The Guardian Chef

Vol. 5 – Chapter 61

***(Arryn's POV)***

On that white throne, Dessielle was sitting there, looking at me with a victorious expression. As if she had won a challenge

“I told you Lady Lianelis. The Spirit Kings exist."

That statement from her sent a shiver down my spine. I felt like a gaze from these six lights which had assumed an indefinite humanoid body. It was hostile, but at the same time pitiful. Do I pity them?

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it seemed to us that an ethereal voice had spoken. Sure, it was from one of the spirits but no one, not even I who can understand the language of the spirits, could understand what it said.

"What the hell did it say?" Ishgat asked raising an eyebrow

the figure, which is made up of blue light, seemed to make a surprised expression and then looked towards Dessielle, who spoke to it in the same language that was incomprehensible to us. The expression of the figure with the black light massaged his forehead as if it wanted to get rid of the headache, while the one with the white light clapped its fist on the palm and almost reached the solution.

"[Can you understand me now?]"

The ethereal voice had a feminine and crystalline sound... I am not exaggerating if I called it otherworldly.

Despite the momentary amazement, we all nodded and the white figure took a step forward

"[Dear ladies, thank you for helping our beloved Maelyrra to reunite.]"

“Maelyrra? Who is Maelyrra?" Ishgat asked incredulously

"It's me." Dessielle affirmed with a slight smile “Or rather, it's the name of who I was before I died. This... would be my grave."

"A reincarnated?" Bassilla asked

"Exactly. But... ”Dessielle began slightly disappointed “I don't see you so surprised. It is usually always disconcerting."

I am very surprised even if I try not to show it. But looking at the expressions of my two friends, I notice that they are honestly not surprised.

"Well... we know someone similar to you in some ways."

"Similar to me?"

"This person is also a reincarnate." Bassilla affirmed with a slight smile before continuing. "Leaving this detail aside, we are slightly confused about one fact: why did you refer to Lady Torkian as 'you're beloved'?"

[Torkian?… Ah, that's Maelyrra's last name in this lifetime.]” Exclaimed the white figure. "[For us, it is both our loved one and our family.]"

My expression like those of my friends was a mixture of confusion and surprise. That statement was... clear up to a point. The clear part was that the Spirit Kings have some... emotional bond with Dessielle, but at the same time, it was also the source of another question: why this bond? Where did it come from?

"[Better you sit down because it's a long story.]"

After the affirmation of a hoarse male voice typical of an elderly person, which seems to come from one of the figures opposite to that of white light, began to tell an ancient story dating back to a thousand years ago.

At that time, Lady Aphy had not yet taken her protection and led this world, and endless wars and natural catastrophes were endemic. The Spirit Kings had the task of maintaining a certain balance in the world until a patron deity came to lead the civilizations that originated. During the millennia that they have observed and maintained the world balance, they have seen civilizations rise and perish, races arise and die out and although they never intervened because it was not their job, a particular event forced them to act: the birth of the Mornghoul.

The spirit kings did not know how this creature was born, but it brought together all the goblin tribes under its leadership, whether they wanted to or not. The goblins, who until then posed no threat, assembled in an unrivaled horde and began to expand in every direction, conquering, raiding, and destroying everything in their path.

All races, all kingdoms, put aside their differences and united to fight the horde, but for every goblin that died, ten more were ready to take its place and all this alliance could do, was to slow down the horde. The Spirit Kings were frustrated that they could not do anything, because there was not a soul pure and robust enough to act as a catalyst for their powers. All those who made pacts with them died soon after because the soul could not bear their incredible power.

In the darkest hour, as if it were the will of the world, Maelyrra was born. She was different from any inhabitant of the world, good, kind, pure of heart and actions...

so pure that she was the only one to have such an immaculate and resistant soul that she was the only one capable of channeling into herself the powers of all six spirit rulers.

Thanks to her presence, the terrible slaughter was reversed, the Mornghoul killed and the goblins dispersed and returned to their original tribal state. But the cost was immense: not only did hundreds of thousands die, but Maelyrra also perished in the final battle.

[Though saddened, Maelyrra promised us before the battle that we would meet again… and we did. After all, she has never broken her promises.] "

"Wow. It must have been an interesting time." she said nodding Ishgat her head

"*Sigh* The usual battle maniac." Bassilla sighed in a low voice

"Fufufu. While that might be the case for her, I'm sure it wasn't the best world to be born into." she began and then turned to the Spirit Kings “My friends, thank you for believing in the person I was. Now please, help us to leave the place where my ancient body rests."

