The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 26

***(Cordelia's POV)***

“He has arrived. He replied to the letter and introduced himself."

Those were the first words my father spoke when we all sat down to dine together. The statement left everyone surprised and the tension rose like a flash... Jack and Sarity in particular were as tense as a violin string. Only our children sitting in the high chairs did not understand what was happening while they were playing with the cutlery. Even the servants could sense a certain tension in the air.

After all, we're talking about the one to whom I owe my life... and who nearly took it from Jack and the others... we're talking about the Guardian.

Given his confidentiality, my father said he intended to meet him with all of us in the office. The choice was suitable; you never know who is listening in the throne room. However, there was a question that haunted us and in the end, it was Ridel who asked it: how did the King know that Guardian had arrived? The answer was not long in coming. He had presented himself in front of him politely asking for an audience for the next day.

How did he do it? The palace is a fortress in all respects. Not even a rat would be able to enter unnoticed, but he...... I know that these are questions that I shouldn't ask myself since this person has already proven to be successful in things that many consider absurd or at least on the verge of impossible.

Now, I'm in my father's office along with my parents, my brother, my husband, and my fellow wives. In front of us is Guardian. He wears the same cloak as the first time I saw him as well as the iron mask. His upright posture was both solemn and intimidating.

Beside him was another hooded figure. I couldn't see her or his face or any other particular features, but it was shorter and looked mysterious.

"Happy to see your majesties healthy." he said in a metallic voice making a bow "The same goes for you, Lady Cordelia."

"This is partly thanks to you... Lord Guardian." I replied

The hooded figure had also bowed but did not say a word.

“I didn't have the chance yesterday, but let me introduce myself. I am Edward Calsay Belmont, King of Thirus. Thank you for replying to my letter so quickly."

"You don't need all this humility, your majesty."

“Instead I have to. Lately, you had to solve some of the problems it was up to me to smooth out."

"Problems? What are you talking about?"

"The elimination of the bandits or the attempted kidnapping to name the most important... and for the latter, I express my deepest gratitude, both as a ruler and as a father."

My father was about to bow his head but froze even before he could. Or rather, it was as if something prevented him from that movement.

“You don't need to bow your head. I only protected the village I grew up in, so I only accept your thanks as a father. Besides, a King shouldn't lower his head for someone like me."

Now I understand. He can't move because Guardian is preventing him. Our host's statement is true. When a king bows, it is as if the nation itself is doing so and is therefore considered a sign of weakness.

"I understand." said my father giving up the idea of ​​bowing his head "Now, let's move on to the real reason why I asked you to meet me."

"I'm listening."

"Even though my son-in-law told me about your intentions, I wanted to hear it directly from you."

“Hoo? Do you have so little faith in him?"

“We all have full faith in him. But some things are better to ask the person concerned- "

"To understand if he has ulterior motives or not, right?" Guardian interrupted with a chuckle "It seems that you are good at reading people... well, not that you can do otherwise considering your role, but there is a small problem with me."

"And would that be?" my brother asked

"How can you read me if my movements and expressions are hidden under a mask and a cloak?"

If you keep your expressions and body language hidden, it is virtually impossible to understand what the person being asked is up to. It's a way like any other to say that he doesn't trust anyone.

"Then why don't you reveal yourself?" my mother asked this time

“I trust the human...” Guardian began turning towards her, “but it is the devil who resides in him that I don't trust. After all, it doesn't mean that once my true identity is revealed, I can continue to live peacefully."

"Then the same goes for you... how can we trust you?" my brother asked in a slightly accusatory tone

“You can't and I'm not going to push you to do that. After all, trust must be earned."

"So why was it different with me, my wives, and the teacher?" Jack asked

"Very simple..." he began, turning to my husband "because you know is detrimental making fun of me."

The room had grown cold. My husband and wives swallowed heavily and began to sweat cold. They had been traumatized by their encounter with Guardian, also helping me to understand why his identity was revealed to them: they are so terrified that they would rather die at the hands of others than at the hands of Guardian.

"Anyway..." he resumed making the atmosphere he had created return to normal "I have no intention of threatening you or making you feel what I have put them through. After all, they have reaped what they sowed. With you, I have not the slightest reason to do so."

Nobody answered that statement. In part, we were relieved because it was clear that he has no bad intentions but it reinforced our belief: it is very dangerous if instigated. Put simply, it is better to keep him as a friend than an enemy.

"I see-"

"However..." Guardian resumed "whether he is a commoner, a mercenary, a noble... anyone who becomes a clear threat to me or my proteges, will have to face the consequences of such a crazy choice."

