The Hunter Games: A Monster Hunting LitRPG

B1.CH26: Ballroom Bonanza

A spy mission—what a rare treat for a second test. I was pumped! I felt a little bad for Reina though, but for the most part, if we successfully completed this mission, there was no way Hayashi would deny us permanent entry to Hunter Corp!


MISSION: Defeat the Drug Lord and his associates. Gather intel on trafficking operations.


REWARD: 200 Fame Points .ph (per hunter)

EARNINGS: $2,000 .ph (payment pending during evaluation phase)

“Now we are getting into some advanced level monster slaying,” I said to myself as I picked up my gear in a small box sitting on the front porch. It had my name on it, my super excited same-day Amazon delivery face smiling at the hooded mystery driver who was walking back into his car. He waved back at me hesitantly before he escaped inside of his black sedan, taking off into the night. I walked back into the foyer and kicked the front door closed, then crouched down and rubbed my hands together.

I gazed at the box, its contents not a complete mystery. I already knew that I was getting a wardrobe, some kind of monkey suit to go with my temporary title. I wasn’t expecting anything James Bond worthy, so I didn’t get my hopes up. Even though the mission felt like something out of a spy thriller rather than a regular monster hunting gig, I was realistic about my role. I could feel a grin slowly spreading across my face as I lifted the lid and peered inside.

Not only was my outfit in there, but Reina’s was as well. I pinched my fingers at the shoulders of the white dress shirt and gave it a look over, and then looked inside at the black piece that went with it. “Ah, there goes my tactical vest,” I said sarcastically. Then I analyzed Reina’s outfit, a stunning, shimmering red dress with a double long slit along the sides.

Along with the outfits was a black wig for me as well. It was part of the disguise, and I was thankful that a matching mustache didn’t come along with it. There was however a pair of rectangular glasses in the package. As well as a small note tucked away in the corner with instructions: ‘We expect you at the rendezvous point by 1800 hours,’ it read. ‘Do not be late.’

The three of us got ready for the function. As always, our mentor would be close by to evaluate our performance. Unlike Reina and me, Naomi wasn’t expected to be physically at the banquet until it started at 9pm. My shift started at seven, and Reina had to be at her pick up point an hour later than that. Working in the kitchen and getting the food ready was the easy part, because when 9pm struck, I had to keep my eyes on Reina like a hawk.

With our com units on, it was easy to talk to each other. Reina, however, had less down time to feed us intel. That made me hanging around her all the more important. But I had to remember to be as discreet about it as possible so I wouldn’t blow our cover.

“On table 9, Michael,” the pink-haired waitress said to me, handing me a set of white porcelain plates to arrange in the second floor hall. She fed me a smile and a wink. “You’re doing great so far! Just like it says in your resume—quick and efficient!”

I laughed nervously, not knowing what the hell she was talking about. “Heh, well, you know me. Always a hard worker.”

“I can tell. We are really saving time with all of your help! The hall looks amazing out there. If you keep this up, Hun might actually keep you after your contract! He admires strong workers.”

“I’d seize the opportunity!” I said, before turning back around to the hall, trying not to sweat under my collar.

In no time, the hall began filling up with food. I should have eaten more than just a quick snack before the mission, because the aroma was killing me. What helped me get over it was the possibility of it being infected with Compound 7. Once I told myself that, my stomach shut down real quick.

After a while longer, the guests slowly began trickling in. They were a bunch of rich stiffs that formed the elite class of Utoro, Japan. They came in all shapes and sizes, some tall and lanky, some short and pompous. The men wore tuxedos that probably cost more than my flat back home, while the women donned gowns that shimmered under the huge chandeliers. As they took their seats, they chattered away, unaware that underneath the beautifully presented food and ambiance was a team working meticulously to prevent a disaster.

I tried to maintain an air of nonchalance, focusing on serving champagne and otsumami rather than scanning the crowd for potential threats. Nonetheless, I couldn’t help my gaze from flickering over each new guest who entered, searching for any sign of shifter activity.

Then suddenly, I heard Naomi’s voice. “Michael,” she whispered urgently, “check out table 3.”

I smiled and then whispered back, pretending I was adjusting silverware on a table, “Well hello to you too, squad mate! You haven’t spoken a word to me all night.”

“I only got here 20 minutes ago….”

“Really? Felt like you’ve been stalking me for a while,” I teased. “Also, you don’t have to call me that. Only I can hear you. You’re positioned?”

“I’m on the glass roof, scoping.”

“What’s so special about that table?” I asked softly.

“When they were walking inside, one of them had a red handkerchief.”

I squinted confused. “Does that symbolize something?”

“Red blots of dry blood on white. He was dabbing his lips with it behind his cuff.”

“So, you’re telling me that there could be more of Katsuro’s associates in here?”

“It’s very likely that our inside source wasn’t aware. There’s also a chance that they may not be associated with him at all.”

“Shit, this will make limiting casualties even harder. Don’t know why they couldn’t put both teams on the job.”

“More hands in risk exposure. There’s a higher chance of getting caught. Besides, do you really want Ash working a mission in a banquet?”

I smirked. “Yeah, you’re right…”

“Where is Reina?” she asked.

“Looks like she’s a little late with her entourage.”

“That’s not a good sign.”

“Wow, Naomi, that’s sweet of you to be worried about her w—”

“No,” she said, quickly cutting me off. “I’m worried about the mission.”

Hah, she was quick to correct my assumption. “I’m sure she’s fine,” I continued in a whisper, Naomi suddenly filling my head with scary scenarios. “She has to be. The show hasn’t even started yet.”

“Keep me posted.”