***(Third person's POV)***

At the beginning of the sixth month of the year, a school class of the prestigious elven academy of Isyelon ran into a tragedy. What was supposed to be a normal school trip, turned into a nightmare not only for the students but also for many people and central figures of the Elven government, as the princess known as the 'Crystal Wisteria' had disappeared among the ruins of the archaeological site that the class had gone to visit.

For two whole days, the military and volunteer forces, intent on rescuing the missing students, worked non-stop... until the morning of the third day.

Followed by an earthquake never recorded before, the Lifeless Vault collapsed in on itself and at its center, a luminous sphere rose, inside which were the missing students, accompanied by what everyone believed was a legend.

That day which could have been remembered as one of the greatest tragedies of the elven kingdom, turned into a holy and festive day for the Kingdom of Yedal as Lady Dessielle Torkian became the Avatar of the Rulers.

***(Shael's POV)***

"Well, you certainly had a good adventure."

"Fufufu. I can't deny it, aunt."

It has been ten days since my niece, Lady Belmont, and Lady Rember returned to the surface with the help of Lady Torkian, the Avatar of the Rulers.

Their appearance at the time was a cause of amazement and relief. After all, our guests were still safe and sound. At the time, there were celebrations and sighs of relief, but later there was a succession of problems due to the revelation brought by the Spirit Kings. The figure of Dessielle Torkian became a source of attention from every noble house in the kingdom and due to her neo-identity as Avatar of the Rulers, her political and, above all, military weight skyrocketed. Fortunately, Lady Torkian did not let this newfound and ancient power of hers take her head, but we are watching closely to avoid problems.

Now, after many adventures, I am enjoying a quiet afternoon tea with my niece and our guests, in their room at the academy.

"Something wrong, Lady Belmont?" I asked seeing the thoughtful young woman with the cup in her hand

"Hm?!" she gasped, “Oh, it's nothing. I was thinking of one thing, nothing important."

"Still worried about Graeval, huh?" asked Lady Rember carelessly

“?!! *Cough cough* Ishgat ?! What are you saying all of a sudden?!!"

"Ever since your father wrote you that he is bedridden after a battle, you continue to have your head in the clouds, and before that, you insisted on returning home to go and assist him."


When Lady Belmont yelled the name of her bodyguard to call her back, she jumped up red in the face, while Lady Rember looked at her amused... I admit that a smile escaped me seeing how the princess behaves like a perfect maiden in love, but when I shifted my gaze, I noticed that my niece was blushing slightly as she drank her tea

"You're always honest when it comes to him..." she said, lowering her cup slightly, "I envy you for that."

"Arryn?" she called her confused Bassilla

"I wish I had your courage."

Her statement left me... speechless. The way she said it and the way she behaves... it was like she was giving up her feelings. It was as if she had set her heart at peace and she had turned, albeit reluctantly, the page.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in." I stated

nodding, the door was opened by one of the maids and the person mentioned just a few moments ago entered the room. With the help of a cane and limping slightly, he entered holding a tray covered with a silver lid.

"I beg your pardon for my delay, your highnesses." he stated with a slight bow

Seeing how Lady Belmont trembled, I realized that she could not resist very long. Looking at one of the waitresses, I waved my hand and they all went out, closing the door behind them. As soon as this closed, I spoke

"You can raise your head."

"Yesma- *Ooof! *" he didn't have time to reply that Lady Belmont jumped on him, hugging him and knocking him to the ground at the same time "What the-?!!"

"*Snif **Sob* I'm glad to see you again *Sob* I was worried."

“...... *Sigh*” I saw Lord Graeval sigh and soon after he began stroking Lady Belmont's head, “I’m sorry I worried you, but I'm fine. Or rather... I'd be better if you got up right now. I have not yet fully recovered physically speaking."

"*Sniff**Sob* One more minute please."

After yet another sigh, I saw his gaze turn to me and my niece

"Happy to see you healthy." he said with a hint of a smile

"I should say the same to you." I started with a nod. “I heard you fought recently. Happy to see you return triumphant."

"This victory is costing me a lot of pain." he chuckled as he stood up "But yeah, I think we'll have a lot to tell each other."

"I agree." I said bringing my hand towards a free chair "Do you want to join us and tell us about it?"

"Gladly, but first..."

his irises, which had already turned golden when Lady Belmont had jumped on him to keep the tray from falling to the ground, looked at his side for a second and a ball of blue-white light was generated. A few seconds later, a beautiful pregnant woman appeared, with long white hair, blood-red eyes, and two bull-like horns. A demon?! Then...

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Demon Queen."

"Fufufu. Ex-Demon Queen, your majesty. But it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Lilith Stilno- no..." she affirmed and then took her husband's hand and looked at him softly" I am Lilith Godslayer."

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