The Harem Protagonist Was Turned Into A Girl!! And Doesn’t Want To Change Back!!!??

Chapter 10: Things in Motion

Plynx had been quiet as they’d gathered things up to head home. Svetlana figured it was a side-effect of the fireworks and so left her alone, instead helping Vivian get a sleeping Thisbe back to the (still obnoxiously massive) car. O’tmyil arrived with Augusta slightly later, who was apparently drunk enough she was mixing up English and German as she spoke. Svetlana did always find that cute, even if it made her hard to understand.

O’tmyil was not helping matters by sprinkling German into her own speech as she led her to the car.

“Wait. Where are Mynx?” Plynx asked, turning to look around.

“Uh… they were just on the beach when we went to get drinks… a couple hours ago…” Svetlana replied, realising how long ago they’d lost track of the young feline princesses.

“They can defend themselves,” Vivian replied.

“If Zyn is still up, then I worry more for the damage they will have caused than their safety,” Plynx replied.

“Well, I don’t hear any sirens, so that’s probably a good sign,” Svetlana offered.

She did hear something, though. A rumbling accompanied by the squeal of rubber. Turning, she had to stare as close to a hundred motorcycles pulled up. She’d forgotten how Port Dover was a hotbed for bikers. Usually on Friday the 13th, but it didn’t surprise her some would show up for any day there was a party.

Svetlana did worry about what they were up to, though, and took a step closer to O’tmyil. 

Then one of the bikers lifted both hands in the air and shouted: “Big-sister! We-I made friends!”

The whole group blinked, as M’gnyz Mynx took her helmet off, smiling away.

The biker beside her pulled off their helmet as well, revealing a woman with greying short hair, who was also smiling. “Your kid sister is a maniac on the road. She’s delightful.”

“Where did you-sister get this motorcycle?” Plynx asked, marching over.

“We-I won it,” M’gnyz replied. “In a race.”

“She drove across a pond and then along a guard rail,” the biker woman added. “More than earned the bike.”

“Forgot it was not the hovering type of bike,” M’gnyz replied, with a slight blush.

Plynx rubbed her ears with stress before letting out a sigh. “You do not have a Terran driving license, little-sister. You may not drive a motor vehicle.”

“She already told us. I work at a driving test site in Brantford, and she can come for a test any time. She’ll pass the practical side for sure,” the biker woman said. “Ask for Leslie.”

Plynx blinked. “Um… many thanks. We must head home now, though.”

“Sure, sure. Keep the bike, kid. You deserve it,” Leslie said, before driving off with the rest of her gang.

M’gnyz waved them off, before leaving the group with a problem: how to get the bike back to Hammer City. Apart from the chauffeur, who was already driving, everyone else was either (at least mildly) drunk or an alien without an earth licence.

They lacked a trailer. There was also nothing on the roof to attach it to. After debating bringing it into the obnoxious stretch car, and being yelled at by Augusta for risking the interior, O’tmyil announced she had an idea.

“Lady Augusta, you have an international licence that covers motorcycles, ja?”

“Jawohl?” a visibly confused Augusta replied, still sitting on the floor of the car to block the motorcycle.

“May I borrow it?” 

“That ist not how einen führerschein work,” the blonde muttered. 

“I believe I could make it work,” O’tmyil replied with a smile, before she shimmered from head to toe, before taking on Augusta’s appearance.

“Oh. Ça fonctionnera….” Augusta said with a nod, her eyes wide with shock as she handed her driver’s licence over.

“You can do that!?” Svetlana asked, staring at O’tmyil, and seeing no flaws in her transformation into Augusta. 

“With permission,” O’tmyil replied, wearing a grin unlike the type Augusta ever wore.

They got home fine, O’tmyil returning to her normal face after parking the motorcycle in Svetlana and Cartidge’s eternally empty parking space in the basement garage.

Surprisingly, Plynx chose not to stay the night and returned to her spaceship parked in an abandoned lot in the North End. Thisbe, likewise, had been dropped off at her apartment, while Augusta left back to her house in Toronto. 