"Are you implying that you are above the law?" my brother asked with a semblance of calm

"Of course not. I have always respected the law and I have no intention of breaking it for my selfishness. If I wanted to, Ludmilla Westhead wouldn't even face trial and her family would join her in the afterlife." he said shrugging "After all, I am as kind as ruthless and I do not forgive easily."

He would have wiped out an entire family just because one of them attacked Fago?!

"Except for the children of course." he began turning to me. “They have no-fault. Conversely, a parent's upbringing is often reflected in the children. And anyway, even if I don't forgive, I don't like getting blood on my hands." he replied

How did he understand what I was thinking?!

"So... do you confirm what the Hero told me about your requests?" my father asked trying to divert the conversation

"Absolutely. Unless provoked, I will do nothing. After all, I love to live peacefully."

"*Sigh*... I understand."

"Perfect. Now that things have been cleared up, I think we can say goodbye."

"Just a moment longer." my father stopped him "I can't let you go without giving a reward for solving the accident caused by the firstborn of the Westhead family."

"......... Even if I have half an idea of ​​what you want to offer me, please enlighten me."

"Given your resolve to protect Fago, I believe that handing over that country and its cultivated fields to you is the best reward I can think of."

"I decline."

His response was not long in coming and apart from my father, my whole family was wide-eyed from the dry response. I don't know if I was making a surprised expression, but I'm sure others are thinking Why should he refuse? The reason is very simple, to tell the truth, and I am sure that this reward was a test set by my father to understand if what he said was true.

"Why are you refusing this reward?!" my mother asked "If you took over the management of that land, you would have no problem protecting it."

"The problem lies behind that reward your majesty." Calmly answered Guardian "By accepting that land, I would have unconsciously also accepted a noble title."

Obtaining a noble title has always been considered an enormous honor for a commoner or in any case an inhabitant of the lower/middle class, as well as a guarantee to obtain fame, power, and money. The aristocratic world is on its own very complicated: weddings or performing a domestic service within other families are often aimed at creating ties or contacts with prestigious or influential families or reinforcing those already made. Of course, even the politics of the court is not something that can be ignored as well as the gossip and rumors that spread among the noblewomen, as they can irreparably damage the reputation of a noble. Many households have fallen from grace as a result of these cruel court games.

“I don't want to have anything to do with the politics of this country and I don't think I would be able to bear the forked tongues of the nobles. As I have already said, I do not forgive easily."

"I see. Forgive me if I tested you."

"You has nothing to be forgiven for."

“Anyway, the fact is that I can not reward you for your help. What would you like?"

“I don't need anything... but if this does not make you feel in debt, then I ask you to allocate some funds and materials for the reconstruction of Fago. After all, he still bears the wounds from the ambush of four months ago."

“Now that I think about it, I also noticed a statue representing you. Did the funds of my fellow villagers run out there?" Sarity interjected

“......... Please don't remind me. I've never asked for anything like that."


"I'm serious Sa-... her holiness."

Brief as it was, this exchange seemed to have a strangely familiar atmosphere. Almost as if Sarity and Guardian were very close. But it may have been just my impression.

Suddenly the door swung open and a waitress entered. She was sweaty, her hair untidy and she was breathing heavily

"Your Majesty is terrible!" her eyes were wide open and frightened “Her Highness! Her Highness the Princess is- "

I didn't give her time to finish the sentence that I had already run out of the office to go to my sister's room. I don't know what was going on around me. I could only hear indistinct noises as I ran with the heart in my throat, worried for my beloved sister. I entered her room opening the door wide and seeing what I never wanted to see.

Bassilla was coughing violently and holding her heart as she did so. Her already pale complexion had turned paler and there were clearly defined black shadows under her eyes, she seemed to have not slept for days. Doctors, servants, and even a wizard skilled in healing magic were doing what they could to calm her down.


I pushed my way through the servants and took her hand worried. I called her but she couldn't stop coughing... blood. I'm scared. I tremble with terror at the idea that she has now come at her end; the purple eyes that were usually kind said she wanted to go on living, that she was fighting hard. I closed my eyes.

Mighty Aphy... I got it automatic Please don't separate me from her! I don't want to say goodbye yet!!

Suddenly, the cough subsided and my sister's strong grip eased. Frightened, I opened my eyes... What the-? Around the bed had formed what looked like a dome of golden crystal, where snow-like wads were falling. When it leaned on something it disappeared... but when it leaned on me, I felt... relieved. The desperation of a while ago had turned into hope and security, my mind was clear and calm as a body of water.

