The Guardian

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 9: The Arrival

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 9: The Arrival

She looked around the small town.

She had heard that it was lively for a place in the middle of nowhere, but now she doubted about it, as she felt the atmosphere.

The residents had heavy expressions... No; it wasn’t just the people living in this area, it was also the mercenaries, workers, and militiamen.

Their tense expressions were clear.

She knew the reason... The ‘Great Khan’ had threatened them and was now already at the border of this ancient country.

The troops of that warlord were nearby and rumors that they had an army with military vehicles led to everyone being tense.

It was true that someone strong would come out immune to a gunshot, but there were not so many powerful individuals present here.

Which meant that if they tried to resist, they might end up suffering.

That was why the atmosphere was so heavy and serious, as if their end was near.

Will the Apicius Company abandon them?

Will it take the mercenaries and their people?

If they resisted and lost, they would be considered members of the opposition, so it was very certain that the Great Khan would eliminate them all to make an example of those who wanted to resist.

This year was beginning with too depressing an atmosphere.

“Cardinal Brousseau, we have already prepared what you asked for,” An elderly man with graying white hair reported.

James Wiley, CEO of the Apicius Company that emerged after the Great Cataclysm.

Before that event, he was a fairly well-known businessman who ended up retiring, only to reappear with a little girl.

Some say that she was his illegitimate daughter, and others said that he had adopted her because she had no family, but the answer was not found because some time later that girl was adopted by two members of the church who currently have a high rank.

And that man started a company that today was known worldwide.

Now that girl and her sister were in the middle of Africa... And now not only was James here, but the Supreme Pontiff himself sent her.

In the midst of the European-demon war, who would be the future leader of the Church of Time and Space, was in Africa.

She would like to think that it was a political matter and that the Supreme Pontiff Abraham wished to push her aside, taking the request for help from two of his most powerful members to support their daughters, but she did not believe that such a thing was true.

She leaned more to the influence of her two prominent members, but even so, it was hard to say.

However, Cardinal Brousseau obeyed orders even though the war was raging, and the church was making a move that would shock the world.

The beginning of the year 2044 was to be quite surprising to many.

“So, how’s the war going?” James asked with a smile.

“Hard to say. Many of our paladins and high ranks are in that area. But it’s still very complicated. Archangel Michael is present, along with powerful old men like Elder Harris or Director Vincent. Still, the demonic influence is spreading to the borders of India,” Cardinal Brousseau reported and with a serious tone, she detailed. “The King of Arabia has also mobilized, but to protect his border. However, even with his support, we find ourselves in a difficult situation.”

Two SSS ranks were present in that war and even with them, it was complicated to pin down the situation.

“India has a holy beast and if the demons reach that area they will have difficulties,” James replied, and giving a smile, he pointed out. “Many demons have arrived. Some are SS rank ‘kings’, but they are not idiots.”

Cardinal Brousseau looked at that old man, and he gave a smile.

“Facing ‘calamities’ head-on is stupid. Archangel Michael is powerful, but if less direct tactics are used, then the war may turn from an invasion to guerrilla warfare for protection... And when that happens, the demonic attacks will be fearsome. A cornered beast bites, but a demon will sacrifice everything to stay alive,” James mentioned and with a serious tone, he commented. “Once they are pressured, they will pray to terrifying existences and may even unite. Humanity will also do the same, but both will tear off a piece of their body to win.”

If it were not for those demonic portals that the lunatic Malik Zamora opened, then it was possible that the earth had no demons.

While there were ‘corrupted demons’ that transformed from humans, true demons were fearsome beings.

Some might be mad and stupid, but others moved in secret and did not mind causing substantial loss.

Now that they had arrived, they were fighting to maintain their interests as if it was an invasion, but the worry that they might not be able to return and the strength of humanity were increasing the scale of the war.

If cornered, they would not mind attacking human cities with everything.

That was a major concern worldwide and why countries kept most of their forces in reserve protecting their borders.

Now demonic attacks were happening, but it was the more lunatic fringe who were carrying out such attacks, and not all of them.

“Besides, not all demons are evil beings,” James said and when he met her gaze, he mentioned. “Some have different interests. The Peaceful Demon King supports ‘The Fallen’ Guild, being one of the most tenacious forces in what’s left of Turkey.”

Gathering skill users from countries that had fallen during the demonic war and during the war against Malik, ‘The Fallen’ Guild became a powerhouse on its own.

Individuals who lost their homes and lands rose up, pushed for multiple reasons under the leadership of a flamboyant young man.

“For being in the middle of Africa, you know a lot.” Cardinal Brousseau pointed out.

