The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

The Battle Begins! Gremory vs Phenex

The glowing light of the magic seal had disappeared revealing that the location of the battle was….

The Occult Research Clubroom?

"What the...?" Issei looked around in confusion. "We're still in the clubroom. Did the spell not work?"

"Greetings everyone." The familiar voice of a certain maid sounded from the speakers. "I am Grayfia, a servant of the Gremory Family. I have been charged with the honor of refereeing the match between Riser Phenex and Rias Gremory. Please note that my master, Sirzechs Lucifer-Sama, will also be observing this match. After taking in the opinions of both Riser-Sama and Rias-Sama, we have decided to use a replica of Kouh Academy, the school that Rias-Sama attends in the human world, as the battlefield."

"What does she mean by replica?" asked Issei.

"Take a look outside."

Issei looked at Rias oddly for a moment, but soon followed her advice, opening one of the shutters that kept the window closed.

What he saw would forever be engraved in his mind. The grounds of Kouh Academy looked the same as always. The beautifully crafted Western style building sat in the middle of a grassy field surrounded by a fence, lush trees, and more buildings. Everything looked exactly as it always had.

Except for one difference…

The sky was completely white. As far as the eye could see, stretching across for miles, was a pure white sky. It did not even look like a sky, just a blank canvas that God had forgotten to paint on when he made the world.

"That sky shows that we are in an alternate dimension created by Devils to host the Rating Game."

Natsuki whistled as she looked outside. "The fact that Devils can make another dimension so easily and make it look so realistic is pretty damn amazing."

"Both parties have now been transferred to their respective strongholds," Came Grayfia's voice once more. "Rias-Sama's team is in the Occult Research clubroom. Riser-Sama's team is in the Student Council room. To promote your Pawns, you will have to proceed to the opponent's stronghold."

"Natsuki," Rias grabbed the dark-haired Pawn's attention. She held out her hand, showing a small ear bud resting on her palm. "This is a communicator. It will allow everyone to always stay connected.

"Thanks." Natsuki said as she put her hand in hers. It lingered for a moment longer than necessary before she grabbed the communicator and put it in her ear.

"So, all I need to do in order to get promoted to Queen is enter the school," Issei pounded a fist into his open palm. "Then I can become the strongest piece in the game!" He was ready for this. After all the training he had been through, there was no way he could lose now. This was my moment! My time to shine! Just you wait, harem, Hyoudou Issei is coming!

"Ara, ara, you make it sound so simple." Akeno said.

Natsuki responded to Issei's words much more bluntly than Akeno. She smacked the boy in the back of the head, causing the poor pervert to nearly fall flat on his face as he stumbled forwards.


"Don't think it will be that easy, Ise," Nasuki chided. "You have to remember that in order to get to the school, we will more than likely have to go through at least several of the douchebag's servants, each of which will most likely be a Bishop, Knight, or Rook and they'll be guarding against any intrusion."

"You also have to remember that Riser's Pawns will also be trying to enter our territory," Kiba added. "And seeing that Riser's got a full set, it means we'll have to deal with eight Pawns as opposed to our two, that is something he'll take advantage of."

"Ugh," a cloud of depression formed around Issei. Asia took a weary step back as the darkness seemed to grow. "I see your point."

"Don't worry too much, Rias-Buchou has a plan for dealing with the douche's harem." Natsuki said, ignoring the way Issei began crying at the mention of Riser's harem. "Have a little faith in her just like she does in you, alright?"

At the mention of their leader, everyone turned to Rias, who had taken to sitting behind the desk.

"Our first task will be to take out Riser's Pawns," she told them. "He has eight of them, and it will be problematic if he manages to promote one of them, much less all eight of them, into Queens."

"You seem awfully calm about all this..." Issei mumbled, obviously not seeing how someone could stay so calm when they were on the cusp of a battle that would determine more than just who won and who lost. Rias was fighting with her hand in marriage on the line. How could anyone be calm with that kind of pressure on them?

"The battle has just started," Rias said, sipping at a cup of tea that Akeno had prepared for her. "Rating Games like these tend to take a long time. There is no point in worrying right now when we have only just begun."

As she spoke, Natsuki walked up to the desk and placed a sheet of paper, which displayed a map of the school, on it. It was an overly simplistic map, using different colored blocks to represent sections of the academy.

"The enemy base is the school building," Rias began, pointing out the large block that represented the building in question. She then began moving her finger across the board until it was pointing at a patch of yellow. "Going through the quad is the fastest route to get there, however..."

"It's in clear view of the school." Koneko pointed out.

"Yes," Rias nodded. "And because of that, the risks are far too great to go through there."

"Then maybe we should go through the track and field grounds behind the building?" Issei suggested.

"A good idea, but one our enemy is likely expecting." Natsuki said. "I wouldn't be all that surprised if they stationed both Knights and Rooks at that clubhouse right there." She pointed towards the orange block with the word clubhouse written on it.

"Natsuki-chan brings up a good point," Akeno sounded a lot more serious than usual. "That's a very obvious first move. We would be walking into a trap."

"Buchou," Kiba got everyone's attention. "Could we get closer to the school by going through the Gymnasium. Perhaps we should head there first?" His index finger landed on the two purple squares that had the word Gymnasium written inside of them. "It's close to our base, and at the same time, we can gather more information on our enemy."

"Information is something we'll need if we want to have any hope of fleshing out a plan." Natsuki spoke.

Rias considered all the thoughts being given to her. "In chess terms, the Gym is at the center of the board. The first side who takes control of it will certainly have an advantage." She leaned over the desk. "It's decided then. However, I think a powerful Rook, rather than an agile Knight, would be best suited for this task."

"In an enclosed space, a heavy hitter will have an advantage." Natsuki agreed.

"Right, Koneko and one other Pawn should go to the gym. I think you should go with Koneko, Nats-"

"I'll go to the gym." Issei said, cutting off Rias.

Rias herself blinked, staring at Issei for a few seconds, "Are you sure Ise?"

"Yes, Buchou, I'm sure. I'll be the one to handle the servants in the gym."

Natsuki raised an eyebrow; she had no problem with Issei going instead of her, but she was confused as to why the boy was so adamant about it.

It is because he feels inferior to you. Lux's voice rang out in her head.

Inferior? Natsuki asked.

