The Guardian

Chapter 230: Christmas

Chapter 230: Christmas

“Test 025, strong stimuli. Reaction of goblin creature to physical stimuli.”

A scientist’s voice rang out and in the middle of a white laboratory, they tied a goblin of the smallest type to a laboratory table.

The expression of fear on the goblin’s face was plain to see.

Connected to different devices for both magical and technological analysis, a researcher was in charge of controlling an artifact that could cause different kinds of damage.

“Test fire,” announced the researcher, and from that staff, fire spread and brought it closer to the creature.


The guttural voice of those creatures echoed as the fire burned the skin.

On the panel, it was left to see the physical reactions to that pain stimulus and different parts of the body.

Where the pain was stronger, where it was more sensitive, and where it was more resistant.

When the test was over, the researcher just started the healing.

Another form of analysis to see how his parts regenerated and how his cells acted when it came to magical regeneration.

From how the healing magic worked on them to how they were affected by ‘magical’ fire and ‘physical’ fire... The fire of the elements and the fire caused by combustion.

They calmly analyzed everything.

The recording faded and changed.

“Test 012, strong stimuli. Reaction of the goblin creature to emotional stimuli. Love test.”

Another lab table now had another “little devil”. It was smaller than the other and seemed younger than the previous one.

They connected his head to different artifacts, this time magical, technological and psionic, all of them focused on emotional state analysis.

“Beginning of the test,” announced the researcher, activating a mental magic artifact.

The goblin’s eyes rolled back as the magic artifact affected him with the emotion of love.

These mind control artifacts and consolidating emotions in the minds of individuals was illegal.

It was considered an obvious violation of human rights and was totally illegal.

Like ‘love potions’ to make one person fall in love with another and other kinds of potions that caused different emotions.

A mind mage could cause those emotions and could manipulate another’s mind to feel those emotions ‘naturally’ and even an illusion mage could affect the mind to ‘guide’ people to feel something.

However, such violations of the ‘mind’ could not be illegal for these creatures who had no legal status and could be considered mere ‘monsters’.

The test started, and the artifact generated the excitement in a superficial way, slowly increasing.


A goofy grin appeared on the creature, perhaps at meeting his first mate.


As if declaring his undying love, the little creature let out guttural sounds with a tone of happiness and excitement.

This was the height of ‘love’ that generated different emotions, such as happiness.

Even though it had a smile on his face, the goblin’s eyes were white.

Then, the end came, the loss of ‘love’.

“Gurruaa! Gurruruaaaa!”

As if in a tragic love story, the goblin screamed in anger and rage at the loss of his undying love.

Likewise, as if his mate had died, the creature screamed in anger at fate for the tragic loss and then cried.

Tears flowed, and the creature let out moans of pain, grief, and sadness until the ordeal was over.

Even so, traces of pain remained.

“Test conducted through the tragic scenario of emergence and loss of a ‘love’. It switches to the scenario of emergence and betrayal of love,” said the investigator earnestly.

The recording faded and changed.

In another lab room, in it was a goblin that was flailing as if it was having seizures and his vitals seemed to be missing.

“It is about to die. They have already performed the various genetic and living tissue extractions. Use an artifact to capture his ‘soul’. We don’t have researchers focused in that area, but we can hire a necromancer or spirit mage and even a psionic to study her,” said a chief investigator and with a sneer, he stated. “We are physically and genetically different. Well, at least when it comes to reproduction, their genetics are adapted to allow reproduction with other races, although it is always their genes that are predominant.”

As if the chief researcher was getting excited, he let out a chuckle as he watched the other researchers prepare to get the creature’s ‘soul’ in a magic crystal.

“I wonder, to what extent does that happen? His genes are the predominant ones, but is there a change depending on the race he mates with? If he has sex with an earthling, an elf, or a dwarf, will his offspring be different? Those would be interesting tests to conduct.”

