The Guardian

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 11: Rome Was Not Built in a Day

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 11: Rome Was Not Built in a Day

A man with a sculpted physique looked into the distance where a bloody battle was taking place.

Amidst the destroyed buildings, in the surroundings of the ancient city of Ankara that was now in ruins, a war was being waged.

European military forces were present using modern weaponry and they could see slightly upgraded tanks, but the other side was not far behind.

Demonic and corrupted beasts came out from under the ground or portals, while the militiamen among them used modern weapons to attack the tanks.

Spells flew through the sky, illuminating the buildings with all kinds of colors and those on the receiving end were the demons who protected themselves with their demonic magic.

Raising huge battle golems, throwing fireballs, bringing demonic beasts or monsters.

On the other side, among the skill users, were the members of the Fallen guild who were fighting with great ferocity, but above all with great rancor.

Among the demons were humans, and they were the ones who started the war first.

While they followed Malik Zamora who was already dead, those former players had their own ambitions and desires... Or they were just crazy, which was basically the same thing.

“Will His Majesty intervene now?” Ersin asked curiously and, glancing at the man, she commented. “No need to help me. I can handle it on my own.”

Her look let it be seen that she did not wish to bother him with his task.

Terra nova was here with reinforcements.

Most of those reinforcements were from the Falion Empire or individuals who had some acquaintance and wished to come help the Earth and even those who wished to visit came.

Victor knew better than anyone how fearsome Terra Nova was and its overall strength was overwhelming compared to Earth.

Ancient elves, dragons, vampires, and many races were found in that world that was connected to other planes.

Now some of those individuals ended up coming and that included the person next to him.

Who allowed it was the God of Time and Space connecting both worlds, but who was in charge of organizing it was the Church of Knowledge whose main headquarters was in the Falion Empire.

Not letting in dangerous individuals was the key thing because it could be very problematic if just anyone was let in.

Those who came had to fulfill certain objectives in supporting the Earth and, in this case, it was to eliminate some demons.

It was payment for the passage, and while Victor knew he didn’t need help; he was here for another reason.

“I’ve stayed hidden for a long time. I’m an SSS rank, but I haven’t intervened in many situations, at least not with my real identity, so no one knows me,” Victor said and looking at the battle, he gave a big smile and pointed. “Now I’m here for this too. Two birds with one stone, right?”

Ersin gave a look as if she didn’t believe him, but he just laughed.

He was a calamity... An extremely powerful individual, but a few weeks ago he was in the middle of Africa disguised as a B-rank mercenary.

The reason was simple... He wished to hide until he moved completely, and now he was about to do so.

For years before, he had not used his true identity and in all the events he was part of, it was with another identity or from the shadows.

The year 2044 will be remembered not only for the appearance of the Terranovian, which could bring back many old acquaintances for the players, but also for other events.

He was to be one of those cases where he would show the strength of an SSS rank.

“You know, my life after the Great Cataclysm wasn’t easy. Some bastards caught me and tortured me for several months.” Victor recounted with a smile.

That was quite a long time ago.

Those who once captured him knew the connection he had with an important person and also knew part of his dark past as a player... Basically, they knew he was a lunatic who participated in large-scale events, such as the genocide of a race.

Ersin gave him a look that shone a sinister light that threatens to burn everything in her path.

“Of course, when I became strong, I got rid of those grudges, but I like to hide and I’ve been preparing for years,” Victor said and, standing up, he stretched his body and pointed. “I made a group of friends with whom I did some projects in the past and now I’m undertaking another big project.”

Soon the American continent would be faced with a lunatic that would shock it... He would move to become the Emperor of South America.

He had gathered contacts, money and influence for a long time and now that his ‘secretary’ had arrived, he had even more resources to count on.

He had even managed to ally himself to divide up the pie known as the American continent.

All that was missing now was....

“I have to make a big appearance. Prove that there is another SSS-ranked individual in this world,” Victor said as he tensed his body and, giving a big smile, announced. “I have to show the world my strength before I go to South America.”

He had remained hidden from the eyes of the public, but had acted in the shadows in different places.

He had enemies, rivals and surely people who knew about him, although on a public level he was unknown.

Before arriving in South America and giving rise to his plan that had been brewing on that continent where corruption was the norm, he needed to reveal and show his strength.

A strength that would encourage everyone to follow him and fear him, but also an image that would generate trust by showing that he was a ‘good’ person.

To accomplish that goal... It was best to defeat some powerful demons.

Victor scanned the ruins of the city until he distinguished a SS rank demon that had appeared, he didn’t care about his name, his title or his strength.

After all, he was going to die today.


In an office, a temporary command tent in Zerzura, a television was active as two people watched.

