The Guardian Chef

Vol. 5 – Chapter 63

***(Ehrendil's POV)***

The carriage was slowly advancing towards the destination under the setting sun. The houses of the town passed in front of me slowly and people on the street carried out their daily lives unaware of my presence in this carriage. If I used the royal carriage, everyone would turn to greet me, so we made sure that we also had simple carriages ready, which would not attract attention in order not to destroy the daily life of our subjects.

My destination? Lord Torkian's mansion in Isyelon.

A party is held today and all the nobles have been invited to participate. I received a personal invitation from Dessielle. I informed my mother hoping for her participation but refused, stating that she had been invited to have tea with Lady Belmont and she did not know if she could reach us in time, as it was not a simple afternoon tea. It may be childish of me, but with my mother present, many nobles would think twice about making certain propositions to Dessielle.

Since she became the Avatar of the Regnants, her persona has received unprecedented attention, probably even higher than that of members of the royal family. After all, she is supposed to possess power that could match that of the Hero summoned to Thirus.

It has become the political goal of many noble families since it can safely shift the balance of power games. My family has somehow managed to impose a limit on the nobles by declaring themselves her patroness with Lord Torkian's blessing, but it cannot last forever. After all, when she chooses her spouse, the royal family won't be able to meddle much. The ideal solution would be for her to choose a member of the royal family as her future husband...or make her a concubine............Sigh...Arryn...

Thinking of the word concubine… or second wife… Arryn was the one who came into my thoughts. She showed up differently than usual. She didn't smile, she looked at me with sadness and disappointment, a look that caused a pang in my heart... Will she be at the tea party too?

Since she came out of the tomb, our relationship had completely changed. We could not even consider ourselves friends and treated ourselves as simple family or acquaintances. As she had told me, she fulfills her duties as my fiancé, but there is no longer that relationship that we used to have. I feel sick just thinking about it.

"We have arrived Your Highness."

“Ah…thank you.” I thanked returning to reality

I didn’t realize we had arrived, I got out of the carriage and walked towards the entrance of the villa. Like most of the villas of the nobles, this one too was built with the idea of merging it with one of the large trees that characterize the forest of Iselyon. It is one of the proudest achievements of my people, as we have managed to reconcile the principle of safeguarding the forest and building new housing infrastructure... on the other hand, it is an expensive and delicate process, consequently, it is not an easily applicable method for middle and lower class people. The villa of Lord Torkian is in full Elven style, but is considered by all to be a very humble building since it has very few decorations, but compensates with beautiful gardens.

"Your Highness. What a pleasure to see you."

“Same for me, Lord Torkian.” I said greeting him "I'm sorry to be alone. My mother offers her apologies for not coming."

"No, no, the mere fact that Her Majesty has thought about the possibility of coming is already enough."

making that exchange, Lord Torkian escorted me to the party location. It was located in a secondary garden large enough to accommodate the dozens of noblewomen and any attendants. The party had been prepared to allow Dessielle to broaden her acquaintance with the members of high society since, as I can see, houses that had never had ties to the Torkian family were also invited. By inviting me, Lord Torkian can substantiate the claim that the royal family has indeed assumed the role of protector of Dessielle and consequently of the Torkian family. And also be able to sow the possibility that Dessielle could be chosen as a possible candidate for the role of my wife in place of Arryn. The rumor that Arryn and I could break off the engagement has been around for a long time now, but even if it's unsubstantiated, the nobles don't care since spreading rumors is their favorite pastime. However, if I join Arryn right now.........?!

“Lord Torkian.” I called him “I don't see Lady Lianelis. Wasn't she invited?"

"On the contrary, she was one of the first to be invited, but she said she couldn’t wait because she had already accepted another invitation to a tea party with Her Highness Belmont."

“Lady Belmont?”

“We invited her too, but her reply only confirmed Lady Lianelis's claim.”

What does it mean? I wondered puzzled

"I see. It's a shame."

With that, I nodded and walked over to the table where the refreshments were held, waving to the nobles all the while. I can understand that my mother had already made arrangements with Lady Belmont, but what does Arryn have to do with it? That my mother also requested her presence? It wouldn't make sense since Arryn's only job is to look after Her Highness. I could not understand why my mother and Arryn are together with Lady Belmont, refusing Lord Torkian's invitation. It must be something extremely important...but if so, why didn't she-


Hearing that happy, familiar voice calling me, I turned to see Dessielle walking toward me with a beautiful smile on her lips. That smile was enough to make me feel relieved.

“I'm glad you accepted the invitation.”

"Thanks for inviting me." I said kissing her hand “Honestly, I was surprised. I understood that you wanted to spend time with the Spirit Kings.”

"Well... I'd still like to talk to them now." she affirmed with a hint of a smile "Even if now I know who I was in my previous life, I am me and therefore the rulers would like to know me better before lending me their strength in times of need."

In the end, they are still spirits. Being entities free by nature, lesser spirits can be equated to children and prefer to spend their days playing or making jokes. However, although defined as minors, they are far from being weak. Their problem is that they don't have total control over their power as, if their emotions were to waver negatively, they could cause meteorological or geological events that cannot be ignored, such as rainstorms or landslides. However, they are the spirits that are easiest to form a contract with, and they don't skimp on lending their power.

The great spirits are certainly not inferior to the lesser ones in terms of power, indeed they are superior. However, they are more aware of their powers and responsibilities and consequently limit the use of their magical strength and it is not easy to come to terms with them when it comes to stipulating a contract. At the moment, my mother is considered a genius and the strongest spirit mage in the world as she is the only one who has managed to make more contracts with greater spirits of different natures.

