Chapter 501: Negotiations And Their Surprises?
Underneath the manor seemed more like a hidden science lab than it did a basement. The amount of technology clinging to the walls was enough to overwhelm Akiol. Words and numbers he couldn't understand always scrolled past them. People in labcoats always moving about. Conversation remained low, yet there was enough to create a buzz of activity.
Passing through a few hallways the group arrived a pair of metal doors. Like an entrance to a vault they clicked open and slowly pulled apart. Akiol felt like it was unnecessary. What lie inside was probably the most simplistic of everything in the underground area. Several gaming pods were lined up in order, all of them inactive.
Commenting on the room Akiol's words formed, "Seems pretty extravagant."
"On the contrary, since you cannot hear anything that's happening once logged in, I felt like this was an appropriate response to assure safety."
Akiol's mind flashed to a memory and in the end agreed, "I can see that. Still, this is quite a bit of pods."
"Our main force is usually busy. It's such a shame accounts are linked to each individual, if we could power level such accounts I wouldn't have to ration their time."
Walking past the gaming pods they entered a smaller room in the corner of the large area. This one had a simple door to walk into it. Revealing a meeting room everyone took a seat as if it was natural. Terwin relaxed in a chair and said, "My knowledge in the game matters is currently lacking. I'll have Corolla take over for this."
"You seemed pretty invested in it before.", Akiol pointed out.
"I still am, but other matters have priorities."
"Fair enough."
Corolla's attention zeroed in on Akiol, "This offer you spoke of?"
"I wanted to launch an attack against the undead. My party, except for Wrock, will naturally be a leading force in this. Despite our strength I'm not arrogant enough to challenge the unceasing undead head on without an army of my own."
Hank raised his eyebrows to express his surprise but didn't say anything. Corolla frowned, "The undead's top fighters are Third Stage. The undead King himself is Fourth Stage. I highly doubt you have the strength to fight that level, so why now?"
"My target isn't the undead King, but rather the Lich. I have an old quest from the Goldlight event. Since the target was mostly the Lich, I figured once the target was dead we could escape."
"You want a distraction?"
"An army to divert attention."
Corolla shook her head, "Although we might have several connections, our Guild is dangling underneath the current top ten. Our efforts to overthrow them failed to consider just how popular they truly are. Seems building a fanbase over the years really gives a sturdy foundation."
"Your words don't fit your appearance."
"I get that a lot."
"I take it you're not confident in your Guild's strength?"
"Not enough to take an army."
"You wouldn't be alone. I'm gathering other forces."
Terwin spoke up at this point, "Others? I'd hate to sound arrogant but there's very few players that can rival our strength. Excluding powerhouses like you, numbers are not something we lose out to."
"I've gained the interest of the top ten Guilds, but their contribution is currently still being decided."
Terwin closed his eyes, "Ah, in that case I really can't say we match their combined might."
"Additionally I have the help of Torch. . . are you aware of who that is?"
Corolla slammed the table, "Torch?! The robot maker?!"
Terwin jumped in surprise at the sudden sound, "Corolla!"
"Sorry Father."
Akiol raised his eyebrows, "Yeah, good friend. I was partially the reason why he was able to become that class. Occasionally I help out with small matters, and I approached him with the offer. It took a bit, but he agreed to lend his strength."
"You have connections with one of the strongest financial powerhouses of A World's Legacy? Everyone with thoughts of expanding their connections is willing to bend over backwards to please that guy! Those arrogant enough to launch an attack against him were rapidly swept clean by those uncountable robots. You have someone like that joining in on this?"
"I was unaware that he was so popular."
"Just the chance to meet him on the battlefield is enough to get us to join. We've been trying to establish a steady connection with him for a while now, yet our advances have been fruitless."
"I cannot guarantee it'll be more successful."
"Simply having the chance is enough-"
Corolla was cut off by a sudden blaring sound. Hank was quick to move towards the door, flying out of his seat with incredible accuracy. Akiol noticed a knife was in his hand. Terwin and Corolla had frowns on their faces as they slowly got up. Placing a hand to his ear Terwin seemed to listen to something.
Akiol moved, but a faint cold metallic touch pressed to his neck. Raising his hands Akiol asked, "What's this?"
Hank apologized but didn't move the knife he pointed at Akiol, "Sorry, but your appearance here is too convenient for what's happening."
"What exactly is happening?"
Terwin answered, "An attack. I'd hate to doubt you but what Hank says is true. It really is all too convenient."
"Are you suggesting I did something?"
"I'm saying is that we cannot ignore the possibility."
Hank warned, "Stand up slowly. I might owe you but if you make any moves I'm not afraid to use this."
"I wouldn't doubt that.", Akiol stood calmly.
Another blare of an alarm rang throughout the building. Being escorted through the room Akiol closed his eyes, "Do I have to keep my hands up?"
Akiol's dark vision from his eyes closed seemed to fill with various small dots. Like stars decorating the night sky they moved and filled his sight. Occasionally flickering in and out of view.
{Way of the Galaxy: Star Guidance}
The large metallic doors opened. Hank suddenly tugged Akiol out of the way and pushed Terwin into Corolla. They stumbled in opposite directions as a group of armored men stormed in. Dressed similarly to SWAT they moved forward with stun batons. Akiol found it strange that melee weapons would be used in a fight, especially with vastly superior weaponry being available.
Terwin on the other hand immediately knew what this was about, "Harrell's men."
The armored men split apart aiming to capture Terwin. Hank didn't hesitate to abandon Akiol to protect Terwin and Corolla. Expertly moving through the armored men he rapidly subdued them. Placing himself in front of Corolla he brandished his knife with a killing intent.
Akiol pondered for a moment but decided to slip through the men and out the door. He was positive Hank could handle a group of that caliber. After Hank's initial move none of the armored men paid any attention to Akiol. Slipping by was easy.
With weapons meant to subdue and not kill, there was surely some other plan going on. Considering that the security wasn't aiming to kill either, Akiol was unsure of what was happening. So he decided to move on his own.
His eyes were closed as he walked through the halls. Navigating through the hallways like he was familiar with the area he eventually stopped at a pair of heavy doors. Currently the door was broken and ajar, but from what he could tell there was a significant amount of activity going on inside.
Squeezing through the doors he opened his eyes to witness what was happening. A series of servers were in the room. Armored men scattered throughout the area slid drawers open and plugged various devices into the servers. Although Akiol wasn't very tech savvy, and neither was James, he could assume they were here for something judging by their movements and haste.
"Witness! Put your hands up and kneel on the ground!", a man ordered while waving a baton.
"An armored assault but no guns. It seems you're here to steal stuff?"
"On the ground!"
Akiol obeyed and knelt, "Why stun batons though?"
"To keep people like you in check."
Realizing he wasn't going to gain any information out of these people Akiol sighed. All things considered this journey has been a disaster. The hostility he was facing, the sudden raid, and now the suspicion Hank and Terwin held against him.
Maybe he really should've taken that offer to rest first.