The Guardian

Chapter 265: I Will Try to Improve

Chapter 265: I Will Try to Improve

Aurora watched the national broadcast of the President of Romania through her holographic watch.

“Even though we have faced an abyssal portal, a rift and ‘Chaos’, we have managed to survive. Many have fallen in this confrontation for survival. Regardless of their professions, they should certainly be considered heroes,” announced the Romanian President earnestly.

The journalists who were at the conference took pictures or recorded silently and broadcast to the world the words of the president who faced the first abysmal portal.

Aurora was watching the conference, listening as the Romanian president announced the unveiling of a monument to commemorate those who had perished fighting against the abyssal portal.

The president did not address the grudge of the families towards the goblins, not wanting to antagonize the church that took over and emphasized the monsters and the rift as the greatest danger.

Speaking out against the goblins was difficult, as it was like criticizing the Church of Time and Space and that church had offered a lot of support to Romania.

However, there was a bigger reason why the president was acting so passively and that was the gray-haired old man standing next to the president.

“Constanta City was razed to the ground by this bloody war and many citizens lost their homes and property. The cause of such action was just and necessary, but no one can deny the sorrow and sadness of those people,” commented the Romanian President and giving a glance he stated. “That is why Romania will take charge of the reconstruction of the city, trying to alleviate the pain of the lost, and the one who has helped us in this task is the man next to me.”

The president’s gaze shifted to the elderly man, who was smiling kindly at the cameras.

“CEO James Wiley and the Apicius Company have offered to lend us a hand in this tragedy through his foundation, trying to alleviate the consequences of this sad event,” reported the Romanian President and after waiting for the applause to end, he announced. “Together we will prevail and rebuild from the ruins, eliminating corruption.”

Applause rang out again in favor of his words.

Reconstruction was to be one of the heaviest problems the Romanian government would have to shoulder.

An entire city was completely razed to the ground and while it was necessary because it was already impossible to reduce the damage, there was no doubt that people suffered from losing their homes.

They lost much of what they had worked hard for during their lives, in a tragic event that no one expected.

In that sense, that a company of such importance as the Apicius Company offered a hand, was a unique and unquestionable support.

This was a company that founded a city in the middle of Africa and was now one of the most powerful and wealthy companies in the world.

That Romania received the support of such a company for the reconstruction of the city certainly made people feel relieved and thus attracted other investors.

That was why James Wiley was present next to the president, applauding with a friendly smile.

The reconstruction was heavy on an economic level, but it was also going to be a great challenge, since the Chaos had contaminated part of these lands and although the Church of Order was purifying the area, it was still a long way from being habitable.

Adding that the dimensional barrier was weakened in this area, it was possible that in the future natural dungeons or temporary dungeons would appear in this area.

The rift was closed, but it was inevitable that the dimensional barrier would weaken after what had happened.

Unlike others who thought that the Apicius Company was investing to then have concessions for such dungeons, Aurora knew the truth of the matter.

“However, to achieve that progress, we need to remove those who have hindered our nation for a long time,” added the Romanian President and with a serious expression, he specified. “I am talking about those guilds that act as if they were kings, forgetting that we are in a state of law.”

His gaze passed through the journalists until he focused on the camera.

“Such as Arminio Petra, who participated in the demonic attack on Mamaia-Sat City or Marius Posse whose misdeeds will come to light and who when he was on the other side, murdered their former leader Cédric Garreau and hero Dan Stolojan,” reported the President and despite the shock, he added. “That he stayed on the other side rids the Romanian people of a plague and, in a way, can only be described as justice.”

For a ‘President’ to make such statements would undoubtedly cause shock, but to another extent... If he gained some support from a powerful company, it was not so much of a problem to say one or two questionable words.

He was categorizing Marius Posse as an individual who deserved to die and that his death was ‘just’ meant that, if his murderer were to be mentioned one day, she would be treated as a ‘heroine’ by bestowing ‘justice’.

Aurora, who understood the reason James was present there, could understand what was being sought.

James did not beat around the bush. He used the ‘donations’, which surely had quite a few zeros, to move the Romanian President and at the same time used the prestige of the company.

The donation could be considered little, but that it was made clear that the Apicius Company supported the reconstruction, would attract different companies to invest in such a project trying to get profits that could possibly be nil.

“All those guilds that have something to hide will be dealt with and judged. We will not let anyone who is related to crimes against the nation go free. Starting with the guild ‘The Custodians’, who will be tried to the full extent of the law.” Revealed the Romanian President.

