The Guardian

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 14: Arrival

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 14: Arrival

A young man with a haughty expression looked out of the airplane window.

They were now traveling above the Sahara Desert, which had spread over most of the northern part of the African continent.

The trip was fast, and the view was passing by at high speed, but he, who was an A-rank, at seventeen, could keep up with the speed.

Travel to the African continent was restricted because of area danger.

Some said that warlords had weapons of war and could shoot down the planes, while magical beasts could be fearsome.

Although airplanes improved in both speed and camouflage and concealment, for many it was very dangerous to travel in airplanes.

Unfortunately, it was the only method when travel to Africa was needed because the Cosmos Portals of the great Cosmos Enterprise had not spread to the area.

The African continent was the same as the American continent, especially South America.

The only difference was that in Africa, the countries had already fallen to tyrants, warlords or beasts, while in South America, corrupt governments were beginning to totter.

It was an inevitable process... Corruption in South America became clear under such governments and it was at such an astonishing level that people did not want to stand idly by.

Unlike the American or European civil war, where it was the skill users who were the main focus, here it turned out to be the common people who started the mobilization.

Those sides were like powder kegs, ready for someone to come along and blow it all up, but the world was already in turmoil.

The European-demon war, where the Terranovians were showing their terrifying capabilities, caused the demons to start acting more ferociously.

Demonic attacks were occurring in European cities and mainly in Greece, where the camps of the European forces were located.

Although the imperial forces of the Falion Empire were now settled in that area to cooperate with Greece in the defense of their lands, the war was causing the demons to act with greater desperation.

It was difficult to know how many demons came through the demonic portals, but if anything, it was known that they were dropping like flies.

The Terranovians prioritized demons more than the humans on the other side and that led to the number of demons being reduced.

Several demons SS ranks had fallen since the beginning of this year and while it was not known if there was an SSS rank on the demon side, the conflict would escalate as the end of the war approached.

The problem was that the demons were very vengeful and his master, the Director of the Hero Academy, Aaron Vincent, was openly participating in the war.

Everyone knew he had a student and there was no doubt that if they had a chance, they would seek him out to take him down.

That led to Edward being left in the care of the daughters of an acquaintance of his master.

Edward Palmer clicked his tongue at the thought of such matters.

At seventeen, he was already an A-rank!

Maybe it wasn’t as rare as an S-rank, but he would be considered the main force anywhere.

Still, he was sent to the middle of nowhere by his master, instead of letting him go elsewhere where someone of his strength and ability might be needed.

“Attention passengers, we will soon be arriving at the airport. Fasten your seat belts and remain calm.” Announced the stewardess from up ahead.

This plane was one of the few passenger planes going to Africa, specifically to Zerzura City, which the Apicius Company was building.

Edward did not know what kind of ‘disease’ the shareholders and CEO of the Apicius Company were suffering from, but regardless of third party thinking, they were undertaking a construction of a city.

If it wasn’t for the Church of Time and Space also superficially participating, the project would be considered the biggest joke of this year... No, it was possible that it already was.

Everyone was talking about the ‘economic suicide’ that the Apicius Enterprise was undertaking and no one saw any chance of success in the investment.

Edward adjusted his belt, looking out over the city.

“I want to get there already. Some say the city has good policies with adventurers.”

“Also the city recruits for their militia, though I don’t think it’s too nice.”

“I’ve heard it’s a good place for mercenary, but I doubt it... I hear the city has banned killing magical beasts.”

Voices echoed from the other passengers, and Edward looked at them dismissively.

Guided by profit, people could travel very far and abandon many things... This was the case.

The natural and temporary dungeons that could be generated in these lands turned out to be a benefit for all those who wished to clean it.

The newscasts said that the Apicius Company was performing ‘economic suicide’, because it was spending wealth that would make normal companies’ mouths drop open, but this was an opportunity for those who wanted money.

The plane flew through the air at high speed and Edward, looking out the window, noticed a gigantic wall enclosing the city... No; it was not a city, but something in between a town and a small city.

He could notice some tall buildings and nicely groomed streets, along with several residential areas on the north side.

The airport was nice to look at and seemed very well equipped, with a considerable size, where different airplanes were already parked.

After circling around to check the situation, the plane landed smoothly at the airport.

Cosmos Portals were taking the center stage of transportation worldwide, but planes were still an effective method of travel and because of technology, reduced dangers and mishaps to the minimum possible.

Edward, still annoyed at being sent to this place, left the plane along with the other passengers.

As he expected, the airport was large and the passenger area had a carefully prepared area.

The planes coming in were not small; they were large passenger planes, and many people were arriving, with adventurers and mercenaries being the main ones.

As he entered the arrival hall of the airport, he caught a dark complexioned man holding a sign with his name on it.

“Welcome. They sent me for you. I hope you don’t mind,” said the man and with a smile, he commented. “Don’t worry, I’m just a secretary who was given this job.”

Had the man noticed his strange look at his lack of introduction?

Edward, seeing that he actually looked like a random secretary by the way he was dressed, just nodded and ordered. “Lead the way.”

The secretary smiled at his commanding tone and began to guide him in a professional manner.

Moving from the arrival hall to the waiting area and then to the food court, he could notice a few small food businesses, though not as much as one would expect from an airport.

Those brands selling their products were affiliated with the Apicius Company, so surely they came as a form of support.

When they went outside, the secretary got into a car.

