The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

The Dragons and Their Resolves

In the depths of a great black void floated Sukehiro Natsuki as she opened her eyes. Her eyes moved around as she was confused by seeing nothing but emptiness, she became worried when she realized that she couldn't move her body.

Suddenly a golden light appeared in front of the girl, she tried to look within it, but the light was just too blinding, forcing the girl to close her eyes. A voice then rang out across the void, the same voice she heard the night Yuuma killed her.

Natsuki could hear the voice more clearly than she could before. " Natsuki Sukehiro. It seems that you are able hear me once more."  The girl noticed that the voice was female, reminding her a little of Kushina-Sama in the fact that it was warm and attentive while holding an authoritative edge to it.

You may be able to hear me, but you are still a fledgling. You are a long way from being able to use our power to its fullest potential.  The voice rang out once more before releasing a powerful roar that shook Natsuki to her core, expelling the girl from the black void.

The newly turned devil awoke from her dream with a strangled gasp, sitting up and looking around, calming down once she realized that she was just in her room. She laid back down, looking at her phone and seeing that she had woken up an hour before her alarm was supposed to go off.

I remember activating my sacred gear last night, I guess I fell asleep. Well, I got what I wanted since the voice came back. Rias said that as we complete our pacts and train, we'll get stronger, at this rate how long will it take for me to reach that full potential like the voice said?

Natsuki knew that the voice she heard in her dream had to be her sacred gear, there was no other explanation, but she didn't know that sacred gears could be sentient. This would just be something to ask Rias about later. The girl then sighed before standing up, pushing her thoughts away for later and getting ready for the day.


Natsuki had run into Issei on their way to school that morning and had to keep herself from laughing as Issei recounted the job he had to do yesterday. Natsuki would have killed to see the look on the boy's face when he realized the client was a muscular man cosplaying as a magical girl who referred to himself as Mil-tan. Issei then explained how afterwards he was attacked by another fallen angel, but he summoned his sacred gear, scaring her off. I have never been happy to not accept a request in all my life.

By the end of the day, Natsuki and Issei had once again found themselves in the ORC clubroom. The girl sat on the couch next to Koneko as Issei explained what had happened to him, the other members of the peerage were focused on Issei's gauntlet though Koneko was more focused on her food and Natsuki was thinking about her own sacred gear.

Issei then left the room to hand out more flyers with a downcast expression after Rias had warned him not to go halfcocked against a group of fallen angels because chances are they won't let him go like the one yesterday did, and he would end up either seriously hurt or dead.

Natsuki then looked towards Rias, "Hey Rias-Buchou, I wanted to ask about my own sacred gear." The girl then explained her dream last night; she noticed the others look at her in surprise while Rias cocked an eyebrow.

"That is a little strange. Here, stand up and summon your gear"

Natsuki stood up summoning her gear just like she did yesterday and just like yesterday her transformation looked different.

The necklace looked the same, but her upper body was now covered in golden armor with black lining. She also noted that her hands were covered as well with claws and white orbs on the back of them like Issei's arm. The part that stuck out most to Natsuki was that the white jewel in the center of her pendant had gotten bigger, looking to be the size of her hand.

Rias then gave the girl a wide smile "It seems you're keeping your promise of becoming a strong member of my family."

"But what about the voice I heard?"

"Some Sacred Gears have been said to call to wearers, I suppose that is what is happening here". Natsuki still wasn't convinced, there had to be something else about her gear that the girl wasn't telling her.

Just as the girl was about to confront her about it, she felt a strange itch in the back of her head that began to overtake her mind. It continues to flare as if calling out for her to do something.

"How does it feel when someone calls for you when they use a flyer?" she asked, as the feeling grew more powerful with each passing second.

Akeno looked her in the eyes. "It feels like you have a sudden urge to go somewhere." She explained. "Why? Do you think someone is calling for you?" She and Rias looked Natsuki as she grasped the side of her head.

"Yeah, it feels like someone has used one of my flyers. Like they're calling out to me, and I need to answer back." Natsuki felt confused by this, it wasn't a painful sensation but very intrusive.

Akeno walked over to the accessible area of the clubroom and spread her arms preparing her spell. "Alright, just tell me where you feel like you need to go, and I'll direct my spell to send you there." Natsuki was surprised that she gave the girl a specific address right on the spot. I guess this is magic at work. I wasn't even thinking of where I was going until Akeno asked.

Once the girl stepped out of the portal, she realized she was standing in the middle of a living room. The girl then turned seeing a woman with brown hair that looked no older than 35 years old standing to her right while holding one of the flyers she handed out, she also noticed two small children sitting on the couch in front of her, a boy with curly black hair and a girl with brown hair and glasses both of whom looked younger than 10.

"Oh. This flyer worked I thought she was pulling my leg when she said a devil would appear to grant my wish." The woman said while still looking at the flyer happily, surprised that her friend wasn't pulling her leg so to speak.

Natsuki than gave the woman a slight bow "Good evening. I am a devil of House Gremory, my name is Sukehiro Natsuki. How may I be of service to you?"

The woman looked the girl over "You don't look like a devil to me, more like a teenage delinquent." Natsuki's eyebrow twitched at that last part, it wasn't the first time a person had said something like that to her, hell it is what people at school thought all the time, so she was used to it. She understood with her blood red eyes, darker skin tone, tall stature, and solemn face that she didn't look very welcoming, but it was still annoying how people judged her without knowing her.

The girl causally summoned her wings but once she saw their shocked and scared faces, she quickly retracted them. "I-I see, that is very undeniable proof. My name is Murayama Hanaa, and this is my son Murayama Haneki and my daughter Murayama Amiru. I was hoping that you could clean the apartment and watch over my children until I come back from work, my pervious sitters have all quit" Hanaa then gave her kids a look that had them turning their heads away quickly. What did these kids do to their babysitters?

Natsuki then gave another bow, "As you wish Murayama-San". Hanaa smiled at the teen before grabbing her bag and heading towards the door "Now I want you two to behave yourselves for Natsuki-chan" she looked at her children hoping that the devil would not be chased away like the others had been by their "pranks."

"Of course, Okaasan" Hankei said while smiling. "We'll be on best behavior" came from Amiru. The woman could only sigh as she turned and walked out the door.

This left Natsuki standing in front of the two children whose smiles went from complete innocence to mischievous smirks.

A few hours later:

Hanaa walked up the steps to her front door after a long day at work, as she brought out her keys, she noticed that she couldn't hear any sound coming from inside her house. This never happened when she left her children with a babysitter, usually by now, she would be met with a person running and screaming from her house while covered in a multitude of different paints, foods, etc. while proclaiming Haneki and Amiru to be demons (pun not intended).

Worried that something terrible might have happened she quickly opened her door, rushing into the house and seeing Natsuki and her children sitting down at the dining table eating and talking with each other.

"Okaasan!" Haneki and Amiru excitedly yelled as they ran to give her a hug. While she was hugging them, she noticed that not only was Natsuki perfectly fine, but the house was spotless. No messy or broken furniture anywhere in sight. "Ho-How did you..."