The other researchers gave their boss a strange look, but he just waved his hand and pointed. “Don’t look at me that way. As we know, we are different with the dwarves and elves. While we have genetic similarities allowing for reproduction with both races, we ultimately have differences. And in Terra nova humans, it is the same. The magical energy affected their body on a genetic level, allowing them to have greater sensitivity to such energy.”

Getting excited about educating his peers, the chief researcher continued.

“Dwarves do not have ‘dwarfism’. Their genes are different enough to be another ‘species’ set apart from humans, let alone elves, they are even more different. In that sense, Earthlings and human Terranovians would be different as well. In the end, genetic research is an arduous and tedious job which never ends,” stated the researcher, and seeing the goblin die, he smiled and commented. “But how far does the difference at the ‘soul’ level go? Those are doubts I can’t answer.”

Upon the goblin’s death, a small crystal nearby released a light, and the goblins ‘soul’ was enclosed... No, it was no longer the ‘soul’, it was simply a spirit that had lost its body.

The form was that of a goblin and if it had resentment or any attachments, it would become a ghost if the magical or psionic energy affected it.


In the living room of Aurora and Alice’s building in Zerzura, the television was on and turned up loud.

“Within hours of Christmas Eve, events have shocked the world. The arrest of Arminio Petra, who took part in the demonic attack in Romania together with demons, is not the most shocking thing, something more disturbing has happened... The goblins were released!” Announced the host and with a serious tone, he added. “The sale of them leaves open the possibility of what the players feared... That these creatures would run rampant in the world.”

“Perhaps they were bought to be used as research material, but that fate is cruel to them. Recordings of scientific tests by a Romanian military laboratory make clear the cruelty of the research. They feel love, hate, and sadness. They are sentient beings like us, but they were cruelly used for research. Should the researchers be punished?” the channel host asked and with a more serious tone, added. “Their release is certain, and the world awaits an answer from the punishment, but there is one answer we all await... Did the allied forces do their job?”

Clémentine frowned as she heard those words on the television.

Those lab recordings spread across the internet and no one knew where it had come from.

Someone had infiltrated a military research lab and released all the reports along with the videos of the experiments.

As if that wasn’t enough, traces were also released about those goblins being sold by a guild, leading to commotion in an even more chaotic nation.

Even now, traces were being released about something to do with politicians.

Not only was Romania on fire, but the world was watching and the networks were in chaos.

Criticism of the allied forces, of Romania, investigators, and netizens on the networks, was criticizing all parties involved.

Before they could continue watching, Akira approached from the kitchen.

“Turn that off and come help!” Akira exclaimed with a serious tone and, looking at someone in particular, scolded. “Oscar, what are you doing there? Come, get that.”

“Sorry, I got distracted,” Oscar said, letting out a laugh and as he passed by Akira, he joked. “The authoritarian role suits you, captain.”

In response, Akira threw several snowflakes at him, getting Oscar to run away, shivering from the cold.

“We felt it too. We got distracted too quickly,” Clémentine said, immediately realizing her mistake.

Nicole, Leslie, and Andrés also gave apologetic looks.

They couldn’t deny that what was happening was interesting, too interesting.

However, now everyone else was helping out for the Christmas party.

Akira chuckled, perhaps realizing that her ‘authoritative’ atmosphere had come out.

“Okay, but go help. Andrés go tell Liam to drop his stuff off and go get the drinks he promised. Leslie, can you see if Santiago needs anything? He was grilling the meat outside,” Akira ordered arranging everything and when she looked at Nicole and Clémentine, she added. “Nicole, see if the guest rooms are tidy. Érica went to see some acquaintances, but when she comes back, she is going to personally bring Cithrel and Venali, who will be staying over.”

They all nodded and went off to do the tasks they were ordered to do.

At the seriousness of carrying out her orders, Akira gave a smile and, looking at Clémentine, urged. “Let’s go to the kitchen. We’ll use your skill there.”

Clémentine’s expression quivered for a moment and then she laughed.

She didn’t deny that when she was alone; she used her telekinesis to finish her daily chores to make her life more comfortable.