“Of course, we patronize that guild and its leader. In a way, we are partners,” James replied and as he met her gaze, he laughed and commented. “The chances of getting related to a Demon King through them is very high and that means we stand to profit.”

A smile typical of a merchant who was looking to make any kind of profit regardless of the circumstances worldwide covered that old man’s face.

“Of course, the main idea is to achieve the success of this project,” James said, looking at what was ahead.

A portal was being opened by some church members and mercenaries.

Cardinal Brousseau said nothing.

Her mission was also to support what was being built here and avoid any mishaps.

Despite the fact that the situation worldwide was about to change and that change was brought about by the Church of Time and Space, the Supreme Pontiff Abraham also made resources available to support the emergence of this ‘oasis’.

The Apicius Enterprise, instead of rejecting them, gladly accepted it even though it was possible that unlike Atlantis City, which was founded only by the Cosmos Enterprise, they would have to share the ‘power’ because of the influence of those with whom they cooperated.

Was she sent to try to keep a company from taking advantage of people and resources by having absolute power, or did the Supreme Pontiff want another Atlantis City to be born in the desert?

In the end, it didn’t matter, and she focused on the two young girls nearby who approached on a signal from James.

“Cardinal Brousseau, let me introduce Aurora and Alice Campbell. They are the ones who started all this,” James introduced with a smile.

Cardinal Brousseau looked at those young ladies and couldn’t help but sigh.

In her eyes, they were girls...

Aurora was delicate and slender, appearing to be a young girl who had not yet matured and was charmingly tender.

However, that was her appearance, as her posture and gaze were full of seriousness and professionalism.

Her black eyes shone like a star-filled night, revealing a unique vitality, which counterbalanced that darkness deep inside her.

Alice, on the other hand, had a bag of chips in her hands and although they were the same age, she had got a unique charm, like a flower in full bloom.

Still, her eyes were dull and indifferent, leaving only her concentration on her food.

“Thank you for coming to help us, Cardinal Brousseau,” Aurora said, bowing in a formal tone.

Her tone was sincere and she could tell it came from the bottom of her heart, which made Cardinal Brousseau chuckle.

Perhaps she had not recognized her, as she had grown a little younger, but Cardinal Brousseau had seen her a few times as a child.

Her work with her parents had allowed her to meet her before, but she didn’t just know her from that side.

She knew who Aurora was when she wore her mask.

Extremely talented, reached S-Rank at too young an age and with overwhelming ability, that teenager was part of events that girls her age shouldn’t be involved in.

Just as before, she had helped in other areas, now Aurora was here helping using her true appearance.

Very young, with clear goals and ideals and although she reached a great height, she had not a hint of arrogance.

However, the cost was to lose her childhood and now her adolescence.

Cardinal Brousseau would like to believe that girl’s parents when they proudly said their daughters were troublemakers, but she could not.

The way that little girl bowed gratefully, looking like a good girl, was nice, and Cardinal Brousseau gave her a hug, surprising the young girl.

“You can call me Fiona.” Cardinal Brousseau said with a smile.

The young girl’s body tensed as she was hugged, then relaxed, knowing it was only a motherly hug, and when Cardinal Brousseau looked at the sister who liked the chips, she realized she had already run away.

They were only fifteen and at that age, they should be in school suffering or enjoying their school time, meeting new people, making friends, having their first love, and suffering for it.

But they were here... In the middle of Africa struggling to help others.

“I don’t think I can,” Aurora murmured, and when Cardinal Brousseau broke away, the young girl scratched her cheek and declared. “You are very important.”

She was somewhat embarrassed, and shy about approaching someone of high status, and Cardinal Brousseau gave a smile.

Despite their actions and the fact that they were both S-ranks, they were still girls.

“Well, we have a long way to go to change that,” Cardinal Brousseau said and giving the order to activate the portal, she mentioned. “After all, I will stay in this place for a long time.”

Her gaze shifted to the paladins and priests who were coming out of the portal, bringing all sorts of objects.

Making it clear that the Church of Time and Space had arrived in this little town called Zerzura.


A shadow of darkness moved through the night, moving away from the town and then stopped when an old man stepped in its path.

James watched the shadow and then watched as two young girls emerged from the darkness.

Aurora was wearing battle armor with a cuirass, boots, and metal shoulder pads, she looked like a young swordsman with medieval overtones.

However, she was not in full costume, as she was not wearing two swords on her hips and no mask either, only a long sword on her hip.

At this moment, she was Aurora Campbell, an unknown teenager.

“Was it Alice?” asked Aurora, diverting her gaze to her sister, who lowered her head like a puppy.

She was looking for the reason why she was now being detained.

“Part of it was her, part of it was your parents and lastly... I can’t risk the shareholders or two of them,” James said nonchalantly, taking a serious stance.