There were a few cars and a few cabs, but their number was smaller than one would expect.

What surprised Edward, however, was that the area was well groomed.

The streets and street lighting, along with some areas already prepared for buildings to be constructed.

While many of those areas had the groundwork ready for construction, that alone gave a glimpse into the future planning of whoever was organizing everything.

“We still have very few businesses. And transportation vehicles, businessmen see the investment as a very high risk.” Said the secretary as he invited him into the car.

It was not an old car as Edward would expect when he thought of traveling to a city in the middle of the African continent and while it was among the ‘economical’ it was nice.

“Foreigners see those who have stayed on this continent as poor and uneducated people. However, many of us studied and were ‘somebody’ when the countries were active,” explained the secretary as he drove and giving a glance at the trucks leaving the airport warehouses for the northern part of the city, he added. “We just missed chances to change.”

Had he noticed her contempt for the place?

It was hard to shake off those ancient thoughts when talking about a continent whose countries were lost and whose lands became the playground of lunatics and former players.

Edward had thought that all those who were capable had migrated to another continent and other countries during the long process of lunatics, monsters and the assault of nature that made the forests spread, but now he realized that perhaps he was wrong.

“Also, those who are abroad are wary of returning, even though they miss their homelands. Well, I guess anyone would think ‘Zerzura’ is a town of adobe and thatched houses,” said the secretary with a hint of mockery in his voice and looking in the rearview mirror, he commented. “Just to realize that this will be a concrete city.”

Was that a comment directed at him?

Edward didn’t care, and simply observed the ‘downtown area’ of the city.

They weren’t a large place, but there were office buildings that were occupied.

From the commercial building of the Apicius Company, all kinds of people in their respective suits and work uniforms were coming and going.

There were also other companies related or connected in some way with the Apicius Company, giving the idea that their commercial ‘alliances’ supported this city.

There were even a few restaurants and hotels of some recognized hotel line available.

Another building that seemed to be busy was the school where children and adults were entering.

Then they passed by the plaza that was under construction with nature mages raising trees and getting the green grass to grow, giving a strong sense of nature, while the builder drones assembled the seating.

“The city will soon open a bank to allow people who have great ideas and lack investment to fulfill their goals. The school is not only for the uneducated youth, it also serves for adults to retrain for their professions or manage to acquire some degree to work,” explained the secretary and walking around the urban area where the houses were being built, he added. “The Apicius Company and the Church of Time and Space are carrying out education and opportunity projects. They want refugees to settle in with affordable long-term plans.”

The two were moving through what would be the more urban part of the city, where buildings stood side by side, giving a feeling of apartment complexes, only to find some houses in suburban areas.

The areas were clearly delimited and the closer to the center and south, the more buildings and apartments were built.

Then to the north it moved away, allowing suburban outlying suburbs to be built with houses very similar to each other.

“Don’t think everything is free. The Apicius Enterprise is nice and there are quite a few social projects that try to meet the basic needs of refugees and inhabitants who can’t afford it due to their circumstances, but it also has quite a few regulations,” said the secretary and with a half smile, he pointed out. “One example is housing. Which must be paid in the form of affordable installments after a period of time after getting a stable job.”

Were they idealists looking to create a ‘utopia’ or were they ‘feeding’ a malnourished cow and then milking it?

It was hard to say, but it was inexplicable why such an important and profitable company was moving in this way at great expense.

There was no doubt that Atlantis City was an example of a city built in the middle of the sea that became a metropolis because of the protections and securities it offered.

However, there was a difference.

Atlantis City accepted refugees during the European civil war, as it did in later times when nature got out of control or when the undead calamity happened, but everyone agreed on one point.

Their migrant population was centered on foreigners who had opportunities to get on their feet and it was not like in this place, where those who ‘had nothing’ and who needed everything were left.

It was for that reason that, to Edward, the move by that company was illogical and pointless, seeming more like a personal move than one that aimed for future gains.

Edward didn’t bother to respond. He knew the secretary was trying to show him around the city.

Although he was apprenticed to a renowned hero who founded the Hero Academy and was currently the Director, Edward felt he shouldn’t be in this place.

He felt he needed to be in a place that required his presence and talent, in a place where he would be recognized.

The worst thing was that he was sent to be under the orders of two individuals who were complete strangers and whom he had not managed to obtain any information.

Aurora and Alice Campbell... Those names were completely unknown and seemed to be two random individuals that no one recognized.

To go from being under the command of his master, a renowned Grand Archmage of SS rank, to come to this place, it was too much.

He understood that his master sent him, as he did not want the demons to seek revenge or a way to gain advantage of an SS rank and, more so at this hectic time in the war, but it was still not to his liking.

In the end, Edward sighed as he pulled up to a small building where it appeared to be some apartments.

When he got out of the car, he met a young woman with black hair and eyes coming out of the building.

She was slightly thin, and her delicate features gave a sense of weakness... More precisely, as if she were a tender flower that needed to be cared for.

In her fifteenth or sixteenth year, she was very pretty and would no doubt grow into a beauty in time, though she was a teenager now.

“Edward Palmer, right?” The young woman asked and with a diplomatic smile introduced herself. “Aurora Campbell. I’m the person who will be in care of you.”

She was telling the truth with no intention other than just to inform.

He was sent to be under Aurora and Alice Campbell, but seeing that young girl who looked younger than him, Edward’s expression changed.

He felt worse than he had thought.

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