The Grimoire’s Chosen (Worm AU/Celestial Grimoire)

Chapter 10: A Second Opinion

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Jason calls in some back-up.


The more Jason considered the issue, the more conflicted he felt about it. On the one hand, Way of Wrath seemed quite useful on the surface, definitely the sort of thing he would love to have even as a solo parahuman power. The ability to overcome any challenge given enough time and dedication was appealing, and the fact that he wouldn’t need any actual training in fighting or weapons (given he had none anyways) seemed like a pretty great deal.

… Except the way his actual powers worked, he might very well get ‘complete and total mastery of combat and every single type of weapon’ on the very next pull, and then Way of Wrath would be a lot less useful. Not entirely useless of course, but maybe not worth four hundred of his precious points.

Then again, it wasn’t like he was actually buying it right now. Instead he was merely holding onto it, banking it as a potential purchase for later. With that in mind, he saw no reason to discard it right now. Not when he didn’t have anything else to put in that slot anyways. With two hundred points saved up, he would have some time to decide before he finally had enough to buy it regardless.

With that settled, Jason focuses on the other issue at hand… namely, his aroused state. Vicky was a fucking minx with the way she’d teased him throughout their tutoring session, and spanking her hadn’t actually made things better where his erection was concerned. Even now he was feeling a bit… pent up.

Fortunately, there was no reason for Jason to remain blue balled, right? After all, he had a friend with benefits who he could call upon! And would you look at that, it was past closing time at his old job for sure. Pulling out his phone, Jason places a call and is gratified when it’s picked up on the second ring.


Grinning at Taylor’s voice, Jason leans back.

“Hey Taylor, just got home from tutoring and was wondering if maybe you wanted to get together. I could come over to your place, if you like.”

That last part is tacked on after Jason realizes it’s way too late for him to expect a young woman like Taylor to be walking around, especially since he knows she doesn’t have a license or a car, same as him. At this time of night, it probably wasn’t even safe for him to be out, but he had secret powers that made things a fair bit safer.

There’s a brief pause on Taylor’s end, before she finally responds.

“Um… unfortunately, tonight doesn’t work very well for me, s-sorry.”

Jason feels a spike of discouragement at that, but before he can push aside his own feelings and tell Taylor it’s alright, she’s quick to continue.

“M-Maybe I could come over to your apartment tomorrow between classes and work?”

Ah, she really was busy then and not just making an excuse, if she was offering up an alternative that would happen that quickly. A fond smile works its way onto Jason’s face and he chuckles.

“Yeah, that sounds great Taylor.”

“O-Okay… I’ve gotta go now, but I’m looking forward to it.”

She sounds nervous, almost like she’s afraid she’s upset him. Jason does his best to reassure her by injecting as much warmth as possible into his voice.

“Me too, Taylor. See you then.”

Taylor hangs up and Jason sighs before shrugging and heading for his laptop. Looks like he was just going to have to take care of business the old-fashioned way… with a hand and a free porn site.

Damn Vicky for leaving him in this state…


“F-Fuck… fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

Vicky’s back arches as she drives three fingers up into her cunt and curls them. At the same time, her thumb flicks across her clit, causing her to squirt HARD as she cums right there in her bed from the intense masturbation session. She’d practically been masturbating since Jason left, the bastard. He’d spanked her! He’d fucking took her over his lap and smacked her ass silly! Her, Victoria Dallon, the superheroine Glory Girl!

And then, worst of all, he hadn’t had the good grace to finish the damn job! So close… she was so close to getting what she wanted, but he wouldn’t take that final step. It was obvious he knew, of course. Obvious that he was toying with her and playing games with her. Maybe he wanted her to beg… but she wouldn’t.

… Well, she might. Shit, Vicky didn’t know what she would do next at this rate. He’d really messed her up, both body and mind…

Damn Jason for leaving her in this state.



Dragon Acolyte’s Mask – Making – 100 Points

“A bizarre white hood and mirror-like golden mask. The two pieces are attached to one another, allowing one to simply slide it over their head. The mask and hood bestow a strange capacity for self-manipulation while worn, allowing trance-like states where incredible focus, temporary loss of morality may be achieved while worn. Although it allows one to control their minds spectacularly, it does nothing to compensate for where a man or woman is lacking. Those who remove it will often feel as if their mind was not entirely their own.”

