The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

Holy Swords, Part 1

Natsuki let out a yawn, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she walked down the street. The ORC was meeting at Issei's house as the clubhouse was being cleaned and because now Rias was living there.

She did not know why Rias wanted to live with him, his family, and Asia, but she shrugged it off.

Despite going to school that morning, Natsuki was taking her time heading to Issei's place.

Hopefully, this won't take too long, and I can go back home and take a nap. Hmm, Lux might be right about me becoming a delinquent…

After another five minutes of walking, Natsuki finally found herself on the Hyoudou's front porch. Just before she could knock, the door swung open revealing a man and a woman. Natsuki could tell these were Issei's parents with the resemblance they had to him, especially Issei's father.

"Good afternoon, my name is Sukehiro Natsuki, and I am a part of The Occult Research Club along with your son. We are supposed to have a meeting here." Natsuki said while giving the pair a respectful bow.

"Oh! So, you're Natsuki-san!" Hyoudou Miki exclaimed, a large smile overtaking her face.

"Yes, that is me, Hyoudou-san." Natsuki responded.

"Haha, it's great to finally meet you! Issei has said a lot of wonderful things about you." Gorou responded.

Natsuki raised an eyebrow, "Issei talks about me?"

"Oh yes, all the time. He told us about how you first met last school year and how you helped him stay out of trouble. It's so nice to know my son doesn't only have perverts for friends!" Gorou answered as he and his wife placed their hands on Natsuki's shoulders, leading her inside. The pair waited until the teenager took off her shoes before taking her further into the house.

Miki wiped tears from her eyes, "You don't know how much it means to us that Issei finally has a good influence in his life!"

Natsuki awkwardly scratched the back of her head, "I think you are both giving me too much credit, Issei's a good person. I didn't really do anything."

She was shocked that Issei spoke to his parents about her, especially as according to them, he had been doing so since their first year. Not to mention the low opinion they seemed to have of their son.

The bar must be in hell if I'm a good influence. Although I guess it makes sense if they are comparing me to Matsuda and Motohama. The Pawn thought.

Natsuki continued to make small talk with Miki and Gorou as they led her to Issei's room, Natsuki realized that despite the comments about his perversion, the two deeply loved Issei and accepted that part of him.

The Pawn could not deny that she was a little jealous of this, of the fact that Issei had two loving parents who accepted him as he was while never trying to change him or even thinking about getting rid of him.

She had a loving and supportive parent in Kushina, but the orphan within could not help but think about her biological parents. It had been a couple of years since she thought about them, whether they cared about her, if they were alive, or if they abandoned her for her best interests or because she was a freak they did not want.

Natsuki shook her head, I shouldn't be thinking like that. I have a parent, that's more than a lot of people in my place can say. I shouldn't be acting greedy over this.

"Issei! Your friend Natsuki is here!" Miki exclaimed as she opened her son's bedroom door. When it opened, Natsuki saw that the rest of the ORC was already present, sitting on the floor around a table in the center of the room while Rias sat on Issei's bed.

"So, you finally decided to grace us with your presence, Natsuki?" Rias sarcastically asked, a smile graced her lips as she stared at her second Pawn.

"Yeah, I found myself lost on the path of life, but I figured it would be a tragedy to deny you my greatness, Rias-Buchou. So here I am." Natsuki responded equally sarcastic as she took a seat in between Rias and Akeno.

Rias fondly rolled her eyes, "Do we need to have a talk about your tardiness?"

"Don't try to change me, Rias-Buchou. You'll just find yourself deeply disappointed." Natsuki shot back.

Rias smirked, "Oh, I think I would be able to mold you quite easily, Natsuki. I'd have you melting in my hands if I really put in the effort."

"Would you like something to drink, Natsuki-san?" Miki asked, ending the banter between master and servant.

"I would like a glass of water. Thank you, Hyoudou-san" Natsuki said, returning the smile the older woman gave her before leaving the room.

"Damn, I've never seen my parents act so happy to meet someone. What did you do when you got here for them to act like that?" Issei asked.

Natsuki shrugged, "I didn't do anything. They started acting like that when I introduced myself, apparently you told them about me."

"Oh yeah! I guess I speak about you lot when they ask me how school was." Issei realized.

When they first met last year during the fifth day of school Natsuki had found him, Matsuda, and Motohama beaten and bloody behind the school. They had been left there after being caught peaking on the girls' softball team, despite not knowing them, but knowing what they did, Natsuki still took the three boys to the infirmary. She even lied when the nurse asked her how they got their injuries, as the trio would have surely been punished.