“Already at the end of January, it has been revealed that three SS-ranked demons have ended up being killed by the joint forces. The demonic forces have overwhelming numbers because of the multiple portals that the lunatic Malik Zamora opened, however, now their numbers are being greatly reduced, and it is similar with the players or player guilds that settled in the area and supported Malik Zamora,” announced the news host and with a serious tone, she revealed. “Most of the contribution is because of the Terranovians who came as reinforcements.”

Such news came from the television set that was connected to the international network, allowing it to pick up the signal of this famous newscast.

For quite some time, the players who left families on the other side asked for a portal to be opened or a form of direct communication to be created, but it was not possible.

Even the best archmages of summoning magic or space magic could not reach Terra nova using magic and while it was possible for the other party to reach at this time, it was another matter.

The demonic portals gave a possibility to connect to another world, and it was all because of Malik Zamora, who had that knowledge, but after the God of Time and Space closed the portals, the impossibility of connecting to another world became evident.

No one knew how Malik managed to open the demonic portals and it was quite possible that ordinary people would never find out, but it no longer mattered.

Now with the Terranovians arriving, it was clear that connection was possible and that meant that many former players with families on Terra nova might have a way to contact them.

While many former players ended up committing suicide when they discovered that this world was real because of their wrongdoings, trauma, or the sadness of losing family, others went on with their lives.

There was a group of people who waited patiently and always looked for a way to return.

An example of the latter individual was Yukimura Kageyasu, an SS rank from Japan, better known as General Yukimura, who had led many projects and had quite a bit of involvement in wanting to return to Terra nova.

“Of course, not only did the Terranovian forces have a big part to play, but the Earthlings as well. Victor Pellegrini is the name of the recent SSS-ranked Terran,” said the other host.

James quietly turned off the TV, not wanting to hear the commotion that was to follow.

“You don’t look so surprised,” Cardinal Brousseau pointed out and, giving a subtle glance, commented. “Perhaps the Apicius Enterprise already knew of our move.”

That woman in her late forties with slight wrinkles on her face was giving a serious look, trying to decipher his expression.

“How can that be possible? We are a simple food company,” Jame replied with the smile he always gave.

Lie or truth?

It was hard to call it a food focused company anymore, as it also had involvement in farming, ranching and everything related to food in general on a very deep level.

Developing magical projects referring to food, its influence extended to several nations and more when talking about its famous restaurants with chefs able to create ‘elixirs’ with the right edible ingredients.

The high society was the only one who could afford to eat in those prestigious restaurants and even more so to eat the dishes of the culinary chef who could make the meals strengthen the body.

Not everyone could afford one of the best dishes and those who could had to pay a huge sum and sometimes give a payment that went beyond money.

It was hard to be called a food company at this point.

“It must be hard for you at this time,” Cardinal Brousseau said, changing the subject and seeing James looking at her, she explained. “Coming to a village in Africa, spending enormous amounts of resources... Some say you’re about to become a charitable organization by ceasing to be a business.”

Perhaps at this time where the European-Demon War was in progress and where the Terranovians finally arrived on this world, attention on the Apicius Enterprise is low, but it was still present.

Why was a company that could be considered a large multinational with an enormous value in the middle of Africa helping a people?

“Some professionals say that if you continue in this way with so many expenses, you may end up in the red or even go bankrupt if all else fails,” Cardinal Brousseau added and looking at James, commented. “And disbelief only increases when rumors of the few shareholders are silent.”

How much was being spent in the city?

It was a number with too many zeros and practically a large-scale expenditure, with a value that made the rich think he was going crazy and the economists scream that he was committing economic suicide.

However, no matter how much they shouted, how much criticism there was... The shareholders were silent in tacit support.

As for the workers, they were also insured in case of sudden dismissal and that was why they were silent.

James observed Cardinal Brousseau with his typical smile.

“You seem to have heard a lot today, even though the Church of Time and Space also moved and is supporting the city in a very different way,” James said with his smile.

The Church of Time and Space, while not giving financial support, was focused more on bringing in talent and contacting people who wanted to come forward to help.

They also maintained a certain public force in charge of local security, but the most important thing was that they had portals designed by the Cosmos Company for the city.

They were portals that could connect to Cosmos portals and other church portals, allowing them to reduce the expense of using airplanes to bring in people or supplies.

This support seemed minor when compared to the Apicius Company that hired mercenaries and handled a large amount of money in investment, even so, it was an unquestionable support.

And more so when it was known that in the European-demon war, the Church of Time and Space was present.