"Your children are quite nice once you get to know them, so it wasn't that hard." Natsuki wasn't necessarily lying with her statement, while the two tried to prank her they gave up after an hour once they saw that not only was she not falling for their tricks, but Natsuki was turning the pranks back on them. The teen had grown up in the foster system so she had seen and experienced everything the two could throw at her only 10 times worse.

"Did you two enjoy your time with Natsuki-chan?" Honestly Natsuki had exceeded all Hanaa's expectations, she had never seen someone other than herself be able to handle her kids. Maybe devil babysitters are the way to go?

"Yeah! Natsuki-Oneesan is the coolest!" The two then began to talk over each other as they told her about the activities they got up to with the devil. Hanna laughed as she was happy the two liked the devil, hoping that this wouldn't be the last time she would be able to babysit them.

"I cannot thank you enough for helping me out here. You might be a miracle worker."

"There is no need to thank me, I'm happy to help." Natsuki truly knew how hard it was for single parents especially when caring for multiple kids. It reminded her of her own childhood with Kushina in the worn-down orphanage.

Natsuki then completed the rest of the procedure and had Hanaa sign the contract, walking out of the house and heading back to the clubhouse.

Once Natsuki entered the school she was met with a strange sight. Issei was staring at the floor of the hallway dejectedly as Rias looked at him for a moment before leaving him there.

"Did I miss something?" Natsuki asked drawing Rias out of her contemplative mood. She looked at her curiously. "For him to look so depressed like that, you must have forever denied him the right to peep on girls or something." Rias blinked at the girl. Wow, my joke was incredibly bad, though Rias seemed to laugh at her terrible joke as it pulled her out of the funk she was in.

"He's upset because I told him he wasn't allowed to meet up again with a cute nun he met today on his way home." Rias said. "Devils and the Church don't get along too well so it would likely end badly for him if she found out what he was, and I couldn't take that risk."

Natsuki considered her argument. "You did the right thing," Natsuki admitted, surprising Rias as she didn't expect the girl to agree with her since she was friends with Issei.

"Really? You don't think I should have let him follow his heart?" she asked, getting confused when Natsuki shook her head.

"What I meant was that, if relations are really as tense as you say, then Issei's lust for a cute nun doesn't outweigh the risk he'd be at if he went to the church to spend time with her and ended up discovered as a Devil."

"You needed to weigh his personal safety in comparison to his personal feelings. You believed his safety was more important and acted accordingly, therefore you did the right thing as Issei's master." Rias reacted with slight shock, Natsuki was turning out to be less of the quiet loner she taught she was. Ignoring her reaction, she continued. "Regardless, I didn't say that letting him follow his emotions would be a bad thing. If this girl is important to Issei, he will probably find a way to be with her despite what you told him. Besides, it might be good for him to have someone who genuinely cares about him, he doesn't have a lot of that." Natsuki then made her way to the couch to the right of Rias' desk, ignoring her master's stunned silence.

Rias then cleared her throat choosing to move on from the topic but keeping it in the back of her mind to think about later. "I see you completed your first contract Natsuki-chan. Congratulations are in order."

"Thank you Buchou, and you can just call me Natsuki I do not like honorifics on my name. I wanted to ask if I would be able to feel the effects of each contract I fulfill?" Natsuki said as the other members of the peerage began to enter the clubroom.

Rias smiled at the girl "Not right away but you will as you begin to develop your powers. Although our kind eventually reach a palto of sorts where the power given to us from contracts will barely increase our strength unless they are more serious."

Natsuki thought this over as Akeno came over and stood behind her.

"Akeno, did something happen?" Akeno's expression changes after Rias asks her.

"We received an order for a hunt from the Archduke."


Natsuki looked around once the transportation circle disappeared and saw that they were in a forest on the outskirts of Kuoh. "We're about to face off against a Stray Devil." Rias declared, as they began their trek through the woods. Her Pawns, Knight, Rook, and Queen were gathered for this fight. Natsuki wondered if they were all necessary for this "hunt", considering she and Issei had next to no supernatural fighting experience.

The group walked forward as Kiba explained just what a Stray Devil was for Natsuki and Issei. "A Stray Devil starts out as a Devil's servant," Kiba began before Issei interrupted him. "You mean like us?"

Kiba reacted strangely, his eyes flickered to Koneko for a second causing Natsuki to do the same, noticing the smaller girl's clench her fists at that insinuation.

"Not exactly, a Stray Devil is one that has betrayed their Master and either killed them or fled from their service." Kiba responded to Issei, Natsuki wondered why Koneko would have such a reaction to being compared to a Stray Devil, but she didn't know her well enough to ask.

"This one has been luring people into that abandoned mansion." Akeno gestured up to the enormous building they could see towering over the trees atop the hill. "According to the report, she's been devouring their souls to grow stronger." Issei's grossed out by that, Natsuki too but she didn't show it.

Rias continued the explanation. "Usually for a Stray Devil at only this level I'd only send Akeno or Kiba to handle it, but this is a good chance for the two of you to see how we Devils fight."

As they entered the building Natsuki noticed that the others had changed positions. Rias and Koneko in the front followed by Akeno and Kiba and finally her and Issei. Is this how they always are on a mission or is this to protect Issei and I since we are the least experienced?

"Issei, Natsuki." Rias spoke to the pair as they walked through the halls. "Are you familiar with the game of chess?" She was curious since if they knew at least a little, as it would make her explanation easier to understand.

Issei answered unsurely, "Yeah, sort of its like shogi, right?" What did chess have to do at a time like this? "I've played it before, but I totally suck."

"I've played the game many times as a kid, not so much recently but I have a good understanding of its rules and regulations." Natsuki answered as she was brought back to times Kushina whooped her ass each game they played.

Rias took a deep breath and began to describe the Evil Pieces.

"As the Master, I'm the King, my Empress is the Queen, my Cavaliers the Knight, my Tanks the Rook, my Clergyman the Bishop, and finally my Foot soldiers the Pawn." She looked at Issei out of the corner of her eye to make sure he wasn't getting overwhelmed like the night of their induction. Seeing that he was following along, she continued. "High Ranking Devils can grant the characteristics of each of these Pieces to their servants."

"That sounds kickass." Issei interrupted.

"We have a special name for these." Rias said ignoring Issei's comment. "We call them our Evil Pieces. This system became so popular with Pureblood devils that it led to the creation of the Rating Games".

Natsuki raised an eyebrow "Rating Games?"

"They are large-scale chess matches where servants fight each other as the pieces. By displaying your strength, you might have a chance to be promoted to a higher class, though I am still too young to enter one officially".

"That sounds cool and all but why are you telling us this?" Issei asked as his brain tried to process the amount of information Rias had just given them.

"I want you and Natsuki to watch and learn what these attributes mean in combat."

Natsuki was hoping she could see just how the attributes of the Evil Pieces could be used in battle. Wait, Rias didn't tell us which pieces Issei and I were.

