The Guardian

Chapter 263: What About…

Chapter 263: What About...

Surrounding a large table, several glances turned to Alice.

“Alice, tell us a little about what happened on the other side,” Akira urged with a big smile and, giving her a wicked look, she pointed. “You sure were scared.”

Alice put down her fork and gave that young lady a look.

Aurora could tell that Akira was trying to annoy her gluttonous sister, who was eating and seemed to be distancing herself from the students.

Akira’s look seemed evil, but it was clear that she wanted to make her talk and the best way was to provoke her.

“Honestly, it was scary,” Alice said, getting a heavy atmosphere to descend upon them for such a response and that glutton looked up in the distance and declared. “Food had to be rationed. Even though it was another world, there was no local produce to eat and my chips were about to run out.”

The expressions of those who heard that tragic statement twitched, not knowing whether to laugh or understand her pain.

“That sounds cruel,” Shao Ya said sympathetically, as she served her another plate of extra food.

Akira was the one who laughed in amusement, managing to get Aeko to leave her side because of the intense gaze Alice was giving her captain.

The others watching also laughed, getting Alice to turn her attention back to her food.

Akira’s group was present and this time they had taken the role of ‘cooks’ to give her time for her boss to relax.

Aurora knew they did it too, so she could relax, and the students could get back to chatting.

Erica, Leslie, and Nicole were quite cheerful and let it show as they drank and enjoyed themselves.

“A weight has been lifted off their shoulders,” Said Cithrel, who was standing next to her.

Venali had offered her help to Santiago, Oscar and Shao Ya with the food, which made that solemn and serious bodyguard take a calmer job.

Hearing those words, Aurora glanced back at the group.

Andrés was chatting with Liam in a corner and the others were having fun at the table, talking to Alice or listening to her complaints about the food.

Her gluttonous sister wasn’t as talkative, but Akira was excellent at provoking her and getting her to respond or join in the conversation.

Of course, Aurora could see that Alice was listening as the students chatted about what they did.

The way they did it was just as Cithrel had mentioned... Relaxed as if they no longer had a weight crushing it.

He could also notice a unique strength in their voice when they talked about their training.

“I heard you helped them to try to keep them from worrying,” Aurora said and, looking at that beautiful princess, she stated. “I also heard that you moved to help me.”

Cithrel was about to nod, but Aurora gave an impish smile and hugged her, getting that princess to freeze in surprise.

She didn’t look uncomfortable. She just clearly wasn’t expecting a hug, and it was likely that Cithrel wasn’t used to physical contact.

“Thank you.” Aurora said in her ear.

Her thanks were sincere.

Over the past year, the Hero Academy had brought her closer to quite a few people, it wasn’t just a work thing, but a very different friendship approach to what she had had in her time in Africa.

It was meeting new people and making friends... And she couldn’t deny that she was worried about them.

Aurora knew that each of her new friends were the type that would go out on a limb for a friend and because she was the same and knew them well enough, she understood that they might have put themselves at risk.

There was a chance that they could have participated in the assault against the rift to take control and been seriously injured or worse... No doubt that possibility would have been a great shock to her.

Cithrel gently returned her hug, sensing her conflicting emotions and that natural concern in the face of the worst possibilities.

“It’s okay. I knew you’d worry.” Cithrel said and, with a flirtatious tone, asked. “Is this hug my reward? If so, I’m liking it.”

Hearing that voice close to her ear, Aurora turned completely red.

Without realizing it, she had entered the lion’s den!

She slowly pulled back, managing to see Cithrel’s amused smile and she could also tell there was some relief and relaxation.

“I’ll owe you a favor for your help.” Aurora said quickly.

A favor was better than paying with her body!


Her system let her see three little dots as if to say that her surface thoughts were strange, but Aurora made no excuses.

She had seen that Cithrel had once looked at her with a slightly hungry expression that surpassed Alice after not having eaten for a few hours... And her gluttonous sister was to put on a very hungry look, worthy of a predator.

“I did it out of friendship, but if you want to reward me...” Cithrel said, cutting off the end and licking her lips with a charming and suggestive look.

She did it on purpose, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have the devastating attack power, which she actually did.

That was the excuse Aurora told herself, when she felt shy to receive the look... Maybe the different environment of the other world and the time she was away lowered her defense when receiving such attacks, but she was not a helpless bunny.

“If you keep going like that, maybe you’ll get my hopes up,” Aurora said, giving her the most serious and bold look she could.

Cithrel’s lips tilted into a smile as if she was watching her weak prey put up a fight and liking it.

“You should. Maybe I’m lying and I didn’t do it out of friendship,” Cithrel said with some seriousness, and when her smile lifted, she added. “Maybe I was caught by your charm and attractiveness.”

Her seriousness and that playful look, which combined some sincere praise and a hint of cheeky flirtation, were perfect.


They both looked at each other and laughed.

She could tell from the look on Cithrel’s face that she longed for these exchanges and for her part Aurora also enjoyed and was pleased to have fun in this way.

While it was usually about losing out, these exchanges marked that she was in a safe place... That there was no need to worry about surviving, fighting or thinking about a future that seemed dark.

