The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 11

***(Cordelia's POV)***

"Who are you?!"

"Someone you shouldn't have pissed off."

There was someone inside the building. We were all aware of it. But no matter where the torches pointed, there was nothing. They searched every corner, every wall, knocked to find out if there was a secret passage or something, but nothing. They even tried to open the windows and the door which had closed when that voice was heard for the first time, but nothing to do. Both the door and the shutters were locked.

"I usually slaughter everyone who threatens my proteges." began the metallic voice "But tonight I feel in the mood for a chat."

"A chat?"

"I have to admit..." he began. "It was a good idea to disguise the bandits as mercenaries. I hadn't noticed it either. My compliments-"

"You did not answer my question! Who are you?" Ludmilla raised her voice slightly

Silence had returned. A heavy silence.

“*Sigh*! I don't have a name for a cowardly brat like you."


The grip on her sword had grown stronger and it seemed to me that she had begun to tremble slightly. Suddenly Arryn squirmed and her face filled with happiness said

"He... Guardian... saved me... from a nightmare..."

Silence resumed, but it seemed more like a long reflection. Very different from the previous one

"Hmm... yes, it works. You can call me Guardian." began the voice "And while I'm here, I'm taking back the damsel who gave me this name."

"Cos- GAH!"

The muffled sound put out the torch of the man holding Arryn hostage, and the sudden darkness alarmed everyone as they kept circling with their torches.

A brave man approached where the soldier holding Arryn hostage was: the child was gone, only the torch and a corpse.

"It is not a show suitable for children." the torch that was illuminating that point suddenly went out making the soldier retreat.

This time the voice was behind us. We turned but still saw nothing. It was too dark and the torchlight couldn't get there.

"Arryn, don't look at that spot I just turned off, okay?"


Suddenly, numerous fires were lit and levitated in midair in every corner of the room. The sudden light made us close our eyes instinctively and once we got used to it, I saw him: a hooded man, whose cloak is worn, torn, and punctured in several places. Under that hood, he wore an iron mask. Arryn was clinging to his leg and the cloak covered her as if it wanted to protect her. His figure looked noble and dignified, but at the same time gloomy and the blood-red spear he held not only looked alive but smelled like that lifeblood.

“Kukuku! With this, you will no longer have to get your breeches wet." the man said, bringing his hand to his mouth.

All the soldiers drew their swords and stood in front of Ludmilla. Suddenly, a few pieces separated from the spear turning into what looked like daggers, and approached us, cutting the ropes that bound us.

He snapped his fingers. The torches the guards held in their hands went out instantly. What magic is he using?

"Spells without enchantments and mana?!" Sarity murmured at my side

"Are you kidding me?!" I asked surprised by the statement

Even if I'm not a sorceress, I know how magic works. Although possessed by all living beings, some individuals possess enough mana to be able to cast spells, the elven race and demons in particular. Divided into attributes, wizards can cast either one or a group of these attributes based on the amount of mana they have or the affinity they have with the element. Also, when casting various spells, mages can sense the movement of mana.

The mere fact that this man has just done something that never had a precedent leaves me speechless.

"This... isn't... magic..." Arryn began looking at us "He... has no... mana... in the body..."

"How can he not have it?" Sarity asked as she approached the man

"Don't... know..." she stated shaking her head

"I have my secrets too, you know..." Guardian said in a weary tone "Anyway, I think it's time to go for you."

He stretched out his right hand to the side and suddenly appeared what looked like a bright blue gash that slowly cleared more and more until it showed an image

"What the hell...?!" I asked surprised

A figure completely covered in black armor stepped through that gash.

"I entrust them to you... see you later." Guardian said gently accompanying Arryn to the new figure who simply nodded.

"Stop them!"

At that order, Ludmilla's soldiers immediately charged towards us. Without even giving us time to understand what was happening, the black figure grabbed us by the arm and pulled us inside the fracture which closed immediately after we passed.

We were outdoors. No, we had returned to Fago, in the square where tonight's banquet was held. The buildings were slightly damaged by the fire and the stench of blood was palpable.

"""""Your highness! Your holiness!"""""

Our guards ran as soon as they saw us and knelt in front of us. They were out of breath and stained with blood.