Walking through the room that was decorated with the festive Christmas atmosphere, they arrived at the kitchen to where Aurora and Shao Ya, along with Aeko, were helping.

The other cook was Santiago, but he was in charge of grilling the meat while Oscar was in charge of ordering drinks and fulfilling other orders.

Who was the head cook was Aurora who...

“You can cut that,” Aurora ordered, pointing to a carrot whose orange color was strong, making it obvious that it contained some magical energy.

Alice moved to help her, though she was slow to move and was also eating some raw carrots halfway through.

All the while, Aurora continued to work.

Akira gave a smile and Clémentine felt like Aurora was giving a child a task so she wouldn’t feel so out of place.

“As long as you tell me what to do, I can help,” Clémentine said with a smile.

Aurora started giving orders, and she used her ability to move objects around.

From dicing some vegetables with a knife, stirring a pot, basting meat in the oven with sauce, and basically, any task that didn’t require her body was done by her.

“You make it look too easy,” Aurora muttered as she watched the work diminish greatly.

The others laughed at those words, but no one denied it.

Maybe Clémentine wasn’t a cook and was basically someone who had every dish cooked for her, but she could perform those small tasks with her control in telekinesis.

She didn’t even need to get up, she could just sit there drinking something and as long as she checked, she could do everything.

Aurora created vegetarian dishes, light dishes with vegetables or heavier dishes, some gourmet meals, and while Shao Ya and Aeko helped her.

The finished meals were stored in a space ring and that meant the heat would not be lost.

However, Clémentine felt that the way Aurora was working was peculiar, as if she was trying to lose herself in the kitchen.

Her gaze went to Akira and then Alice, noting that they felt it too.

The front door echoed and Cithrel’s voice could be heard along with Érica, who soon approached the kitchen, which seemed slightly crowded.

After greeting everyone present with Venali and Taqiyya, Cithrel approached Aurora and hugged her in front of everyone.

If the greetings with the others were friendly and cordial, her hug surprised the others.

Including Aurora, who froze at being hugged so suddenly, but at the same time, it seemed as if she broke out of the bubble she was in.

As if she was being pulled out of simply cooking to distract herself.

“Sorry, you looked so cute in your apron. Couldn’t help but hug you,” Cithrel explained with a charming smile.

Aurora’s first reaction to such a captivating tone and charming smile from that beautiful princess was to blush.

Then the reddish hue became deeper because other people were present, just as stunned as she was.


“Ha, if I had known she could blush like that, I would have started flirting,” Akira commented with a big, amused, and slightly teasing smile.

“No, I won’t allow it. I only showed them today because I wanted them to appreciate the beauty that lies beside me,” Cithrel said, taking a dominant stance, like that of a jealous boyfriend.

“Being ‘toxic’ is bad. Maybe she’ll leave you. I’ve known her for a long time, so I have a better chance,” Akira replied, winking at Aurora.

Aurora’s lips twitched as she saw that there was a fight for her and, giving a slightly embarrassed look, she ordered. “Get the hell out of here!”

Was she trying to give a more commanding appearance away from that blushing young woman?

Clémentine wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

“No, let’s have fun. You’ve done too much work already,” Akira urged with a smile.

Before Aurora could step forward, Shao Ya gave an animated look and pointed. “You can go. What’s left is not much and I can take care of everything.”

“I’ll help,” Clémentine added with a smile.

“I’ll help too,” Taqiyya commented with a shy smile, and Aeko nodded to show her support in helping.

“See, let’s have some fun,” Cithrel said, and with a big smile, she commented. “I brought quite a few gifts from Terra nova. Let’s enjoy it together.”


Érica looked at the party going on.

Everyone was having fun telling their stories or listening to others as they ate.

It was a cozy and fun Christmas dinner party.

When midnight came, everyone greeted each other and gave each other their good wishes, as were traditions in some places.

Érica enjoyed this atmosphere and had fun listening to the stories.