"Pay close attention to my Devils as they do battle for tonight." She ordered her two newest servants. Issei mumbled a quick, "Okay" while Natsuki said, "Understood." Before feeling a cold and prickly sensation raced up her spine.

"It's here." Koneko's quiet tone as the building made her voice echo slightly around them.

A seductive voice called out from the shadows, "Now what could that foul smell be? Something smells delicious. I wonder if it tastes sweet..." Natsuki noticed that a disturbing looking form appeared behind the pillar, "or bitter?"

Issei exclaimed in joy as he saw the full chest of their enemy and Natsuki at least knew one thing. It is definitely female. she thought dryly to herself, ignoring Issei's exclamation about breasts with practiced ease by this point.

Rias began a dramatic speech declaring their purpose here in eliminating the Stray Devil before them as well as listing out her crimes, giving her a final warning that felt more like a formality than anything else, but Natsuki was distracted as she tried to figure out what the hell made up her lower half. It sure as Hell is not human!

Natsuki got her answer once Vaizor stepped out into the moonlight shining from the window above. The upper half was a woman, but the lower half was the body for a four-legged beast with black fur, claws at the end of her feet, and a snake tail! The group were also able to see that stray had two spears one in each hand.

"Leaving your master's side and rampaging as you please, you deserve death. In the name of Gremory, I will gladly eliminate you!"

"You insolent little girrrrrrl! I will rip your body apart, and color it in red just like your haaaaaaair!" The monster barks, but Rias just laughs.

"What a witty line for such a small fry. Yuuto!"

"Got it" Kiba yells as he rushes towards the monster at a speed that Issei and Natsuki cannot keep up with making it look as if he disappeared.

Rias then turned around to face the two "Yuuto is my Knight, his trait is speed. And his strongest weapon is the sword." Kiba then reappeared right in front of Vaizor as he swiftly cut off her arms.

The creature screamed in pain and bled from the two stumps where her arms used to be. Koneko silently walked up, staring at the stray with an almost bored face. A second mouth on her stomach opened wide and tried to devour the Rook. Issei and Natsuki were worried about her at first until Rias continued, "Don't worry. Koneko is my Rook; her trait is tremendous strength and defensive abilities." The giant mouth was suddenly opened by an uninjured Koneko who jumped out, as she then literally punched the stray across the room.

After that devastating punch Koneko simply walked back to the group while patting the dust off her hands.

Never piss of Koneko! Issei and Natsuki thought.

"Lastly, Akeno."

"Yes, Buchou. Ara ara, what should I do? How exciting, I so love this game."

Akeno is laughing while walking towards the monster that laid on the ground after being hit by Koneko.

"Akeno is a Queen. She's the one who is the strongest after me. She is the unbeatable Vice-president of our club who has all the traits of Pawn, Knight, Bishop, and Rook." Issei and Natsuki noticed a sudden movement behind Rias as she explained what Akeno could do.

Natsuki briefly activated her sacred gear and quickly grabbed the severed arm before it could attack Rias, "Issei!"

"Got it, Natsuki. Sacred Gear!" Issei yelled, summoning his gauntlet, and punching the limb across the room.

Issei asked if she was okay whereas Natsuki helped Rias up as she thanked them.

Akeno raised her arms up and prepared to end the battle. But not without a little fun. "You're not the only one who likes to play rough here." Akeno declared with a voice that caused a fearful shiver to pass over Natsuki. She then watched in pure shock as Akeno giddily tortured the Stray with her lightning magic.

"She's also the ultimate sadist. But don't worry, she only does that to her enemies." Rias finished with a hint of satisfaction ignoring the looks Issei and Natsuki sent her. Ultimate sadist?!

"Let's get this over with." Rias declared before requesting everyone stand back. Natsuki moved away from where Akeno stood, keeping about a foot of distance between them, with Issei and Kiba taking up her other side. Together, the five of them all watched as Rias used her own magic.

"Game over." Rias declared as a dark power began to gather before her, in an instant, the Stray wasn't just killed…

It was absolutely annihilated. There was not a single sign that its body had even existed.

"We're done. Now, let's go back."

"U-um, Buchou". Issei asked with a hint of excitement, "You still haven't told us what pieces me and Natsuki are. I mean, what are our roles? Are we like some badass knights?"

"You and Natsuki are my Pawns." Rias said as she walked past them.

"What! Pawn!? So, I'm just a foot soldier! But I don't want to be a Pawn". Issei's hopes were crushed with one sentence.

"Hang on Issei, we can still promote. Right Buchou?" Natsuki asked, wanting to be sure their evil pieces followed their roles outside of chess.

"Natsuki is right Issei when you step into enemy territory or with my permission, you can use Promotion to promote into any other pieces except the King. Furthermore, when I revived you two, I had eight Pawns, one Knight, one Bishop, one Rook, and one Mutation Piece to choose from. I used up all eight of my Pawns to revive you, Issei, while Natsuki used the Mutation Piece. That just shows how strong you are".

"What? All eight Pawns? On just me?" Issei whispered in shock. "Wait, I thought you could only have eight Pawns, if I used all if them, how is Natsuki a Pawn too? And what's a Mutation Piece?

"Mutation Pieces are very rare, said to be bugs created by the Evil Piece System. They can become any of the other chess pieces when used, and are useful when reviving a person requires more pieces without having to use them. I had gotten the piece as gift some time ago from my brother, he said I would need it."

"And I'm guessing that the remaining pieces you had wouldn't have been enough to revive me?" Natsuki asked.

Rias shook her head, "They wouldn't have, so I in theory had sixteen Pawns, and used them to revive you and Issei, each of you having the power of eight."

"That's insane!" Issei exclaimed, feeling even more shocked that Rias would go to such lengths just to revive him and Natsuki.

Natsuki was confused as Rias said she still had one rook, one Bishop, and one knight yet there were five of them not included Rias herself. "Wait hold on, from what you just said, doesn't that mean you already have a Bishop. So, where are they?"

Everyone grew quiet and solemn, until Rias spoke up. "You are quite perceptive Natsuki. Yes, I do have a Bishop, but due to his unique circumstances, he is currently... unavailable."

Sensing the tension Natsuki replied, "Okay then. If he has a reason for being unavailable, I understand." The girl figured this was like what happened with Koneko earlier, so she didn't want to make the rest of the peerage uncomfortable by pushing.

Rias smiled at Natsuki before forming the transportation circle under them and teleporting the group back to the clubhouse.


A few days later

It was late into the evening when Natsuki could be seen walking back home. Unlike Issei who Rias sent out to finally complete a pact, she didn't have any request for the day, so she went to the forest just beyond the city limits to train without being seen by humans.

It has become easier for the newly turned devil to summon her sacred gear, she has even able to shoot so type of energy blast from her hands destroying 7 nearby trees. She also discovered that she could elongate her claws and slash through things like she was Wolverine! However, her sacred gear did not seem to grow and cover more of her body like the other times she summoned it nor was she able to hear the voice again, both awake and asleep.

Maybe it's like in those Shounen amine and I need to overcome so kind of great challenge or protect someone I care about from a D-grade villain that seemed strong at the start of the show but was incredibly weak compared to the show's final boss to show any signs of improvement.