Yes, inferior. Issei believes that he is falling behind as you both became Devils and Pawns at the same time, but you are showing more improvement. He wants to prove that he is not a burden to you and the others.

Natsuki thought about this before speaking, "It's fine Rias-buchou, the plan still works even if Issei goes instead of me. I'll go with Kiba."

Natsuki's agreement went unheard as when she turned around, Issei was crying tears of joy as his head rested on Rias' lap while Asia watched on in jealousy from the side.

"What the fuck…" Natsuki said, confused by the scene in front of her.

"I'm removing the seal I place on Issei the night I turned you both into Devils." Rias said, as if that was an answer.

"What seal?" Natsuki and Issei asked.

"When I first revived you Issei, your body wasn't able to handle the power of your Scared Gear and the four Pawn pieces at the same time. So, I broke down your power into multiple tiers and sealed them off. I'm unlocking one of them now."

"So, this is why I feel stronger." Issei said, before his expression became perverted once more. "I'm going to win this for you Buchou!... I wonder what other ways my power can be unlocked."

"You're not going to do that to me right?" Natsuki asked, the idea of resting her head on Rias' thighs to unlock her power made her uncomfortable.

I think I would rather maintain the power I have now if that's the case.

Rias locked eyes with Natsuki, "No, I won't be doing this for you, Natsuki. I don't know why but for some reason sealing your power wasn't necessary when I revived you."

Rias didn't need to seal my power. But why? Do you know, Lux?

Natsuki's head was silent as she was given no response from the dragon. She was about to try again when Rias said they needed to head to their locations as they were making their move.

So, this is it, the battle is finally beginning…


Grayfia's voice then rang throughout the battlefield. "Game Start!" Soon Issei and Koneko sprinted off together through the fog and towards the gym.

"Phase One," Rias had told them, "is to immediately gain control of the middle of the Board. Tonight, that is the gym building. Issei, Koneko, the two of you will take it and defeat anyone Riser sends. Riser won't send much so it should be an easy task. Akeno, Kiba, and Natsuki will run defense. Riser will undoubtedly try to sneak some Pawns through for an easy Promotion."

Issei ran right alongside Koneko. Before the training trip, Koneko had been faster than him. Now, he ran with her without getting winded at all. He smiled proudly. A sign of his growth. It didn't take them long to get to the gym. They burst through the doors but saw no one first...

"We know you're there, servants of Gremory! We watched you come inside." The voice of a woman spoke out before the lights turned on revealing four female Devils standing at the center of the basketball court.

"One Rook and three Pawns... please take care of the Pawns Issei-senpai, the Rook is mine." Koneko said, tightening her gloves.

"You bet! [Boosted Gear] on standby!" Issei yelled as his Sacred Gear boosted.

Rias's voice buzzed in the earpieces, "Xuelan, Mira, Ile, and Nel. Xuelan is one of Riser's Rooks and the rest a single-piece Pawns. Riser is underestimating us, show him how foolish he is my cute servants!" The Peerage could hear the smile in her tone.

"Hai, Buchou!" Issei and Koneko acknowledged their master.

Issei quickly took stock of his oppenents, he hadn't paid much attention when Rias had explained their abilities. He didn't need to, he already had his trump card over each one of them, the power he had been working on since their training camp started.

"Wait Koneko, I got this!" Issei exclaimed.

"Issei-senpai, take this seriously." Koneko deadpanned.

"Don't you trust me Koneko-chan?"


Issei hung his head in sadness, "But Koneko! I have a super-secret weapon I developed just for this! Please just let me try it out!" Issei held his hands in front of him, begging the girl to let him try his new attack.

Finally, Natsuki ended the begging when she chimed in through the communicator. "Koneko, just let him try it out. Worst case scenario it doesn't work, and you can kick his ass. Best case you end the fight quickly. Let's just not any more waste time arguing about it."

Koneko sighed, "Okay."

"Yosh! Thanks, Natsuki!" Issei said before he moved his fingers lecherously. "All I need to do is touch them."

Mira soon got tired of watching the two Gremory Devils talk, leaping across the gym as engulfed her staff in flames, "Don't act so confident! We're going to make short work of you two, Hyoudou!"

The other three moved forward as well, preparing to attack only for Issei to quickly run between them, tapping all four of them with his hand. Although the pervert also took the opportunity to tap them on the ass and causing them to gasp out in shock.

He then stepped back dramatically, "Now for my super-secret technique, Dress Break!" He spun around and landed on one knee, snapping his fingers.

It was like an invisible pair of scissors had attacked them, every single piece of clothing on Xuelan, Mira, Ile, and Nel had been shredded into nothing, leaving the four of them completely naked.

The four Devils had shrieked in shock, their faces red from embarrassment. The twins hugged each other to cover up as much of their bodies from prying eyes. Mira squatted down, hugging her knees to her chest and Xuelan remained standing trying to cover her breasts and womanhood with her hands.

Blood sprayed from Issei's nose like a faucet as he held his hands up in victory. "Yes! How's that?! This is my new technique! Dress Break! I've spent all my energy in making a technique that will give me all the naked girls I want!"

There was complete and udder silence from the communicator. Koneko had the blankest expression Issei had ever seen from her, but he didn't care. Now I can get back at all the people who beat me and called me scum for peeping! The possibilities are endless!

"Scum." Koneko said, finally breaking her silence.

"Pervert!" Yelled the twins.

"Freak!" Mira screamed.

"Disgusting piece of trash!" Xuelan finished.

But Issei didn't care, proud of the ability he made, "Haha it really is-"

Rias interrupted him, "Koneko please... end it. They may be Riser's servants but even they don't deserve this. And Issei, you and I will be having a long, long talk about this Dress Break." The sharp coldness in her words was evident, causing the Pawn to wilt.

"Hai, Buchou." Koneko walked over to the Devils, knocking each of them out with one punch.

All four bodies were soon enveloped in a bright green light before they all disappeared. Grayfia voice soon rang out once again, "Riser Phenex-Sama. One Rook and three Pawns retired. Unable to continue."

"Wait, so the new technique that you wouldn't stop talking about, was stripping people of their clothes?" Natsuki asked through the communicator once Grayfia was done with her announcement. She was confused about how Issei's Dress Break was supposed to be powerful.

"Don't speak about it so plainly Natsuki! It's the ultimate attack!" Issei proclaimed.

