Chapter 5: Chapter 5--( I am of Mankind )
So even that was a dream. I was never in a hospital and I'm not in one now. There was no other person in the room.
Even this.
This is all a dream. Yet, it's not so bad. In a dream whatever happens doesn't matter cause it's a dream. My emotions are in their most free state. I am Free. Right.
To be in a dream where I'm free. Or
Maybe dreaming of freedom is the greatest trap in the world. If not, then god would never wake us up.
A world where I see countless creatures all human and all Fiends, to me they don't seem different.
Is this even possible in the real world, do Fiends deserve to be given this chance.
Or maybe
It's humans whose existence should be questioned. Who decided man was righteous and Fiends were evil? They kill us when they don't have to.
We kill them so they don't kill us.
I don't know whether or not we could live this peacefully but I know.
If it was possible, it would be the most beautiful thing.
Beautiful indeed.
Whoever calls themselves a hero should know they lie on a fine thread and across them is good or bad. They'll be people who call them saviours and they'll be others who call them killers.
We lie on a fine thread, sometimes it's best to operate in your own beliefs cause then you know whatever mistakes you make belong to you.
Yeah but what would I know?
I'm not hero. I think I'm not even human. What is a man who has lost his connection to humanity.
A monster.
Cause only a monster could do what I did. I don't deserve any of this. Please god, just take me away.
I don't like anything about this dream or anything in this world.
Theo coughs out violently. He quickly jerks up from his bed looking around. He sees himself in a plain white room. There's a glass plane to his front. He walks to the edge frantically, touching the white walls and looks up to the blinding lights.
He's in a gown. Like an experiment gown.
" This is real life ".
He looks at his hands. Their different, less wrinkles. Then he touches his face.
It feels different too.
" What's going on!". It doesn't feel like his old body. This feels wrong, he feels something. Ahhh so this is power. This is power and to Theo it felt wrong.
Or Maybe.
Maybe now he's strong enough to save peo_
In a millisecond Theo is put under massive Archaic energy. It's Guile.
He sees a short man with spiky purple hair floating. Eyes glowing purple and enough Archaic energy within him that he didn't seem human. He's never seen anyone that powerful in his life.
Theo was under enough gravity to turn a submarine to a pancake. He couldn't breathe and his bones were breaking then they healed eachother.
He couldn't even scream, please.
" Listen Fiend ".
Theo's Head is grabbed and then raised up by the Purple Haired man. The man's eyes are terrifying.
" I don't know what language you were saying in your sleep ".
The gravity intensified.
" But if you don't answer my questions to my satisfaction I'll torture you and feed your fucking spines to my divine Beast. It'll keep growing and the beast will keep dissolving it with his stomach, you won't be able to scream but I'm sure you'll feel the pain ".
' Dear god '.
Guile let go of Theo's hair and sat on his bed then put another lollipop in his mouth.
Theos crushed body regenerated instantly. But he didn't scream. This body was stronger.
Theo tried to get up but the purple haired man shot him a death stare and he knew to lay back down on the crushed white concrete.
' This is embarrassing '.
" Can I ask your name sir?". Theos voice was clearly broken. He was still in pain yet there was no hostility in it, only curiosity.
" So you speak English huh Fiend ". Guile sucked on his lollipop.
" What's the point of telling a dead man or should I say a dead Fiend ".
Guile leaned into the bed and used both his hands to support his weight behind him.
" Do not attempt to go around any of my questions or I will kill you ".
Theo remained silent. He needed to play this simple. That was the smartest thing he could do. This man was strong enough to erase that scaled fiend in the blink of an eye. He can inflict way more pain on him than that thing could.
And he wasn't bluffing.
" Yes sir ". Theo said silently.
" What is your name ". Guile wasn't even looking at him.
" Theodore Vaughn Gunes ".
" Where were you born?".
" Turkey ".
" Who's that ". Guile said pointing at the glass barricade still without looking at it. If Theo could see past it, that means his abilities are not just enhanced, it means he can do new things now.
Theo looked to the direction and yes he could see past the reinforced glass. It was a one way seeing glass. Only a person with high perception could see past it.
Theodore saw an attractive young man, red hair and an especially angry expression that looked to cause death.
Theos eyes flew with tears and his mouth lit up with joy.
" That's..., That's Baran ", He said, his voice breaking not out of fear or pain. But out of joy.
" Tch ", Baran hissed clearly repulsed that his older brother remembered him after all these years.
See Guile wasn't just a power house. He had a very very high perception skill. He could look into the futures of very weak souls whenever he wanted. Infact it was what he did as a kid. He would meet newborn babies and tell their parents what to avoid if they wanted him to thrive.
Unlike sentinels he didn't just see the future he saw different possible futures.
So it was no use lieing to a person who could count your heart beats.
Yet, this Fiend was not lying.
" What do you do Theodore?", he said.
" I work..,worked as a Superhero for the Miami Cooperation ". Theo wiped his tears.
" I'm probably fired now ".
" You can kill a child or you can save the child. Pick ".
" What ".
" You fucking heard me. Pick one. To save a child or to kill a child ".
A dumb wraith class wouldn't know how to lie. Passionately evil Fiends who don't try or aren't smart enough to hide their nature are usually given this question.