Although the journalists raised their hands to ask questions, that man invited James and together they left with smiles, as if they were talking about important issues.

Looking at other news, Aurora noticed that Romanian officials were moving to imprison members of the guild ‘The Custodians’ for later trial.

James had moved in and had left no leeway for those who had ill intent against Alice.

Using others to eradicate the guild and discredit it to the point where their words were worthless.

It was possible that James would continue to move to stop the guild from trying to use Alice to their advantage.

All the while seeing to it that the Romanian government would also not dare to use Alice in case it was in their plans.

Was it excessive and over the top?

Yes, it was.

Maybe there were other, more subtle ways to move and more so for someone like James, but that way alone let one see just how extreme that old man could be.

When it came to that glutton, matters could end this way.

However, Aurora could not judge that old man, for in truth she too would have moved in such a way if she had the means.

She had not lied when she said her sister was worth it.

Giving a long sigh and looking at the time, Aurora surveyed her surroundings with slight nervousness.

She was still in Mamaia-Sat City and was a few days away from returning to Africa to take care of all the work piling up on that side.

It was about to get dark and the streetlights were on, shining brightly, making her nerves rise.

A week she had been in this place, part of it was work and part of it was a matter that in her eyes had a greater importance.

“I think I’m okay,” Aurora muttered quietly to herself.

She watched herself in the reflection of the tent, checking her appearance.

She had prepared for this day and had looked for the best way to come dressed for this kind of event.

She had chosen a one-piece dress which was not her everyday style, but this alone showed all her effort during this time.

Even so, she was still nervous, and that made her arrive about thirty minutes early.

The ‘event’ that awaited her was a date... A date!

This was going to be her first date... In all her short life!

Aurora had never imagined starting a romance, and while part of the reason was due to her job and her dedication to her training, it should also be noted that there had never been anyone she liked enough.

Now it was different, and just thinking about that possibility made her feel shy.


As she thought such matters trying to control her expression, as best she could, she noticed a young man approaching slightly in a hurry as he noticed her.

The man was wearing a white shirt and black dress pants, giving the impression that he was going to an important business meeting.

His brown hair was neatly groomed and when he looked at her with his stunning sapphires he had for eyes, a smile appeared on Aurora’s face at the sight of him flustered.

“Sorry I’m late,” Kairos said with an obvious apologetic smile.

She had been thirty minutes early for the appointment and so had he, still, that was considered ‘late’ by him.

Maybe leaving her waiting a few minutes was considered tardy to him.

Aurora enjoyed the concern on the young man’s face and a part of her, slowly, was wanting to show itself.

“You’re too handsome.” Aurora stated without holding back.

She was a little embarrassed, but seeing the young man stiffen at her words and realizing that Kairos was blushing, she smiled, feeling it was worth a little embarrassment.

Shyness? Embarrassment?

Kairos had delicate features, but the way he dressed, his height hovering around one meter and eighty centimeters and sapphire colored eyes gave him the appearance of an elegant and charismatic man.

He was easily embarrassed, but the sapphire colored eyes gave away that the man enjoyed blatant flirtations and Aurora loved those eyes.

Being watched by those eyes, she couldn’t contain herself.

“You look cute too,” Kairos said, giving a sincere smile.

He tried to sound more serious and mature, but unfortunately, he didn’t succeed.

One could use quite a few words that gave a more mature feeling, but he ended up using the word ‘cute’ and that it came from a young man, made him look immature and a beginner in the art of courtship.

Aurora was somewhat proud, but seeing the young man embarrassed by his lack of words made her amused.

“Is that so? Truth be told, I’ve been preparing for this moment for a while. I thought a date with someone so handsome required preparations,” Aurora confessed and giving him a signal to walk beside her, she commented. “Now I see that all my preparation has been insufficient.”

Kairos averted his gaze so she wouldn’t see his embarrassment and, after a cough, he looked back at her, trying to ‘resist’.

“I doubt it. You are always flawless... No, in my eyes you are too radiant a beauty,” Kairos said and giving an animated smile, announced. “Enough to leave me overly excited since we scheduled the date.”

Aurora became slightly shy, and it wasn’t because of his words, it was because of the sincerity with which Kairos spoke.

He, instead of hiding his emotions or his more embarrassing side, was expressing it clearly in front of her.