"Does it injure your opponent?"

"Nope, just reveals the beauty of the female form!"

"Does it work on men?"

Issei's face took on a disgusted expression, "Of course not! Who would want to see another dude's package?! This is just for breasts!"

"Stripping a person wouldn't keep them from fighting, so it's useless."

Issei was taken aback by the statement, "Wait Natsuki, are you saying that you would still fight even while naked?!"

"Yes, if anything being stripped would just make me want to kick that pervert's ass even more."

Issei was about to reply when Natsuki cut him off, "Also I remember you and Asia sneaking off in the night during training. I'm assuming that you tested your ability on her, right?"

Issei scratched the back of his head, "Uh, yeah?"

"Try that on any member of the Peerage again and I will beat you into the ground, Issei." Natsuki's voice took on a darker tone, causing shivers to run down everyone's backs.

"Go-got it!" The other Pawn replied, scared of the threat that was thrown at him.

"Anyway, well done winning the gym even if the methods were... unconventional." Rias spoke, breaking the tension that Natsuki created.

"Oh yeah! High five Koneko!" Issei said while raising his hand in front of him.

Koneko gave him a harsh glare, "Touch me Issei-san and I will crush you." Purposing not calling him 'senpai,' as she was disgusted by his previous actions.

Issei slumped, "Come one Koneko I-"

"Guys! Get out of the gym!" Natsuki yelled through the earpiece.

That's when Issei felt it, his senses screaming out for him to run.



Issei looked up and saw that the roof had exploded, and debris was falling towards them. Instinctually Issei raised his arm up and the [Boosted Gear] exclaimed, 'Explosion' releasing a powerful green blast that blew apart the falling wreckage.

The jewel on his gauntlet became dull as Issei looked around and saw that the gym had been destroyed. Issei and Koneko then looked up, seeing a purple figure floating above them.

Natsuki suddenly appeared next to the pair, "Are you guys alright? I tried to warn you when I felt her energy nearby, but I was too late." The dark-haired Pawn ran as fast as she could to the gym once Kiba told her that he would be okay by himself until she returned.

"Hai." Koneko replied.

"Yeah, we're good. I don't know how, but I sensed it too and my gear reacted before I knew what was going on." Issei said.

Rias released a sigh of relief; "You three need to get out of there now. Riser is clearly pissed as he sent Yubelluna out much sooner than expected. Let Akeno handle her, you guys need to meet Kiba at the athletic fields."

Akeno then flew into sight and to say she was angry would be an understatement. She was downright furious, the typically easy-going and teasing smile was nowhere to be found as she was dressed in her Thunder Priestess outfit, staring her fellow Queen down.

A thunderclap then boomed, and Akeno was surrounded in crackling lightning while Yubelluna had a dark purple aura coming off her body.

"Let's go guys, Akeno-senpai can handle herself." Issei stated as he turned away from the battle about to take place. Queen vs Queen, both of whom are the strongest players on the field after their Kings. He shuddered a bit at the thought.

Koneko watched the two, a look of genuine anger crossed her face over what Yubelluna tried to do them before she took a breath and followed Issei out of the ruins, leaving Natsuki by herself.

Grayfia voice overtook all sound, even drowning out the thunder. "Riser Phenex-sama. Three Pawns retired. Unable to continue."

"And that would be Kiba." Rias said. "Natsuki? Natsuki, you need to get going."

Natsuki sighed before cupping her hands in front of her mouth, gaining the attention of the two Queens. "Akeno! Akeno, remember what you've got to do!"

Akeno looked down at Natsuki and for the first time since she appeared in the sky, she smiled. "Of course, not Natsuki-chan!" And she subconsciously touched her pocket, "Just trust in me!"

Natsuki and Akeno stared at each other for a few seconds before the Pawn broke the moment by turning and walking away. "Just don't lose Akeno. We're trusting you to beat this bitch... I'm trusting you." She whispered the last part to herself and leaving the area, unaware of the fact that the Lighting Priestess had heard her.

"How pathetic, that worthless insect thinking you have a chance in beating me." Yubelluna said, pulling Akeno's attention away from where Natsuki's figure disappeared into the trees.

Akeno stared at Yubelluna, giggling sadistically as lightning danced between her fingers. "You're going to regret running your mouth, Bomb Queen."

"We shall see Priestess of Thunder." Yubelluna shot back with her own sadistic grin.


The Priestess of Thunder and the Bomb Queen had begun their bloody battle.

"You're going to-" Yubelluna was cut off as a massive bolt of lightning came falling from the sky, striking the Bomb Queen and blasting her into the ground below. She barreled through the dirt for several moments before finally stopping.

Yubelluna slowly pulled herself out of the crater she was in, staring at Akeno. Her fellow Queen was looking at her with nothing but anger. "Don't you know its rude to cut someone off?"

Akeno smirked, "Is that so? How about I give you an apology!" Akeno summoned several balls of electricity, sending them hurdling at Yubelluna.

Yubelluna countered this by using her demonic power to create her signature explosions, dissipating the electricity flying at her.

This song and dance went on for several minutes and Akeno knew she needed to use her other side if she wanted to come out on top.

"Holy Lightning!" The Queen cried out.

A giant magic circle formed in the sky, releasing Akeno's largest bolt of lightning. The electricity enveloped Yubelluna's entire body and once again threw the Devil to the ground. Yubelluna's impact completely obliterating what was left of the gym.

Akeno slowly hovered over the crater, looking down it and breathing heavily. She may have been tired, but she succeeded in taking down the other Queen.

So why hasn't Grayfia-sama announced her retirement? Akeno thought.

Akeno was unable to further think about it as Yubelluna burst from the crater, punching her in the face and sending her flying a couple of meters back. Akeno rubbed her cheek as she saw the vial in Yubelluna's hand.

Yubelluna smirked when she noticed where Akeno's attention was, "So you've noticed huh? Let me show you the true power of the Phenex!"

Yubelluna creates several large explosions on Akeno's body, leaving the Devil as a bloody mess. Her priestess outfit left in tatters as she fell to the ground.

"You had no chance of beating us. I fight for Riser-sama, his love fuels me." Yubelluna stated as she laughed at the other Queen.