Especially if they transform to a human. They wouldn't be able to lie.
" To save them ".
No one needed to tell Theodore what would happen if he chose to kill the child.
" What is your Archaic Dominion ". This was the first time Guile asked a question while staring at Theo who was still lying down flat on his stomach.
" The Dominion of the unkillable one ".
" And what does it do "
" I can't be killed ". Theo said sadly.
Guile stares at Theo for a long time before letting out a tired sigh. He got up and broke his lollipop.
Then he took the stick part and aimed it at Theo.
" Well let's find out ", Guile reinforced the white candy stick with his energy. Making it way heavier than a mountain.
Then he threw it at Theo.
Theos body was instantly crushed into a million pieces. His flesh splitting into a million pieces.
It quickly regenerated and just as Theo's mouth formed he screamed. Or maybe it's better to say he wailed.
A Fiendish scream so loud it caused the entire building which was more than a kilometres tall to tremble.
Most of the scientists lost their consciousness again.
Theo bit down on his own tongue to stop screaming. He knew this was going to happen. He was ready.
" This isn't personal Theo ".
Guile said as he made Theo float in the air and surrounded him with archaic gravity.
He was going to squeeze him like a wet clothe.
" But it's protocol '". Then Guile clenched his fists. The gravity squeezed Theo. It compressed his very bones till they broke. When they did heal, the gravity squeezed them to dust again.
This lasted for ten minutes.
Then Guile let him go.
Theo was screaming so loud that the facility which has held titans before was about to crumble.
The scream caused shockwaves to fly out. People around the building fainted. It caused a massive swirl of clouds above.
Theo was grabbing his head and biting his tongue again so the screaming would stop, when his tongue forcefully healed he'd bite it again.
When the pain subsided,he tried to catch his breath. Panting in and out trying to calm down. Then he spit out a piece of his body.
It was a torn part of his tongue.
Guile walked closer to him. Ever calm. Hand in pocket.
Theo's body was 5 metres tall. Guile who was 5'8 looked like a toddler beside Theo. Indeed Theos anatomy was that of a fiend but Guile knew.
It doesn't matter if you're human and have an evil heart.
So it shouldn't matter
If you're a Fiend but within are a righteous being. No matter how impossible that seemed. Guile was seeing such a Fiend right before his eyes.
He grabbed Theo's head and held it there staring at him. Waiting for him to do something.
Theo off course knew what the Fiend/human test was about. And he wouldn't fall for it.
Guile had a proud smile on his face. Then he whispered to Theo's ear
" Keep at it, it'll soon be over ".
Guile held Theo's massive jaw in place with his left hand. Then he raised his right hand to the sky..
It was engulfed in the Dominion of the Force Monger. A purple colour and purple lightning that seemed to hold in place the very atmospheric molecules around it
Theo had never seen an attack like this. The purple light had a certain sound. Like a ringing sound. The light was defining as it was blinding.
The Fist descended,
Caved in Theo's head crushing his entire body. Like a blast opening a massive hole in the wall of the building. There was smoke and debris everywhere.
Baran was grabbing his knees trying to keep his bloodlust in check. He was enjoying the show and wanted to be a part of it so bad.
A punch that was more like an explosion.
What made Guile so scary is that no one knew how much destructive power he possessed. Heck even he didn't. He's never had to go all out or maybe hes lucky he was never in the situation too, cause that would mean death.
A Captain doesn't need to go all out to defeat a titan. So if a Fiend was that much of a threat that a captain needed to go all out.
It would mean it was an abyss class. And surely till date no single Captain has ever survived a one on one fight with an Abyss.
Theo regenerated again and was screaming in pain. Yet on his face Baran could see a smile.
Guile had a smile on his face too.
They knew the tes was coming to an end.
Guile grabbed Theo's mouth with both his hands and opened it wide.
Then Guile stuck his head inside Theo's massive mouth.
" The cause of your pain is a bite away from death. Do it ".
This was the last part of the Fiend/Human test. To taunt the subject.
" Do it!". Guile said assertively.
Theo pulled himself away from Guiles grasp or Guile let him pull himself out.
Then he looked Guile in the eye and then He looked up at Baran. Barans eyes narrowed with rage. The type that was held in.
Slowly Theo went back and laid down on his stomach.
Proving that he was indeed human.
Guile was speechless. He was amazed. The Fiend/Human test was used on subjects whose true being was unknown.
If a Fiend transformed into a human and that human was suspected for being a Fiend then they would be put through this test.
First the subjects memory of their life is tested and they are asked questions about themselves. If they lie they are to be killed instantly.
If they pass this stage then they are severely tortured. This prompts them to reveal their nature. If they do they are to be killed instantly.
If they still pass the previous stage which they rarely do, then they are taunted to murder the hero testing them. If they attempt to then they are to be killed. If they don't take this opportunity then they have passed the test.
The subject is human.
And Theodore Vaughn Gunes had just proved that he was indeed a human. At least, on the inside.
" Well I'll be damned ". Guile said in clear joy.
" Guile ".
" Sir?", Theo said. He didn't hear the name.
Guile helped Theo's giant body up from the ground. He looked him straight in the eye.
" My name is Guile ".