“Thank goodness they found you. Are you fine?" asked Alianora, the Captain of my guard

"Y-yes. We're fine... "I said then I looked around and saw that the black figure was gone "What happened during our absence?"

"An Angel of Aphy has descended on the attackers." Blayves stated.

***(Ludmilla's POV)***

It only took a moment. Months of planning to reach our goal of expanding the glory and might of the kingdom... gone up in smoke. All, because of a masked thug. The same one who is standing in front of me right now and staring at me, as if he were peering into my soul.

"I bet you're mad at me." he began, “After so much planning, everything fell apart. I don't mind it at all. Ihihi! "

I have to keep calm... I don't know who I have in front of me but I can't ignore the mysterious abilities he has shown until recently...

"Now, I would say to resume our chat...... though there is nothing to talk about in fact..." he put the scarlet spear he held in his hand on his shoulder and scratched his head "Oh well... then let's get it over with."

He got into an attacking position and suddenly, the spear changed into a sword.

"I have a question..."

“Hou! And would that be? "

"How did you know we were here?"

“Ah, that?! It was very simple." he began without ever changing his fighting stance. “I headed in the direction of your camp, finding it empty. All the guards you left were surprised... all except one. It was enough for me to 'ask' him."

"You tortured him..."

“Nah, I'm not a barbarian. I just sneaked into his head. The brain is much more eloquent than the mouth. Too bad that in the process, he died" he said calmly "But it is to be commended. He didn't say a word. His loyalty to you was absolute. He forced me to get into his head."

"What I hear? Respect for someone you killed in cold blood?"

“I always respect my opponents. Even when it comes to people like you."

"People like me?"

“People who don't mind manipulating and killing others for their gain. After all, that's why you wanted to start the war, right?"

"It wasn't for me, but for the good of the kingdom."

“Hou? And how would you have done well?" he asked relaxing his position "Right now, the kingdom is facing the threat of the brigands due to the huge forced to leave."

"With the war, they would have been reintegrated-"

"Are you stupid?" he asked me, bowing his head slightly "Do you think that the army would have accepted with open arms the brigands who probably killed and/or raped a loved one? Furthermore, it is not said that the brigands would have agreed to return to the army. Then, what about good relations and trade with neighboring countries, especially with the Kingdom of Yedal? "

“With their conquest, we would have obtained new lands and prestige. Thanks to those territories-"

“You would have starved not only the army but also the population of Thirus and the conquered countries. Haa... you are stupid." sighed heavily Guardian “The territory of the Maritime Republic is not very fertile and much of the food destined for its inhabitants is imported, while the Kingdom of Yedal, even if slightly better, is full of forests which form an ideal terrain for ambushes. Thirus would suffer huge losses. Furthermore, in all likelihood, the entire anti-Thirus alliance would have mobilized and in the long run, Thirus would have been overwhelmed despite the Hero. "

“How can you tell? The hero is as good as an army! "

"An army? I think it can't be worth more than 500 men... "he started making the sign of 5 with his left hand "And I'm also generous with the number. Even if it were, the lines of the logistics would have expanded too much and it is not certain that the population of the conquered countries would have accepted the annexation with open arms. Resistance would have been formed and they would undermining the increasingly thin supply lines and to protect them, it would end up enormously reducing the military potential deployable at the front. In my honest opinion, you would have lost this war in at least 7 years."

Even though I wanted to deny it, those claims were true. Even if ex-soldiers, the bandits are bandits and it is not certain that friction will not form between the ranks, affecting not only morale but also the unity of the troops.

Even if we were able to solve the problem, the two nations would indeed be an endeavor to be conquered even with the help of the Hero and the alliance would not miss the opportunity to go to the aid of the defenders. Even by conquering the two states, one thing is to conquer it by force, another is to quell and establish our control over the population. It would take time... time that the alliance wouldn't be kind enough to offer us.

"From your expression, I'd say you didn't have thought up to this point, didn't you?"


“Your silence is very eloquent. Anyway..." he resumed his fighting position "you will have to pay the price of your sins."

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked, drawing my sword and putting myself on guard

"Since her highness, Cordelia and her holiness Sarity are safe and sound, I just have to hand you over to them so you can go through a trial."