Suddenly Natsuki froze as she felt a chill run down her spine, it was different from when the fallen had arrived, but also similar?


A screamed then pierced through the air coming from the house in front of her.


Natsuki then turned towards the house, summoning her scared gear, and running inside.


"... That Fallen Angel girl told me that I cannot kill you. But I'm getting pissed. I can do whatever I want if you don't die, so it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe I can rape you something but before I do that, I just need to kill that trash over there first." The exorcist known as Freed Sellzen proclaimed as he stood over Asia, groping the girl's chest with a perverted smile on his face.

Issei forced himself to stand on his shaky, bullet ridden legs before summoning his sacred gear "Stop it! I'm not kidding around, let her go!" I would never leave a girl who just protected me from danger!

Freed smirked as he released Asia causing the girl to fall to the floor as he turned his sword on the devil. "Well, well you think you can take me down? Then come over here and show me what you got!" But just as the exorcist began to run towards Issei a figure appeared from the shadows, kicking Freed across the face sending him hurdling into the adjacent wall.

This mysterious person stepped closer to the light revealing herself to be Sukehiro Natsuki, once again appearing just in time to save Issei's life.

"Honestly, Issei, twice is a coincidence but three times is starting to become a pattern that I don't like." Natsuki stated as she stood in front of the boy, it was then that she noticed a half-naked girl sitting in the corner with a bruise on her face. That must be the nun that Issei befriended.

"I-I know Natsuki, thanks for saving my ass yet again." While he was thankful, Issei couldn't stop the helplessness he was feeling in his heart. They were both devils now and yet he had to keep relying on Natsuki and even Asia to save him.

"Ohoro! So, you called one of your shitty devil friends to come and save you huh?! No matter I'll just send both of you bastards straight to hell! Freed screamed as he pulled himself off the floor and charged at them once more.

Natsuki squared herself up but quickly looked down at the floor as flash of red light that appeared in front of the two devils.

"What was that?!" Issei yelled.

This is Rias' magic seal Natsuki thought.

Just as Freed was about to bring his sword down on them Kiba appears through the circle stopping the blow with a sword of his own. "Hey Issei-kun, thought you could use a hand. And it seems Natsuki-chan had the same idea." The knight said as he turned back to smile at them.

"My, my this is just awful, talk about a nasty mess."

"...An exorcist."

Akeno and Koneko said as they each came through the portal.

"You guys came!" Issei cheered as their comrades had come to save them. Natsuki was glad too as although she would not have said it aloud, she was not confident that they would have beat Freed especially with Issei injured.

"Hell yes! Now we've got ourselves a good old-fashioned gangbang!" Freed yelled while jumping back to put distance between himself and the group of devils.

"Hehe, more shitty devils keep coming like flies. Glorious! Is it my birthday? All the shitty devils I can kill! Yay! But I'm not going to introduce myself again. Just ask your soon-to-be-dead friends. I'll be sure to kill you all nice and slow." Despite how ragged he looked he was still ready to keep on fighting.

"You've got quite a filthy mouth for a priest" Kiba said as he summoned a second sword and took his stance in front.

"TCH! What are you the impropriety police?! Get off your high horse douchebag, hunting your kind is my only concern! So, stop preaching and let's get to it!"

"My, my you're certainly a piece of work. An over-zealous priest who enjoys hunting devils just for the excitement… but even we devils have rules." Akeno was still smiling but she stared at the priest with cold and emotionless eyes.

"And you my dear are a hot piece of ass! Those eyes of yours are really something! The hard and seething bloodlust in 'em is so freakin' sexy! There is nothing I lust over more than a sexy devil bitch!" Freed began to blush as his smile turned more perverted the longer he talked.

"If you want it come and get some..." a voice called out before a beam of destruction energy was thrown at the crazed exorcist. "But I really don't think you could handle it. No one hurts one of my servants and gets away with. " There stood Rias Gremory, staring down the priest with nothing but a cold and simmering fury. "It's alright I'm here" she said before walking towards her male pawn.

"Thanks a lot, Buchou. I am sorry that I let you down again. I tried but I failed you." Issei looked down at the ground unable to meet his master's gaze, scared that he might see the disappointment in her sea foam green eyes.

"Look at how hurt you are Ise. I sent you into the hands of an exorcist and I had no idea. There was a barrier in place until a moment ago, so we didn't even realize..." Rias said as she held Issei's face in her hands.

It was at this moment that Freed kicked Asia in the stomach as she laid on the ground, angered by what he just heard Rias say. "You dumb bitch! You were supposed to make the barrier!" Before he could kick her again a large blast of gold energy was sent directly at Freed, forcing the man to jump to the side as part of the floor and the wall where he once stood was completely blown away.

Natsuki stood with her arm still raised as a small trail of steam could be seen wafting off the girl's hand. "Touch her again and the next shot won't miss, you worthless piece of trash." Freed froze as he stared into the girl's red eyes. It had been a long time since he has met someone with such a monstrous and evil glare, a look that promised death, and a painful one at that.

"I too show no mercy for those who hurt my servants. Particularly, a fiend like you will have his life forfeited". Rias had a glowing red aura around and was about to fire another shot of Destruction-

"Buchou, I sense multiple fallen angels heading our way. We need to leave; Issei still needs treatment." Akeno warned everyone of the situation.

"Joy oh joy, just in the nick of time, now I can kill all of you, now, can't I? Get ready because there's gonna be light spears for each one of you!" Freed almost jumped in glee at the news.

Rias' had a frustrated look and took charge. She grabbed Natsuki's arm and pulled her towards the group. "Akeno, prepare the jump. Koneko, make sure we have Issei."

"Wait, we need to bring Asia back. She helped me. We can't just leave her with that bastard." Issei tried reasoning but Rias was having none of it.

"That is not possible, the magic circle will only accept members of my household. We need to leave her." Rias spoke with an authoritative tone and would not take any arguments.

"The jump is ready Buchou." Akeno yelled out.

Nodding her head, "Koneko get Issei and let's go. Yuuto you too, we're leaving." Rias ordered. Kiba disengaged and Koneko did as she was ordered. Everyone got onto the magic circle.

"Let me go, I need to help Asia!" Issei shouted and struggled to free himself from Koneko's grasp.

"Issei, calm down! Remember what he said. The fallen angels value her, so they will not kill her. I understand how you feel, but even if you stay, you'll just get yourself killed again." Natsuki spoke as she tried reasoning with him.

"Issei-San... we'll see each other again, okay?" The girl gave Issei a closed eyed smile, but it did not reassure him as tears fell from her eyes.

Next moment, Akeno finished casting the spell, and the magic-circle on the floor starts to glow red again.

"Like hell I'll let you escape!" The priest came slashing at the devils, but Koneko threw the sofa at him. By the time the priest smacked away the sofa with his sword, the devils had already teleported back to the club room.

Issei did not have the time to think about his first teleportation through the magic-circle, and all he could focus on was the smile Asia gave him.

