The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 29

***(Bassilla's POV)***

On this sunny day, I was strolling through the palace gardens, enjoying their colors and the sun caressing the plants. Walking around the various meadows without having to worry about the possibility that I might feel bad at any moment, it was natural for me to smile... no, to laugh. As I laughed at the life that had been returned to me, I picked some flowers to go back to doing something I hadn't done in a very long time: a flower crown. A simple desire that suddenly came to me seeing them all around me.

"Your Highness, it would be better if you rested for a few more days."

“Come on Rodina. I have been in bed for 10 years to rest. At least on this, you can turn a blind eye."

"But his majesty your father..."

“He's not here at the moment. Do not worry."

“Of course I'm worrying! Who do you think should take the lecture afterward?"


"There's nothing funny."

While Rodina, my maid scolded me for how I was conducting my day, I kept moving my hands intent on completing the crown.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching quickly and curiously I turned in that direction. A 6 years old boy was approaching at great speed and recognizing him I placed the flowers I was holding and crouched with my arms outstretched towards him.

"Aunt Bassilla!" the kid screamed as he jumped into my lap

"Acrisio!" "Your highness!" Rodina and I exclaimed together

With blue hair typical of our family, eyes as light brown as his mother's, two plump red cheeks, and a round face. Acrisio is my nephew, as well as the eldest son of my brother, born from his marriage with the daughter of Duke Macrance, Laila Macrance, my sister-in-law. He is a rascal, but kind and his pace of growth has always been surprising to the point of being called a genius

“Acrisio... what are you doing here alone? Where's mom?"

"I wanted to see you again aunt!" he answered smiling "Mom is at the palace but I don't know where."

"Fufu. I see." I said stroking his head “Come on. Show me how much you have grown." I finished pulling him away from me.

I could barely see him because of the... curse. But every time I could see him, he grew more and more and somehow, he was very fond of me. I heard from Rodina that every time he came to the palace, the first person who wanted to say hello was me. Many say he has a crush on me since he even claimed he would heal and protect me.

“Look at how much you have grown. The last time I saw you you were this tall." I said bringing my hand up to his shoulder.

"Yeah." he said smiling

"I see that he found you before me, your highness."

Looking towards the source of that voice, I saw a woman in the first half of her twenties approach us. She wears a long, elegant green dress and holds a fan in her hand. She could be defined as a beautiful woman, with well-proportioned breasts to the body, black hair, light brown eyes, and an olive complexion.

“Laila! It has been a while!" I answered getting up

"Your highness, you shouldn't address me like this, you know"

“Come on Laila, we are not at a worldly event. At least let it go today."

"*Sigh* As you wish." she sighed but then looked at me smiling "Glad to see you recovered."

"Thank you."

Laila was often a guest at the palace from an early age and we often played together. I have always respected her and have always considered her a member of the family. It is thanks to this long relationship that the engagement with my brother was formalized and it can be proudly admitted that theirs is one of the few political marriages that have resulted in sincere love. After all, marriage for nobles is nothing more than a business to gain prestige and power.

However, it must also be said that she is the right bride for my brother as she fully compensates for his shortcomings. The Macrances have always generated excellent warriors and generals. While my brother is a skilled politician, Laila was recognized as a talented general who nevertheless retained her femininity. This is usually lost due to the heavy training regime provided for those embarking on a military career.

Suddenly, I felt my hand tug. Seeing Acrisio I gave him my attention

"Are we going to see the Knights train today?"

"Huh? But wouldn't we be a nuisance to them?"

"You promised me, aunt!"

It is true.

On one of those few occasions when I managed to get a minimum of lucidity and Acrisio came to see me, he kept bragging about how strong he would become until he became my knight. After all, good blood doesn't lie since he inherited mostly Macrance's war talent. Once, I promised him that I would accompany him to see the knights train when I was fully healed.

"Come on, don't be rude to her highness." Laila scolded him

“But, mother! Aunt Bassilla promised me!"

"And a promise must be kept, right?" I asked him smiling "Okay, let's go."

"Hurray!" Acrisio exulted

"*Sigh* You shouldn't spoil him that much."

"Come on. In the end, it is also an opportunity to change scenery." After all, I was either in bed or in this garden.

As we made our way to the knight's training ground, I asked Rodina to collect the unfinished crown and the flowers and take them to my room so that I could continue the work later. Meanwhile, Acrisio always ran ahead of us, his face tinged with excitement and impatience.

Even though they weren't expecting us to visit, the knights stopped to pay us their respects and were as surprised as they were happy when we told them we wanted to attend their morning training. They worked hard. It was as if in that training they were putting at stake their lives. Now, I don't know what typical training usually looks like, but it seems very tough.

During a break, the knights made some groups and I took the opportunity to exchange a few words with them and at the same time thank them for their dedication. Every time I did, their faces lit up and some blushed... Are they warm? Anyway, every time it happened, Acrisio seemed to get annoyed and tried to drag me somewhere else.