You now have 300 Points saved up!

Conveniently, the next pull from his power comes after he’s done with his University Responsibilities for the day, but before Taylor arrives at his apartment, meaning that he’s able to give it his full attention. First and foremost is the weird way that it comes to him. Almost like it’s spoken, instead of written, except he’s still reading it. It’s more than a little trippy.

At first glance, the power seems like a steal for only a hundred points. Its clothing so he could put it in his Necklace of Holding, aka the Transformation Pendant he’d already been given. And on the face of it, it sounds like it would be good for a disguise if he decided to go out and fight crime at any point.

But then it got… mysterious. And not in a fun way. ‘Nothing to compensate for where a man or woman is lacking’ sounded weird enough, but ‘Those who remove it will often feel as if their mind was not entirely their own’ was an absolutely turn off. Nope, nope, nope.


Five years of knowledge from purchasing the Blood, Death, and Demons pull had given Jason plenty of examples for why you didn’t want to give anyone or anything access to your mind. Living on Earth Bet with the motherfucking Simurgh attacking a new city every nine months even more so.

He supposed he should be grateful, in a way. Passing on that power put him just a hundred points away from buying Way of Wrath now. If nothing better came up, then he would probably have it on his next pull. Indeed, it was-

The knock at his door derails Jason’s thoughts and he moves to check who it is. After seeing Taylor Hebert standing out in the hallway through his peephole, Jason smiles and unlocks the door, pulling it open and letting her in.

“Taylor, hey-mmph!”

Of course, even if they had that sort of friendship, Jason isn’t expecting the tall young woman to go as far as to lunge at him and kiss him the moment she’s through the door. He immediately anchors himself and places a hand on her hip, while the other hand busies itself with closing and locking the door to his apartment behind her while shuffling them both around.

Finally pulling back for air, Taylor blushes a little bit when she sees the surprised look on his face.

“S-Sorry… I just… was that not why you called last night? F-For a… booty call?”

Jason sheepishly grins because that was exactly why he’d called.

“Heh yeah, though that was last night. I mean, not that I don’t want to be with you Taylor, but we don’t have to ignore the friendship part of friends with benefits entirely, right?”

Blushing harder, Taylor hesitantly nods.


And yet, her eyes keep darting to his lips and his crotch in equal measure, making it clear she wants to get to the fun part. Or just wants to make him happy, Jason isn’t entirely sure which. It’s obvious from the fact that he’d claimed her virginity a few days back that she’s never been with a guy before. Combine that with their friendship and it was obvious Taylor was latching on hard.

Not that he minded, though part of him did bemoan the fact that he’d taken Taylor’s virginity mere days before gaining access to Blood Magic. His half a decade of experience with those arts meant that he was aware of more than a dozen ways he could have used the act of claiming Taylor’s purity to empower him, her, or both of them if he’d wanted to.

Alas, no use crying over spilt milk now was there?

“Can I get you anything to drink, Taylor?”

“Ah… tea? Or… I mean… w-whatever you have. Nothing that would be too much trouble.”

Jason chuckles and goes to his little kitchenette, pulling out the kettle and getting to work.

“Not to worry, I can do tea.”

Of course, when he finally looks at her again, he can tell from the way she’s squirming and biting her lower lip that she regrets asking for tea because of the prep time. It’s keeping her from… heh, the booty call aspect of this visit. Well aware that they both have only a limited time before she’s due at the coffee shop and he’s due at Vicky’s, Jason chuckles as he leaves the kettle to do it’s work and walks back over to Taylor.

“We could makeout while we wait if you-mmph!”

Taylor doesn’t need to be told twice and soon they’re making out quite aggressively. It’s Taylor who escalates beyond lip-smacking too, her hands darting down to his crotch and quickly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants so she can take hold of his cock. In response, Jason runs his own hands across Taylor’s body, ultimately sliding them up under her shirt to play with her tits.

He's not nearly as pent up as he was last night thankfully, having taken care of the issue himself before bed and then ultimately had a good night’s rest and a whole day of other things to think about. However, being with Taylor here and now, kissing her and feeling one another up… it does bring Vicky and her antics back to the forefront of his mind.