Akeno slowly picked herself up, she could feel the bones she broke as she crashed into the ground. While her enemy was distracted, Akeno reached into her pocket and pulled out her own vial of Phenex Tears that Rias had given her. "Yo-you may fight for Riser, but I'm fighting for not just my master, but all of my friends!" The Queen yelled, drinking the tears, and feeling her power replenish and her injuries heal.

"That shouldn't be possible how did you-" Yubelluna screamed, shocked by her enemy's return to health.

Akeno smirked, "Your master's family shouldn't have made their tears a public product if they only wanted it to be used for themselves and their allies." She then threw away the vial and summoned her wings, meeting Yubelluna back in the skies.

"Shut your filthy mouth! You dare insult the great Phenex family?!" Yubelluna growled out, her purple aura once again covering her body.

Akeno smiled as her own aura covered her, "I already told you; I'm not going to lose here. I have a promise to keep!"

The two Queens then flew towards each other at breakneck speed, their attacks already drawn as they prepared for the second round of their battle.


Natsuki could still hear the tremendous explosions and thunderclaps coming from the battling Queens the further away she got.

After a few moments, the Pawn was able to catch up to Issei and Koneko and soon the three Devils made their way to the athletic fields. Eventually they saw Kiba waiting for them by the soccer field.

"I heard you guys did well, we've dealt them a lot of damage and haven't lost anyone yet." Kiba said once the three got close.

"Yeah, we've kicked their asses!" Issei declared.

"Issei-senpai is a disgusting pervert." Koneko stated, causing Natsuki to snicker when Issei's face fell.

Natsuki soon composed herself and took charge, "Yeah, yeah Issei is the scum of the earth, but we still got a job to do. Riser still has himself, his Queen, and 7 other servants left."


Issei raised his hand up to the sky, "Hell yeah, we've got this! Let's go!" Natsuki then had to grab his collar to keep her fellow Pawn from running off without them.

The four Devils then took off and after a few minutes they came across the remaining seven Devils of Riser's Peerage.

One of the younger girls stepped forward once she noticed them. She had the most distinguishing features with her blonde hair put in drill like twin tails and she had large feather like extensions on her back that resembled the tail of a bird.

"How dare you peasants harm Onii-sama's ladies?! We're going to make sure you live to regret it!" The girl told them.

"Onii-sama?" Issei asked.

"She's Riser's sister. I think Rias said her name was Ravel." Natsuki answered.

"Sister?! HE GOT THE LITTLE SISTER ARCHETYPE FOR HIS HAREM WITH HIS ACTUAL LITTLE SISTER!" Issei yelled, tears falling down his face as his jealousy rose to the surface once more. Natsuki slapped her own forehead, Koneko gave him a disgusted look, and Kiba just chuckled nervously.

Ravel's eye twitched as her face became red with anger, "I'm not a part of his harem! I'm just here to be his Bishop!"

"By being in his harem." Issei spoke up again, unintentionally make the Bishop even angrier.

A pair of fire wings sprouted from the girl's back and she flew into the air. "Everyone, take care of them! Beat them into the ground! Leave no trace of them!" Ravel barked out.

The other 6 servants stepped forward. The twin cat girls Ni and Li ran towards Koneko, the Rook had dodged Ni and sent Li flying away with a single punch. Ni darted after her twin and Koneko chased after them.

Kiba was facing off against the swordswoman and Knight, Karlamine. He was wielding two black and blue swords, skillfully parrying and blocking each strike that was sent his way.

Natsuki was fighting against the other swordswoman and Knight, Siris and the second Bishop, Mihae. The Pawn was able to evade the strikes coming her way and using her Sacred Gear to absorb the shock waves and the energy beams the Knight and Bishop were creating.

This left Issei to face off against the masked Rook, Isabela. She had slammed her fist down, splitting the ground and forcing Issei to jump up into the air to avoid getting caught in attack. Once he landed Isabela sped towards him with her fist encased in flames. Issei had raised his own arms up to block the strike.

"Issei, duck!" Natsuki yelled.

Issei didn't have time to question it as he quickly dropped to the ground. Just as he looked up, he saw that Siris and Mihae had been sent flying by his friend and crashed into Isabela, sending the three hurtling into a nearby tree and knocking it over from the impact.

"Thanks, Natsuki!" Issei said as he ran over to the Pawn.

Just as she was about to respond, Kiba had sent his own opponent flying in the direction of her Peerage mates. Even Koneko did so as well, dropping the twins on the ground near the broken tree as she made her way over to the others.

This proved to not be enough as the six Devils slowly picked themselves off the floor, once again preparing to attack.

"Issei, Kiba. Remember what you guys worked on?" Natsuki asked.

Issei gave the girl a wide grin, "Of course Natsuki!" He activated his [Boosted Gear's] Transfer ability, pointing his arm at Kiba. "Boosted Gear Gift!"

A green aura soon overtook Kiba's body, and he embedded his sword into the ground, "[Sword Birth]!"

Over a thousand steel swords came into existence, popping out from every part of the forest. The six servants were impaled, with blades all over their bodies, making them look more like shish kabobs than Devils.

The same glowing light from before appeared taking the Devils off the battlefield, Grayfia announcing their retirement from the game and leaving only Ravel left.

"No way... they... they beat them all?" The Bishop asked herself, looking down form above and seeing the carnage the Gremory Devils left in their wake.

"Riser Phenex-sama. Queen, retired. Unable to continue." Grayfia's voice broke out and a few moments later she said, "Rias Gremory-sama. Queen, retired. Unable to continue."

The four Devils all froze at the news. "Akeno-senpai lost?" Issei couldn't believe that Akeno, their Queen, had been beaten.

"No, she didn't, she won." Natsuki answered.

"What are you taking about Natsuki-chan? You heard Grayfia-sama, she ann-" Kiba stated.

"Grayfia called Yubelluna retiring first. Not to mention Rias-buchou gave Akeno Phenex Tears before the game started. My guess is that Akeno and Yubelluna both used them and continued fighting. Yubelluna fell first and Akeno shortly after." The Pawn didn't want to admit the other reason she was so confident is because Akeno promised her that she would win. To trust in her.

Thanks, Akeno. We're not going to let you down; you helped us greatly by taking Yubelluna down. So just leave the rest to us, Senpai! Natsuki thought, clenching her fist as she made her own promise to her fallen Queen.