“I am sure that sooner or later you will be able to convince them to lend you their strength and wisdom.”

"Thank you." she thanked her with a loving smile

Uwah, she's too cute

"Something wrong? You're all red…” she asked getting closer to me

“*Ahem*” I cleared my throat to hide my embarrassment “I-it's nothing.”

“Ho hou… so he's the guy.”



turning to the source of that female voice, there was what looked like a miniature moose that was resting on Dessille's shoulder.

“A talking moose?”

“...She is Therazane, Sovereign spirit of the earth.” Dessielle said scratching her red cheek with embarrassment

“My pleasure~”

“P-pardon my rudeness, your majesty.” I said immediately, bowing my head

“Fufufu. Don't worry." said laughing the moose “Everyone always has this reaction the first time they see me in my post-contract form.”

“Post-contract form?”

“Spirit Kings can materialize after making the contract. The form they usually show is aimed at not causing unpleasant natural accidents.” Dessielle explained

“Exactly~. Even though we are ancient rulers, we too have emotions and can't always control our powers when we are in a certain mood." continued Therazane "In this form, we can feel any emotion without losing any kind of control."

"I see. Thanks for the explanation." I started “Glad the ruler of the earth has agreed to form a contract with you.”

“Hehehe. It's nothing. More than anything, I am grateful to Therazane for accepting.”

"Do not be shy. Also, the cookies you offered me were delicious~. Oh, that cake too~”

Ah ... she let herself be corrupted by the food... That thought came to me automatically as she kept naming the names of various sweets.

“I se-”


A little girl's cry entered my head. Short and distant as it was, I felt it growing stronger. My head screamed in pain forcing me to throw myself to the ground. With an open eye, I noticed that the same was true for everyone present, and for some, I even saw blood coming out of the ear. It lasted a few seconds, but my head kept pounding with pain.

“Dessielle!!” Therazane exclaimed

I lay on the ground for a while trying to endure that excruciating pain. Next to me, I saw Dessielle, who, unlike me, was passed out on the ground. When I felt slightly better I tried to get up, in vain as I was attacked by strong nausea.

“W-what was t-that?” just asking the question caused me excruciating pain and I ended up throwing up

"I do not know." Therazane said seriously, looking scared and worried at Dessielle "I've never heard or seen anything like this in my life"

***(Graeval's POV)***

With that statement, my wife sent everyone into a panic. I didn't have the time to take her to a specialized facility or call the right people. Also, I'm limited in the movement since I haven't fully recovered. Now, Lilith was on Ishgat's bed delivering our offspring while queen Shael, as she is the most experienced person present, was assisting to take the boy or girl when she or he was born. Bassilla had stayed behind as moral support and was wiping the sweat from my wife's forehead. Ishgat, on the other hand, had gone out to make sure that no one could enter. Aphy, on the other hand, was busy maintaining a barrier to prevent possible demonic mana from leaking out of the room, alarming possible guards

“AAAAAAAAH!!!” Lilith yelled as she squeezed my hand

We are now in the fourth hour of labor and right now, I am witnessing the birth of our child.

“Push! It's about to go out!" stated Shael "I see the head!"


"There it is!"

“Uweeeeh, uweeeeh~!”

"Well done!" stated Shael smiling, "He's a wonderful boy!"

as she made that statement, she was holding my son in her arms who she was wrapping with clean towels. I approached and fearfully took him in my arms. My son is small and still slightly stained with placenta fluid but he was crying his lungs out… healthy and loud. Bassilla came over and smiled seeing my son

“How cute~!” she exclaimed happily

“Look, Lilith. Our son." I said smiling putting myself next to my wife

“O-our so- GH- NNNNN!”

“Lilith?!” I called her worried

“What-? Another head?!” Shael exclaimed in amazement

Labor wasn't over. My wife was holding another baby in her womb. Holding our son with my right arm, I squeezed my wife's hand with my left hand. A little more time passed but another b- This feeling......!! IT'S NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!


Just a moment before the baby cried, I immediately put up a mental barrier for everyone present and just in time. What was the baby's first breath became something far more dangerous: a psionic scream capable of destroying the minds of all people in the vicinity. Guh! Damn!!!

"A little girl." stated Shael unaware of what had just happened. “A baby girl has just been born!”

My daughter's psionic cry was only what she did when she was born, but it was powerful enough to rob me of much of the strength I had regained over the past few weeks. Shael, with a sweet smile, wrapped my daughter in clean towels as well.

“Graeval?! What happened to you?" Bassillia asked worriedly

“W-why are you asking?” I asked breathlessly

“Not only do you look destroyed.” she stated immediately placing herself next to me "But you also have blood dripping from your nose."

Heh...she's my daughter. At that thought, I chuckled amused while Bassilla approached me supporting me, and Shael approached me with my newborn daughter.

“Graeval, Lady Lilith… your daughter…”

I knew what she wanted to tell us. I looked at my wife, exhausted from the birth but smiling and nodding at me she stretched out her arms. I gave her our son while I took my daughter with the strength I had left, despite the expression of obvious concern of Shael and Bassilla. That act exhausted my last strength, but I managed to sit next to my wife. The babies are in arms while we, their parents, are exhausted by their birth. Lilith, rested her head on my shoulder as she looked lovingly at our children

“They are our children, Lilith.”

“I know Graeval…” she stated smiling as she barely kept her eyes open “She’s all her father.”

“While…” I began with heavy lids “He’s all his mother.”

Those were our last words before falling asleep exhausted but serene.

If you want to read the original story, click here

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