The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 19

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
I thank YXXREM for the illustration he has drawn for this chapter. To see more of his works click on his name.

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***(Graeval's POV)***

And this day also ended.

Although as usual, we did the evening service, this time there was a slight difference: I closed the restaurant a little earlier and reserved it for my and Lilith's personal use only. After all, tonight we were going to have dinner by candlelight in one of the private rooms upstairs, the best we have.

While I was finishing the preparation of some dishes, Lilith went to take a long and relaxing restorative bath.

Hm? Well, sometimes we get very late so we have dinner and wash here for convenience. Don't you have a canteen or a shower at work?

Anyway, once everything was ready, I freshened up and put on slightly elegant clothes. It wasn't a tailcoat, but it certainly was similar to the typical suit and tie.

The room we had chosen is a closed room, with no windows on the walls, but with a large skylight instead of the ceiling with a view of the breathtaking starry sky. Moreover, today the sky was clear and therefore the white light of the moon and the stars seemed to bless the table on which we would celebrate our anniversary, covered with a white tablecloth embroidered with simple but cute floral motifs, while for the cutlery and plates I pulled out the best service I had. In the center of the table was a polished candlestick with candles already lit, as well as on the sides of the room, along with various vases of flowers.


I heard the door behind me open and with my heart pounding, I turned around. Before me, was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in all my two lives.

Lilith wore an electric blue short evening dress with a voluminous skirt and a crystal inserted in the bustier just below the breast; the stockings are a purplish brown and she wears shoes with black heels decorated with diamonds. Her hair pulled back into a loose braid, held at the end with a blue rose clasp like the dress, and fell on her left shoulder.

It was a masterpiece. The cold, dark color of the dress only brought out her white skin, her ruby ​​red eyes, and her white hair. I felt like I wanted to lose myself in the splendor of her pupils and immerse myself in the beauty of her white hair that looked like silk. Her brown horns looked shiny from the moonlight reflecting on her, her cheeks were slightly pinker, and she had lipstick on her lips.

I didn't want to take my eyes off her... I refused to do it.

"W-well? What do you think?" Lilith asked shyly

The attitude she showed at that precise moment was the necessary touch to be able to define her as a piece of art.

"If there are words to tell you how beautiful you are..." I started approaching her and gently taking her hand "I don't know them." I finished by kissing her hand

"...... Mou." Lilith began with the red face "Stupid."

Smiling at her, I offered my arm to her and she accepted it. I accompany Lilith to the chair and helped her sit down. I took a bottle of white wine, poured a glass, and offered it to her.

"To our love, Lilith."

"To us, Graeval."

***(Lilith's POV)***

"Hey... are you sure there won't be any problems?"

"Of course." Graeval answered softly looking at me "Even if we meet someone, we are invisible to their eyes."

"Another one of your tricks, right?"

Dinner to celebrate our anniversary was delicious and romantic. There were no humans or demons, there were no Goddesses or Saints, there was no good or bad news... it was just us and our love.

The dress I was wearing made sure that I was able to kidnap Graeval's heart again and when we had to go home by now he asked me not to change, took me in a princess carry, and started jumping from roof to roof, almost not wanted snow or the damp earth to contaminate me.

Since I'm wearing that dress, I should have felt cold, but once again Graeval got a hand on it and made sure we were surrounded by a pleasantly warm ball of air.

He kept jumping from roof to roof until we were a short distance away from our house and making sure no one was there, he placed me on the ground and made me wear a blue hooded cloak. As soon as I raised it just enough to cover my horns, the cold hit me as a symbol that he had nullified his power. He held out his arm again and I took it without thinking twice... no I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder.

This... is the best night of my life. This was my thought just before arriving in front of our house. Yeah... in front of our house.

Five hooded people stood in front of the house... in front of our love nest. Seeing this, I released his arm and Graeval took a step forward. His expression, which is usually kind and cheerful, is now terribly serious.

"Who are you?"

"It's us... Graeval." one of those people with a female voice that I know well by now came forward.

"Sarity?" he asked surprised “What happened to make all five of you come here?!....... Don't tell me you're hungry... but do you eat properly?"

