The Hagrid's son

Chapter 99: Eyes That Cannot See

The wedding night had been exciting, though...

Maybe they had overdone it by staying in the bedroom for three days?



Besides, this time he had the potions ready!

But all good things must come to an end, and with only a few hours left before the new school year began, he could only cross his fingers and hope Umbridge wouldn't go too far.

"Dad, are you sure you won't reconsider?" Barnaby asked Hagrid as the two of them prepared to return to Hogwarts.

"No, I won't leave Hogwarts until the end!" Hagrid declared firmly. "In fact, if it weren't for the things you gave me, I'd still be coming back from seeing the giants. Actually, I should be asking you. With all that you're capable of, you could do and earn much more elsewhere, so why do you keep returning to the school?"

"You know why..." Barnaby sighed.

To everyone, Dumbledore being the headmaster of Hogwarts was a guarantee of protection and hope. But Barnaby didn't see it that way, especially after what happened last year.

It was precisely because Dumbledore sat in his office, even after the confirmation of Voldemort's return, that the school had become too tempting a target for someone who wanted to dominate the magical community through fear.

Taking down the "greatest white wizard" of the century and capturing Hogwarts—two birds with one stone.

A stone that would shatter the illusion of safety everyone was clinging to desperately, like a wooden plank keeping them from sinking into the dark sea below.

And as far as Barnaby knew, that old man hadn't stepped up to admit the whole thing about Voldemort's return was true or that they needed to prepare. Instead, he let the issue simmer while he made his plans behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic kept insisting on false security.

Even if Barnaby wanted to confirm everything with Harry by his side, how many people would believe them?

But if it were Dumbledore...

He hated to admit it, but the old man's fame and the weight of his words were in a league of their own.

Even using Polyjuice Potion to impersonate him and spread the truth was a crazy idea that would easily be exposed, only making people less inclined to believe the truth after the lie was revealed.

But the worst part was that while everyone was focused on "his return," no one was looking at the former Death Eaters who were "forced" in the past. Barnaby didn't even investigate this, but after several visits to Diagon Alley, he could tell their businesses were undergoing some very suspicious changes.

Don't fear the man who gives the orders, but those who will follow them without hesitation.

Even if Harry mentioned names like Lucius Malfoy, the families involved would only need to deny it or feign ignorance while their children were still attending Hogwarts.

As for whether they were there to study or spy, who could tell?

Barnaby knew that most professors would still choose to believe in their students.

Except Snape, but that had its own story that even Barnaby didn't fully understand...

In any case, since his father had no intention of leaving, Barnaby would take a preventive measure by drawing a complex rune on Hagrid's forehead, which was quickly absorbed.

"What was that?" Hagrid asked, scratching his forehead. "It tickled."

"A reinforced mental shield with a couple of tricks—it'll prevent anyone from using Legilimency on you," Barnaby explained, making sure the magic took hold in his father's mind. "It also helps prevent you from mentioning certain important things by accident."

"Yeah, I admit a thing or two might slip out sometimes," Hagrid agreed, scratching his beard a bit embarrassed.

But it wasn't like he did it on purpose!

Barnaby smiled and didn't take it seriously, as that magic actually did… a bit more.

Even if Hagrid actively allowed Dumbledore to read his memories, that shield would keep him out with absolute certainty, since Barnaby was the caster and he had the final say.

It was also an alarm, a tracker, a filter, and a safeguard, but that wasn't relevant.

As for preventing accidental slips, an example would be not being able to mention where Barnaby and Tonks' house was or that they lived with the Scamanders.

Some small details could be fatal, so it was better to censor them.

As for whether that information was already known, he wasn't too worried; Frieren's protections were no joke...

He himself wanted to learn to use that magic, but it was way too difficult!

"Let's go! We've got a lot to check before this year's students arrive!" Hagrid urged.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," Barnaby rolled his eyes, and after saying goodbye to his now-wife, he disappeared along with his father and Fang (who would return to the old cabin with Hagrid) when a cocoon of shadows enveloped them and whisked them away.

Tonks watched them leave and placed a hand on her abdomen.

"Tsk, three days and no luck," she clicked her tongue, relieved to be able to continue as usual and a bit secretly saddened by the realization that having kids would be a bit difficult for them. "I guess we'll have to keep trying, though with everything going on..."

Her parents were going to have to wait a few years to see their grandchildren, probably.

"I better go get ready too; I'll make Tina look bad if I'm late on the first day of the job she got me."

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