He still couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that he’d spanked THE Glory Girl last night. He’d bent Victoria over his lap and spanked her as punishment for her actions and he was still reeling a bit from all of that. Perhaps he’s a little distracted, because eventually Taylor pulls back from his lips, panting and catching her breath momentarily before frowning slightly.

“What… what are you thinking about?”

If even a socially awkward woman like Taylor can realize there’s something on his mind distracting him, then Jason must be really off-center. Letting out an explosive breath, he considers just ignoring the issue for a moment and blowing off Taylor’s concern in favor of more kissing… but before that can happen, the kettle suddenly begins to whistle, causing him to sigh.

“… Let’s get that tea finished and I’ll tell you about it.”

After preparing two cups of tea for them both and sitting down at his dining table with his dick still out and Taylor’s nipples poking through her shirt, Jason begins to tell her about his interactions with Victoria Dallon so far while they both sip from their cups. He doesn’t tell Taylor about Vicky’s big secrets, like the fact that she’s not planning to actually pass the test, nor that she has a sponsorship lined up with the Lavere Clinic.

But he does tell Taylor about Vicky’s antics. About how she’d dressed and how she’d acted… and the fact that he’d spanked Vicky last night.

“You… spanked her.”

Flushing a bit at Taylor’s disbelief, Jason lets out a shaky laugh and rubs the back of his head.

“It… err, it seemed like a good idea at the time?”

It had certainly settled Vicky down and got them back on track, even if it came at the cost of riling him up in the process. Taylor though, is looking at him in disbelief.

“… You know she likes you, right? Like, she obviously wants to have sex with you.”

Jason’s mouth opens at that… and then closes. He can’t exactly tell Taylor the truth. He knows that Vicky’s seduction attempts are more about her finding another way to try to get out of their tutoring sessions. Heh, Vicky Dallon doesn’t have the actual hots for him anymore than Crystal Pelham did. Not like Taylor. He knows Taylor doesn’t have ulterior motives. Vicky definitely does.

“It’s not like that, Taylor.”

Taylor scoffs and leans forward, red-faced but serious.

“Jason, she let you drape her over your lap and spank her. There isn’t a world in which a woman like her is going to just let that happen if she’s not interested in something more. Fuck, I’d let you spank me if you wanted to.”

Jason chokes on his tea at that, the liquid going down the wrong pipe for a moment. By the look on Taylor’s face, she means it too. Sighing, he finally concedes the point, while trying to remain as vague as possible.

“Okay yeah. Maybe she does want to have sex with me, but only so she has leverage over me.”

That doesn’t give away Vicky’s secret necessarily… but it does cause Taylor to go stiff, her eyes narrowing.

“Leverage? Why would she want leverage over you? You’re just her tutor.”

Jason licks his lips, wishing he could take his words back. In the end though, he shrugs.

“Can’t say. Not my secret to tell.”

Taylor huffs at that, leaning back in her seat and frowning.

“If you’ve got a cape trying to find leverage to blackmail you, you aren’t obligated to keep their secrets, Jason.”

When he doesn’t answer that with more than another shrug, Taylor scowls.

“… I wanna come tonight.”

That causes Jason to jolt in surprise.


“You said we could study sometimes, right? Maybe I want to study tonight. Bring me along, call me your assistant, whatever. I’ll help you whip Disaster Barbie into shape one way or another.”

There’s a determined glint in Taylor’s eye that sends a shiver down Jason’s spine… and a twitch through his cock. Which is still out in open air under his dining table.

Still, he hesitates for a moment. He’s not sure how Vicky would react if he brought Taylor with him. Then again, another tutoring session like last night between just the two of them might make him snap and do something regrettable...

The Vote:
[ ] Take Taylor with him to tutoring - 32%
[ ] Dont take Taylor with him to tutoring - 8%
[X] Call Vicky and ask if it would be okay for Taylor to join them - 61%


A/N: Will try to keep this up to date at the end of every chapter, get on me if I forget please. Though if it gets too out of hand, might have to change it at some point.

Jason's current banked points:

300 Celestial Points

Jason's current banked power:

  • Way of Wrath (400 Point Cost)

Jason's current powers:

  • Flash Air (Gained in Chapter 1)

  • Transformation Pendant (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Keen Eye (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Blood, Death, and Demons (Gained in Chapter 6)

  • Alchemical Prodigy (Gained in Chapter 8)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.