The Greatest Superhero

Chapter 2: Chapter 3. ( The lunatic Hero )

" Excuse me My Byan ".

The woman turns to the articulated Arabian accent behind her. Her eyes are forced to look up at the tall stranger.

He has long wavy red hair that thins out at his nape. Sun kissed yet pale skin, caught between two extremes.

His eyebrows were a deep brown colour that

were low set and calm atop large almost beastial eyes. His iris a void like dark blue. There was no light or flicker in them.

He has a prettier face than her.

A long narrow nose and atop full Cupid shaped lips, made his smile especially unsettling

He's wearing a baggy white shirt with long sleeves that stop at his knuckles. He's wearing colourful shorts like the kinds you wear on the beach and tall slides with black fur on top.

" Yes?".

Why didn't she just keep walking. Her parents always taught her to be nice to strangers but it is very bothersome to entertain every...,

" Do you know where the European Security Base is located?"

The large weirdly dressed man brings out his phone and shows her Google map.

" I have been trying to find it on this map but my efforts are rebuked by my sheer lack of basic knowledge regarding these electronic screens ".

The woman was dumbfounded. It was by his weird dressing, blood coloured hair as it was by his french grandiose way of speaking. Or maybe he had the most beautiful face she'd ever seen.

Either way this man creeped her the hell out. And the ESB ( European Security Bases are buildings located across America that serve as a sort of assurance to the partnership between America and the European countries. They provide surveillance, train heroes, test and develop state of the art tech all which they share with various countries across Europe. They are symbols of peace and unity ).

The closest ESB was the one in Florida. This is Alabama.

Jeez he couldn't find aoee creative excuse to talk to her. Let's just get this over with.

" Emm, I think theres one in Florida ", she says while putting on her ear piece and taking a few steps back.

She walks away.

What a weirdo.

Baran looked on. Without his superhero suit no one recognised him. The people in America are so hostile yet so easy to influence.

Maybe he should die his hair so they don't think him eccentric.

He scoffs to himself knowing he'd never do that.

The woman was already metres away from the red haired stranger and yet, there he was. Right Infront of her.

What is this guys deal.

" Sorry bayan ".

He extends his phone to her.

" But could you mark the location of ehhh.

" Florida ", she says completing his sentence.

" Yes Florida ". He shakes his hand and extends the phone further. " Lutfen ".

Her eyes clearly express her disgust to his handsome smug face.

I'm guessing lutfen means please.

She groaned loudly and took the phone. It was then she noticed the many scars on the man's large hands.

She scrolls and after completing his request she hands the phone to him.

He stares down at her, hands clasping each other behind his back in an eerie smile staring directly at her eyes.

She's still holding his phone.

His eyes are a deep void like blue and his long hair is horribly gelled and made to sweep backwards revealing that devilishly handsome face with sharp vampiric teeth.

His grin widens and he leans into the woman till his head is level with her ear. His breathing makes her quake in fear.

She shivers. Why is she in this situation.

" Could you put your number in my phone. I cannot bear to not know you ".

His voice was deep like miles into an ocean where all is dark. He still hasn't pulled back from her ear. She felt his gaze staring at her hands that held his phone waiting for her do to do as he asked.

She was not attracted to him even though he was undeniably beautiful. The kind that makes models look ugly. Something about this weirdly dressed foreigner gnawed at her conscience. Yet if she said no what would happen.

He didn't seem like he was ready to accept a no. Infact it felt that if she uttered that word he would tear off her head with his teeth. So this was true malice.

She couldn't even think straight.

She did as he asked. A cold sweat ran down her body.

" Em what.., what's your name ".

The man waited still, his head within whispering distance of her ear.

Oh no. Did she not do what he wanted.

The world feels heavy and she couldn't move or scream if she wanted to.

Then she heard him smile. He moved slowly and kissed her ever tenderly on the cheek sending her body pulsing with fear.

" It is Baran. Baran Vaughn Gunnes ".

This man was not to be trifled with. His voice, his lips. Everything shivered her to the bone and not in a good way.

Still whispering to her ear," What's yours?"

" June Avery ".

His lips widened, a terrible smile again. June was so detached from reality. She was in an unbelievably ridiculous yet horrifying situation.

Who knew a stranger asking for your number could be this scary.

Her life had never felt so far from her control. It didn't feel real. Was this the same guy she talked to minutes ago?

She was consumed by fear that she hadn't realised the man was gone. He left without a trait.

Immediately June took her phone and tried to delete his contact. She tried but. But.

He would kill her. Righ? That man seemed like he'd done it before. Murder people. There was nothing she could do.

Baran is ranked as one of the fastest and most lethal heroes in the world. If not for his joy chasing and manipulative nature he would have been ranked higher than 10.

Sentinels possess enough archaic energy to put thousands of people in a coma just with enough contact.

Baran resales enough to bypass people's common sense and puts them in a catatonic enfeebled state.

Then he uses this to his advantage. He is indeed a Machiavelli. He uses his archaic aura mostly to get what he wants like a number or to convince weak willed people.

When a regular human is in close vicinity to a sentinel they are put in the danger of being hit with way more archaic energy than their nervous system and brain could handle.