She was now relaxed, which meant that she could blurt out comments in this way without having any major worries.

When they finished laughing, that beautiful princess gave a flirtatious smile and warned. “You mustn’t relax. Who knows? Maybe my ‘friendships’ are of the mixed type. You know, those with extra benefits.”

She struck first, managing to make Aurora turn slightly red at such blatant flirting.

Having a beauty flirt like this was pleasing to anyone, and she was no exception.

“If so, then I have to apologize,” Aurora said and, playing with her drink, gave her an innocent look and mentioned. “My friendships are pure and without perverts.”

Cithrel’s smiling expression trembled at her last words.

Just like her, who was weak to her shameless flirtations, Cithrel was still no good, being called a ‘pervert’... Aurora was sure that no one would be able to accept it with total calmness.

However, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t take advantage of that weakness, and more so when she didn’t have as many charm points as the other party.

They both laughed again as they had a few drinks.

“Sorry I’m late!” Suddenly said a voice coming from the entrance of the building.

Everyone watched Urfin arrive with his imperial team.

Aurora had invited him to join and since everyone was already in Mamaia-Sat City, it was good to enjoy the meal.

“Work took up our time.” Urfin reported and bringing out several plates of food and several bottles of beer, he added. “But we came prepared.”

Meden, Siba and Alros came up behind him, managing to make the students’ expression turn bright at these ‘exotic’ foreigners.

However, the entire Imperial team wore a rather solemn expression and that they looked in Cithrel’s direction revealed the cause.

“Relax, this is not the empire.” Cithrel said with a slightly commanding tone, getting the team to relax a bit.

Being introduced by Urfin and approaching to chat with the students.

As before, Alice was not one to give answers about the other side or at least her attention was always elsewhere, Urfin was rounded up to tell about the portal.

Dan and Cedric had died and whoever did ended up dying at Alice’s hands... That part he skipped over, only leaving the animated or what could be considered animated after surviving such a place.

“I heard all about what happened from Urfin. If you want, I can handle it,” Cithrel reported quietly.

It was impossible for Urfin or the others to withhold any information, and more so when they took their job very seriously.

Their loyalty in some of them was very marked, which made them unable to lie and report everything in full.

Aurora knew this and Urfin said he would report even though in a way he helped by staying out of it, which was why neither she nor her sister were upset.

Now everything was calm and although everyone had given their report, it was possible that, during the following week, it would be defined if their actions would cause problems or not.

The high command would not mind a murder and even more so when it was Marius who in a way betrayed them before.

The problem came from the guild ‘The Custodians’ when they received the report that would surely arrive and to some extent, the Romanian government.

They were the two that could cause problems.

One had lost their leader and depending on the remaining members, it was likely they would try to use him and more so now that they were in a difficult position being pressured by their rivals.

Adala had been used as a heroine as had Dan and for the latter to die at the hands of the leader of a major guild was certainly unexpected, but usable.

Whether one wished to use her sister to say she ended up with an assassin or the other tried to pin a murder on her, it was going to be problematic for both of them.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it with Alice,” Aurora replied in a simple tone.

By hiding her information and appearing as two mercenaries who had no backing, she made the other people believe they were easy to intimidate.

Her title was notorious in Africa and had spread everywhere and they recognized what it meant, but when one looked up about them, they would find that they were mercenaries who had studied for a year at the Hero Academy.

That was why they had to take care of this matter and Aurora had already asked Liam to keep an eye on ‘The Custodians’ guild to see their plans and on the government, to check how they would move.

“Likewise thank you,” Aurora added, giving a smile.

She knew Cithrel wasn’t close to Alice... It wasn’t only because it was difficult to get close to her sister, also the princess was very closed minded.

“No problem,” Cithrel replied and looking at Alice, who was eating, she commented. “When you have to flirt with someone, you also have to take care of their ‘pet’.”

Aurora looked at her sister, who was eating, and her lips quivered.

If her gluttonous sister had a tail it was probably wagging it as she enjoyed the food.

Adding that there were times she followed her because she was feeding her, she couldn’t help but agree with that princess’s teasing comment.

When trying to be with someone, one had to put up with the other person’s ‘extras’... That was what Cithrel was referring to and Aurora found it rather amusing.

“I had been truly worried,” Cithrel said suddenly, and when Aurora looked at her, she muttered. “I realize that ‘friendship’ means too much to me to the point where I can’t control myself.”

For Aurora it was normal to push boundaries for her friends, but she could tell that for someone like Cithrel, it was a first.

She didn’t know what Cithrel’s life was like in Terra nova, but probably as a princess with her power and authority, she had no friends, only subjects and servants.

“Well, I’m glad the reinforcements weren’t necessary... And also avoid some tensions worldwide,” Cithrel muttered and when she received her strangeness-filled gaze, she gave a smile and stated. “There was also someone who helped me. He’s my rival in love.”

Cithrel had changed the subject quickly so she wouldn’t ask her about her first words, and Aurora took the bait due to her amused tone when talking about her ‘rival’.