He was shocked, even though it was the beginning of the year, Natsuki had already started gaining a reputation for being a violent delinquent from the poor and crime ridden town of Nitoshō. He did not think that the 'Black Princess' as the other students started calling her, would do something so kind for the newly formed 'Perverted Trio.'

Issei remembered telling his parents what happened (not all the details, but Miki and Gorou were able to figure out the truth) and they told him that there was no way that someone who did that for Issei and his friends could be a bad person like everyone at school had been accusing her of being.

The next day Issei greeted the girl when she walked into class. The room became quiet when this happened, many expected Natsuki to beat the boy into the ground for daring to speak to her, but to everyone's surprise, she returned the greeting and sat at her desk, pulling out a book and ignoring the class.

During lunch, Issei convinced Matsuda and Motohama to sit at Natsuki's empty table at lunch. She gave the boys a quick look before returning to her food, once again surprising everyone who was watching the interaction. Issei smiled before engaging the girl in conversation, once they saw that Natsuki would not attack them and was conversing with Issei, Matsuda and Motohama joined in.

From that day forward, Natsuki became a person that Issei considered a friend and someone that Miki and Gorou constantly heard about from their son.

"Matsuda and Motohama must have really rubbed them the wrong way if your parents actually like me." Natsuki said.

"You are a good person Natsuki-san! And you're Ise's best friend, which gives them even more of a reason to like you!" Asia exclaimed from Issei's right side, she felt that she needed to reassure Natsuki that she was a kind and caring person.

Natsuki's face scrunched up in response to the last thing Asia said, "I'm not Issei's best friend." She could accept being his friend, but being called his best friend was pushing it.

"Yeah, you are. You're always going out of your way to save him." Kiba jumped in.

"You guys spend a lot of time together, even without the rest of us being there." Akeno said.

"You hang out with him even though he's a pervert." Koneko dryly stated.

"They're right, Natsuki. You and Issei deeply care about each other, and Issei was the only person you truly talk to before becoming a Devil. Then there is the fact that you both clearly trust each other a great deal." Rias finished.

After a few moments of contemplation, Natsuki released a shocked gasp. "Oh my God..." Natsuki said, ignoring the pain that formed in her head from saying the word God. "Hyoudou Issei is my best friend."

"HEY! Don't say it like that! Like it's the most disgusting and disturbing thing you've ever heard in your life!" Issei yelled, angered by her tone and her expression.

"Why would you all tell me this? Why couldn't you just let me live in ignorance of this terrible truth?!" Natsuki dramatically cried out, ignoring Issei.

The rest of the Peerage laughed when Issei, finally having enough of Natsuki's wailing, threw a pillow at the girl's face.

The laughter died down and the group began discussing the contracts they filled for the month. Akeno had eleven, Koneko ten, Kiba eight, Asia three, Natsuki two, and Issei could not fulfill even one.

"You know, if you don't work hard and fulfill contracts, you'll never become a high-ranking Devil." Rias told her first Pawn.

"Next month, I'm going to do what it takes to get first place!" Issei exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air.

"Sorry to interrupt, kids." Miki said as she made her way back to the room, in her hands was a tray holding a large plate of cookies and the glass of water Natsuki asked for. "Now this little gathering is for the Insult Research Club, right?"

Issei sighed, "She's always so close, but so wrong." He mumbled under his breath.

"Well, I brought something might inspire everybody!" Showing off the photo albums that she had been holding under the tray.

"MOM!" Issei cried out when Miki sat next to Rias and placed the now open photo albums on the table.

Issei blushed when the girls of the club expect for Natsuki immediately swarmed Miki, seating around the woman as she explained each photo of Issei.

"Oh no it's a tiny, itty, witty, bitty Issei!" Rias said with a smile.

"I totally agree with Rias-buchou. Tiny, itty, bitty, and cute!" Asia said.

"Awesome. Wow. Way to freaking break my balls, mom." Issei mumbled.

"Why are you naked in all these photos?" Natsuki asked as she leaned over the table and saw another picture of Issei's bare bottom.

"Shut up, Natsuki! I doubt you look good in all of your baby pictures!" Issei screeched, his face turning even more red.