"Don't get so cocky! Yubelluna may be gone but she still got rid of your useless Queen! Now Riser's going to get rid of all of you! I can't wait to see my brother teach that whore Gremory her place!" Ravel yelled at them, but it was hard to take seriously as her body was shaking as she spoke and was partially hiding behind the crown of a tree.

Well, it was hard to take seriously for Natsuki, her Peerage mates were a different story.

Issei and Koneko glared at the girl and Kiba could no longer take the Bishop's insults, raising his sword and charging at her.

"Wait Kiba! She's not fighting back!" Natsuki yelled, she knew they had to win but striking down a defenseless person didn't sit right with her.

Before Kiba could reach Ravel, a giant fireball came down and exploded where Kiba stood. Once the smoke cleared, Kiba was shakily standing, his entire body burnt to a crisp, steam wafting of the hunk of charcoal that was once Kiba Yuuto.

The Knight fell to the ground, his body enveloped in green as he soon disappeared. "Rias Gremory-sama. Knight, retired. Unable to continue."

"Kiba!" The remaining members of the Peerage cried out.


Riser Phenex was done messing around. He was going to destroy every single one of these lowborn Devils.


During her servants' battles, Rias and Asia had made their way towards the top of the school building in order to draw out Riser.

Her plan worked as Riser heeded her call and soon the two Pure Bloods were staring each other down. Rias' face was blank and emotionless, giving nothing away and Riser's was smug and arrogant, fully believe that this game was already won and lost.

"Honestly Rias, I didn't expect you to take the King vs King route. Especially since you aren't that much of a fighter. Don't you think this is a bit reckless of you, my beloved." Riser spoke, his face showed cockiness, but deep inside anger filled him.

Riser had already lost 7 members of his Peerage and the rest were fight tooth and nail against Rias'. This should have been the part where Rias felt discouraged and given up. But the Devil across from him continued to look confident.

No matter. Riser has more experience, Riser has won every game Riser has fought in, Riser only lost because the families Riser fought are close to Riser. Riser is a proud member of the Phenex family, Riser won't lose to lesser Devils. The Devil thought.

Rias ignored his taunt, sending another wave of destruction Riser's way. It destroyed part of the roof and even cut off Riser's arm, only for the Devil to regenerate the lost limb a few moments later.

Riser simply laughed and sent a fireball her way, the Gremory heir was able to block most of it with her own magic, but part of the flames broke through, burning her hands.

"Buchou-san!" Asia cried out before bringing her hands up, using her Sacred Gear to heal her master's injuries.

"Don't you see how pointless this is Rias? Riser can continue to heal forever, but eventually your Bishop will grow weak, and her Gear will fail. Where will you be then?" Riser spoke, laughing smugly as he did so. "Although Riser supposes Riser's servants will beat yours long before that happens."

"Riser Phenex-sama. Two Knights, two Pawns, one Rook, and one Bishop retired. Unable to continue." Grayfia called out.

"Your servants will beat mine, huh?" Rias said in a mocking tone, her lips curling into a smirk.

Riser scoffed, summoning fire to his hands. "It doesn't matter. Yubelluna will simply have to deal with that trash on her own!"

"Riser Phenex-sama. Queen, retired. Unable to continue." Grayfia spoke once more, Rias smiled smugly at Riser before it quickly fell with Grayfia's next announcement. "Rias Gremory-sama. Queen, retired. Unable to continue."

"Akeno/Yubelluna lost!" Both Kings cried out.

"No that shouldn't be possible! How could Yubelluna lose to that bitch?!" Riser screamed, the fire surrounding him growing in tune with his growing anger as now only himself and one single piece were left.

Akeno has been eliminated, even giving her the Phenex Tears wasn't enough to change the outcome. Rias thought to herself. At least Akeno managed to get rid of Yubelluna, the rest of us will just have to manage without, we still hold the advantage in terms of numbers.

"Akeno-senpai has been eliminated?" Asia asked, tears coming to the surface as she thought about how hurt her friend could be.

"It's okay Asia. Everyone that gets eliminated is sent to healers that will take care of their injuries." Rias said to placate her Bishop.

"Wait Kiba! She's not fighting back!" A voice cried out. The three devils looked across the forest and saw that the voice belonged to Natsuki and that the Pawn was speaking to Kiba who was charging at Ravel Phenex with his sword drawn to strike the cowering young girl down.

Rias was about to speak out as well, but stopped when she felt an immense burst of heat coming from across the roof. She saw that Riser his entire side of the roof were engulfed in flames. The Devil then pointed his hand at the Knight, a giant fireball flying from his palm and hitting Kiba directly.

"Kiba!" Rias and Asia screamed.

"Rias Gremory-sama. Knight, retired. Unable to continue."

"YOU DARE TRY AND HURT RAVEL?!" Riser screamed before jumping off the roof and flying towards the three Gremory Devils and his sister like a flaming bullet.

Natsuki, Issei, and Koneko were still in shock over the brutality of Kiba's elimination, when the Knight's attacker landed in front of them. The ground had cratered beneath his feet and the trees exploded in flames from the intense heat coming from Riser's body.

"Onii-sama!" Ravel shouted; she too was shocked at her brother's action. She had never seen her brother so angry in all her life and part of her was genuinely worried about the fate of the Gremory Peerage after seeing what he did to the Knight.

"Ravel, stay out of this. I need to teach these peons what happens when they dare to harm a Phenex." Riser spoke in an eerily calm tone, not even looking at his sister as he was solely focused on the Devils standing in front of him.

"O-okay, Onii-sama." Ravel agreed before flying up. She was now over a hundred feet in the air, far enough away from her brother's rage.

"This is so not good." Natsuki whispered to the others, she knew that Riser was already angry about the rest of his Peerage but now that his sister was almost hurt, the King was done holding back. "We've got to get to the student council office. Right now."

Issei snapped his head towards the other Pawn, "You want us to run away?!" How can she want us to run?! Don't tell me she's scared?!

"Of course, I don't want to run, but you saw what Riser just did to Kiba. We need to get to the student council office so we can promote to Queen if we want to stand any chance against him." Natsuki argued.

"Natsuki-senpai is right. He will just eliminate us and Rias-buchou and Asia-senpai will be left alone with him." Koneko said, trying to convince Issei of the smarter plan of action.