Especially if the sentinel was not interested in negating their archaic energy.

It's why poor June had trouble thinking straight.

She had just met Rank 10. Sentinel of The House of Nemesis ( one of the major hero teams in America ). And 3rd son for the Vaughn Gunes Family.

Baran the scorcher.

..., Back in the Florida Europe Security Base.

" That him? ".

It's a voice that echoes through the observation room. A man with spiky purple hair, a gaunt yet proud face and the weirdest mustache you'll ever see.

He stares at the scientists waiting for them to answer.

It takes time for them to register the man's identity. Then they realise they spoke to him on the phone. It was the first time anyone had actually seen him in person. They'd expected him to look more intimidating.

Captain of the House of Nemesis.

Captain Guile Blanket.

" Yes sir ", replies one of the female analytical scientists

Captain Guile walks in. He's short, almost all the doctors are taller than him.

He focuses his large purple eyes at the teenage boy sleeping and mumbling to himself. The boy is across the room in an all white facility separated by an observing one way seeing glass.

The analysis room is really clean. The walls are painted pitch black that the yellow lights in the ceiling couldn't brighten anything. The floor is reinforced with cold white tiles. There's office chairs but no one's sitting on them. Then there's all sorts of platforms with buttons for analysing Archaic energy, life, body damage, breathing, mass and all that stuff that geeks know.

Guile is wearing a black suit and a white tie but as usual the rumors were true. He never wears shoes. His feet are barely visible though cause hes wearing such baggy black pants.

" I thought it was a man in his thirtys ", Guile says to one of the scientists. The tall four eyed man who seemed like the boss. Guiles deep calm voice contradicts his funny mustache and small frame.

" Well he grew younger sir ".

" What do you mean he grew younger ", Guile looks back to the boy then to the scientists. " Like did he transform ".

" No sir his body took a new form. It's as if his body went back in time yet evolved at the same time. He may look like a regular 16 year old in appearance but his frame actually grey to 5 metres. He's not fully a fiend but definitely not a human. We think this is his true form".

" Well that is one big bed ".

Guile slowly reaches for his pocket and pulls out two red lollipop. He turns his hands towards the closest scientist offering him the sweet.

" No thank you ".

Guile shrugs his shoulders and sits on one of the chairs then spins it. " Always liked these spinning chairs ". Then he puts both sweets into his mouth. He spins again till he's facing the head scientist who has been talking to him.

" Who was he before ".

The scientist eyebrows go up unable to get his eyes off the ridiculous mustache. When he stops himself from staring he quickly goes through some we

ll arranged files on a table. He pulls out a pair of them.

" Theodore Vaughn Gunnes. Twenty nine year old, got his hero license in 2013. He's a Lowest rank hero_

" What ?"

" He's a lowest rank hero sir ".

" Yeah who cares ". The Captain leans forward out of his chair. " You said his last name was Vaughn Gunnes ?"

" Yes sir, he's the second son in the Vaughn Gunnes family ".

" Well small world. I didn't even know Baran had two older brothers ".

The file becomes engulfed in purple archaic energy that floats of the scientists hands to Guile.

Guile reads through his file and looks to the passport.

" Well they look nothing alike ".

When he's done with the file, it floats back to table.

Then Guile leans back into his chair and sucks at his sweets for half a minute all while spinning.

" Tell me something doc. It said he possessed archaic dominion that allowed him to never be killed ".

Guiles voice grew deeper and more serious as he crushes one of the sweets.

" Does that sound normal to you Doc?".

The Chief scientist feels slightly intimidated.

" Well it is unusual but I think it's worth noting that he's never actually been attacked by someone as strong as a sentinel or stronger. Maybe then he would have been killed ".

" Well he was wasn't he? By a titan and he almost killed Whirl woman with one attack. Even I can't do that ".

Guile keeps his gaze downwards in deep thought. Then he spins his chair to the direction of the glass looking at Theo.

" Something is not right with this kid. No one is unkillable. Some people are immortal but no one is unkillable. No one ".

Suddenly Captain Guiles eyes look to the ceiling. His face twisted to an annoyed expression.

His eyes glow slightly brighter and the whole room is reinforced with his purple archaic energy including the scientists.

Though it lasted for a faint time the scientists could hear a voice screaming in joy.

" Yeeeeeee Whooooooo ".

The ceiling is gapes open as a man lands in the room. All the debris and rocks fly everywhere. If not for the Captain's Reinforcement they would have been bludgeoned by the rocks. The smoke clears and the scared scientists see a human shaped silhouette laughing

The smoke blows away and reveal a red haired tall handsome man.

They all know who it is. Said to be the future of Superheroes and a proud member of the Vaughn Gunnes Family.

Baran the scorcher.

The rocks float back to place as if a man never crashed into their ceiling. This was mastery over a dominion. The power of Captain Guile.

" Did you have to do that ".

" Well Sir, you always say if you're gonna be late then at least make an entrance ".

Off course Baran faked an accent with June. He always did around girls he toyed with. It made him more intimidating.

Baran looks to his brother who's covered in tube like devices that monitor his whole body. He's chained and is mumbling in ancient tounges.

" Besides sir ",

He looks to his Captain in a smile of anticipation.

" What did I miss ".

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