"In this way-"

“Both you and your family would lose your reputation. Most likely you will be sentenced to death and in the worst case, your family could be degraded or even exiled. It will be enough to weaken the interventionist faction since the Westhead's are a major supporter. "

"Do you know this too?!"

“I have my methods of uncovering the secrets of whoever threatens the village under my protection. Now... the time for chatting is over."

We were a dozen and he is alone. It was not a situation to his advantage. Not knowing who I was in front of, I would have retreated but every escape route was blocked. We had but one choice

"Kill him!" I ordered

All together we threw ourselves against Guardian. He seemed to take a deep breath and then leaned towards us screaming. It wasn't a normal scream. It was unbearable, it penetrated my ears and attacked my head directly.


Three of my guards fell to the ground screaming, lifeless, and they were bleeding profusely from every orifice.

I couldn't be distracted by those losses. I looked back at the opponent but he was gone. We all stopped and my escort approached me to protect me


A muffled scream from behind me. One had been passed through from side to side. With fluid movements, Guardian extracted the red blade from the body he had just pierced, cut the head of the one on the left, and with an iron grip, crushed the face of the one on the right and then disappear again.

It's too fast!

Not even the time to do this though, that he disappeared again. Adding to the ones he just killed, those who were able to fight were four others besides me, though... how can I deal with someone I can't see? my senses were alert, ready to intercept the slightest movement or sensation. Suddenly I felt a strong thirst for blood coming from behind me. When I turned around, I saw him in front of me as he was bringing his sword down on me.

My body moved by itself: I parried the high blow, then dodged it and make it lose its balance; I took advantage of that opening to pierce him from side to side.


With a muffled sound he looked into my face and I noticed him: he was not Guardian, but one of my guards. What the... I was shocked. Why did one of my guards attack me?

I heard the clash of swords behind me and saw four Guardians fighting each other until there were two left, but it didn't take long before the only one remained. Those at his feet were my guards... I was the only one left.

"Fascinating the human psyche, right?" he asked me in his metallic voice "Just slightly alter the visual perception, and your allies dressed in my appearance will appear."


"Oh... then you know what are those."

He was getting closer. At first, his metallic voice didn't affect me, but now... his every step scared me and his every word made me sweat cold; my hands were shaking and although I was ready to receive him with my guard up, I wanted to escape. I'm scared. Only fear. A primal fear, different from what I once felt on the battlefield... so instinctive that it seemed to want me to fall into despair because I knew... For me, it's over.


With that shred of courage I had left, I charged him with a sideswipe. He pushed it away very calmly and also deflected other blows that had been dictated by desperation rather than instinct. He disarmed me and grabbed my face. I felt the sensation of the used leather and the ferrous smell it gave off. His grip was firm and although I struggled, he showed no sign of loosening.

“Take a nice trip to the world of nightmares. When you wake up, you will be behind bars while you wait to be taken to the royal court to be judged."

Darkness fell. I didn't see anything. Suddenly, I saw a blue light that was getting closer and closer. Once in front of me, I saw that he was a kid, with a dull complexion and dark circles under his eyes. He muttered something, but I couldn't hear him. Then he raised his voice

"Killer... you killed me... big sister... you are a killer!"

I fell to the ground. That way of speaking to me, that aspect that had become more defined... was my only brother whom I killed to secure the right to inherit the title of Margrave.

I heard other voices and other figures appeared... men, women, demons, children, and even beastmen... all people I had fought or who died by my will. They kept whispering a single word



They attacked me like a lion on its prey. Those faces that had become so defined began to rot, decay, putrefy until there were only ghostly skeletons that looked at me with red eyes in which I seemed to be able to see hell... no. I WAS in hell.

***(Graeval's POV)***

"She is afraid of ghosts?!" I asked surprised seeing the nightmare she was having "Quite feminine as fear."

I tied the hands of the criminal I had sent to the dream world and put her on my shoulder. Thinking of the square of Fago, I opened a portal that would lead me there and before crossing it, I set fire to the shack with all the corpses that were inside.

"You have my respect gentlemen." I began looking at the various corpses. “You have been loyal to the end. This is the best burial I can offer you. "

As soon as I passed the portal, the fire broke out.

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