The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

Why Did I Not Just Walk Away?

Two Years Later

Sukehiro Natsuki, 17, yawned as she walked down a busy street in Kuoh early that morning. She rubbed one of her eyes trying to get rid of the last remnants sleep as she arrived at the school gates.

Same old same old. Go to class, listen to the teacher go on and on about lessons I already read ahead on, and go home. Should I switch it up and visit Kushina-Sama this weekend? It's not like I have anything to do as usual. The girl thought as she walked.

Natsuki was shaken from her thoughts as she heard the shouting of teenage girls mixed with the sounds of many, many kendo sticks smacking against flesh. "You perverts!" shouted one of the girls. "How dare you spy on us while we're changing!" She screamed and gave one final swing to hit the brown-haired boy between his legs.

Damn! That's got to hurt! Natsuki winced in sympathy as she watched the scene. Although she knew the trio were up to their perverted ways and deserved retaliation. Still I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies.

As Natsuki entered the school building the students in the hall parted like the Red Sea, staring, and whispering as the girl walked past. The 17-year-old ignored the other students as she went to class. All her life Natsuki had been the subject of attention especially in these last 2 years. The girl had grown tall standing at about 5 foot 10 inches, she began working out more during that time gaining some muscle while maintaining her lean stature, her black hair now cut to a little past her shoulders, instead of wearing the standard girls uniform she wore the boys with the sleeves of her blazer rolled up to her elbows and a black tank top on the inside of her opened white shirt, and her with most prominent features her red eyes and caramel brown skin.

Thanks to all these factors along with her antisocial behavior, usual blank expression, the fact that she was from Nitoshō, and everyone once again learning of her condition after having to tell the gym teacher why she was changing in the bathroom instead of the locker room she was given the nickname "Kuoh's Dark Princess" by her peers. They saw her as a cold-hearted and dangerous being from the wrong side of the tracks that will not hesitate to put you down if you cross her, despite doing nothing of the sort in the 2 years she had been there.

At least everyone here is smart enough to leave me alone and not try to say something to my face. Not like in Nitoshō. The girl thought as she finally got to class and took her seat. Although it did not stop the constant rumors and judgmental looks that seemed to follow her wherever she went.

"Hey Natsuki! Matsuda and Motohama just got the newest R-18 magazines you want to check it out with us?!" Hyoudou Issei, leader of the Perverted Trio shouted for the whole class to hear.

Well almost everyone

Now it wasn't that Natsuki hated Issei. Unlike the rest of the student body him, Matsuda and Motohama didn't look at her like she was an unnatural creature. There was also the fact that she was the only girl in school that the 3 boys didn't perv on, but that was most likely because she had a dick. In turn the boys liked her because despite her cold demeanor and the rumors circulating the school, she was actually a kind person who didn't mock and belittle them like everyone else had. They were probably the closest thing she had to friends, as sad as that was.

While she didn't hate the boys, that didn't mean she wanted to become the fourth member of their perverted and lecherous group! She already had the false reputation of being a delinquent shemale that's apart of the yakuza or something similar, she didn't need to add pervert to that already stellar list.

"Not interested Issei" the girl quietly said. Sometimes Natsuki thinks the boys forget she was a girl when they talked about their desires with her.

"Come on Natsuki! How can you not understand the perfection of the female form, you should know better! Especially the greatest things ever made… BREASTS!." The two boys shouted in agreement, raising their fists to the sky in solidarity.

Meanwhile the girls of the class were already condemning the trio's existence, talking about how disgusting they were and how it was unfair that they had to share a not only a town but a school with the bastards.

"Yell at us you want, I don't care! One day I am going to be the Harem King and all the breasts of the world will be mine for taking!." At this point Motohama and Matsuda were full on crying, praising Issei for his manly dream.

Honestly, this was one of the few times Natsuki found herself jealous of Issei. Not of his infinite perversion but his lack of shame and complete confidence in himself. Being able to say his wants and desires aloud for the world to hear, not caring about how others viewed him because of it, and having total faith that his dreams would come true. Her secretly insecure ass could never, even just the thought of doing something like that makes her want to crawl in a hole somewhere and die.

"Okay class settle down" the teacher said as they walked into the classroom. "Hey you three put those magazines away before I take them.

"Yes Sensei"


At the end of the school day as students could be seen leaving campus, inside one of the school buildings that overlooked the yard two figures could be seen watching the masses below.

"Hey Akeno, whose that girl down there?" A tall, voluptuous girl with long crimson hair and sea foam green eyes spoke as she continued to look down at the sea of students. "Which one Buchou?" an equally voluptuous girl with kind features and violet eyes now known as Akeno said.

"The one with black hair and eyes darker than my hair."