Unlike the obedient young girl Cardinal Brousseau saw, now that young woman’s eyes glowed with a sinister coldness and an unwavering will.

It was impossible to stop what she was about to do.

His words relaxed her a little, but that was all... She would leave this place and head for her target tonight, to make them all disappear tomorrow.

She was going to eliminate the cause of the people’s fear and the one causing devastation through these lands... She was going to eliminate the Great Khan.


Silence stretched out, and she looked around, identifying the surrounding presences with keen senses.

The serious atmosphere grew louder, and when James met Alice’s gaze, he gave a smile.

“The enemy forces are higher than you think, and there are also many people captured. From mercenaries, slaves, and locals. It will be hard to fight them and protect the people,” James said, and looking at Alice, he added. “Even if you have her help.”

Aurora was silent as she heard those words.

She was just listening, but one could still tell that she wouldn’t change her mind.

“And lastly, you are not alone. Something is being built now and whether you want it or not, it’s because of you,” James pointed out seriously and, looking at Aurora, announced. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t wish to organize things. Now we are here for you two, but if anything happens to you, we won’t stay.”

It was a clear threat and, in a way, it was the truth.

The only reason they came here was because of them and that was the reason the church was present as well... Understanding that point was vital if they wished to keep moving and build this oasis.

“I’m not asking you to stop. We are all in the same boat now and that means shouldering the responsibilities and consequences all together,” James said with a serious expression.

He didn’t treat them like little girls and that was because they both weren’t.

“I’m sorry. I got carried away. I’m used to acting alone,” Aurora said and looking at Alice, she gave a soft smile and muttered. “At least the two of us.”

She didn’t complain, didn’t refute his words, but apologized, understanding the point he was trying to get across to her.

They were here for both of them and the Church of Time and Space was the same, it wasn’t arrogance; it was fact.

Moving forward, taking on all the burdens was not something they could do when the consequences of failure or success would be dealt with by other people.

A city was being built and while strength was needed to eliminate their enemies and survive in this wild place, attention also needed to be paid to the other responsibilities.

“It’s okay. When you two team up, you empower each other,” James joked with a smile and, giving a serious look, he stated. “Anyway, let them accompany you to provide some assistance.”

With those words he had Nicholas and Makeba revealed, accompanied by a grown man, cold-eyed and solemn-looking, dressed in an ancient mage’s robe.

“You already know Nicholas and Makeba, but he is new. Abdellah El Ouazzani has been working for the Apicius Company for some time now, being a member of the company’s security as a mercenary.” James said and seeing the man with middle eastern features nodded in greeting, he added. “An S-Rank space mage. He will provide you with assistance in preventing civilian deaths and will be the one to bring reinforcements when needed.”

Aurora watched them carefully for a moment, and then nodded.

“They are both professionals, so they will follow orders,” James added earnestly.

It was no lie that he liked the two of them acting together on their own, and that meant they lacked the experience to take command and leadership in general.

Adding their youth and their looks, people underestimated them and even though they said they didn’t mind, it could sometimes be annoying and, above all, problematic when they decided to lead.

However, they were annoyances to overcome and more so when they would need help to act.

Unlike what he expected, Aurora agreed, and after talking to the new group, they all left.

And James sent a message ordering the other mercenaries to prepare to fetch the people when they were rescued from the warlord’s hands.

Then Cardinal Brousseau appeared from where she was hiding and prepared her paladins.

They were going to make a surprise attack, going all out... That meant they needed a small group to act.

If Aurora and Alice had the confidence to do it on their own before, with the support group alone, they were ensuring a higher success rate.

As for the others, they were going to be reinforcements, to take care of everything afterwards.

“I don’t think it’s possible to give her the life of an ordinary teenager. No, she won’t take it and avoid it,” James said seriously and intertwining his arms, he mentioned. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t support her. She just has to learn that she’s not alone and count on the surrounding people.”

To James, Aurora was someone who worked alone, shouldering the responsibilities on her own and also the consequences, but at the same time not accepting the benefits.

The city that was being built had her as its foundation... She was the one who brought the other people in to help, and it was she who held them together.

If Aurora had left when the help came, then her importance would diminish, but she didn’t.

And just as now that she was going to move on her own, in the future she would continue to move to help carrying more weight.

Aurora was tying other people to her existence and one example was Makeba, who resolutely followed her when he found out what they were about to do in secret.

That would continue to happen in the future, and that was not only because of her charisma, but because of her own actions.

However, Aurora had to realize that she was not alone and that while so far what they were doing was not big, in the future, it would be.

And when that time came, her actions would carry the weight of a city... Of Zerzura.

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