Chapter 1: LETTERS
Dear Dad,
It's me, Nessa. I've been here for just three weeks and I'm already missing the sweet sound of your voice. I miss your cooking as well as your morning jokes that put smiles on my face every time the curtains of my room are lifted up. College isn't as simple as you said it would be. I'm finding it a little difficult to keep up with the lectures on my timetable. I've visited the counsellor and she advised me to meet my lecturers.
Anyway, that aside, I've made some really good friends who are always with me when I need them. There's Francis; a student with the know-it-all mentality. He might be rude sometimes, but he realizes his mistakes and apologizes to those he might have hurt. As a matter of fact, he was the first student to walk up to me and say Hi knowing that I needed some assistance in finding my way to my room.
He talks to me a lot, visits every day, buys me dinner and does a lot of other things for me. Elsa says he's onto me, but I really want to believe that he's just being friendly. Elsa, unlike Francis, is too talkative that sometimes she manages to get on my nerves! She annoys me too often and does certain things that would make others think that she's crazy, but still, even with her oddly narcissistic qualities, she appears to be a good friend who always cheers me up when I'm down.
And then, there's the Einstein of our prestigious college, Matthew. He'll be done with college very soon and has offered to coach me in a few of my courses. Of course, I turned down the offer but he insisted he coaches me since Elsa had already informed my of problems with my courses. He's nice, friendly and handsome – I think I have a crush on him, lol. I hope this infatuation dies off soon; I recently just discovered that he has a girlfriend, and she's way out of my league!
Oh, I almost forgot to talk about Stephan. He's the optimistic playboy who believes that life only comes once and that we must live it to the fullest. I don't know how many girlfriends he's had, but I'm pretty sure they'll definitely surpass 15. He's onto me now. I really have no idea what he sees in me, but I think he likes me. He's bought me a lot of flowers – the flowers were so many that I had to discard some. He even wrote me love letters and at first, I was reluctant to read them. Anyway, I read his letters ad almost fell for him too. Overall, he's nice and understands me better than the rest of my other friends.
He no longer behaves immaturely and has made some significant changes over the last few days after I told him the type of guy I prefer, lol. He stopped buying me flowers and also stopped sending me letters, but he makes sure that he calls me every day.
Rollins College here in Stanbridge is a college worth attending. Thanks for everything dad. This might be my last letter to you this semester since the exams are right around the corner. Bye, love you!
Yours Truly,
My Dearest Nessa,
I reread your letter over and over again as I imagined you telling me everything you wrote down in person. I know you have missed my cooking, and because of that, I promise to prepare your favourite dishes when you get back from college. I'm sorry that I can't be by your side; I'm sorry that I cannot help you solve the problems you're facing now. College life is usually very stressful at the start, but I promise you, it will get a lot more easier as you go on.
The Church has been going quite well during these past few days. More and more people keep walking in through our doors hoping to learn more about the Lord. Everything is well here – things couldn't be any better. Father Christoph has fallen ill and he has left the maintenance of the Church to us, the Reverends.
I miss you so very much and I'm still missing you right now. How I wish I could have you in my embrace at this very moment. The house has gotten very lonely without your warming presence and so, because of this, I spend most of my days in the church praying for your well-being. The other Reverends also joined me in praying for your safety and for that, I am in their debts.
As for those friends you mentioned, I'd advise you to stay away from them for now. For some reasons, their qualities gives me this ominous feeling that I cannot explain. For example, that boy called Stephan, I do not seem to like him. I suggest you spend more time with Matthew; he seems like a well-educated young man. Please Nessa, listen to your father.
Also, you're very right! Rollins College is indeed worth attending! Have you tried the canteen? I heard the serve the most delicious meals there! You should also see if you can find a woman named Sarah – just give her your identity and she'll double your orders. We once dated when we were in high school. She has the prettiest face and the widest smile so you should immediately recognize her when you see her.
Take your exams seriously and spend more time with your books rather than your friends. Education gives you a better chance of securing a decent job. Remember to stay away from that boy Stephan; he makes me worry about you. I love you sweetie and I can't wait to see you again!
Yours Truly,