"That would be Sukehiro Natsuki, a second year student in the same class as Hyoudou Issei. People call her "The Dark Princess" because of her good looks and dangerous nature. They also say that she has an unnatural body". Akeno turned to face Rias wanting to see her reaction to what she said. "Do you sense something in her Buchou?"

Rias simply stared at the girl, drawn to her vibrant yet empty eyes. Within those orbs Rias saw that she wasn't even trying to keep up appearances or look good in front of others. She appeared as if didn't care about what was going on in the world around her, but Rias could see the sadness and self-loathing in the younger girl that the rest of students seemed oblivious to.

"There is something about her. It's like Hyoudou-kun but at the same time it's something entirely different.." Rias watched the girl as she walked out of the gates, ignoring the stares of the other students. As she watched Natsuki fade into the distance all Rias could think was…

I want to know more about her.


The next day Natsuki once again seemed to be repeating the same process she went through the day before and every other day. Little did she know that what she saw that morning would lead to outcome she could never in her wildest dreams thought possible.

Natsuki walked passed the gate as she usually did only to turn and see the Perverted Trio standing with a young girl. Issei looked incredibly smug while the other two look at him in what could only be described as a mix of jealousy, despair, and anger.

"What's going on with you guys?" The tallest teen had noticed that the other two hadn't moved since she arrived. And why there a beautiful girl standing in your presence without a look of disgust?

"Natsuki! You're here now I can introduce you to my girlfriend Yuuma-Chan!." The boy turned waving his hands in front of girl next to him to show her off.


Natsuki couldn't believe what she was being told, sure she knew Issei had his good qualities and he wasn't ugly or anything but she always figured his perversion would be the huge red flag that would keep the fairer sex from ever going near him. "You're serious?! In the 16 hours since I last saw you managed to get yourself a girlfriend?". The world no longer makes any sense!

"I'm sorry about that, Yuuma-chan, they usually aren't so rude." His new girlfriend smile at her him, "It's okay Hyoudou-kun, I'm just happy that you want your friends to meet me already." She turned to the other two perverts and the taller girl bowing to them, "It's a pleasure to meet you three. I hope we can get along very well in the future. Especially you Natsuki-Chan! I've heard a lot about you."

Issei bid Yuuma goodbye as she had to get going back to her own school. After she was out of sight, Issei turned back to his friends to see the two boys were still pale and frozen, and Natsuki who was confused by not only Issei having a girlfriend but what she said to her. He walked between them and made an even bigger smile...

"Life is good my friends. Life. Is. Good." Nothing could bring Issei down from this moment, he now had a sexy girlfriend and everyone knew it! Not to mention that he was going on a date with her soon where he might finally come into his sexual prime, he really woke up and started living his best life.

I might finally lose my virginity!


A few days later, on Sunday, Natsuki could be seen walking down the street back to her apartment early in the evening. She had just gotten off the train after spending the weekend in Nitoshō with Kushina, the older woman being happy to see her pseudo-daughter. The two spent their time together talking about how Natsuki was doing now that she was a 2nd year and the teen also helped with chores around the orphanage that the woman could no longer do herself.

At that moment, a leaflet with an occult-looking magic-circle with a sentence that said, "Your wish will be granted!" was waved in front of her face. When looked around the flyer she saw that it was being held by a brunette woman who for some reason was dressed like a bat.

"Here take a flyer" the piece of paper was thrust into her hand as the woman walked off, no doubt to hand out more. What is this about? Your wish will be granted? Yeah right, what a joke. The girl shoved the flyer in her pocket as she went on her way, wanting nothing more than to crash in her bed.

The girl then turned towards the park she always went through as it was a shortcut to her apartment complex at the edge of town. The moment she crossed the entrance the girl felt a chill go up and down her spine as the area around her no longer felt safe.

What was that about? I've walked through here a million times and never once broke a sweat, but now I feel like something really bad is about to happen to me. The girl reached into her pockets to grip her pepper spray and her switch blade, both things that Kushina had given her when she was young to keep her safe in Nitoshō whenever she went out and things she held on her person to this day just in case.

I'm just imagining it. I spent most of the day earlier mowing both the back and front yards of orphanage, it's just my drowsiness making me paranoid. The girl tried to reassure herself but it did nothing to stop feeling that something just wasn't right within the park.

The girl heard voices as she reached the fountain that sat at the center of the park, "Hey, Ise-kun." Natsuki quickly hid behind a tree and saw that the two standing there were Issei and Yuuma. They must be on that date that Issei couldn't stop bragging about. They must have come here because the park is almost always empty at this time. Damn it! If I come out now they'll know I was here and spying on them, guess I just have to wait until they have their moment and leave if I don't want to ruin Issei's first date. How fucking troublesome!