He would try his best to hide under the appearance of a mature and flirtatious young man with great confidence, which would appeal to many people, but she liked his effort more than such a personality.


Did she stare too long?

The young man didn’t avert his eyes even though her gaze was fixed on him as if she was fascinated, but she was getting embarrassed all the same.

Aurora, as she received the look, felt her heart beating faster and instead of being embarrassed, she felt comfortable.

The tension, the embarrassment and that mix of anxiety and adrenaline of an enjoyable adventure was in itself exciting and comfortable for her.

Such comfort was what led to her feeling relaxed and enjoying these kinds of moments where she could flirt with the man, being embarrassed and enjoying embarrassing him.

“I’m sorry. I should have spoken to you earlier. I didn’t even say hello to you for Christmas,” Aurora muttered and watching the man who was listening intently, she gave him a smile and confessed. “I’m lousy at these situations, but from now on, I’ll try to make an effort.”

Why were her words coming out so clearly?

It wasn’t just because she wanted to try new things by trying to flirt with a young man she certainly liked, but it was also because she genuinely regretted it.

When she entered the abysmal portal, she found herself in a difficult situation and then when Marius happened, it was even more complicated.

Was she close to death?

It was difficult to answer such a question, but she certainly had near-death confrontations.

Aurora was sure that this situation would not be the last of its kind, just as it was not the first, but now, just as she wanted to move forward with her work, she also wanted to progress in this area of life.

She never developed a courtship and there was no one who came close to liking her, but now it was different.

“So, while I understand that I can be a bad suitor, I will try to do better,” Aurora said in a serious tone.

Her seriousness came out naturally due to the fact that all important tasks required to be treated with professionalism... And now that was the way she felt it.


Kairos watched her, slightly stunned by her words, and then gave a charming smile, which turned into a laugh.

It was a laugh that mixed of embarrassment, amusement at her statement and at the same time happiness... The latter being the one that led to his spontaneous laughter.

Aurora watched him enjoying those emotions, but slowly began to feel embarrassed as she realized her words.

The sincerity of the other party led to her being honest with her emotions.

“Sorry, I’m quite happy...” Kairos said and without joking, because of her shyness, gave her a smile to keep walking and commented. “I did not wish to force other encounters, though I could do so for work, business and other matters. My desire was not to pressure you, cause discomfort, and even rejected.”

He was talking about an honest fear even though with his ‘other encounters’ he was letting a part of his ‘stalker’ side show through.

Aurora calmed down when she heard that comment.

There was no doubt that the young man in front of her had the ability to force encounters in multiple ways and that was because the company that bore his last name was present everywhere.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind and it wouldn’t cause me rejection. What’s more, I worry that you, seeing another part of me, would turn away,” Aurora said honestly and with a cheerful smile, she added. “Though your presence would cheer me up any day.”

She herself laughed cheekily at her last words, as she could see Kairos was subtly embarrassed.

Aurora wasn’t lying that she had a certain fear of him seeing her at work and that was because she sometimes became too strict in her work, always taking a professional seriousness.

It was very different now that she could joke around relaxed and talk about her emotions with a certain calmness and embarrassment.

Still, she didn’t deny that it would be curious to have him by her side, it made her feel that, just by giving her a look into his charming eyes, it would give her encouragement for her tasks.

She laughed again at her own thoughts, getting Kairos to give her a half-fascinated smile at the sight of her.

They both entered a restaurant they had selected beforehand.

“Then I’ll try to be more insistent. The truth is, I think any part of you would fascinate me,” Kairos revealed with an animated smile.

Aurora laughed a little shyly as she accompanied the waiter and sat down at the table they had reserved.

She had chosen the restaurant and everything else, as it was a ‘reward’ on her part.

“It is because of that attitude that I too wish to strive,” Aurora confessed with a laugh as she saw him avert his gaze.

Was what she was doing right?

It was possible that it was a lousy way to flirt and even seemed childish to some, but she enjoyed it.

The other party’s sincerity and that way of not hiding her emotions, no matter how embarrassing they were, made her let loose.

Aurora was about to initiate conversation when she saw his holographic watch vibrate, and just as she was about to tell him to respond, her own holographic watch vibrated as well.

“I’m sorry...”

He was about to apologize when he could see the holographic clocks of other diners vibrate, and he could tell how the young man’s expression turned serious as he read the message.

—Two Abyssal Portals have appeared.

Without needing to read her holographic clock, Aurora frowned as she read the message from her system.


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