"You're right, but at least I managed to keep my pants in all of them." Although she made a mental note to never let Issei meet Kushina, knowing her guardian, the older woman probably did have naked pictures from when she was a baby that even she did not know about, hidden somewhere at the orphanage.

And knowing Kushina-sama, she is saving them for the day I would finally make friends so she can embarrass me the same way Miki-san is doing to Issei. Natsuki thought.

"She seems like a great mother to me." Kiba chimed in.

"Like you would know!" Issei's embarrassment was reaching its peak.

"Yeah, it must be nice to have a family." The smile on Kiba's face was not the one he usually wore, this one was more somber, and his eyes pained.

Issei was about to ask him about not having a family when Kiba cut him off with a question of his own. "Hey, Issei. What is this picture?"

When Issei and Natsuki leaned over to look at the album, they saw a picture of a young Issei sitting beside another child. The child had messy chestnut hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and violet eyes. In the picture both Issei and the child were holding Gameboys and were sitting next to a fireplace with a large sword in a white scabbard directly behind them.

"Oh, that kid lived down the street from me, we used to play together all the time, but they had to move once one of his parents got a job overseas. Hmmm, I can't remember that kid's name, but it has been a while." Issei answered.

"One more thing. Do you remember this sword?" Kiba asked.

"Nah, you know, I was five."

Kiba let out a rueful chuckle, "I guess anything's possible, huh? This is a Holy Sword."

Natsuki raised an eyebrow, "Why would Issei's old neighbor have a Holy Sword?" It did not make sense to the girl, not unless the parents of Issei's childhood friend had a secret connection to the church.

"I don't know. It's funny, I never expected to see it in a picture with you, Issei. Imagine that..." Kiba trailed off.

"What?" Issei asked, he was confused by Kiba's sudden change in attitude. The blond still had his signature smile, but it looked more fake than it ever had before.

Kiba snapped the album closed and handed it to Issei, "Its nothing. Thanks for letting me see the pictures, really appreciate it."

Issei and Natsuki shared a look with each other, neither finding the Knight's act very convincing. But since Kiba did not want to talk about whatever was bothering him, they let it go.


In the middle of a dark room, one of many in the large apartment complex, a large red magic circle formed and Natsuki and Issei appeared from within.

"Thanks for helping me teleport, Natsuki. It would've been lame if I had to ride my bike all the way here, like always." Issei told Natsuki.

"It's fine. Besides, this is a joint summoning, so it wouldn't have made sense for me to teleport while you rode your bike." Natsuki said, she was a little confused as she did not know why she and Issei were specifically chosen for this job. Akeno had explained to them weeks ago that a person who summons more than one Devil usually has an important request that requires a lot of magical power to complete.

And yet two low ranking Devils were picked. This must be a mistake, but until we meet the contractor, we won't know for sure. Natsuki thought.

The lights suddenly turned on revealing a man standing near the front door. The man was a little over six feet tall as he stood a few inches taller than Natsuki, he had black hair with golden bangs and a black goatee.

"Well, hello there, so you must be the Devils I summoned." The man smirked.

"Uh-yeah! I'm Hyoudou Issei and this is Sukehiro Natsuki, and we are Devil servants of House Gremory." Issei said.

"Well, you two can go have a seat." The man waved to the couches on the other side of the room before leaving.

"Well, that guy seems strange. This place is amazing, but he clearly isn't from around here. What do you think of him, Natsuki?" Issei said as the two Devils sat on one of the couches.

"You don't feel it?" Natsuki asked, her eyes never leaving the hallway that their client walked into.

"Feel what?" Issei asked.

Natsuki looked at Issei, "The weird energy that was coming of that guy. He's not normal."

She was sure that their client was not human. The energy coming off him felt familiar, as if she had encountered something like it before, but she could not place from where.

Issei tilted his head, "Are you sure you're not just imagining it?"

"Something to drink, perhaps." The client returned holding a tray with alcohol and drinking glasses, ending the Pawns' conversation.

"Oh, no thanks; I'd love to, but I'm still a minor." Issei answered.

"Same here." Natsuki added.

"Really? Bummer. I was hoping to have a partner or two to drink with." The man said as he sat down on the opposite couch.

Issei leaned forward, "So you wanted two Devils to have drinks with?"

"What, is that bad?"

"No, it's fine. The contract will be formed when we fulfill your request and receive a fitting compensation in return."

"Unfortunately, all I have is sake. You okay with tap water?"

Issei and Natsuki looked at each other, "Yeah, sure."