"There is something I want to do to celebrate our first date. Can you listen to my wish?" the girl said as she walked towards the fountain before turning to face Issei once more. "W-What is the w-wish you want Yuuma-chan?"

Wow Issei, you're going to get a kiss from a beautiful girl and yet you look like you are about to throw up! The girl could understand why since this was not only his first date, but this was probably going to be the first time he is going to kiss a woman that was not his mother or some other relative.


"Will you die for me?"


The fuck did she just say?!


It seemed that she was not the only one confused as Issei too looked as if he could not believe what he had just heard come from his girlfriend's mouth.

"...Eh? That is...huh, sorry, can you repeat that again? I think there is something wrong with my ears. Could you repeat that?." There's no way Yuuma-Chan just said that I just got too caught up in thinking I was going to get kissed and misheard her. Laughter filled the air as Yuuma raised her head to look him in the eyes.

"Of course would you die for me" Yuuma said as her entire expression changed from sweet and innocent to downright sadistic. The world around them became pitch black, as the sky took an eerie purple glow and the sun had completely disappeared. Yuuma's clothes ripped off her body showing off her naked form before she was then dressed in long black boots, a thin leather looking bikini, shoulder pads with large spikes on one of them, and long gloves but the most overwhelming part about her new look was the fact she had grown a pair of massive black wings.

Holy shit! She looks like a Demon! But that can't be true can it?! Crap! She said she wants to kill Issei, what do I do?! What do I-




Natsuki froze as she heard a powerful voice call out her name. She looked around but saw nothing except Issei and the now transformed Yuuma who were too caught up in each other to notice her there.


Sukehiro Natsuki! Are you just going to sit here and do nothing while that boy gets killed by that unholy creature? Are just going to stay put as an innocent person is about to get hurt.


N-No but what can I do? I'm just some random high school student, what can I- Natsuki looked up as she saw Yuuma form a large purple spear in her hands. "The brief time I spent with you was fun. It was like playing house with a little child. But now it's time for you to die!" Yuuma then raised up the arm holding the spear prepared to throw it at the now frozen Issei.


Issei could not believe what was happening, today started out perfect as he and Yuuma enjoyed the day together but now she was trying to kill him! Is she really going to-Issei was pulled out of his thoughts by the force of him being pushed to the side. When Issei looked up he saw the spear imbedded in the ground where he once stood and Natsuki kneeling above him.

"Natsuki!" the boy had never been more happy to see the girl than in this moment.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Natsuki-chan here to protect her pervert. Thank you for showing up here, now I can killed you both right here and now instead of looking for you later". Yuuma smiled as she wasn't bothered by the fact that the spear had failed to hit the two, they were just a couple of humans who hadn't realized the power they held inside themselves. No effort would be needed to get rid of them.

"Natsuki what is going on here? And why does Yuuma want to kill us all-" Issei was losing his mind at what was happening, all he could think was what was going on, why was Natsuki here and what the hell even was Yuuma.

"I don't know Issei. All I do know is that she's not human and we have to get out of here before she fulfills her promise." Natsuki despite keeping her usual cool demeanor was freaking out on the inside because the second she saw Yuuma about to throw that spear she just jumped into the fray without thinking. How the hell are we going to get out of this?! Dammit! Why didn't I just mind my own business and stay behind the tree?! Stupid voice in my head!!

"As if I'm going to let you get away that easily" Yuuma then created two spears throwing them at the pair faster than the first. Just as they were about to hit, a glowing yellow light appeared from Natsuki's body, covering the entire area in its blinding radiance. As the light faded the spears were gone and Natsuki could be seen with a golden necklace wrapped around her neck. The chain was about 20 inches long, holding a hexagon shaped pendant with a white oval jewel placed in the middle. It didn't take a genius to figure out that whatever this necklace was it's the reason the two weren't skewered right now.

"What the hell is this?" The girl lifted the pendant to look at it and sees her reflection in the jewel. This thing must have did something to those spears just now. Wait, I no longer feel tired like I did when I first entered the park, it's like my strengths been replenished!

"No, it cannot be! You unlocked it and dispelled my spears! No matter I still crush you like the ants you are!" Yuuma summoned two more spears holding them in her hands like swords and went flying at the pair at breakneck speed. Natsuki pushed Issei away once more before rolling out of the way to dodge the strikes Yuuma was trying to land on her.

"Issei! Get out of here! I will hold her off as long as I can!." She only hoped she could do as she said until Issei was able to escape and get some form of help. However the young girl was too focused on not letting Yuuma strike her down to notice that Issei was once again too petrified to do as he was told.