Vivian, however, did stay the night.

After O’tmyil announced her intention to enter sleep mode for the evening, Svetlana led Vivian to her bedroom, and… well… Svetlana learned several things about her new form with Vivian’s help that night.

She was more than a little sweaty and out of breath when they finally stopped, and were quietly relaxing, Svetlana leaning back into Vivian’s arms. 

“I’m so lucky you were here to show me how all that worked,” she said, after a few moments.

“It was truly arduous, so I’m glad you appreciate the effort,” Vivian said, before laughing and leaning in to kiss Svetlana’s neck.

That sent another pulse of pleasure through Svetlana. She’d had a lot of those tonight. With none of the tinge of discomfort she’d felt before, that she’d chalked up to guilt these past few months of being fought over.

She suddenly realised she had no idea what she’d attributed that feeling to before this whole mess. 

Well, she could probably fill a book with the obvious signs she’d ignored before this. Right now she was going to focus on the positives in the future. She rolled around and kissed Vivian just above the collarbone, before making her way up the taller woman’s neck and finding her way to her mouth. 

“I wouldn’t mind a second round of lessons, bu—” she found herself interrupted by a yawn. “Oof. I was going to say I’m tired from only getting, like, two hours sleep today, but… maybe that’s redundant.”

Vivian kissed her back. “We’ll just have to convene for more tutoring another time.”

“That sounds good,” Svetlana said, before snuggling into her girlfriend and driving off to sleep.

Tired after only a few hours of sleep and significant physical activity in the last 48 hours, Svetlana still pushed herself through her stretches at the base of the Wentworth Stairs as the sun was just starting to rise. 

“I still think I don’t really need to work out today,” she muttered as O’tmyil watched her.

“Your activities with Miss Wong were a start, but you were also allowed to take multiple extra days off this last month. We need to get you back into routine,” O’tmyil replied sharply.

Svetlana knew O’tmyil didn’t get jealous, the robotic woman had said so several times. She’d also proven it before, as far as Svetlana could actually read her. Maybe, though, since Vivian and O’tmyil were getting closer… was she actually upset about being left out?

“Wait, Miss Wo—you’re dating her too, can’t you move to first name basis?” Sveltana asked, as her thoughts reminded her of that important fact..

O’tmyil blushed. “I am not supposed to be with anyone other than the Empress or Emperor…”

The holographic girl gave a look that read ‘help’ to Svetlana.

“You have my full permission, as uncrowned Empress,” Svetlana replied softly.

O’tmyil nodded. “Thank you. Vivian found it odd as well.”

Svetlana smiled, and was about to give O’tmyil permission to make her own decisions on that front in future when an Issiod’rian voice called out. Surprisingly, though, it was not Plynx, but Mynx running up to them. Specifically Feyr, going by the bracelet.

“Eldest-sister has business off world, and sent me-us to supervise your the workout,” the teenage princess said with a nod as she arrived.

“Oh. Is it serious?” Svetlana asked.

“Eldest-sister said not to worry. Despite her leaving me-us alone on this planet… she-sister should have taken us-me with her… ah! But, you-future-in-law have training,” Feyr said, getting back on topic.

Svetlana was beginning to understand Feyr was both the clingiest to Plynx and the flightiest Mynx girl.

“At least it’ll be easier today. You’re lighter than Plynx,” Svetlana said, glancing up the escarpment stairs. 

“I-we have a very solution for that!” Feyr replied, pulling a few small metallic spheres out her pocket. “Neutrobium weights. They are each… seven of Terran kilograms, roughly.”

Svetlana looked down at the two tiny spheres. “Wait, you ran here with thirty pounds of weights in your pockets!?”


“This country uses two different systems of measurement in a completely arbitrary mix,” O’tmyil replied.

“I—no, that’s fair,” Svetlana replied, before taking a deep breath. “Well, this mountain won’t climb itself. Let’s get going.”


“Another odd linguistic habit, though that one seems more specific to Hammer City,” O’tmyil explained.