An Hour Later

"Hahahah! So, your magic is so weak you have to ride a bike to see the people who've summoned you?!" The man cried out.

"Well, kind of." Issei said in exasperation.

"That's hilarious!" The man laughed.

Issei's head fell between his shoulders. Being laughed at like this will never not piss me off, but I don't have much of a choice if I want that contract.

"That was fun." The client said once he stopped laughing. "So, what would you like as compensation."

"What already?"

"You're Devils right? I guess this means you want my soul?"

"No, we don't want your soul. All we did was have a drink with you. So that wouldn't fit the contract at all."

"Oh, that's unexpected."

Natsuki narrowed her eyes at the man, the same feeling she got whenever she was being lied to was rushing through her. She had stayed quiet for most of the conversation trying to figure the man out but couldn't.

"Would this do?" he pointed at the painting above his head. "It's not a reproduction."

"Isn't that kind of expensive?" Issei asked.

"I don't have anything else to pay you with at the moment. If it won't work, I have my soul." He shrugged.

"It's cool; the picture's fine." Issei said.

The Pawns worked together to carry the painting, walking to the center of the room so Natsuki could cast the teleportation spell.

As the magic circle formed under their feet Natsuki looked back at their client. "You didn't tell us your name."

The man smirked, "Maybe I'll give it you the next time we meet."

"So, you're planning on summoning us again?" Natsuki asked.

"Of course, I need my new drinking buddies."

"Are you human?" Natsuki asked the question that had been in her mind since meeting the man standing before them.

"Natsuki!" Issei cried out, hoping that the man would not be offended by Natsuki's question. If he does, then he might take back the painting and I'll be back to zero contracts!

"I'm just as much human as anyone can be." The client said, once again smirking at the girl.

Natsuki scoffed at that, she was about to respond when both her and Issei's phones went off. Issei placed the part of the painting he was holding down and pulled out his phone.

"It's a text message from Buchou! She wants us to head out because there's a stray Devil, she wants the group to take care of." He explained.

Natsuki sighed, "Okay, let's go."

Natsuki changed the destination of the spell and the two disappeared in a flash of light.

The man let out a laugh once the two Pawns were gone.

"What an odd pair of dragons I've met. I wonder how Vali will feel once he meets them himself?"


Once the pair had placed the painting their client had rewarded them with down in the clubroom, Natsuki and Issei had teleported to the Peerage's location.

Once the teleportation circle disappeared, the Pawns found themselves standing outside an abandoned building, the rest of the Peerage was also outside, waiting for them.

"I'm sorry I had to make you guys come out here." Rias told her Pawns once they arrived.

"Nah, it's fine. There's something going on in there, huh?" Issei replied.

"No one can miss the smell of a stray Devil." Koneko said.

"No kidding." Akeno said, "We've been ordered to take it down before the night is over."

"Whatever it is must be extremely dangerous. We shouldn't try to fight it inside. Asia, you wait at the rear, Akeno and I will be ready and waiting outside. So, Koneko, Kiba, Natsuki, and Issei draw the enemy out where we can take care of it." Rias ordered.

"Makes sense to me." Akeno answered.

"Right." Koneko said.

"Of course." Natsuki replied as she summoned her Sacred Gear.

"I'm on it." Issei followed Natsuki's example, summoning his [Boosted Gear].

Kiba had remained silent, staring at the ground and was unaware of the conversation going on until Rias called out to him.

"Yeah, right. Got it, Buchou." Kiba said.

Before Rias could question her Knight, Issei had called the others to go as he took off into the building. Natsuki, Koneko, and Kiba quickly followed behind him.

"I wonder what it will be, another weird ass monster, right?" Issei said as the four Devils reached the building's iron door, a smile gracing his lips as Issei pumped himself up.

Koneko ignored his prompting and walked forward, using her strength to blow the door open with a single punch.

"Nice. Why can't you warn me when you do that?" Issei asked.

"Let's go." Koneko said, ignoring Issei's question once more.

The four Devils walked into the building and for a few moments saw nothing until Koneko called out that she had spotted the stray. She appeared to look like a normal young woman with blonde hair and dark eyes. This illusion did not last long when she suddenly transformed into a spider-like creature with grey skin, purple eyes, six limbs, large razor-sharp teeth, pointy ears, and a large horn protruding from her forehead.