"Asia... I am definitely coming back for you. JUST YOU WAIT!" Issei shouted standing on his feet looking more determined than they had ever seen him before.


Issei leaned back on a park bench and sullenly threw his head down as he thought about his failure two nights ago. His mood grew worse as he thought about what Rias told him after she healed his wounds.

"Buchou, I need to save Asia!"

"It's impossible. How will you fight them? You are a Devil. And she is a servant of Fallen Angels. Our two kinds cannot coexist. Saving her means making the Fallen Angels your enemies. …If that happened, we would also have to fight."


I couldn't say anything back to her. I will cause trouble to Buchou and others due to my selfishness.

I compared Asia with Buchou and others.

But I can't find the answer. Which one is more important?

That…that will be…

I realized what a small man I am because I can't find the right answer.

I can't save even a single girl.

I am too weak.

Issei rubbed his face and groaned, he felt so worthless. Issei couldn't explain why he felt so sad about Asia. She was a sister and former member of the clergy from the church and now she was a part of the Fallen Angel faction; the group that ended his life.

And yet Issei couldn't bring himself to hate her.

Issei sighed once more before a voice broke him out if his depressed mindset.


The Perverted teen's eyes widened in shock as he lifted his head up to the golden-haired sister standing right there in front of him.

Asia cried happily at the sight of him, "Oh thank goodness you are all right! I was so worried about you. I was worried that your injury got worse and that you might be…"

Asia was interrupted when Issei wrapped his arms around her small body and hugged her tight. She was caught off guard as she looked at the side of his face. "Issei-san?"

Small tears came out of his eyes as he tried to contain the joy he felt at seeing her again. "I-I didn't think I would see you again, Asia. I thought you might have…"

Asia smiled and returned his hug, the two teens stood there silently in the park as they ignored the looming expectations of their respective factions.

Issei and Asia once again found themselves in the park after spending the day together. They went to the movies, the arcade, and got food to eat at a fast food restaurant.

Asia hugged the small rat plushie that Issei won for her close to her chest. "Thank you Issei-san, for everything you have done today". Issei just chuckled "No problem princess doesn't mention it."

Issei then almost tripped because of the uncomfortable feeling in his leg.


The wound from the other day, the place where he was shot by that shitty priest still hurts.

Despite Rias' best effort it appeared that the wound would not properly heal for some time.

"…Issei-san, are you injured? Is it from two days ago…" Asia's expression gets cloudy.

Issei felt bad, they were having an enjoyable time, but he made her remember something painful. But Asia bends down and starts to check his injuries.

"Can you please lift your trouser up?"

"S-Sure." Issei rolls his pant leg up to have his calf exposed. The bullet mark is still there when Asia then places her palm on top of it.

A warm and gentle light shines on his calf. It really is a warm light, a green color just as beautiful as Asia's eyes. It felt like her kindness was inside her light.

"How is it?" Asia stops her light, and she urges the boy to move.

Issei moved his leg around. Oh? Wow. This is amazing!

Asia smiles happily when she sees Issei jumping around.

"You are amazing, Asia. The healing power, it's an incredible power. …This is a Sacred Gear, right?"

"Yes, it is." Asia says shocked that the boy knew what a scared gear was.

"To tell you the truth, I also have a Sacred Gear. Though, I can't use it all that well."

Asia is even more shocked after hearing his confession. "Ise-san, you also have a Sacred Gear? I did not realize it at all."

"Hahaha, I don't even know its actual abilities. And to compare it to you Asia, your power is amazing. It can heal humans and even Devils like me."

She had complicated expression on her face and soon after, a single teardrop falls from her eyes. Then, more tears start flowing out as she started to cry.

"Whoa, whoa! I'm sorry I did not mean to say anything offensive…"

The girl just shook her head as she began to tell him the story of the "Holy Maiden".

"…After that I was taken in by the Fallen Angels… I know this is also a test that the Lord gave me. Since I am a worthless nun, the Lord gave me this trial. So, I must endure it. I know when I pass this trial my dreams will come true."

"What are your dreams?"

Tears began to fall from her eyes once more "I want to be normal and have friends I can shop and talk with… I want a friend to do all kinds of things with…"

Issei stood in front of Asia "I don't care what other people say I'm your friend, I mean after what we have been through how we cannot be. It's true I would say we have gotten to know each other pretty well… and I've won you that stuffed animal." Issei ended his speech with a nervous chuckle, the blush on his cheeks getting darker as he did so.

"I'm sick and tired of people telling me what to do, so we're friends alright?"

Somehow Asia's smile grew larger than it had before "Really? All right, thank you Issei".

The sweet moment was then interrupted when a voice broke the silence between them. "Isn't that sweet…"

Issei and Asia looked at the figure that landed behind them in shock, a woman with large black wings stood over the fountain with a sinister smirk.

Yuuma Amano

Issei's eyes widened in horror, "Y-Yu-Yuuma-chan?"

"Raynare-sama!" Asia squeaked out from behind Issei.

Raynare looked down at the two with boredom and disgust. "So not only are you alive but you're also a devil… How pitiful." Raynare then looked past Issei and towards Asia "Come along Asia. I won't be mad if you be a good girl from now on."

"Asia isn't going anywhere with you!" Issei exclaimed; his face was full of anger as he summoned his Sacred gear.

Raynare stared at him for a moment before she busted out in laughter "Is that all you got? It's nothing but a [Twice Critical]! Coming up short as usual huh? Also known as a dragon's hand, all it does is double your strength twice."

Issei looked down at his gauntlet, "Is that really all it does?"

"I was told that your Sacred Gear was a dangerous one by the higher-ups, but it looks like they were totally wrong! Damn, I wonder if that girl Natsuki was just as useless? That's why I put on that dumb little girl act."

"Please, Issei be my boyfriend" she said using the same tone she spoke when pretending to be Yuuma. "You fell for that garbage, hook, line, and sinker!"

"Just shut your mouth and fight me already!" Issei growled.

"You are an idiot if you think you can beat me with that tiny thing. Just give me the girl and take what's left of your dignity and leave."

A bright light then shined from the gem at the center of Issei's gear.


"Hell yes! Now I've got the power to-"


Blood spewed from Issei's body as a light spear pierced his stomach. He then fell to the ground as the spear dissolved, just a few feet away from where Raynare had killed him that night and where Donnaseek tried to do the same.

I fucking hate this park.

Issei prepared himself for the intense pain which will be followed by certain death, but he does not feel any pain at all. That is when he noticed the green light was enveloping around his body.

When he looked back, he saw Asia was healing the wound for him.

"I could have killed him you know. But I decided to spare him, so come with me Asia, before I change my mind." Raynare held out her hand for the nun, waiting for he to take it.

Asia nodded her head and turned to the boy next to her. "I am sorry Issei-san. You got hurt because of me. But it's all right now, I promise you won't get hurt anymore. Thank you for everything."

Issei desperately tried to reach out for her but couldn't find the strength. Raynare pulled the girl into her body as they disappeared in a shower of black feathers.

Issei was left to wallow in a pool of his blood.