Not long after those various exchanges, we decided to go back to the palace where my family is located to be able to go for lunch together. Asking where they were, they told me that my father and brother were in the throne room with the Archbishop, the Hero, and his wives.

On the way to the throne room, Laila made a statement that took me completely off guard

"Even children just fall in love with you."

"W-what are you saying all of a sudden?!"

"You can't have noticed." Laila said, looking for a moment at her son "This child has a crush on you."

"Ah.... ahaha!" I laughed embarrassed

"*Sigh* As expected from Crystal Wisteria."

“Please don't call me by that strange nickname! And then what would you like to insinuate?"

"Come on. Every time a guy has set his eyes on you, he ended up asking his father to arrange a wedding with you. But what are you doing to the men?"

“Absolutely nothing! I've never done anything in particular... I think "

"And where does that hesitation come from?" she asked surprised "Even most of the previous knights had eyes only for you."

"I was just thanking them for their hard work."

“I have no doubts about that… well, not that it can make you a tragedy. After all, you've never been in love in your life,” she said in a tone that sounded exhausted

"In love... huh?"

I was a little sad when Laila made that statement. After all, the only men I've ever seen in my entire life have been my father and brother. While the man I saw in that dream... although real, at the same time he didn't seem real. I am grateful to him for what he has done for me, but is he a real person?

Ever since I woke up, completely healed of my illness, I kept wondering if that was just a dream. I don't know any such person... and his claims, even about that of what does not exist in this world... who was he? Each time, I felt my curiosity increase and at the same time... excitement. As if I want to meet him again.

"I don't know what it feels like to be in love... how do you feel about my brother?"

"Wa-?! Well... let's just say..." she began blushing slightly " How can I explain it... I feel like I want to be with him all the time... that I only think about him... it's complicated to explain. It's something you feel."

"It's not very helpful."

“What do you expect from me?! Look, it's a bit embarrassing!" she said, looking away red in the face.

Although I found her reaction amusing, we eventually arrived in front of the throne room, and noticing our arrival, the guards greeted us.

"We would like to enter-"


That dull sound came from beyond the doors. Out of concern, the guards threw open the door and what appeared in front of us was an unreal scene.

***(Arryn's POV)***

I was in my room getting ready to go out for dinner with my family. After all, we had been invited to dinner by my uncle the King and we certainly couldn't refuse. For the occasion, I wore a formal but warm dark blue evening dress... the same color as his hair.

Arriving at the palace, we were greeted by the servants and led to the dining room. Inside, there were my uncle, my aunt, and my cousins ​​waiting.

"Welcome Enania, my sister." greeted my uncle noting our arrival

"Your majesty, we thank you for your dinner invitation." my mother returned with a bow

"Umu. Glad to see you fully recovered Arryn."

"Forgive me for making your majesty worry."

"Well, the important thing is that you're feeling better, isn't it Ehrendil?"

"It's just as you say, father." the prince began and then turned to me "Happy to see you again Lady Lianelis."

Ehrendil Trismyar Leomyar u'Yedal, my cousin, second on the line of succession... and my fiancé. In the end, it is not who knows what a surprise. Political marriages are common among the nobility and taking into account our blood bond, in a sense this marriage also serves to maintain a pure bloodline within the royal family. I was ready ever since I understood how the world works which was something I had to do, but Ehrendil was against it even if he did not show it in front of our parents. Well, given his looks and status he could have found a wife easily: he is a very handsome elf by the standards of our species, with short platinum blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, green eyes, a face with a delicate and soft feature, and with a physiognomy that could easily be mistaken for a girl.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but he was my first love and even when I was infatuated with the Hero, he always remained first in my thoughts. But since I've known Graeval, it doesn't cause me that effect anymore. I'm not saying he's not a good match: he's intelligent and charismatic, he's always been kind and understanding to me, and he treated me very carefully despite being blatantly opposed to our engagement.

"Your Majesty, Earl Torkian has just arrived with his daughter."

"Oh! They arrived on time. Let them in."

Of course, this is a surprise to me. House Torkian always had an enormous influence within the royal court and many of its members have served the royal family in bureaucratic roles or as ambassadors. According to some rumors due to their dedication, the King of two generations ago intended to promote them to the rank of marquis, but the head of the family at the time refused, saying that serving the kingdom was already a sufficient reward.

The current Count, Folmer Torkian, was recently widowed and now his family includes his son Ettrian Torkian and the eldest daughter Dessielle Torkian

“Your Highness Leomyar! What a pleasure to see you again!"

... that is her. With emerald green hair, yellow eyes, and a graceful and delicate face, she is a very pretty girl and despite keeping a minimum of etiquette, she exudes an aura that I would define... innocent probably.

"Glad to see you Lady Dessielle." he greeted with an affectionate tone

...... Did he just call her by name?

"Your highness, how many times do I have to tell you that there is no need for all this formality."

"Time and place...... Dessy." he concluded speaking in a low voice

"I understand~" she said smiling

This exchange made me shiver. They were too friendly.