At work a few days later, and Svetlana had definitely zoned out for a bit playing an old sim-game that she could only half understand. As she was debating actually opening an instruction booklet for once in her life, the entrance bell drew her back into ‘work mode’. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was 3 am. Which meant she was unsurprised to see it was Thisbe walking in.

“You’ve got a little something on your chin,” Svetlana said, gesturing to match.

“Oh! Oops,” Thisbe replied, pulling out a napkin to wipe the blood off before walking up to the cash and putting a wallet down. “What’s new at the store that is interesting?”

Svetlana got up and opened the drawer to pull on some latex gloves. “Uh, we got some new Collectovision games?”

“Someone brought in Ogre Quest 4 too,” Cartridge replied, pulling on her own gloves.

Svetlana opened the wallet, now that she wasn’t going to leave any fingerprints, and… grimaced a little at the face on the ID.

“Dude seriously had Nazi tattos on his face?” Cartridge said.

“It’s depressing white surpremacists and their ilk still exist, but… they do keep me fed, at least,” Thisbe replied. “Oh. There’s hardly any cash in there.”

“Fifty bucks is fifty bucks,” Svetlana replied.

“Maybe the—“ Thisbe started.

“No debit or credit, Thisbe. The cops come sniffing around when someone’s card was used their last night alive, and then Giovanni gets annoyed,” Cartridge replied.

“Awww… maybe I should see if a convenience store has cashback… it really is a shame everyone uses cards so much now,” Thisbe muttered.

Svetlana accompanied her throughout the store, the pair discussing various games that caught Thisbe’s eye. They had to look up a few…and found a couple of games with no online information despite even Cartridge’s best effort. Those sparked Thisbe’s interest and she picked them to take home.

She was about to leave with her new purchases and confiscated wallet when the door jingled again.

“Hey nerds!” Geordi announced, strolling in. “Oh, and Thisbe.”

“Excuse me, I am a proud nerd,” Thisbe protested playfully.

“Ah, apologies madame,” Geordie replied with a dramatic bow. 

“Apology accepted,” Thisbe replied, before giggling.

“And what’s brought you here at 4 am, Geordi?” Svetlana asked.

“Can’t I visit my dear girlfriend whenever?” Geordi said with a grin that made Cartridge blush. “But, yeah, I realised you two might like to come over to the local trans support group and thought I’d invite you both.”

Svetlana and Cartridge blinked, before looking at each other.

“Is it really fair for us to?” Svetlana asked.

“Yeah, we kind of got our transitions handed to us on a golden platter…” Cartridge added.

“You’ll both need some help figuring out legal name and gender changes and all that. You can find some resources at the group,” Geordi replied.

“Huh, I… I suppose that is true,” Svetlana replied.

“I would still sort of feel guilty around other trans girls, but, I do admit I don’t understand a lot of how all that works… I need the help,” Cartridge replied.

“Ah, don’t worry, Carti. Everyone’ll be happy for you two,” Geordi replied.

Svetlana and Cartridge walked quietly into the living room of the small house, feeling like all the eyes there were on them. Most of the group was young, younger than them, but there were a few older faces in the crowd as well. Svetlana managed an awkward smile.

“There you two are,” Geordie said with a grin. “This is my girlfriend Cartridge and her best friend Svetlana.”

“H—hi,” Cartidge replied, blushing as Geordi pulled her into a hug. 

Svetlana offered an awkward hello of her own. Cartridge proceeded to cling to Geordi’s side, leaving Svetlana feeling a bit adrift and alone. At least until she noticed there were snacks. If she had food in her mouth she couldn’t put her foot in there, which felt very necessary as she felt drowned in imposter syndrome. It was annoying, she was feeling so confident in the rest of her life, but now she felt right back to her old awkwardness.

She’d barely managed to grab any cookies before the meeting started properly, however. She sat in a corner by the door as people ran through introductions, names and pronouns. She gave hers when the conversation rotated past her, and got fewer stares than she expected. Then again, she was far from the only person who passed here, so maybe people didn’t yet realise how she’d cheated, even if accidentally.