He failed to save her again.


The sound of a slap echoed in the silent clubroom. "Let me try this again, if I tell you don't, you don't. You must forget about Asia; you are a member of the Gremory Family."

"Fine, then maybe it's time you release from your household because I refuse to let her go." Issei told Rias unflinchingly...

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."

"Of course, you can't let me go, I'm your one of your precious pawns and scared gear holders, can you?" Issei's voice was filled with anger at the Fallen Angels, Rias, and himself.

"That girl was originally from God's side. She is a person that we cannot ever coexist with. Even if she went with the Fallen Angels against her will, it doesn't change the fact that she is still the enemy of us Devils."

"Asia isn't our enemy!" A kind girl like her can't be our enemy!

"Even if she isn't, she is still in enemy territory and she has nothing to do with us. Ise, you must forget about her." Even if she says it like that, there is no way I can forget about her!

Rias sighs "Do you remember what Natsuki and I said about promotion?"

Issei blinked "Something about gaining the power of the other pieces?"

"Pawns can promote to any other piece besides the [King] piece. Ise, when you step foot in the location I acknowledge as "Enemy territory" you are able to change into any piece besides the [King]."

Oh man! So, can I promote to Kiba's [Knight] class, Koneko-chan's [Rook] class, and even Akeno-san's [Queen] class!?

"Since it has not been that long since you and Natsuki became Devils, there are restrictions, so it is probably still impossible for you to be promoted to the ultimate piece, a [Queen]. But you could change to other classes. If you wish strongly for [Promotion] within your heart, then there will be a change in your ability."

Akeno interrupts their conversation when she whispers into Rias' ear.

What is it? Did something happen? Akeno-san also has a serious expression. But it looks like it isn't because of Buchou and I's discussion.

Rias looks at her pawn, and then looks at the remaining members."I have urgent business to attend to. Akeno and I be stepping out for a bit."

"Wait I still have more-"

"Remember even with promotion, no matter their rank a single devil cannot stand against a fallen alone." Rias said as she and Akeno disappeared into the circle.

A moment passed before the 2nd pawn broke the silence. "So, are we going to rescue Asia or just sit here and waste time?"

Wait what?

"Do you really mean that Natsuki." Issei was confused after everything Rias told them she didn't expect anyone to want to help him.

"Yeah dumbass, Rias said that once you get there, you would be able to promote. But she also said you can't do it alone; besides, I owe that Raynare bitch some payback for killing me." Natsuki stood up from the couch, walking past Issei and towards the door.

Kiba summoned one of his swords "Natsuki-chan is right, were not about to let you go into that fallen nest alone, so you might as well save your breath." He then followed Natsuki out the door.

"Koneko too?"

The girl in question just shrugged "Nothing else going on," walking out the door as well.

Issei stood there for a moment before a smile overtook his face. The boy then turned on his heel and ran after the others.


The four devils were flying in the sky, near the clouds to minimize the chances of being spotted. The abandoned church sat on the outskirts of Kuoh, just outside the forest, taking the group about 10 minutes to get there. They landed in a back alley and could already feel their devil instincts telling them that danger was near.

"So, anybody knows what we're dealing with here." Natsuki asked.

Kiba pulled out some sort of schematic diagram which showed them the interior of the church, "According to this, the church isn't very big and the sanctuary itself seems suspicious, but..."

"But what, Kiba?"

"Our surveillance says that there are at least four fallen angels and almost fifty exorcists occupying the church".

"F-fifty!? How can there be so many? You just said the place isn't that big". Issei was intimidated by the numbers.

"The most probably scenario is that one or two Fallens and some exorcists will be stationed out in the air as well as the surroundings. The back entrance will take some time to pass through. They might even have some guards inside as well. From what I can tell, it is only the matter of when we are spotted, not if". Kiba deduced with a thoughtful frown.

"If we're gonna get found anyway, then might as well just charge through front door as fast as we can" Natsuki did not care if their enemy knew they were here or not, it wasn't going to stop her from kicking some ass.

"...Agreed". Koneko deadpanned and proceeded to smash the front door open.

The group entered the building only to stop at the sound of clapping, the sound coming Freed Sellzen as he approached the group from out of the shadows.

"So, we meet again! Glad you can all it make it, I guess I'm a welcome sight huh?"

"Yeah right!" Issei yelled.

"Well, I've never met the same devils more than once before! You know, since I'm super strong, I cut Devils like you guys into pieces when I first meet them! Then I kiss the corpse and say goodbye! But you guys are ruining my reputation by refusing to die so now I'm lost! That is no good~. It's not good to interfere with my lifestyle~! You guys are really pissing me off! I hope you guys will die, die you trashy Deeeeeeeeevils!" Freed proceeds to pull out his gun and a sword made of light as he stares down the devils.

"You guys came to rescue little Asia right? Hahaha! You devils sure are big hearted coming to rescue a bitch like that who even heals scum like you! Well, just being entranced to a Devil should make that Sister die!"

Issei ignored what Freed said at the end of his speech "Hey! Where is Asia!?"

"Well, there is a hidden staircase under that altar. From there you can go to the place where they are doing the ritual."

Ritual? Just what are they planning do to Asia? Natsuki thought.

Issei, Natsuki, and Kiba then proceeded to summon their sacred gears as Koneko threw one of the church pews at the priest, only for him to roll out of the way.

"Haha, you're pretty strong for a runt aren't you?"

Koneko narrowed her eyes, "…Suck it." More pews were thrown Freed's way as a result.

Freed was about to shoot the Rook, but Natsuki fired a golden beam at him, forcing the exorcist to jump back to avoid it. Natsuki was about to fire again when she felt a pluses of magic over the area. She looked around but saw nothing different so she just ignored the sensation and focused back on the priest.

Kiba then ran towards the priest at a speed that the others could barely track.


Sparks flew all around as Kiba's sword and the Priest's blade of light clashed against each other. Freed then brought his gun up shooting at Kiba several times luckily the knight was able to jump back and avoid the gunfire.

"If you're taking this seriously then so will I" suddenly a stretch of darkness coated Kiba's blade and as he charged at Freed the darkened sword began to absorb Freed's blade of light.

"Huh?... what the hell is this?" the light was now gone and all that was left in Freed's hand was the sword pummel.

"It is the holy erasure sword. A sword that devours light" Kiba remarked as the smirk on his face grew.

Seeing his chance Issei activates his Sacred gear.

"Sacred Gear! Activate!"


A voice comes out from the jewel and the power flows into Issei's body. Just as his about to attack, a figure flies through the window and gives Natsuki a nasty gut punch, shocking everyone as the girl went flying through a wall.


It was then that the figure reveled itself to Donnaseek floating in the place where Natsuki once stood, his lips now in the form of a cruel smirk. "Consider that the first part of the retribution I owe you for that cheap punch you gave me the first time we met, you disgusting little devil."