“His name is Kairos Cosmos. His intervention with his people equipped with new technology was impressive and although his future help was cancelled, I won’t deny that he seems a worthy rival,” Cithrel explained and upon seeing her, joked. “Truly, she looks like a tough opponent.”

Her joke came from Aurora couldn’t help but smile.

She had heard the involvement of the new ‘Power Armors’ that seemed to increase strength to the average S rank... It was extremely advanced armor on a technological level, and they were freely used here.

It was clear that it would have repercussions because such technology was restricted and limited for the use of the Cosmos Enterprise and was not free.

In that sense, she could not deny that it was nice to hear that the reason for helping was her.

Adding Cithrel’s words, it was clear that they had both prepared for something else in case she didn’t arrive, and that made her feel happy.

Cithrel gave a smile and walked away to the table, leaving her alone.

She had noticed her gaze and how she fiddled with her holographic watch, and Aurora, after a moment’s thought, retreated from the room and headed for the balcony of the building.

She hesitated for a moment.

A part of her wondered if he did it for her or was it for another matter.

She could see that Cithrel was honest when she said she moved out of friendship, as she didn’t have much to gain when she could get in trouble if her intervention escalated.

However, he was different.

Since Aurora knew his name, he understood what ‘Cosmos’ stood for... It was clear, portals bore that name and a powerful company as well.

Such a company was always present everywhere and while it was nice to assume that it was all done for ‘her’, if it was the opposite, it would be very embarrassing.


“I heard what you did offering your help... Thank you.” -TheSimplicityOfLife

Aurora sent her message trying to sound as calm as she could, but she kept waiting for the reply and....

“It wasn’t too much. I’m glad you’re okay and feeling well. That’s what’s important.” -KairosCosmos.

It was an immediate response, which made her smile.

Had he been waiting for her message with excitement? At that question, her smile lifted and a part of her felt bad for not speaking to him sooner.

“It was a shrewd move, but I have to admit, you scored several points.” –TheSimplicityOfLife

When she read her own message, her body trembled in shame.

She had responded to him so quickly that part of the truth had come out.

He had said he would show up when she needed help and now, even if it came to something deeper and external to her, she didn’t deny that it was pleasant.

After all, it was possible that when the commotion of the portal closing and her group arriving safely subsided, that company would be the target of the press.

Those power armors she had heard about were fairly advanced technology, and there was no doubt that people would wonder the reason why such technology was not unrestricted.

Aurora watched her holographic watch with conflicting thoughts, waiting for the answer that had taken longer than usual and....

“I’m sorry... I got too excited.” -KairosCosmos.

Reading that message, she could imagine a young man squirming at her honest comment while embarrassed.

At such a pleasant and certainly fascinating scenario, she laughed in amusement and thankful that she had an excellent imagination.

That was why her smile rose slightly mischievously as she sent the next message.

“Is that so? But this is still not enough to express my appreciation... How about I give you a reward?” –TheSimplicityOfLife

Was she too ambiguous?

A wicked little laugh came from Aurora, enjoying imagining a young man with flushed cheeks.

Sure, she was rather embarrassed, but satiating her imagination was worth it.

“Yes.” -KairosCosmos.

The reply came immediately, perhaps because he was excited enough not to give a more developed response, but after another moment came another message.

“I didn’t do it for a reward, but I’ll take it... Although with these messages, it’s enough for me.” -KairosCosmos.

Reading the message, Aurora put on a strange expression.

Not because of the man’s honesty, but because of clear emotion about the messages... Honestly, Aurora felt a little guilty.

She had said she would also try to get him closer, because she wasn’t lying when she said she liked to chat, talk and embarrass him, but during all this time, there was no movement on her part.

She couldn’t blame the other party either, when it was quite possible he knew she was very busy, but she felt she should have at least sent a few messages.

Aurora sighed as she realized she was lousy at these matters, but in the end, she gave a smile.

Since leaving the academy, she started to go further than before in her daily actions and while this topic was completely different now in a unique way, she didn’t deny that it seemed interesting as well.

Interesting enough to try to move forward.


Sitting in an office, a young man looked at his holographic clock with full and complete attention.

The office was slightly dark, but the light from the big city streamed in through the window, slightly illuminating his surroundings.

Time passed, and every second felt too long to the point that he looked at all the messages again, managing to make his smile grow bigger.

If the light was stronger and someone was present, he might have noticed tinges of a blush when the young man read that he had won some points.

He felt excited like a child and something that would certainly not go according to his person, but he didn’t care.

He enjoyed the sense of embarrassment, the excitement and even though the wait was tragic, in a way he also accepted it.

“How about... If I give you a date?” -TheSimplicityOfLife


As he read that message, his expression went blank for a few seconds and the next moment, his complexion turned red as a smile spread across his lips.

“I’d be too delighted!” -KairosCosmos.

His fingers twitched immediately as he responded on his holographic watch, and when he read the message, he put his hand to his face.

Embarrassment intermingled with regret spread across his face, and then he laughed, realizing what she was causing him.

His response was instantaneous because he did not wish to give her time to repent and he had no hesitation in seizing the opportunity.

After all, embarrassment would not help him win over the woman he liked.


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