"......... Why the first thing you ask me is always if I eat enough?" Sarity asked with a heavy sigh

"To tease you it's obvious isn't it?" he said and then giggled "Also because you've always been picky when it comes to food"

"We talk about 9 years ago at least..."

"And on that, you haven't changed... or am I wrong?"

As Sarity made that childish expression, I, as well as the other four, could barely hold back the laughter.

"Now that we started with a joke to relieve the tension..." he began and then became serious "can you explain to me why you are in front of our house?"

The giggles disappeared and Sarity was serious again

"We would like to speak to your wife privately."

"Speak? And what exactly?"

"For your sake Graeval... don't get involved."

“Hey, hey. Have we moved on to threats now?" he asked accentuating a hint of anger in that question "You give me another reason to not let you have that private chat."

Sarity was hesitant to tell him what she wanted to tell me. I saw the Hero Jack put his hand on her shoulder as if to tell her to let him do it, but she nodded her head negatively. She took a deep breath.

"Graeval... I know it's shocking but your wife, Lilith, is a demon."


My husband looked slightly incredulous, then rubbed his chin and finally took his forehead. Only I heard him sigh heavily. How did they find me?

"I know it's shocking-"

"Puh... Ahahahahah!!!" Graeval laughed... heartily.

The way he laughs so heartily took his childhood friend and the whole group off guard. To be honest it surprised me too

"...... What are you laughing at?" Ishgat asked

"Hahaha... no it's that.... ahahahaha! I die!!! Ahahahah!"

"No, really what is there to laugh at?!" Sarity asked in an angry tone

"Ahahaha.. haaa!" his laughter subsided "I thought it was who knows what problem and instead it's just this?"

"Only this... we are talking about a demon."

"Exactly. Look I knew she was a demon ever since I met her."

Silence had fallen... which of course did not last long.


“Why all this surprise? Did you think I didn't know? Come on, I'm still her husband."

That said, he nodded his head to me. I realized he wanted me to pull my hood down. I sighed heavily and lowered it, showing my horns, my white hair, and my red eyes.

The looks of the Hero and his wives were a mixture of disgust and above all surprise. In particular, in Sarity's eyes, I seemed to see something like humiliation, resentment, and guilt. I don't understand why... or maybe I do but I refuse to admit it.

"You don't even try to deny it......" Emilyn spoke in disgust

"Why should I?" Graeval asked coldly "Since you've found out, I don't see the slightest reason."

"Brat, why didn't you report or you killed her when you found it?" Ishgat asked

"Why should I?"

"Because she's a demon, no?!"

“Graeval don't you realize the horrors and massacres that those of her race have committed?! How many innocent people have suffered?"

At that question, I felt my heart tighten... Innocents...? Now you are the victims...?! You who attacked us first?!! I felt the anger growing inside me. That question was nothing more than an insult. Even though it was my beloved's childhood friend, I wanted to hit her with all my strength.

I felt my hand intertwined. Despite not looking at me, Graeval sensed my mood and that was his way of telling me to calm down.

“Horrors? Massacres? Innocents who have suffered?" Graeval asked

"I saw it with mine... no we saw it with our own eyes!" Jack came forward “The crimes they committed against civilians and the helpless. It wasn't a good show at all. You don't know how many mothers, fathers, relatives I have seen crying for their dead."

There was clearly hatred in his eyes. I don't know what he meant because I stayed away from the front line, but it's possible that I didn't keep my subordinates in line as I should.

“Ahahaha! Really... what is this comedy? Where does all this disgusting irony come from?" Graeval asked after chuckling

“What do you find funny?! Graeval, you don't know anything!! Do you think we're kidding- "

"I think you looked in the mirror this morning and now you're unloading your fair share of crime on my wife."

Graeval's interruption left Sarity wide-eyed as if she couldn't understand


"Your husband just said I don't know how many people mourned their dead in that war, right?" he began and I noticed a slight hint of anger in those words “Now I ask you: how many mothers? How many fathers? How many uncles and aunts? How many children, cousins ​​, and grandchildren? How many families of demons have YOU stolen from someone?!"

Nobody answered... or rather, nobody seemed to know how to answer. These are questions that are not asked in battle. And it seems like they didn't even have them after the war was over... Just because we're demons.

"You don't answer me because you don't know the answer or because you don't want to face it?"