Natsuki pulled herself out of the rubble, other than her ripped and dirty clothes the girl looked fine. "And you call what I did a cheap move? Besides that was some weak retribution you fucking crow. "

Scoff "Like I said, it is only the beginning. This is will end with me obliterating you off the face of the earth!" The fallen angel's anger continued to grow, he was done with these pests thinking they were superior to him. That is why the second he sensed the girl's energy he left Kalawarna and Mittelt behind with the Germory heir and her queen. He couldn't miss the opportunity to get his revenge on the one who originally humiliated him.

Besides Kalawarna and Mittelt could handle the devils outside. They were nothing compared to them.

"Fine. Let's go settle this outside then, I will need space if I'm going to give you a proper ass whopping." Natsuki's passive face and words only seemed to anger the fallen angel even more.

Kiba stepped forward, "Natsuki-chan are you sure? I don't it will be wise to separate."

"Yeah I'm sure. Besides that, bastard over there said they are using Asia for a ritual so we're going to have to split up if we want to get to her in time." Natsuki's gaze never left Donnaseek's as she spoke, the girl didn't want to be caught off guard again in case the fallen tried something.

Issei's eyes widened, he knew Natsuki was right but that didn't make him feel better about it. "Dammit! You better not let this guy beat you Natsuki!"

Koneko nodded her head in agreement "…Beat that bird."

Natsuki nodded before she ran off into the forest, Donnaseek flying close behind.

Once she was far enough away from the church, the Pawn turned around to face the fallen.

"You're no longer running? Finally realize that you can't escape your fate?" Donnaseek touched down a few feet away from the teen and conjured two light spears.

Natsuki simply fired off energy beams at the fallen angel. All the beams seemed to have missed the fallen angel, only hitting the ground around him, and kicking up dust.

Donnaseek laughed at the display "I thought you were going to kick my-", the fallen angel was interrupted when he was suddenly punched across the face and was given a sidekick that sent him hurdling into a tree.

Natsuki hadn't missed; she planned to use the dust kicked up from her blasts to prevent the fallen from seeing her until it was too late.

"Graaah! You bitch!" Donnaseek stood at one of his spears at the girl, expecting it to land, but the girl caught, holding it with no damage done to her hands.

"Th-that shouldn't be possible!" How can a devil hold a [Spear of Light] and be perfectly fine? Holy Light is deadly to their can kind so how can she…

"Your friend Raynare tried to kill me with her spears before but I was able to absorb them. I assumed that it was because I was human at the time, but this proves that for some reason I hold an immunity to holy energy despite my status a devil." Natsuki twirled the spear in her hands. Maybe it's because my scared gear? No that can't be it, even when Issei had his gear activated Raynare was still able to hurt him. Maybe mine has some unique feature…

"Oh well I'll just ask Rias about it later."

Before Donnaseek knew it a wave of pain erupted from his stomach. When he looked down, he saw that Natsuki had stabbed him with his own spear! "Well would you look at that, it seems that holy light can still hurt you despite your ability to wield it." She twisted the spear deeper, causing him to scream out in agony.

"Aaaghh!" It hurts! It hurts so much!

"I should give you a longer more drawn out death for what you did to Issei, but I don't have time to waste. You see there is a sweet nun that needs my help, you understand right?" Natsuki's eyes shined with a cold and vindictive pleasure as she absorbed the light spear, causing Donnaseek to fall to the ground.

She then lifted her hand that was now coated with a black aura and placed it right in the fallen's face.

"W-wait! Pl-please don't kill-"

The Pawn fired a beam of black energy, larger than the golden ones she fired earlier. It was stronger too as it destroyed the land in front of her, leaving nothing but a larger crater that stretched a kilometer long and a pair of black wings.

Natsuki looked at the wings and then her hands. I certainly was not able to do that before. Why was this black blast so much stronger then the gold ones I shot before? Did I improve that much since the night started or have I always been able to do that? It looked like Rias' Power of Destruction, less chaotic and destructive. And shouldn't I be more of a mess after I just killed someone for the first time? I now have blood on my hands but I feel calm and a little excited?

Natsuki quickly shook her head, she could think about all this later she needed to join up with the others before it was too late.

As Natsuki ran back towards the church, the last two members of the peerage could be seen floating up in the sky watching what just took place.


Issei's gauntlet cracked and broke apart, revealing a leaner, more stylish red gauntlet with a green crystal over his hand. Raynare stared at it in disbelief, "B-Boosted Gear?!"


Issei glared up at her as his body was filled with power than ever before as he ran forward. He pulled back his fist, "THIS IS FOR ASIA!"

Raynare tried to raise her arms to protect herself but Issei's fist dug into her face and sent her flying upwards. She impacted against the large cross mounted on the altar and broke it in half. She fell back down to the floor as the cross came crumbling apart over her.

When the dust settled, Issei stood there with an outstretched fist, beaten and bloody but victorious in his fight.

But only his fight.

Issei brought his fist back down as looked to the side and saw Asia's motionless body, still peaceful and unharmed even after his vicious fight. He walked towards her and kneeled in front of the nun. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you… hic… I'm so sorry…."

"Good work, Issei-kun. You actually managed to beat a Fallen Angel all on your own." Issei turned his head to see Kiba with his hand on his shoulder, a smile on his face as he supported his weight.

"Yo, you're late lady killer." Issei furiously wiped away the tears that were falling from his eyes.

"Fufufu, Buchou told me not to interfere."

Buchou did what?

"That's right. I believed that you would be able to beat the Fallen Angel Raynare."

Issei turned his head to see Rias, Akeno, and Koneko who was dragging in the unconscious body of Raynare enter the room.

"Buchou? Where did you come from?"

"From the basement. I finished my business, so I used the magic-circle to come here. It looks like you won somehow, although I would expect nothing less from one of my precious servants." Rias then proceeded to pat Issei's head causing the boy to blush wildly.

It was then that Natsuki ran into the room. "How did you two manage to get here before me, I didn't see either of you on my way back to the church?"

Rias turned towards the taller girl, "Oh you noticed Akeno and I watching you, Natsuki?"

"I felt a wave of magic earlier when we were facing Freed but it didn't feel malicious to me so I ignored it. Then I felt it again when I was leading Donnaseek away and when I killed him. Besides, you do not seem like the type to leave her subordinates unsupervised when you basically told us to break into an enemy base." Even without the magic warnings going off it her head, ever since she was young Natsuki had always been acutely aware of when she was being watched she supposes that instinct has gotten stronger now that she's a devil.

"Fufu, the magic you felt was mine. So Natsuki-chan what did my magic feel like?" Akeno glided over to Natsuki with her signature teasing smile.

"Like I was in the center of a lighting storm, only I wasn't scared because I knew the electricity would never touch me." Natsuki felt that Akeno's magic, despite seeming chaotic at first, had an underlining calmness and duality that felt familiar but couldn't accurately describe.

Akeno started at Natsuki for a moment before a wide and beautiful smile took over her face. "Ara ara Natsuki-chan you really do know how to talk to girl." Akeno stepped closer to the girl as she grabbed her arm.

Natsuki just titled her head, confused by both the older girl's change in attitude and her comment. "Also, why are you dressed like a shrine maiden?"