Leslie was telling about her grueling military training, that actually sounded like she wanted to train a soldier the old-fashioned way.

Physical training of all kinds, going through obstacles, crawling through the trench, and jogging for miles.

Following ranks and marking it with discipline, it was actually training with other soldiers, though for someone like Leslie, it was exhausting.

It wasn’t that she didn’t train, on the contrary, everyone knew Leslie was someone who was dedicated to training, but the problem was that the environment was completely different.

It was normal to feel exhausted in these new surroundings.

The world outside was in media chaos with all that was going on around the goblins, but here she felt at peace.

Chatter, laughter, food, and a few drinks of all kinds.

Cithrel brought all kinds of non-alcoholic drinks and other different kinds of drinks she had ordered from her servants.

Fruits and foods in space rings that, when pulled out, looked freshly made or freshly harvested.

The ring itself had a quality to ward off poisons and all kinds of curses or any form of indirect ‘attack’.

Those things let it be seen that Cithrel was in another position, but unlike what one would expect from her position, she was encouraged.

“A toast to this party!” Cithrel exclaimed, raising her glass cheerfully.

Everyone toasted with a smile, drinking what they wished to drink.

As adults, they decided what things to drink and what not to drink, but in this environment where all kinds of drinks were bought and some were brought by a princess, it was hard to refuse tasting everything.

Wines hundreds of years old that would most likely be worth a fortune in Terra nova as well as in this world were tasted by all.

From the Lunar Empire or the Falion Empire, Cithrel had gone out of her way to get delicacies for everyone... No, maybe it wasn’t trying hard and just ordered what she wanted, letting her servants send the best.

Érica drank too, but it wasn’t enough to be drunk, and that was because she wished to go the next day to visit Ashanti to have lunch with them.

Actually, Lewa, Okello’s wife, had invited her, but little Ashanti, who had received her presents, was the most excited for her to come and play with her.

Liam, Oscar, and Santiago, along with Andrés, were drinking and laughing loudly, although it was Cithrel and Akira who were the most animated.

They were drinking and enjoying the taste of wine or beer with infectious enthusiasm, which made Aurora, who was in the middle of both of them, be swayed.

Érica knew that Aurora had been holding back and letting off steam in the kitchen, devoting herself only to cooking.

One could tell she had a lot of things to think about and a lot of emotions to understand and while she wasn’t overwhelmed, it gave a heavy, agitated feeling.

Akira and Cithrel noticed this and both nudged to cheer her up.

It wasn’t wrong to vent her emotions by cooking, what was wrong was for her to get into her bubble when she had friends to talk to.

Seeing Aurora letting herself go, Érica also wanted to support her in having fun.

She understood that her former ‘boss’ was someone who kept all her emotions bottled up, but she also wished that as her friend, she could support her.


Nicole felt her blood boil as she looked around at those present.

Cithrel, Venali, Aurora, Alice, Liam, Akira, Shao Ya, Aeko, Oscar, Santiago, Érica, Andrés, Leslie and Clémentine.

All but Taqiyya were in the training area under the mercenary group building.

Some had had a few drinks too many and were in high spirits, like Nicole, Oscar, or Shao Ya.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you,” Santiago said to Shao Ya, who was at his back.

Santiago was a silent and obedient man who didn’t talk too much, but now, with a few too many drinks, he had become a complete knight.

With a training shield and sword, he stood in front of Shao Ya like a mighty knight protecting his damsel.

Shao Ya gave a slightly charming smile, nodding her mature charm, and commented. “As always, I will depend on you.”

That comment didn’t sound like an older sister at all and gave a unique charm that made Santiago release an even heavier atmosphere.

Like a knight willing to give his life to protect the damsel.

Only Nicole was listening to them, and the biggest reason was...

“Come on, Oscar. You have to bring out your inner beast! Show me that big beast!” Akira exclaimed with a big animated smile that left it obvious that she had drunk too much.

The one who was being pushed and was helping her not to fall was Oscar, who only let out a sigh and affirmed her.