She didn’t look forward to changing that. Glancing to Cartridge, the redhead looked just as apprehensive after running through her introduction. 

A few others in the group discussed some things that happened to them that week. One of the guys had gotten his legal name change papers through, which saw some clapping. A young woman complained about her grandfather being transphobic, which then caused Svetlana to realise she hadn’t actually told her parents what had happened yet. 

That worry was postponed when the group organizer turned to Svetlana and Cartridge.

“So, before we move to the main chunk of the evening, Geordi tells me you two have an interesting introduction?” they said, wearing a warm smile.

“Uhh… yes. Definitely… interesting,” Svetlana said, before exchanging a glance with Cartridge. “Cartridge and I—well, you’ve heard about the aliens in town, right?”

There were some nods. A couple people said they had encountered some of the chaos directly.

“Well, Cartridge and I got zapped by a… what did they call it? Sex Reassignment Ray?” Svetlana said.

“Something like that, yeah,” Cartridge replied. “And then we realised we liked it and went a bit crazy buying new clothes.”

“Yet the dorks didn’t realise they were actually trans until I talked some sense into them,” Geordi added with a laugh.

There was silence for a moment, followed by an explosion of questions. Did it hurt? It was mostly weird. How long ago? Like, two weeks? Did it change everything? Yes. Did they have a menstrual cycle now?

“Uhh…” Svetlana said. “I have no idea?”

“Do we have ovaries and all that now?” Cartridge replied, as the two stared at each other. 

“I would… I would think?” Svetlana said.

“Maybe we should get a doctor to check,” Cartridge added, growing deep in thought.

Before anyone was able to ask them more questions, there was a knock at the door. Realising she was sitting the closest to it, Svetlana offered to get it and hurried off. Maybe it was a jerk move, to leave Cartridge alone with the questions, but she saw an out for a moment’s rest and wanted to take it.

To her surprise, she found Augusta standing outside, what looked like worry in her eyes.

So much for an out.

“You’re… you’re actually here? I didn’t want to believe O’tmyil when she said you’d be here…” the blonde said. 

“Yes. I’m here,” Svetlana replied. 

“But, mon amour, Plynx told you, this is the effects of the ray. It is messing with your brain. This is not the real you,” Augusta said, stepping forward, reaching out to her.

Svetlana took a step back, keeping out of reach. “She said she thought it was. But she’s wrong. I was numbed inside before, and now—now everything feels so much more vibrant and enjoyable. I’m alive now. This is how I want to live.”

“You can’t,” Augusta hissed, before softening her face. “I love you. I want to marry you.”

She was so beautiful, and actually looked vulnerable for once. It left Svetlana feeling like the villain with what she was going to have to say.

“If you loved me you’d want me to be happy,” Svetlana countered, throwing all her newfound confidence into making a stand here.

“Haven’t I made you happy, mon amour?” Augusta asked, stepping in and sliding her hands onto Svetlana’s hips. “Have we not… haven’t we enjoyed each other thoroughly, moyo sokrovishche?”

Svetlana felt heat shoot through her body at the words and the way Augusta’s thumbs rubbed against her hips. She’d always been weak when Augusta pulled out the Russian terms of endearment… something about the Slavic languages just got to her. 

But. She had to stay firm.

“I’ve—I’ve had moments of pleasure with you, yes. Bu—ut those moments can’t outweigh the wider joy in my life now,” Svetlana replied, her cheeks still burning as she pulled Augusta’s hands away from her hips.

Non. Non… Please,” Augusta said, her voice so soft now and tears filled her eyes. “Ma famille… we need an heir. I am an only child, without cousins. The house of—”

Svetlana interrupted with a tired sigh. “I really don’t care about your dynastic dreams, Augusta. If you want a husband, you can—”

It was Svetlana’s turn to be interrupted as the door slammed open, revealing Plynx with her eyes glowing and an oversized blaster in her hands. 

That was a bad sign.

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