"Holy shit!" Issei exclaimed as they watched the stray jump up and begin to crawl across the ceiling. Issei's Sacred Gear began to power up, and the word [Boost] could be heard coming from the gauntlet every couple of seconds.

"Kiba, focus. What are you doing? Hey! Kiba!" Koneko yelled when she saw Kiba standing there staring at the wall, ignoring the situation they were in.

Kiba's head jerked upwards, "Oh, sorry."

At that moment, the Stray Devil shot out a clear liquid from its rear, hitting Koneko's shoulder. The Rook was knocked to the ground and the top of her uniform began to disintegrate, leaving a burn mark where she was hit.

"Bastard!" Issei yelled, the gem on the center of his [Boosted Gear] glowing a bright green as it finished charging up and crying out, 'Explosion.'

Natsuki jumped in front of Koneko, picking the younger Devil in her arms, and throwing the two off them to the side, just barely avoiding another acid spray.

"Dragon Shot!" Issei screamed, releasing a red beam of energy at the stray, the attack had no effect as the Devil kept charging at them.

"What are you zoning out for princess?!" Issei yelled when he saw that Kiba was once again lost in his own thoughts and ignoring the world around him.

Kiba used his sword to cut the stray in half and was about to attack again when he tripped on a pipe, falling to his knees which allowed the stray to regenerate and land on top off him. The stray was about to eat Kiba when Koneko grabbed the stray's back legs and threw her through the skylight above them.

"Akeno." Rias said with a smirk on her face.

"I'm all over it, Rias!" Akeno replied from her place in the sky, the Devil now in her priestess uniform and her hand already raised.

A yellow magic circle formed above the stray, firing a bolt of lightning into the stray, sending her heralding into the ground leaving the stray severely burnt before Rias' feet.

"Wanton Devil, you who ran wild away from your master to fulfill your own desires. For such a crime, you deserve to die a thousand times over. And now in the name of the Duke of Gremory, you shall pay with your life. Time to die!" Rias exclaimed as she used her Power of Destruction to completely eviscerate the stray.

"Hell yeah!" Issei shouted as he and Koneko ran out of the building to witness their master's judgment. Natsuki walked out, focusing entirely on Kiba as the young Devil once again became lost in his thoughts.

"Koneko! Do you need help?" Asia said as she ran to where the others were standing.

"Yes, please." Koneko answered.

Natsuki took off her uniform jacket and handed it to the Rook once Asia finished healing, Koneko nodded her head in thanks as she threw the jacket around her shoulders.


The others turned around and realized Rias had slapped Kiba across the face.

"Think you've got it together now? With a mistake like that, you put everyone here in serious danger." Rias stated.

"I apologize." Kiba responded.

Rias moved forward and placed her hands on Kiba's shoulders, "What's the matter, Kiba? This isn't like you."

"I'm fine; just having an off day. Now if you will excuse me, Buchou." Kiba said as he walked away, ignoring Rias calling.

But before he could leave, Issei ran up and grabbed him by the shoulder. "What the hell Kiba? Why would you be so rude to Buchou?"

"It's got nothing to do with you." Kiba growled.

"That doesn't mean I can't be worried." Issei argued.

Kiba smiled, "Worried? Why would you be worried? Devils are by nature selfish beings."

"I've got no idea what you're point is here." Issei said.

"Well, for the record I do think I was wrong." Kiba tried to walk away again but Issei stopped him.

"Wait a minute! If you're that upset, then you can talk to me about it. I mean we are friends, aren't we?"

Kiba scoffed at Issei's words before turning around to face him. "Friends? Issei, I appreciate your passion. However, something's recently been brought to my attention."

"Something like what?" Issei asked.

"A purpose. See, I remembered my reason for living; the reason I fight."

"I thought you were fighting for Rias." Issei responded; he did not know that there could be any other reason for the Peerage to become Devils and fight in Rias' name.

"You thought wrong. All I want is revenge. It won't be much longer now; I'm going to destroy Excalibur. That alone is my purpose." The smile Kiba carried quickly left his face the longer he spoke and once he finished, he walked away again, Issei not stopping him this time.


"Holy Swords are the worst weapons against Devils. Simply touching one burns a Devil's body. More importantly, to be cut by a Holy Sword could mean instant death. The truth is a Holy Sword can annihilate a Devil." Rias told her three newest servants, the four had returned to Issei's house after Kiba left. Rias had felt the need to explain what Excalibur was in their world and how dangerous weapons like it could be.