“Besides, I am still astonished that the Cardinal with the highest authority after the Supreme Pontiff is present in this place,” James said and with a big smile, asked. “The rumors that you will succeed the Supreme Pontiff, are those rumors true?”

His question did not surprise Cardinal Brousseau. Rather, her smile grew bigger.

It was obvious she had questions, no matter how much he said, that the main shareholder of the Apicius Company and now the second shareholder agreed to carry out such a project.

There were other shareholders with a smaller percentage of shares, but with a decision vote.

Maybe they were few, but they were present and existed... Remaining silent in front of such a project made many wonder what was going on.

Creating a city in the middle of Africa, surrounded by warlords, terrifying magical beasts, temporary and natural dungeons... It was a greater challenge than creating a city in the sea, as the Cosmos Company did.

They both looked at each other with smiles.

Cardinal Brousseau had been giving her questioning because she still couldn’t understand his reason for moving this way and he had just been making it clear that they were not simple.

Their gaze lasted a bit until their smiles turned to laughter.

“It’s nice that we’re working together now. An ally of your kind is always welcome.” Cardinal Brousseau said with laughter half in jest and truth.

Companies in this world had great power, but those that reached out to influence many issues in life were very few.

The Cosmos Company was an example whose intervention was in every technological, magical, or psionic aspect on an extreme level.

In another example, there was the Apicius Company... Who were related by means of agriculture, cattle raising and many vital economic industries for a country and, as if that were not enough, also luxury foods with very high values.

Not to mention the guilds that were tied around the world with a simple ‘company’.

“I agree. There is no better method than a church of great power to validate the creation of a city and help us achieve our goal.” James replied with his casual smile.

Lest there be people who would judge that their moves were made in pursuit of wealth, take land and practically compare them to conquerors, the intervention of the Church of Time and Space was necessary.

If this had been a ‘kingdom’, perhaps it would have changed things, but now it was planned to be a city state.

A powerful church could offer plenty of help.

“From now on we will work together and there are many things to do,” Cardinal Brousseau said with a smile.

James agreed as they both left the tent where they had met.

Their exchanges were to show their cards, not trying to scare the other, but revealing that they had secrets, motives and goals with which they might differ.

However, they were now tied to the same boat following the same goal... To get Zerzura to become a city.

James looked at the town... No, it was no longer a town.

Hundreds of people and construction robot were erecting the wall whose value would bankrupt many companies and even countries could not afford.

The knowledge, technology and materials to create that wall of malleable metal capable of expanding as the city grew would make the eyes of ordinary people pop.

That wall was part of the protection system being installed in the city, and this was the basis for building a city.

Designed by the Cosmos Company, especially for Zerzura, that wall was the fundamental for a city built in the middle of lands surrounded by dangers.

It prevented creatures from passing through, foreign individuals from breaking through to spread chaos or infiltrate, it maintained security with its powerful barrier, preventing flight or subway passage and even preventing space magic.

Extremely resilient, it could withstand powerful creature attacks and even if warlords decided to come, it would take them a long time to get rid of such a wall.

Atlantis City at the hands of the Cosmos Company was experienced in security and while they had no problems being in the middle of the sea, the lunatics always got everywhere, even a city in the middle of the sea.

Implementing those security measures was vital for the future city and to allow a comfortable life, but above all to generate confidence in those who wished to settle in this city.

“There are many tasks we must take care of... Rumors of the Protectors of Zerzura have spread and many requests to join have come from villages within the borders of Chad, but it is quite possible that they are beginning to move further afield,” James reported and crossing his arms as he watched the town center being paved and settled, he added. “There are many issues to work on. Local security, education, healthcare, economy, attracting guilds and bolstering the militia... Ensuring minimum amenities and infrastructure, that’s the basics before announcing the city.”

There were too many tasks to do and honestly, James didn’t mind... On the contrary, he was very attentive to his work.

Guaranteed minimum amenities would allow people to stop thinking about surviving and start ‘living’.

Then jobs would have to be generated for citizens to carry out their projects and for that, favorable policies were needed for dreamers and investors capable of generating those possibilities.

Zerzura was in the middle of Chad, but just because it was in a ‘no-man's-land’ didn’t mean it wasn’t surrounded by riches to exploit.

The temporary and natural dungeons were a clear example and everyone knew that if used in the right way, it could generate a profitable economy.

There was a lot of work to be done and at the moment, the two of them were the only ones who could manage such jobs by dividing responsibilities.

In the end, Aurora and Alice were still carrying out their own tasks, but in a sense, their work was also very heavy.

“There is much to be done, but we must begin,” Cardinal Brousseau announced.

They had both already decided on their responsibilities and just as she had said, a start had to be made.

Rome wasn’t built in a day... And neither will Zerzura.

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