Issei gritted his teeth. They're right. We don't stand any chance against him right now. We need to promote so we can help Rias-buchou take this fucker down!

"Alright let's go!" Issei said, and the three soon took off running towards the school building to promote and meet up with Rias and Asia.

"Where do think you are going?! You can't just attack my sister and run away!" Riser yelled, flying after them and blasting torrents of fire from his hands.

The Gremory Devils scrambled to dodge the flames, still running towards the school as they did.

Just as they reached the entrance, Riser suddenly dropped down from the sky, grabbing the back of Koneko's head and slamming the Rook into the ground. The force of the strike was strong enough to blow the two Pawns back a few feet.

"Koneko!" the Gremory Devils yelled. A green glow appeared from underneath Riser and Koneko was gone.

"Rias Gremory-sama. Rook, retired. Unable to continue."

"Ha, just as Riser thought you all really are weak. Your pathetic Queen must have pulled some sort of trick to beat Yubelluna, that's the only explanation." Riser said, looking up at Rias as he arrogantly walked out of the hole he made with Koneko's body.

Natsuki and Issei were livid when they heard Riser speak ill of their friends, both Pawns glaring at the Pure blood Devil, but Riser paid them no mind as he continued to smirk at Rias.

"How dare you?!" Rias yelled and she then jumped off the roof, Asia following suit, and both floated down, landing in front of the Pawns.

"Riser just speaks the truth. You all are so laughably weak, but don't worry my beloved, once Riser is done teaching your servants about the greatness of Riser Phenex you'll never have to fight again. The wife of Riser will have no need to." Riser said, striking a pose to show off his so-called greatness.

"You bastard!" Issei yelled flying at Riser with his hand raised in a fist with the intent to punch the smug Devil. This failed as Riser caught the punch and delivered one of his own to Issei's stomach, sending the brown-haired Pawn flying back towards his Peerage.

Natsuki jumped into the air catching Issei and placing him on the ground. "Issei! Are you okay?"

"Urggh!" Issei cried out holding his stomach.

"Issei!" Asia cried, moving from Rias' side and going over to use her Sacred Gear on the boy.

"Oh no you don't!" Riser yelled, flying at Asia his fist was raised and just as he was about to strike her, Natsuki jumped in front of the Bishop. The force of the strike sent the girl flying into the school building, her body smashing through the walls and appearing on the side.

"Natsuki!" Rias and Asia yelled.

Issei looked on in horror when Riser flew at Asia only for Natsuki to take the blow, being sent flying away in the process. The fear in him soon turned to rage when he heard Riser laugh and prepare to try and strike Asia again.

[Boost]! His Sacred Gear cried out.

The Pawn jumped to his feet and punched Riser, knocking a Pure blood back a few yards.

At first Issei was confident he was making a comeback, only for him to vomit a torrent of blood.

"Issei!" Rias and Asia appeared behind him calling out to the boy, but the Pawn was now lost within his own mind.


Issei soon found himself, naked as the day he was born in the middle of a white void.

"As you are, you will never become stronger." A voice called out.

"Huh?! Whose there?!" Suddenly a large black shadow appeared before him and spoke once more. "You are a unique being within whom a dragon dwells. So, stop failing miserably. I will never hear the end of it from that 'White Bastard,' I can even feel Aureum looking down on me from within her own partner."

"You're that dragon from my dream! Did you give me that power-up before?" Issei asked.

"Yes, your desire is my desire, the 'White Bastard's' too. That's why I helped you evolve to the next level."

Issei looked down at the ground, "But it wasn't enough, even with your help I wasn't strong enough to beat Riser... I'm still just a useless burden to everyone."

"You are right the power I gave you wasn't enough but there is a way to make you even stronger."

Issei's head snapped towards the dragon, "Even stronger?! So, let's do it, give me your power, O' mighty dragon!"

The dragon shadow soon took on his true form, a large red dragon that caused Issei to step back at the sudden change. "My power will make you stronger, but it will only be temporary. It will also come at a price."

"A price?"

"Your left arm. It will become that of a dragon, transformed forever more. Once you agree it can never be undone. Are you sure you still want my power?"

Issei didn't hesitate, "Do it! Take my arm, I don't care! So long as it gives me the power to protect Rias and my friends, I'll sacrifice my entire body!"

The dragon gave the boy a fierce grin, "Now that is what I expect from my partner! The name is Ddraig, you best remember it." A glowing light soon enveloped Issei's arm.

"Remember the power I have given will only last for about a minute as your body won't be able to handle anymore. Now, demonstrate the power of a dragon to those who have mocked you." And with that, Issei was ejected from the void.


Despite the conversation that had taken place, no time had passed in the real world when Issei was brought back to his body. He pushed himself away from the others and yelled "Shine on, Over boost! Welsh Dragon Over booster!"

His [Boosted Gear] glowed covering the Pawn in his balance breaker, [Scale Mail].

Rias and Asia gasped in shock; the King was unable to believe that her Pawn had reached his balance breaker. "You- you unlocked your balance breaker?"

"It's no matter if you unlocked a new power. Riser will still turn you to ash, Red Dragon Emperor!" Riser proclaimed, flying at the armored teen with flame covered fists.

"I won't let you win, you fucking fire chicken! Rias doesn't belong to you! Besides Rias-bouchou's virginity is MINE!" Issei stated, oblivious to the blush that overtook Rias' face at his bold statement.

You now have 40 seconds. Any longer and your body will be finished. Ddraig said inside Issei's head.

"Thats more than enough to beat this chump into the ground!" Issei said, firing a massive energy blast at the Devil.

Riser dodges the blast, but was taken off guard when Issei flew at him faster than he could keep track of, delivering a devastating punch to his stomach and leaving a gaping hole in it and sending Riser flying into the school.

Issei continued his assault by flying down and using his claws to tear off one of Riser's arms. Even going as far as to smack the Devil with his own torn appendage, knocking Riser back into the courtyard.

Issei flew back at Riser in order to continue beating the Phenex into submission when the jewel on his gauntlet released a glow. Once it dissipated Issei still had his [Boosted Gear] activated but was no longer in his balance breaker.

"Ddraig! That wasn't a minute! Wasn't my sacrifice enough?!" Issei exclaimed while looking down at his gauntlet.

"Your sacrifice was quiet enough. What was insufficient were your own basic abilities. You need more training." Ddraig's voice spoke from the Gear.

