The Greatest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Tensura

Chapter 94: The Great Storm Dragon’s Restlessness

The air in Arion's grand chamber was relaxed, a warm golden glow emanating from the floating magical lamps above. A massive projector displayed the latest events unfolding across the world—Eminence in the Shadows had once again handled matters flawlessly.

Seated comfortably on an ornate black and gold throne, Arion leaned back, his arm casually resting on Velzard's shoulder as she leaned into him. Testarossa, Ultima, Carrera, and Diablo stood nearby, each entertained by the spectacle of their latest victory.

But there was one individual in the room who was not content with merely watching.

A tall figure with golden hair, arms crossed tightly, his face twisted into a comically exaggerated pout.

The Great Storm Dragon, Veldora.

And he was not happy.

Veldora took one large step forward, his massive cloak billowing behind him dramatically.

"Arion! This is NOT fair!"

Everyone turned to him, curious yet unsurprised.

Velzard sighed. "Here we go…"

Arion, still lounging, raised a brow and smirked. "Oh? What seems to be the issue, oh mighty Veldora?"

Veldora jabbed a finger towards the screen, where Eminence in the Shadows and the Legions had wiped out another secret rebellion.

"THE LADIES ARE GETTING ALL THE ACTION!" he bellowed, throwing his arms up.

Carrera and Ultima burst into laughter.

Testarossa smirked, adjusting her glasses. "Jealous, Veldora? You sound like a child who wasn't invited to play."

"HMPH!" Veldora crossed his arms dramatically. "That's because I WASN'T! I mean, look at this! Testarossa gets her little mind games, Ultima gets her chaotic destruction, Carrera gets to blow stuff up, Velzard gets to be all smug and elegant, and even DIABLO is out there doing his sneaky business!


His dramatic pointing was met with amused glances.

Velzard, still leaning on Arion, rolled her eyes. "Go back to reading your books, dear brother."

Veldora gasped, clutching his chest. "Velzard! Not you too!"

Ultima chuckled, nudging Carrera. "Veldora never changes, huh?"

Carrera grinned. "Nope. He's still the same overgrown lizard with an ego the size of a continent."

Veldora gasped again—offended. "Excuse me?! I am a refined individual! A being of great culture! And yet, I have been ignored while you all enjoy the finest of battles! This is unacceptable!"

Diablo, watching the exchange with an amused grin, chuckled. "Indeed, my Lord Arion, it seems our dear Veldora requires some... attention."

Arion chuckled, shaking his head. He had expected this.

He leaned forward, his golden eyes meeting Veldora's with a knowing glint.

"Do not worry, Veldora. Your time is coming. And when it does..."

He paused, letting the suspense build.

"It will be a mission only you can accomplish."

The moment the words left Arion's mouth, Veldora's sulking instantly disappeared.

His eyes lit up. His mouth stretched into a massive grin.

And then—

His legendary three-stage laugh.


The room shook slightly from the sheer force of his excitement.

Ultima, plugging her ears, sighed. "Ugh, here we go again…"

Carrera snickered. "Only the best for the Great Storm Dragon, huh?"

Veldora struck a heroic pose, his cape flaring behind him. "But of course! I, Veldora, shall accept this mission with all my power! The world shall tremble at my—"

"You don't even know what the mission is yet," Testarossa interrupted dryly.

Veldora paused mid-pose.

"Ah… well… of course, I don't! But it doesn't matter! Because whatever it is, it will be grand! I can feel it!"

Testarossa turned back to Arion, curiosity in her crimson eyes.

"So, what is this mission you have for Veldora?"

Arion simply smirked, resting his chin on his hand.

"Soon, you will all find out. Be patient."

Veldora, practically vibrating with excitement, pumped his fist. "Yes! I shall await this mission with anticipation! Finally, the spotlight shall shine on me!"

Velzard chuckled. "You mean again? How many times have you 'stolen the spotlight' now?"

Ultima grinned. "Pretty sure he just thinks he has."

Carrera smirked. "Let him dream."

Diablo, with a knowing look, bowed slightly. "Whatever Lord Arion has planned, I am sure it will be spectacular."

Arion leaned back, watching Veldora celebrate his upcoming moment of glory.

And inside, he knew—

Veldora had no idea what was coming.

As the evening wore on, the mood in Arion's grand chamber remained light and full of joy. The tension of the day's plans and battles was forgotten in favor of food, laughter, and games.

Velzard, who had leaned her head on Arion's shoulder earlier, was now indulging in a cup of chilled wine, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on the glass. Testarossa and Ultima, the mischievous duo, were playfully competing over a game of cards, each trying to outwit the other with flashy moves and exaggerated dramatic flair. Carrera, with her easygoing grin, was eating snacks at an impressive speed, mocking her fellow demons with cheeky comments, causing them all to burst into laughter.

And then there was Veldora, still riding high on the news that his time in the spotlight would come soon. He was twirling dramatically, his cloak flowing behind him like he was rehearsing for some grand performance. Every now and then, he would throw a strange pose, trying to elicit compliments from the others.

"Behold! The great and mighty Veldora!" he announced, striking yet another pose, this time perched on the armrest of a chair, like some majestic statue.

Ultima shot him a sly grin. "Trying a bit too hard, aren't we?"

Veldora puffed his chest out. "I must ensure everyone knows how great I am! Soon, I will have my moment. I can feel it coming!"

Meanwhile, Carrera snickered and pulled out a small plate of appetizers. "Veldora, my dear, you need to chill. You've got more flair than sense sometimes, but that's why we love you."

Veldora shot her a look, not sure whether she was praising or mocking him. "I'm the most fabulous dragon in existence. You should be thanking me!"

Arion, still seated and watching the antics with a fond smile, took a sip from his glass. He exchanged a knowing glance with Diablo, who was sitting nearby, seemingly unfazed by the chaos around him but with a slight smile tugging at his lips.

"It's hard to believe," Diablo said quietly to Arion, "that a being as mighty as Veldora could bring such a relaxed, family-like atmosphere."

Arion chuckled softly. "That's the charm of it, Diablo. The mightiest of beings, in their own way, know how to unwind."

Across the room, Velzard leaned over to Testarossa, teasing her with an exaggerated whisper. "Do you think Veldora's ever going to stop posing like that? Or will he continue until his next grand mission?"

Testarossa rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smirk. "Let him have his fun. It's entertaining, if nothing else."

Then, Veldora leaped dramatically into the center of the room, striking what could only be described as a "dramatic hero pose".

"Look upon me, for I am the storm! The tempest! The one who shall change the world!"

Everyone groaned collectively but then burst into laughter.

"Oh, Veldora," Arion said, his voice full of affection. "You are such a child sometimes, but that's what makes you fun to have around."

Veldora's eyes sparkled at the praise, his grin widening. "You really think I'm fun?"

Arion leaned in and gave him a teasing wink. "Of course. Now, finish your drink. You've got an important mission soon."

The room erupted in playful chatter, and the evening continued on with games, music, and laughter. For all their immense power and world-changing roles, the Legion was a family, and this night—full of camaraderie and joy—was just another reminder of that.

Even Veldora, despite his grandiose proclamations and theatrical antics, was part of that family. And for all his bravado, he was never truly alone in his longing for attention, for there was always a place at the table for everyone—even the mighty Veldora.

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