"Wow, okay, that's kind of intense." Issei said.

"It is. The fact that those who can wield them are extraordinarily rare is the sword's biggest weakness. The church did what they could, they tried to raise people artificially, perhaps they could wield Excalibur then they could annihilate Devils everywhere. It's known as the Holy Sword Project." Rias explained.

"Was Kiba apart of the Holy Sword Project before becoming a Devil?" Natsuki asked, in her mind it was the only thing that would make sense.

Kiba started acting weird earlier today when he saw that picture of Issei and the Holy Sword his childhood friend had in his house. I guess seeing the sword triggered him and reminded him of his past. Natsuki thought.

Rias let out a rueful chuckle, "Once again, you have shown an eye for details, Natsuki. You're right Kiba was in this project, but it had failed and each of the subjects were killed by the Church in a coverup with Kiba barely surviving it."

"Poor Kiba." Asia said when Rias finished.

"I think Issei and I know what triggered him." Natsuki said.

"Oh, right!" Issei reached into his desk drawer and pulled out the picture of himself, his old friend, and the Holy Sword behind them.

"It's not nearly as powerful as Excalibur, but there's no mistaking it. Kiba was right, that is a Holy Sword." Rias said.

"I knew it, Kiba only started getting weird after seeing this picture." Natsuki said.

Rias mumbled something under her breath, but when Issei asked her to repeat it, she waved him off and took off her clothes, stating that it was time for bed.

Natsuki placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head as Issei and Asia looked on in shock.

"Wait, why are you changing in here?!" Issei asked.

"You know I can't sleep unless I'm completely naked." Rias answered.

"No, I-I mean why-why are you getting naked in my room?" Issei reiterated.

"Well obviously because I'm going to be sleeping with you, silly." Rias said, the Devil now down to her matching black lace bra and underwear that left little to the imagination.

"And that's my cue to leave. See you all tomorrow, try not to die of a nosebleed or an erection lasting more than four hours, Issei." Natsuki said as she formed a teleportation circle under her feet.

"Huh?! What are you-" Issei was unable to finish as Natsuki left the middle of his sentence.

When he turned back around, he saw that both Rias and Asia were now naked. The two females began fighting over who would get to sleep in Issei's bed that night, pulling by each arm as they argued. Issei had a perverse grin as he was pulled back and forth.

Dying and becoming a Devil was the best thing to ever happen to me!


Kiba Yuuto was walking through the streets of Kouh, no destination in mind as the heavy rain continued to pour down on him.

I have never forgotten my revenge against the Holy Sword, Excalibur. I let myself get caught up in my school life. My friends, my lifestyle, even my name... It's all been granted to me by Rias Gremory. I have no right to strive for anything more than this... for any more happiness. I'm sorry Issei, but I have no right to have any friends especially since I have yet to fulfill my comrades will... to avenge their deaths...

Kiba let out a sigh and lifted his head to the sky, the Knight opened his eyes when he heard a small splash near him.

Just when he felt the unknown person move closer, Kiba summoned a demonic sword from his left hand and pointed it towards the unknown threat.

Kiba saw that it was a priest in front of him. The anger swirling inside Kiba swelled as he stared at the man, one of the many that use the name of their God to justify their terrible actions, to erase all blame and guilt from themselves while declaring others to be evil sinners.

Kiba hoped the man was an exorcist so he could kill him right there although he was so angry that it was doubtful that the man not being an exorcist would stop him.

Before Kiba could do anything, the priest coughed out some blood and fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. It was then that Kiba noticed the a hole in the priest's stomach as blood began to pool onto the floor around him.

The Knight suddenly left a wave a killing intent rushing towards him and quickly used his sword to block and incoming strike coming from behind, Kiba was pushed backwards from the force of the strike, skidding across the wet pavement. When he looked up, he saw that his attacker was the crazed rouge priest, Freed Sellzen.

"Yahoo! Long time no see, pretty boy!" Freed cheered.

"Freed Sellzen. Looks like you're still in town, what's your business here?" Kiba growled.

"Whoa, what crawled up your ass? And here I am, weeping tears of joy at the thought of our reunion!" Freed smirked.

Kiba was about to retort when he finally noticed the weapon in Freed's hands.

"That sword... it can't be possible, its-"

Freed gave the Devil a lustful smirk before he licked the side of the blade, "How about you and I see which is better, your Devil swords or my Excalibur?"

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