Issei despaired, "You're telling me all that training I did this past two weeks still wasn't enough?!"

Before Ddraig could answer him, Riser appeared from behind grabbing the Pawn by his neck and raising him off the ground.

"You know Riser never imagined you'd get this far, boy. If you had one more year- no, six months even you could have made the dragon's power your own and beaten Riser soundly." Riser proclaimed, tightening the grip he had on Issei's neck.

"Hmm? Don't despair, When Rias and Riser marry Riser might give you the benefit of being trained by Riser personally. Riser will make you a powerful Devil."

"Shut... up... sto-p patron-izing me!" Issei said.

"Ha, it seems this dog still needs to be disciplined!"

Riser the raised his other hand blasting Issei with a massive beam of fire point blank, releasing Issei from his grasp and sending him into the ground near Rias' feet.

"Issei!" Asia ran towards the fallen Pawn, holding his burnt form to her chest, his body completely unrecognizable except for the Sacred Gear still on his arm.

"I'm sorry, partner." Ddraig voice spoke out. Hopefully, sis and her partner will be able to win.

Rias fell to her knees in front of the pair, staring at her Pawn in despair. Tears falling down her cheeks at the injuries and pain her Pawn was forced to endure just for her.

"Hold on Issei just let me-" suddenly a glowing light encompassed Issei's body.

"Rias Gremory-sama. One Pawn, retired. Unable to continue."

"Issei!" Asia cried, desperately rubbing the ground where Issei once laid as if it would bring him back into her arms.

Riser let out a triumphant laugh, "I told you that Riser would win! Now surrender Rias, before I do the same to your Bishop." A fireball formed in Riser's hand to strengthen his threat.

Rias' eyes flew to Asia for a second before she dropped her head in guilt and shame. "I Rias Gremory, surren-"

"Do not finish that sentence."


Just before Issei's short fight with Riser had begun, Natsuki had painfully pulled herself out of the wreckage she found herself in.

Once she made it out, she noticed that Riser had punched her all the way to the other side of the school, through the building and into the ground.

"Fucking hells that hurt. And I thought getting murdered was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life." Natsuki hissed. Her left arm was broken, her bones poking out from the open wounds along with her blood. The rest of her body was not fairing much better as it was covered in other abrasions and bruises.


The girl was removed from her thoughts when she felt the ground shake and saw pieces of the school break off. "What was that?"

"Ddraig. He has finally made his appearance to the boy." Lux's voice sounded off from her amulet.

"What do you mean? Is Ddraig the dragon inside of Issei's Gear?" Natsuki asked.

"Yes, Ddraig is the dragon within the [Boosted Gear]. The power you just felt was his, he no doubt gave it to your friend so he could achieve his balance breaker after a great sacrifice, but it has failed."

"What do you mean it failed?" Natsuki already knew about the balance breaker from her and Lux's talks. It was an evolved form of the Sacred Gear in which the user's full power would be released.

"The boy was not capable of using his balance breaker to its full potential because of this he was only able to maintain it for less than one minute. He needed far more training."

"Then that means Issei is going to lose. Riser will beat him." Natsuki said in despair.

"Yes, he will."

"Wait! You said that the reason it didn't work was because Issei didn't have the experience, right?" Natsuki asked.

"Yes, he was too much of a novice to use Ddraig's power to its fullest."

"That means the same thing will happen to me if I try it, right?"

"Yes, it will." Lux answered, not seeing where Natsuki was going with this.

"Then use me Lux!"


"You said it before that you and I share one body, right? You give me your power and I use it every time I do anything magical. But if I give you full control of my body then we can overwrite the experience issue since you're a dragon that's been alive for thousands of years! This way the balance breaker will last more than a minute!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"It could work-"

"Then let's do it Lux!" Natsuki said, cutting the dragon off.

"I said it could work! Natsuki, if we do this not only could your consciousness be lost within the recesses of your mind forever, but the strain of me using your body would most likely kill you!" Lux yelled, hoping that her golden champion would see reason and not go through with such an idea.

Natsuki was still for a moment before quietly speaking, "Lux, I know you're looking out for me and I-I love you for it, but I need to do this. My Peerage, my friends, the only ones I've ever had need me. I can't let them fall into Riser's slimy hands, so please even in if it kills me, let me do this for them."


"Rias Gremory-sama. One Pawn, retired. Unable to continue." Grayfia's voice shattering the quiet pause between the two partners.

"Please, Lux." Natsuki begged once more, her face full of sorrow and pain as she heard of Issei's retirement, guilt eating away at her being unable to defend Issei from Riser.

Lux sighed, knowing there was nothing she could do to change her partner's mind. "Fine, Natsuki. But remember the warning I gave you. You better not lose yourself."

Natsuki smiled, "I promise I won't. Thank you, Lux."

The she-dragon scoffed, "Thank me after we clip that pathetic bird's wings."

Natsuki just shook her head in assument before crying out, "Go Yellow Dragon! Heavenly Absorption!"

Soon a glowing golden light overtook the girl's form and when it vanished Natsuki's balance breaker, [Scale Mail] had formed. Golden armor with several white jewels, the biggest of which was the one at the center of her chest and a pair of rocket thrusters formed at the bottom of feet to increase her speed and flight.

"We have done it, Natsuki." Lux voiced, speaking through Natsuki's mouth as the girl was no longer in control of them.

Unlike before, Lux could not hear her champion's thoughts, but was still able to feel her presence, signifying that Natsuki was still there, not lost to her mind. Yet.

"Damn it." The dragon uncharacteristically cursed. "Hang in there, Natsuki. Just let me deal with the bird and you will be back in control. Just hold on until then."

Lux released their retractable wings, shooting up into sky and heading towards the battle.


The other three Devils stared at the newcomer who had appeared before them. The golden figure stood next to Rias and Asia, taking the place where Issei once laid.

"Na-Natsuki!?" Rias exclaimed, "Is that you?"

"Close enough." Lux stated, ignoring the looks of confusion the King and Bishop threw at her because of her voice.

This doesn't sound like Natsuki, but at the same time it's definitely her. Rias thought.

"So, you're still here huh?" Riser spoke. "No matter, Riser is actually glad you are, Riser still has to pay you back for the comments you made about Riser!" The Devil then shot a beam of fire at the three.