“Captain, you are breaking your image in front of everyone,” Oscar said, pointing to the spectators watching her.

The spectators who were watching as Aeko gave glances away, as did the others.

However, Akira was not embarrassed and ran to hug Aurora.

“Aurora, he doesn’t want to transform! He didn’t respect me as his captain and boss anymore!” Akira exclaimed, hugging Aurora, who was laughing shamelessly, even though she received her hug.

Her laughter was infectious and amused as if she was being childishly amused by Akira’s acting who was acting like a spoiled child.

Was Akira acting?

It was quite possible that by having a few too many drinks she was letting loose to annoy her colleagues and cheer Aurora up in the process... Of course, surely her being able to let loose here was the most important thing.

“Fine, fine, I’ll turn,” Oscar muttered as he saw that she had gone to get help from someone else.

Letting out a roar, he turned into a large reddish furred bear, four meters long and three meters tall, which surely, if he stood up on his two paws, would be even bigger and scarier.

He was quite fast as he transformed.

“Happy?” asked Oscar in his bear form, giving a low growl.

His S-rank presence was noticeable and his thick voice gave a terrifying feeling, like an angry beast and would cause terror in normal people, but...

“Yes! I knew it, you’re such a beast!” Akira exclaimed, returning to the big bear’s side and hugging his head.

A pretty young woman with a round face and black hair was hugging a large bear with reddish fur that only let out a grunt at being treated like a giant stuffed animal.

“There are fifteen of us in all. We’re out of balance,” Cithrel commented and, seeing them looking at her, stated. “There are also too many S-ranks gathered together.”

“Liam, Oscar, Alice, Akira, Venali, me and Aurora... We’re all S-ranks.” Cithrel added with a frown.

The slight blush on her face made it clear that she was half drunk and from the seriousness she was taking this tournament, it only reinforced that belief.

Nicole looked at those S-ranks and when her gaze passed Aurora, she asked. “She’s S rank?”

Her puzzled tone evidenced that she too had a few too many drinks.

Hearing that question, the others in their group looked at Aurora, but she just giggled like a mean girl who had made everyone fall for her cunning.

She was having fun with her surprise in a very childish way.

“Oh, they hadn’t seen her...” Cithrel muttered with a nod.

“I won’t be fighting as an S-Rank. I’m busy and my attention is on another matter, so I’ll go with a smaller force,” interjected Liam, with a few drones hovering around him.

“Since there will still be fifteen of us, I will devote myself to healing only.” Shao Ya commented and seeing that Santiago was silently disappointed, he let out a smile and added. “However, I will stay here.”

“Great, so now we’re good,” Cithrel said with a smile.

Aurora, Oscar, and Cithrel as the S-Ranks on one side, then there was in the same group Liam, Érica, Nicole, and Aeko.

On the other side were Alice, Venali, and Akira as S-Ranks, while the other members were Andrés, Santiago, Clémentine, and Leslie.

Each of them was setting their target and Aurora, pulling out a wooden sword with a smile, gave the feeling that she was about to let loose.

Leslie was looking at Aeko, Liam was giving Andrés a smirk, and Nicole was setting her sights on Clémentine.

She wanted to test herself against the one who had ascended first, and Clémentine scratched her cheek at her intense stare.

Cithrel was giving Alice a playful look, at the same time, Akira was throwing snowflakes at Oscar, annoying him.

Leaving Venali, who had picked up a wooden sword, releasing a pressure wanting to challenge Aurora.

In the middle of that, Cithrel approached Taqiyya, who was outside, and gave her a smile as their faces got closer.

“Taqiyya, you will be the judge deciding the match and the referee, but remember to only support me,” Cithrel stressed to the entire audience and, looking at the embarrassed Taqiyya, who turned red at her flirtatious tone, she commented. “You smell delicious.”

That she did so in public caused her to receive many strange looks from the onlookers, not because of her blatant flirting, but because of that comment that could only be considered strange.

Cithrel revealed a charming smile as her eyes sparkled brightly, looking at Aurora.