“Just because they are demons do you think they are just a concentrate of evil? Don't screw with me. If you have to talk about guilt, you have not only killed soldiers, but also old people, women, and children just for their race." every word of Graeval was tinged with disgust “You are not heroes. You are just criminals, murderers. So I tell you again: don't put YOUR sins on MY wife just because she is a demon and you don't want to look in the mirror."

Graeval had expressed everything I thought. I had never told him much about my confrontation with humans and he hadn't even asked me out of respect. But the fact that he, a human being, understood how not only I but also my subjects felt and poured it out on the guilty... made me happy


I called him shyly and squeeze his hand. then I felt something run down my cheeks. A moment later, my husband hugged me and wiped away the tear that was traveling down my cheek. He smiled lovingly... Really... I'm glad to have met you... I'm glad you're my husband

"Holy patience." Graeval stated with a heavy sigh. “This was supposed to be a happy night for the two of us and you ruined it. Do me the favor of leaving before I start to lose my temper."

"....... do?"


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO GRAEVAL, DEMON?!" Sarity screamed angrily

***(Sarity's POV)***

I can't forgive her. How she dare deceive the person I care about the most? How dare she take Graeval away from me?! Is it her fault that he forgot about that promise 3 years ago?!! Is this her revenge on me?!!!

These were my thoughts at that moment. Thinking that Graeval married a demon scared me, but the fact that he knew it and is now accusing us of those falsehoods... I can't tolerate that. I have to save him at all costs. We must kill her to free Graeval from her yoke.

"I... I didn't do anything to him..." the demon replied timidly

Seeing her there, being gently embraced by Graeval makes me mad. I feel insulted. How dare you touch Graeval... how dare you touch my childhood friend?

“You must have brainwashed him. I see no other explanation." Jack said firmly

"What?! Brainwashing? What are you talking about?" the demon asked as if she didn't know what we were talking about

“It's useless to pretend to be dumb. YOU MUST HAVE USED SOME MAGIC TO MAKE HIM YOUR SLAVE." I screamed furiously

"There are no such spells!" she countered


"...I'm surprised. To think you stooped to this too… haaa” Graeval sighed heavily.

"...... [Wind Cutter]"

As if waiting for that moment of distraction, Ridel cast a spell targeting the couple. Noticing this, the demon shoved away Graeval to keep him from being hit. I wasn't expecting anything else.

"GET LOST! [Holly Javelin]!!"

I cast my spell even before the demon could even touch the ground. A white javelin that materialized in front of me set off at tremendous speed.

At first, we wanted to separate them so that we could take her out without Graeval knowing, but since he stayed and said all those things, it was clear he would never leave her alone. So we decided to create a situation where we would separate the two, albeit slightly so that I could take her out using one of my spells. This last part was improvised, but I was happy that our harmony has not waned despite the weather. Now Graeval will be mine again.

At this point, the demon could no longer dodge the blow. She covered her face ready to take the hit. I was already savoring the moment when I would destroy her.

"So this is how you want to play, huh?"


Graeval appeared out of nowhere in front of the demon and grabbed my spell with his bare hands, blocking it as if nothing had happened.

Probably, my expression was the same as the others. Amazement and bewilderment. While not effective against humans, [Holy Javelin] remains a spear and still can kill a man if placed well. Also being a spell, if you are not a wizard or have no protection against magic, it is impossible to stop and otherwise, it would still be difficult to deflect or block.

Graeval simply caught it and after playing around with it a bit, he tightened his grip on the spell even more by destroying it and turning it into many golden particles.

"Fiuuu. That was close. Lilith, are you okay?" Graeval asked the demon, holding out his hand

"Yes. Thanks, Graeval." she said accepting the hand to get up

"How is it possible?! How did he get there in such a short time?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?!"

"Did he block and destroy a spell with his bare hands?!"

My companions were bringing up those questions because they couldn't find an answer to a fact that had just happened in front of us. I too was speechless.

"Since you have decided to take the path that will eventually make me angry..." Graeval began turning towards us "I will play with my cards exposed. Answer me. Are you sure you want to kill Guardian's wife? Are you sure you want me as your enemy?"

Graeval's irises, which had always been gray as if they were the color of ice, turned gold and a powerful aura began to surround him.

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