After the various pleasantries, we all sat down in our seats and I was facing Ehrendil, while Lady Torkian sat on his right, both chatting happily. Throughout the dinner, I could feel a good atmosphere between the two of them... similar to what is normally created between Graeval and Lilith when they get lost in their world. Being her current Fiancé, maybe I should have been jealous. I mean, I certainly couldn't overlook that act but I couldn't condemn it either because this thing I was feeling was just... an intuition. Besides, neither the King nor my other relatives had any intention of meddling between them so, most likely, they didn't believe they were doing anything strange.

Uh... why am I not jealous? Haven't I told you before? Ever since I met Graeval... I can't help but think about him. And this knowing that he is married and madly in love with his wife. Maybe I shouldn't desire someone else's man but even if polygamy is allowed... I feel guilty deep down in my heart.

“Your Majesty, I don't know how to thank you for the invitation. When I saw Lady Lianelis, I thought that I had intruded on your meeting."

"Oh, don't worry Lord Torkian, after all, it is thanks to you that I was able to reunite with my niece."

"You honor me."

The Torkian family is also very influential for another reason: since ancient times, the house has been responsible for diplomatic relations with the Thirus Kingdom and a member of their family is permanent at the embassy of our kingdom which is located in the capital Cuding. Not surprisingly, he was the first elf I saw when I went to the capital with the Hero's wives.

"Don't be so humble." my father interjected. “After all, your work in Cuding has allowed the alliance between the two kingdoms not to degenerate too quickly and you have hosted my daughter in your abode until our arrival. As expected of the head of your household."

“No, you are exaggerating Lord Lianelis. I only did my duty." Torkian said with a small nod

“By the way, now that I think about it, you just got back. Do you bring any news?"

"Actually, yes."

"Oh and which ones?" his majesty began by sipping wine

“A while ago word started to spread on the streets of Cuding. It seems that her highness Bassilla Calsay Belmont has recovered from her illness"

“---! *Cough Cough* Really?!"

“I was able to confirm it in person sir. His majesty Edward Calsay Belmont had invited me to the palace to give me this letter to deliver and I had the opportunity to meet her." he said handing a letter to the King "To say she was full of life is an understatement."

That news had already surprised my uncle to the point of making the wine he was sipping go wrong and despite the worried gaze of the servants, he took the letter offered by lord Torkian, remaining even more surprised.

"Did lady Bassilla recover?" I also asked surprised

"What, what? Are you talking about Thirus' famous 'Crystal Wisteria'?!" Lady Torkian asked with interest

It doesn't seem like it, but lady Bassilla Calsay Belmont is also very famous in Yedal. The disease that afflicted her had also been subjected to many elven doctors who, despite their incredible magical and above all spiritistic affinity typical of our race, had not been able to find a solution. Not even the court doctor or rather my aunt Shael Qilana Leomyar u'Yedal, famous throughout the continent for being the most powerful healing spirit sorceress in the kingdom, had succeeded in the challenge. The fact that they managed to cure her is very important news.

"The king of Thirus was so elated that he has organized a banquet just to celebrate her speedy recovery."

"I see. In fact, in the letter, there is also an invitation for you too, lord Torkian."

"Originally..." he began with a sigh "They wanted to invite the royal family, but keeping in mind the commitments you have to fulfill, they withdrew the invitation."

At that statement, my uncle sighed.

While it is true that the healing of a member of the royal family is an important event, it is not so striking that it can disturb a ruler, even if from an allied nation, to leave the capital.

"But it looks like you can take another person with you."

"True, but since my son is not available due to his studies I was thinking of bringing my daughter but... she also has some academic commitments here in the capital."

Well... in the end she has my age... when the elven nobles reach a certain age, they are enrolled in the royal academy where, based on the family they belong to, they are placed in one of the three specialized classes. The same is for me and Ehrendil. Now that I have recovered, I have to go back to the academy and finish my studies.

"Then you won't mind if I accompany you." said my aunt

"Her Majesty the Queen?!" Lord Torkian asked in surprise

That statement had left everyone present astonished except my uncle who sighed again.

“I don't have any important commitments to follow. In addition, there will also be the person who healed her, right? I'm really curious to know who he is. After all, I feel slightly hurt in my pride."

As I said before, my aunt Shael is one of the best healers on the continent, and the fact that a stranger has succeeded in a feat that not even she has been able to solve... certainly it isn't something that she can gloss over.

“I don't know anything about him. But according to a rumor I ran into, it seems that a person with an iron mask has entered the room of her highness in the worst moment of a crisis."

"An iron mask...... hm?" my aunt repeated thoughtfully and then noticed me "Is something wrong Arryn?"

"Huh? Why your majesty asks me?"

"Because... you are red and above all... you are smiling."

It occurred to me instinctively to think of Graeval when lord Torkian mentioned the Iron Mask. After all, he's the only one who walks around with his face hidden like that to make what is deemed impossible, possible. It's not okay, it's not okay... my emotions are leaking.

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