Lux raised her hand, causing a golden shield to appear in front of her, absorbing the flames. As this was happening Lux turned towards Rias. "Give it to me."

Rias pulled her eyes away from the shield to stare at the dragon. "Give you what?"

Lux clicked her teeth, her body shaking as anger and annoyance clouded her vision. "Are you stupid, Devil? The vial of water! What else would I be asking you for?"

"Natsuki!" Asia said, shocked at how rude and angry the taller girl was acting towards Rias. Rias herself widen her eyes at her servant's tone."

Lux rolled her eyes, although this action went unnoticed thanks to the balance breaker's helm. "Honestly, I do not understand why Natsuki is willing to risk so much for you pathetic creatures."

Rias was at first confused by why Natsuki was referring to herself in the third person like her fiancée, but this along with the strange voice and unusual attitude made the realization click in her mind. "You're not Natsuki, are you? My guess is that you're the Golden Dragon." Rias said, her eyes narrowing at the dragon that somehow possessed her friend.

"Yes, I am the Golden Dragon."

"How did you-"

"Now is not the time for questions, Gremory. Just know that Natsuki has given me control of her body for the moment." Lux said, cutting the heiress off. "For some reason that I cannot understand, Natsuki desperately wants to save you. So, give me the vial and let me do what Natsuki has asked of me."

Rias released a sigh, the dragon was right, now wasn't the time for questions, but she would be getting the answers to them later. The young Devil then reached into her pocket and handed the vial to Lux.

Lux took the vial, clenching it in her hand and pulling down her shield once Riser's fire had stopped.

"Now allow me to show you the true power of a dragon, little boy."

Riser scoffed, "You show Riser, the power of a dragon? How ridic-" The devil was unable to finish his sentence as Lux used her blinding speed to close the distance between them, obliterating his head with a punch!

"ONII-SAMA!" Ravel cried out, horrified at the grisly sight. Her brother's body hit the floor as blood spilled onto the ground near the leftover remains of his head.

Fire shot out from the bloody stump that was his neck, His head reappearing perfectly intact once the flames were extinguished.

"Haha! Don't worry Ravel, Riser is-" Riser was cut off again when Lux punched him in the gut, the dragon embedding her fist inside, causing the man to cry out in pain when she twisted it.

"Do not get distracted little bird. Your beating is not finished yet." The gold dragon spoke in a calm, eerie tone.

"You fucking bitch!" Riser growled, waving his hand in front of him, sending a curved flame at the dragon above him.

Lux avoided the attack by backflipping a few feet away. It was then that Lux's mask broke off, revealing Natsuki's face. Everyone watching the fight noticed that the girl's eyes were no longer dark red but were yellow, her pupils slit like a dragon's. Lux was confused at first as she knew the attack didn't land, until cuts started forming on Natsuki's face and the dragon vomited blood, pain spreading throughout Natsuki's body.

It is already starting. Natsuki's body cannot handle my power and is breaking down. I must finish this quickly. Lux thought.

Riser shakily pulled himself onto his feet, fire forming in the hole in his midsection. Once the wound was healed, fire sprouted from the ground, creating a wall of flames behind him. "THAT'S IT! RISER IS DONE WITH THIS LIZARD BITCH! RISER WILL GIVE HIS ALL TO CRUSH YOU!" The third born son surrounded himself in fire and shooting himself at Lux, his speeding having greatly increased. Rias, Asia, and Ravel were unable to keep track of him and to them he suddenly appeared in front of Lux.

This was not the case for the dragon who simply raised her hand up, swatting him to the ground like he was a fly. The earth splintered and cracked at least seven yards outward from the two fighters due to the force of Lux's strike.

Lux then kneeled over Riser, using her claws to make gashes on his face and midsection. She then opened the vial and poured the water into the newly opened wounds.

"AAARRRGGHHHH!" Riser made his agony well-known as he let out a blood curdling scream. He desperately clawed at the dragon's arms trying to dislodge her, but Lux did not budge continuing to make wounds and pouring the water into them. Even going as far as to pour some into his mouth, making the poor Devil ingest the dangerous liquid.

"Holy Water. One of the few things that even you worthless birds cannot fight against. This makes me glad that you are supposedly immortal, it means I can keep going for as long as I want." Lux said as a sadistic smile formed her face, the various cuts and blood on it only served to make the dragon more terrifying.

"Oh, my God!" Asia said, ignoring the pain she felt at calling out God's name as she was horrified at the torture she was witnessing.

Rias herself knew what holy water could do to a Devil, but she wasn't expecting this... this brutality. And while she knew it wasn't Natsuki performing the act, a part of her couldn't help but be afraid of the dragon that lived within her.

"Le-leave Onii-sama alone! Please, Onii-sama just give up!" Ravel shouted as she landed a few feet away from the pair.

Lux let out a dark chuckle, "Little girl, your brother is not going to give up. He is the great Riser Phenex after all, nothing can harm him. So why would he lose to a lesser being, such as myself?"

Lux drew her attention back to the Devil beneath her, causing Riser to let out a whimper. Lux grinned again as she stood up, hand drawn in front of her as a black energy formed around it. "Do not worry Riser, once I obliterate your body, I will wait for you to reform good as new and start our fun all over again. And then again. And then again. Until I either get my full or the Phoenix finally takes its last flight. Would you not like that?"

The thought of continuing what felt like hours of torture over and over again is what finally broke Riser Phenex.

"I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER! PLEASE JUST STOP, I'M BEGING PLEASE! I RISER PHENEX SURRENDER!" The Devil screamed louder than he ever had in his life, crying to anyone who would listen and come and save him from this monster.

"Combatant Riser Phenex-sama has retired. The victor is Rias Gremory-sama." Grayfia announced as Riser and Ravel disappearing in beams of light.

Lux felt relieved before falling to the ground.

"Natsuki-san!" "Natsuki!" The dragon heard as she lay face front in the dirt, blood spilling from her eyes and mouth as the two Devils surrounded her on both sides.

Her Sacred Gear was glowing an intense bright golden color, the smell of brunt flesh wafting off the dragon.

There, I did it, Natsuki. I saved your master and her servants. Now keep your end of the bargain and come back to me, محاربي الشجاع. The Gold Dragon thought to herself as she closed her champion's eyes, drifting back to the darkness she had grown so accustomed to.

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