.
''Basically I just used my imagination about the principles of darkness and it's complex so I thought that the target that will be used on the spell dark bind will be binded by darkness with it's ability to drag things on my mind. Didn't the sage already gave us the information about the three super energy or power systems and that magic can be use of how flexible your mind is however using it too much can make you lose your mind
".....okay. so you basically imagined the principles of darkness to create one and added something you got from video games and stuff to make the darkness you made binds the target ''claude commented''
due to the long explanation that made Rein lost the grasp of it therefore he asked.
" how can you do it so easily?
"we'll.. because I was excited I guess...
Rein didn't got the most of it so he is dumbfounded . Therefore Claude pointed it out.
"so it's basically your imagination is the trigger to use your magic
" I guess...
"and you Rein. How did you held back the the kobolds leader when the Kobold is more bigger and stronger than you
After hearing this Rein is shocked knowing that he unconsciously used his powers.
"hmmm. I don't know I just acted because of the situation when the kobold leader is going to attack you
And so Gen is also curious so he asked.
"yes Rein it's impossible to over power that big monster by a human but how did you hold against the monster
"I really don't know?
However Rein also remains curious.
"so this means you unconsciously use your life force arts or body enhancement skill to hold against the Kobold leader
"really I didn't know though at that time I really just acted because of the situation. Maybe it's just luck
Therefore Claude felt powerless he felt left out by the two who is growing and improving.
"you two are doing it well huh. While I was having a hard time using the spiritual arts because I can't just comprehend it.
" it's okay. You have time afterall you can do it besides it's just the beginning ''said Rein''
" however do you two remember what happened afterwards when the kobolds leader is killed?
Claude asked about the humanoid light that saves them however only he can remember.
"I don't know I suddenly fall asleep because my head hurts it may be because of my use of magic
" all I can remember is I got knocked out by the Kobold leader
" ohh
" *so they don't remember the thing that appeared huh I wonder what is it all I see is a glimpse of it and I got really tired and fall asleep ''claude thought''
Suddenly the three of them got summoned again by the three Sages
"we met again this time we explain about the calamity and other things
As Elyon the sgae of spiritual arts started to talk The three of them is shocked by the sudden transportation and the meeting of the Sages again therefore Claude responded to Elyon
" finally give us the information about the calamity and why we have to make the humanity and demons work together for this calamity ''asked by Claude''
Therefore Gaius the magical sage answered.
" okay for now we have a lot of time so listen to your mission
"yes please do tell
And Zeno the Life arts Sage started to explain it on detail.
"okay so about the calamity that will happen in the future is actually irregularities that came from another world they will conquer this world those otherworldly creatures is dangerous
After hearing this Gen , rein and Claude is dumbfounded after hearing this information and confused.
Gen is confused that his enemy are aliens.
"ehhh. So our enemy are aliens
Claude however got the gist of it.
"so you want us to unite the demons and humans to survive against the otherworldly creatures or the calamity
" yes. We want you three to unite the demon lords and heroes to defend against the calamity or irregularities that came to this world
And so Rein realised that their mission was way bigger that they thought.
" our mission will be bigger than we thought
However Gen asked the Sages a question
" oh but we're from another world right why did you choose us aren't we also irregular to this world
Therefore Gaius answered his question
"because people from your world is unique and had no connection to this world so the gods won't know what we will give you, this piqued our interests to the three of you
Gen felt a little excitement about his upcoming adventure
However Claude wants more information about their mission
"anyway I wanna ask more about the calamity and the otherworld invaders
Therefore Elyon answered him
" okay I will explain it in detail. The invaders are humanoid creatures from another dimension they want to conquer this world for their gain. They are powerful they use some kind of power and technology to conquer everything. However the gods won't move because of their pact to not to get involved by mortals and do we too because we already ascended so we like you three to stop the invaders and unite the humans and demons
Gen , Rien and Claude falls silent for a moment when they realised that their mission was insane
Therefore Zeno gave them an opportunity to ask or make a wish
"any questions we give you one question each three of you go on however using our powers might be detected by the other gods so we only do it once
Therefore Claude asked to update the status window
"then can you make our status window can show more details and information about our abilities and skills
Rein wished for weapons and equipment's
"give us equipment's
And lastly Gen asked for an appraisal skill
" we also need weapons and equipments and the ability to see peoples status or information like our ability game system
As they stated their wishes The three sage responded to fulfil it
" okay we will fulfill your wishes it's not that large of a power to use to make the gods detect anyway thanks for consideration
The three sage use their powers to fulfil their wishes. Updating their game system window, giving them weapons and equipments and the ability to see people information
However the time is up and so the Sages will bid farewell for them once again
"now our saviours our time is almost up so farewell and have a nice adventure
The three boys Gen,Rein, and Claude is teleported back
"that was full of surprises ''said Gen''
"indeed I'm exhausted again ''claude added''
Gen is surprised and Claude is exhausted, Rein, However is active
"we'll let's check our status
"ohh look the weapons and items is in system window hehe like a storage system for games
As Gen is looking on his status window Claude also checked his
"right however it can only carry ten stuff ''said Claude''
" at least that will be helpful for travelling ''Rein responded''
And now the time has come to go outside the tent
" now it's time to face the knights again ''Gen stated''