Natsuki's question went ignored as Rias asked Akeno to wake up Raynare. Akeno proceeded to summon a small orb of water and drop it on the fallen angel.

"Good evening, Fallen Angel-san," Rias greeted her with a formal politeness.

"My name is Rias Gremory, the next head of House Gremory. It's wonderful to meet you, it is a shame we don't have time to chat. It is time for you to meet your friends that I and my pawn disposed of earlier. They were rather rude to me…" The King dropped a few black feathers from her hands to show that these few scraps were all that was left her comrades.

"When I met with the Fallen Angel Donaseek who attacked Ise before, I predicted that there were a few Fallen Angels plotting something in this town. I normally would have ignored it because but they seemed rather instant on targeting my team. so I went to talk to them, taking Akeno with me. When I met them in person, they blurted that it was their own plan. By helping you, they said, they would get promoted to a higher status. Low lives that move around secretively for their purpose usually brag about their plots."

Rias smirked.

Raynare bit her lip in frustration.

Rias' smirked got even smugger, "Although the fatal error you and your group made was underestimating Issei and Natsuki's sacred gears. It wasn't a [Twice Critical] you were dealing with but two of the fourteen legendary Longinus, Boosted Gear and Ethereal Domination!"

Raynare's widened in sheer disbelief, "No way! Maybe the girl, but the [Booster Gear] really ended up in the hands of a guy like that?!"

"The legends goes that the ability of the [Boosted Gear] can double the power of the possessor every 10 second. Even if their power starts from 1, it doubles their power every 10 seconds, it can reach the power of the leader-class Fallen Angels and High-class Devils. And by mastering it, one could even kill God. Then there's [Ethereal Domination] which allows it possessor to achieve the same feats by absorbing the energy and magic of all things that come within its range. It's even said that the Golden Dragon Empress' heart allows its wielder to take on the properties and abilities others that it ensnares."

Natsuki looked down at the white jewel at the center of her necklace. So that's why the holy magic didn't hurt me, I must have gained Donnaseek's ability to wield it because he was in range of my sacred gear. The Golden Dragon Empress' heart…

"You've got be kidding me, sacred gears that powerful in the hands of mere children…" Raynare stared at the floor in despair and disbelief over the cruelty of fate.

"Very well then," Rias strode towards the frozen woman kneeling on the church floor with a fierce look within her eyes. "For the crimes of harming one of my servant's friends as well as harming my precious servant himself earlier today, I sentence you to death, Raynare-san." The Power of Destruction formed in one of her hands.

But just before she could fire the beam Raynare quickly turned towards Issei.

"Pleas-Please, I'm sorry I know I said some rude things to you, but I was forced to." The fallen had taken the form of Yuuma and began to beg for the boy to spare her life.

"W-why?" Issei looked at the girl with tears in his eyes as he moved closer.

Just as Natsuki, Koneko, and Kiba were about to move in to stop him Rias lifted her hand, silently telling to stay back and let the scene unfold.

"Shut up. I do not buy this Buchou please I-I just cannot…" Issei turned away from the fallen as she could no longer bare to look at her.

Rias took the boy's place "You've toyed with my servants for the last time. Be gone." She fired the beam and just like that the Fallen Angel Raynare was no more.

Rias turned her attention to her peerage with a smile. "It's over, Issei." She said as she was framed by the falling black feathers. "You can move on now." He gave a weak smile back to her before looking up in surprise. Rias did the same and noticed the Sacred Gear Raynare had stolen was slowly descending from the sky.

Rias raised her hands, cupping the Sacred Gear. "These are beautiful." She noted with some pride. "Shall we return them?" The Gremory heir made her way towards the body of a blonde. Issei slipped the rings on Asia's fingers, but she refused to awaken from her death.

Issei apologized to the poor girl and to them for his failure. The group maintained a respectful silence before Rias spoke, telling Issei he had no need for forgiveness. Then, she did something Natsuki should have seen coming, but still did not expect. She pulled out a single white bishop.

"You're going to resurrect her as your Bishop, aren't you?" Natsuki claimed before she could go any further.

Akeno walked up behind Rias, back in her uniform and out of her strange priestess outfit. "Well, we do need a healer to put our ragtag team back together, now don't we?" She asked with a giggle.

"What does that mean?" Issei asked, confused by Akeno's statement.

Rias looked at the small chess piece in her hand and smiled softly. "The Bishop's position of power is to protect and heal the other Devils in the household." She looked at Issei whose hope was shining in his eyes. "Perhaps the timing is just right for me to add another member to my Peerage." Her smile shifted slightly into a smirk. "I could use a good Clergyman."

She directed Akeno to move the girl's body to the floor and she began her preparation, holding the Evil Piece between her thumb and index finger. "Our good sister is about to be born again into the Underworld." Natsuki smirked at the born-again joke, finding it funnier than she should have.

Rias placed the Evil Piece in Asia's hands and manipulated them so that they were clasped, as if in prayer before beginning her chant. A magic circle appeared beneath the blonde and Rias' voice echoed with power.

"In the name of Rias Gremory, I call to the spirit of Asia Argento, hear my command. Return thine soul from the Shadows of Death to the Human Realm. Rise once more as my Devil servant! Rejoice, for you have been given new life. Wake as my Healer and Clergyman!" The Bishop Evil Piece dissolved into Asia's chest as Rias finished with a shout. Her magical power flared, flowing into the body of Asia, resurrecting her as the newest member of her Peerage.

"What now?" Issei asked impatiently. "Is she gonna wake up?"

Rias smiled at his enthusiasm. "Just wait a moment." Suddenly, the Sacred Gear that Asia held inside her soul flared with a green energy. Natsuki noticed that the healing magic felt almost soothing before it faded into her body. Her breathing was rough as she coughed before she opened her eyes, staring at the group.

"Huh?" Asia reacted with confusion, ignoring Issei's reaction of wonder at her resurrection. She held up the broken strap of her dress. She didn't want to expose herself in front of so many strangers. She turned to face Issei and a red-headed woman with long hair.

"From now on, you are her protector." Rias ordered Issei, as Asia reacted with surprise at the statement. Her gasp was quiet, still not used to being alive again after knowing she had died. "You are the senior Devil after all." Now that statement caused a sense of shock to flow through the blond-haired girl.

"Issei, um, what's going on?" Her weak voice stammered out, gasping in surprise as Issei wrapped her in a tight hug and began to cry tears of joy.

Natsuki smiled at the scene, she was happy at the boy's obvious joy that Asia was alive again. She was glad that Issei had had someone she cared about so fiercely back, she just hoped something like this would not happen again.


Within a black and empty void laid a beast of great and unmeasurable power, a dragon of gold, black, and white.

Unbeknownst to the group of devils it had watched the events of their battle under in perfect detail.

Hmm. I thought it would be sometime before we could truly converse with one another, but the day is steadfast approaching.

The dragon lifted its head as she watched her new wielder and her friends.

You are proving to be one of my more interesting possessors, Natsuki Sukehiro. Just how far will I go with you by my side?

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