Natsuki got in her stance and tried to throw a punch at the fallen angel only for her to dodge and try to ram one of her spears into her gut. Luckily for the teen, the gold pendant once again glowed and absorbed the spear, making her stronger once again. Yuuma, in her growing anger, began to summon more light spears covering most of the area, and even though she was stronger and faster than the human it didn't matter since the girl's pendant kept absorbing any spears that got too close.

As their fight continued, the fallen angel realized just as the girl was trying to land yet another punch that she was steadily growing stronger and faster with each light spear she absorbed! Not enough to match her yet but still it was worrying that her own magic was apparently making her better. That's when the thought came to her, if she couldn't beat her with magic she would just do it the old fashioned way. Yuuma dispelled all the remaining light spears surround Natsuki.


"Wait, what are-"


Natsuki was cut off by a wave of unimaginable pain, looking down she saw that Yuuma had thrust her arm through the middle of her chest! A few seconds later she felt her hand reappear as it forcefully came out the other side of her body. The pendant faded away and a combination of fatigue and agony hit her like a freight train.

The woman flapped her wings, gradually floating up into the air causing her arm to be slowly pulled out from Natsuki's chest. Natsuki coughed up a thick torrent of blood and fell to her knees as the immense pain wracked her body. With Yuuma's arm now gone there was nothing holding the human up, forcing the girl to fall face-first into the puddle of blood that began to pool beneath her shaking body.

Am- Am I going to die here?

"Natsuki!" the wet sound of Natsuki's body hitting the blood soaked floor finally pulled Issei out of his petrification but before he could do anything else all he could feel was pain as Yuuma had thrown another one of her spears through his stomach while he was distracted.

"Sorry about that you guys. You two were far too big a threat to us, so we decided to get rid of you early. If you want to hold a grudge, then hate him, for he was the one who put those Sacred Gears inside you."

Scared Gears? What the hell is she even talking about?

"Thanks for the date though Issei-kun, it was fun". Yuuma took off into the sky as the park returned to normal, the light of the sun now covering their dying bodies as it slowly set.

Why? Was all Natsuki could think of as she lay there dying in the park. Why did I have to try and fight that bitch like I'm some kind of hero? Now because of me both of us are going to die here, I mean I could have gotten help instead of trying to fight her. But deep down the girl knew that Issei would have been long dead by the time she got back, not to mention Yuuma would have just killed later like she said she was originally going to do and even if she did get someone what would they have been able to do against her.

No, the real reason she was upset was because she failed and was once again too weak just like when she was younger and was too weak to do anything against the kids of the orphanage. Over the years she became overconfidence in her growing strength and skill that allowed her to fight off the thugs and bullies that messed with her in Nitoshō, but it was completely useless against the monster they just faced even with the strange power she gained during the fight not being enough, and now thanks to her weakness she and Issei were going to die.

I didn't even accomplish what I set out to do with my life. All that time and energy I put into trying to prove myself to the world has gone to waste. All that work Kushina-Sama put into protecting and caring for me and now her selfish daughter is going to be leaving her in such a pathetic way.

I'm sorry Kushina-Sama. I only hope you will be all right without me.



You idiot. Thanks to you and your cowardice Natsuki is going to die even after she worked so hard to try and save your pathetic ass! Issei turned his head to the side seeing Natsuki a few feet away facing him as she too struggled to breathe, making his guilt grow.

Issei looked down at his hand as his mind began to wonder, the same color as that person's hair, crimson red hair which is more brilliant than strawberry blonde. Yes, that person's long and beautiful crimson hair is the same as the blood staining my hand. Why am I thinking about this as Natsuki and I are bleeding out? So this is how I die huh, trying to touch a pair of breasts? At least I died as I lived right? The only problem is that I brought Natsuki into this.

Issei looked up into the sky wishing deep down that he could be reborn, maybe live his next life as a better person he thought as his life faded away.

Suddenly a female figure appears above a large glowing red circle looking down at the scene below before turning to Issei. "So it was you who summoned me?"

"Ple-Please. Sa-save him". Rias turned her head to see Natsuki laying in her own puddle a few feet away. "You got to sa-save him. It's my fau-lt". The girl began to cough more blood as her vision clouded and her breath slowed.

Rias was surprised that the girl was still alive, even more so because she was still able to talk with that big hole in her chest. But what really shocked her was the fact that she cared more about making sure the boy across from her was safe instead of herself. She had already planned to save both, but Natsuki was already proving why she would be a perfect fit for her peerage.

The redhead kneeled in front of the dying girl "I swear on my name I will do everything in my power to save him." And you as well.

The girl smiled gave Rias a small smile, closing her eyes and losing consciousness, content with the fact that at least one of them would leave this place alive.

Rias stood over the now dead teens as her hands began to glow the same red color as her hair.

"From this moment you two shall live your lives for my sake."

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