“Beware the gallant knight is awakening!” Aurora announced, and then giggled on her own.

Cithrel’s smile only grew as she heard the form being called, but smacking her lips, she commented. “We’re allies now, so I can protect you and stand by your side.”

That comment sounded good, but it was aimed at Alice, who was on the other side.

Nicole could tell that Alice, who seemed to be completely fine, raised her eyebrows with a serious look and put down her chips.

They all looked at each other with high tension, letting out their battle spirit.

They were wearing training gear, but that didn’t mean the battle wouldn’t be fun.

Watching intently before Taqiyya gave the start, Akira blinked at Oscar’s side in his bear form and hugged him.

“I got him, I’ll take care of this beast!” Akira exclaimed like a soldier staying behind to protect her comrades.

The tone was serious even though she was hugging the big bear by the neck as if it was a stuffed animal.

It was to the point that she had thrown all her weight to catch him.

“Come on, hop in. I’ll take you for a ride. You need some fresh air,” Oscar said in his bear form, nudging Akira with his head.

Akira laughed and climbed up to ride him like he was some kind of horse, and then her laughter became amused.

Everyone could see Oscar steadying his body so she wouldn’t fall off before disappearing into the portal.

The battle atmosphere was completely broken and in the midst of it...

“Pfff... Hahaha.”

Aurora laughed out loud at her friend’s performance and her laughter was so infectious that it spread through the others, including Alice, who gave an amused smile.

Their laughter lasted for a while until she wiped the tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

“Let’s have some fun for a while,” Aurora announced, holding the sword in her hand and looking at Venali, who wished to face her.

The instant they heard those words, Taqiyya gave the start, and Nicole moved.

Charging with great speed towards Clémentine, who had a serious expression.

In the middle of her path, she felt as if something was wanting to grab her like invisible hands, but Nicole only gave a smile and let her combat aura ‘armor’ that surrounded her body show.

Preventing her from being grabbed directly, Nicole kicked the ground and created platforms in the air, moving at high speed, trying to overcome Clémentine’s reflexes.


Then, as she approached, she hit the ground powerfully, creating a deafening explosion and a subtle crater.

Clémentine had distanced herself by moving her body with telekinesis.

“This is just for fun, isn’t it?” Clémentine asked with an amused smile, but instantly waved her arms.

Nicole felt her whole body heavy.

It was like a big hand pressing down on her whole body, adding more weight than it should.

However, she just stood up like a worthy fighter, but before she could attack again, she heard a laugh and both she and her opponent averted their gazes.

Liam and Andrés were in a virtual strategic combat, where they were looking to take over or interfere with each other’s drones... That was what Nicole felt, although it was possible they were playing a game having their own duel.

Aeko and Leslie were running around in long-distance combat.

Alice and Cithrel were engaged in a slightly terrifying combat with black arms sticking out all around, while on Cithrel’s side, water arms were extending from various water spheres.

Érica and Santiago were fighting very calmly, but the ones who were laughing at each other were Aurora and Venali.

Both were clashing their wooden swords without backing down using fast techniques.

They both had smiles on their faces and were performing their sword techniques as if they were starting to enjoy their swords clashing.

Without using combat auras, it was just a clash of swordsmanship skills.

“How fast can you go?” Venali asked with a big smile, worthy of someone who loved to fight.

“Now I’m a little... A little bit drunk, but usually fast,” Aurora replied, laughing softly, amused by the atmosphere.

They both stepped back at the same instant and, after positioning their bodies, the two disappeared from their places.

Appearing in the middle of the battlefield, their swords clashed, then exiting the high-speed state and clashing their swords elsewhere.

Like a blink, they both revealed an S-Rank force in the field of a swordsman.

Nicole and Clémentine’s expressions trembled, but in the midst of that, they could see Aurora laughing, enjoying herself tonight.

Her laughter only spread contagiously to her opponent, who gave a smile.

The others were right. She needed to enjoy this day.

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