Turning my gaze to my sister, I saw her sleeping peacefully. So calmly, as if the crisis of a moment ago was a lie... an illusion. I felt someone holding my back and when I turned around, I saw that my husband was holding me.

When I turned around, I also noticed my other fellow wives, my father, my mother, and my brother with faces raised and at the same time amazed.

"There's nothing wrong with following your emotions..." spoke a metallic voice at my side "but sometimes, it's good to keep calm."

Guardian, the owner of that voice that for a moment seemed completely unknown to me, was beside the bed with the hooded figure he had come with: his body gave off a faint white light. With every second my eyes rested on him, I felt more and more as if the impossible would become possible.

"Poor girl." he began staring at my sister "How long has she been in this state?"

"For 10 years." my mother answered with tears running down her cheeks “10 years ago an unknown disease began to torture her. Not even her holiness was able to do something."

It seemed to me that Guardian had whispered something, but immediately afterward his gaze fell on all my family and finally on me. Looking back at Bassilla he said

"As a sign of good faith, I'll try to do something for this girl."

The statement made me open my eyes wide with surprise and probably also those of all present. Instinctively, my hand reached out to him. I took and hugged his worn cloak. He turned to me

"Really... would you be able to?"

“...... I'll do my best, but I don't want to give you false hope. In the end..." he turned back to Bassila "everything will depend on her."

***(Graeval's POV)***

When Cordelia ran out of the office without letting the waitress finish her sentence, I knew something serious was going on. Together with her loved ones, I followed her until I reached a bedroom, everyone inside was taking care of a girl very similar to Cordelia.

She was in pain and I seemed to see a sinister shadow near her and especially in her mind. I could feel certain willpower from her... but it seemed to me that her will was waning by now. Holy patience. I don't like to take advantage of other people's misfortunes. I expanded my will and created a dome around me and shared with everyone my calm, my will... so to speak I lent my inner strength.

When I did, the sick woman calmed down and fell asleep. Even if her will had been strengthened by mine, as soon as I would nullify my power, that shadow would start consuming her again.

When I asked what she had and they told me that she had encountered a disease 10 years ago, I knew immediately that it was not a disease. After all, thanks to Aphy's blessing, Sarity can heal just about anything.

"As a sign of good faith, I'll try to do something for this girl."

"Really... would you be able to?"

“...... I'll do my best, but I don't want to give you false hope. In the end... everything will depend on her."

"Huh? What do you mean?!"

"You all go out." I said to everyone present, ignoring Cordelia's question “If you want someone to stay here, only those who know my identity can do it. The others, out!"

At my statement, all those present stopped with surprised and doubtful eyes. Nobody seemed to want to leave but in the end, the first to come out was the King himself, as if to give an example. In other words, he is entrusting me with his daughter's life. Slowly, everyone went out. The only one left was Sarity

"I'll stay... as a witness of your success or failure."

When the door closed, Lilith pulled down her hood showing her white hair and horns. She went to the door and locked it.

"So..." she began returning to my side "what are you going to do darling?"

“This is not a disease. That's for sure."

"What?!" Sarity exclaimed

"It seems obvious to me." I said looking at her exasperated. “Thanks to Aphy's blessing your healing powers are exceptional. If it was a disease, this girl would be jumping from place to place like a rabbit by now."

"So what is it?"

"A curse." said my wife looking sad at the girl "And it's also very powerful."

"The only reason she's calmed down now is that I'm sharing my iron will with her." I began by taking off my mask “And it is inside a sanctuary that I created to protect her body and at the same time reinvigorate it. But the fact is... this curse has eroded her will to live for these 10 years."

"A death curse?!"

"Do you know her?" Sarity asked at my wife's exclamation

"Yes. After all, our dark magic also includes curses and this is considered the most terrible as it is very slow and painful. I am impressed by the simple fact that she is still alive."

"Are you able to remove it?" I asked her

"Unfortunately, it is one of those curses that can only be broken by the one who cast it." she said shaking her head

"You're kidding me... right?"

"In your opinion, what reason would she have for doing so?" I asked Sarity annoyed "Anyway it means I'll have to go to the root to get rid of the curse."

"Are you going to look for who launched the curse?" my wife asked doubtfully

I smiled unconsciously and took the hand of the princess starting to give her part of my life force very slowly so that possible physical injuries could heal.

"No." I denied looking at my wife softly "I intend to help her get rid of the curse itself."

That said, I moved the girl's bangs back, took a deep breath, and rested my forehead on hers. I closed my eyes and in the darkness that is usually seen, I saw an indistinct light in the distance. That was my destination. That was the beginning.

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