I subtly maneuvered my way toward table 3, and from first glance, nothing looked out of the ordinary. That being said, nothing ever really did with monsters hiding in plain sight. I saw a blonde girl in a pink kimono dress. She was Japanese, judging by her dialect and her oriental features. Her face was positively glowing, catching the attention of everyone around her. She had two partners, two tall men, one in a white suit, and the other in a black one. They all looked like they were slightly older than me, maybe late twenties, socializing with other wealthy folk in the banquet hall.

And then, a woman who looked like she was in her fifties joined them, and that was when they all sat at their table.

Hmm, seems like the guy in the black suit’s mom…. Could they all be shadow walkers, or was someone being deceived?

After giving them a once over, I went back to focusing on being the best waiter I could be. Time was quickly winding down, until I finally saw Reina walk in with Mr. Target, her merry spirits as she made it down the walkway making me do a double take.

“Oh, Kat, you slay me!” she said, giggling at his dumb marketing joke.

“Ah, Matsumi, you’re much too kind,” he replied, the man unable to keep his ogling eyes off of her.

Holy shit, Reina was actually doing a good job out there.

They exchanged words with others in the banquet, pretty much paying a visit to all of the tables that were filled inside. That was nearly 20 tables, Reina having enough stamina to keep that smile going for so long. And here she had me worried that she couldn’t make it out as an actress.

She was a goddamn pro.

I guess with all of the attention she and her radiant dress were getting, it was easy to fall into character. That, and she was already in her natural habitat. Being around rich folk, schmoozing, being surrounded by glam and fortune—why was I worried for her, again?

She looked amazing, her furry fox ears making that dress on her pop even more. Even though Reina was demi-human, she didn’t have the fox tail like Ash had her cat tail. Unlike Ash, Reina was a hybrid, but it was enough to get Money Bags going.

In no time, the party really started. The Youthful Kids charity banquet event cued in the orchestra that had been playing classical music mid shift. The live string quartet I’d been hearing all night now had a few instruments to join in on the revelry as the musicians stood high on the stage at one end of the decorated hall. Their symphony filled the air with melodious harmony, the kind one might hear in a royal courtyard during a summer garden party. The crowd turned toward the musicians, their conversations reducing to a quiet whisper as they enjoyed the music.

Crap, that tune was starting to make me doze off….

After an applause from the audience, the host man did his introduction. Following the introduction was a toast, everyone clinking their crystal glasses with the sound resonating throughout the room. I had to make sure those glasses were full. After a few more speeches from the men in suits on that centerpiece altar, the pretty girl in the pink dress from table 3 got up on the stage.

Wasn’t expecting that….

All eyes were fixated on Keiko, the founder of the Youthful Kid’s Organization. She raised her glass with a grace, giving a spiel on no child being left behind in times of war. With war between the fight between humankind and flesh eaters. The irony wheel just kept on spinning. Something in my gut was telling me that she was fooling everyone as she continued to encourage charity donations, but I couldn’t jump on my theory just yet.

The crowd was eating from the palm of her hand. She was the embodiment of refined elegance and charm, her smile mesmerizing, her giggle contagious. They were soaking in everything she was saying, but the more she talked, the less I trusted her.

“Let us remember,” she began, her voice ringing clear and steady over the hall, “that this night is for our youth. Let their futures shine as bright as our hopes.” A deep, appreciative silence fell over the room as she spoke. Then applause broke out, mingling with the clink of toasting glasses.

After her speech, food was served.

It was hard to keep my eyes on Reina when I was popping in and out of the kitchen, but the mission has been smooth so far. Also, I was sharing her table with Tino, so every now and then, I’d get to exchange some light talk with her. She was still handling herself well, my eyes catching her engaging our target in a lot of conversation. Naomi had been silent since our last talk, so after I stepped into the kitchen with a small plate of half eaten deep fried cake, I brushed aside to check in on her.

No answer.

I called out again, starting to freak out that Naomi might have been made. At this point, I had two choices—to go out there and risk jeopardizing the mission, or to cross my fingers that Naomi was fine.

I believe in her…. She’s alright….

It could be that she had relocated to an area where she couldn’t talk. So I went back into the dining hall carrying a coffee carafe and a large tray of bite-sized chocolates, cream and sugar for table three to help one of the other waiters.

I settled the chocolates as a post dessert treat in the middle of the table, and then turned to Keiko and asked, “How would you like your coffee, Mrs. Nakamura?”

She flashed me a playful stare. “I’ll pass on the coffee, thank you.”

I smiled. “No problem. How about—”

“You look cute,” she whispered, those hazel eyes locked on me like a crosshair. “What’s your name?”

That compliment caught me off guard as I snorted sheepishly. “It’s Michael Reuss.”

“Michael Reuss. What’s a handsome man like you doing in a line of business like this?”

“It pays the bills!” I said charmingly.

“Oh? But you’re much too delicious to be a waiter.”

“Then I’m in the right business,” I joked.

She giggled. “Charismatic, cute, and funny. I like that. Do you have a girlfriend?”

The guy in the white suit grunted subtly at her question, then turned around to roll his eyes.

Wait a minute, was that her date?

“Um,” I said, hesitating, “No, I don’t.”

“That’s a shame,” she sang, giving me a flirty smile. “I’d think someone like you would be spoken for.”

“Heh, you’d think, right?” I said, my laugh coming off as nervous. “Thank you for the compliments, but I’m being called to the kit—” I stopped, Keiko grabbing my wrist tightly as I tried to walk away.

“And where do you think you’re going?” she whispered, my head immediately turning to Reina, who was walking away with one of the female associates at her table.

I then snapped my head back to Keiko, giving her a cracked smile before she said, “I didn’t say you can leave….”

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