The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

Calm Before The Flaming Storm

Natsuki groggily woke up the next morning. Despite the full night's rest, she felt as if she was just running a marathon instead of sleeping for several hours. She looked at the end of her bed and noticed that Midnight was no longer there. She must have gone back to the Familiar Forest while I was sleeping.

It was then that she noticed that her Sacred Gear was activated. I don't remember summoning it. Did I activate it in my sleep?

When the girl rubbed her fingers across the center of the pendant, a white glow came from the jewel and a voice rang out.

"You are finally awake, Natsuki."

Natsuki flinched, releasing the pendant as she looked at it shock. "Y-you are talking to me?!"

The glow of the pendant flickered as if to show annoyance, "Of course I am talking to you, do you see anyone else in this room named Natsuki?"

"It's just when I heard you speak to me in my dream you made it seem like it would be a long time before we would be able to communicate again." Natsuki couldn't believe that her scared gear was speaking to her and that she was having a conversation with it.

"I assumed it would be a while before we spoke, but you have exceeded my expectations and have gotten stronger faster than I thought."

The girl's eyes widened; she honestly hadn't thought she had gotten any stronger since the fight with the Fallen Angels. Sure, she did some training by herself and with Rias and Issei, but she felt the same and she didn't notice any newer abilities. "Are you sure? I feel the same, I haven't felt any kind of rise in power since the fight with the Fallen."

The pendant glowed once more, "Yes, I am sure. You may not be conscious of it, but you are getting stronger every day you use our power, ever miniscule drop matters."

That does make me feel better, I thought that I wasn't working hard enough.

Natsuki looked back down at the Sacred Gear. "Hey, you have a name, right? I just realized that you know mine, but I don't know yours."

"I have gone by many names and titles. The Golden Dragon Empress, Evolving Dragon, Gold-One, Aureum, Yellow Dragon of Exaltation. But in recent years I go by the name of Lux."

Well, that was a mouthful. Why do I get the feeling that she was even more titles but those were just the main ones?

"It's nice to meet you Lux. I hope you and I will get along since we will be stuck with each other for the near future."

"I as well. You and I will be partners so it will be most beneficial if we have a good relationship."

Natsuki laughed at the formal way Lux was speaking. "I want to be friends with you too Lux."

A much larger glow shined from Lux, "The way I speak is not funny Natsuki. Honestly, kids today…"

Natsuki couldn't stop the giggles leaving her, she just didn't expect an all-powerful dragon to be so proper.

"Keep laughing little one and I will think twice about using my power the next time a Fallen tries to kill you. Besides are you not late for school?"

Natsuki stopped laughing and quickly grabbed her phone, seeing that she was 20 minutes late. The girl jumped out of bed and rushed to clean herself up.

"Dammit! I'm going to get detention again for sure!"

Natsuki's Sacred Gear disappeared, the laughs of the she-dragon fading along with it as the devil ran out the door and towards Kuoh Academy.


Natsuki was walking through the hallway with an annoyed look on her face. Sona had been standing at the entrance of the school with a look of disappointment and a detention slip in her hand. The girl had given her a two minute speech on why she should take her education more seriously and not be late. Once she was done the Pure-Blood Devil handed her the slip and told her to go straight to class.

Just as Natsuki turned the corner, the door to the girl's locker room exploded as three figures were thrown through it. When the dust settled Natsuki looked down and saw that the figures were the Perverted Trio. The three boys had been beaten into bloody pulps and were now unconscious, Issei had gotten the worst of it.

Natsuki then turned her head to the now opened doorway and saw a group of angry half-dressed first year girls glaring at the trio with Koneko at the front with blood on her knuckles.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Natsuki spoke.



"I'll take these guys to the Nurse and hopefully Asia will be able to heal Issei after school. They didn't try anything else right?"

Koneko shook her head, "…No. But I will beat them harder if they try it again."

"And I'll tell them that if they ever wake up." It's not like it will do anything, these three will be back to their usual antics in a few hours.

Natsuki grabbed each boy and dragged them to the Nurse's Office before heading to class.


A loud groaning sound rang out when Natsuki entered the clubroom, the last to arrive as she had to spend some time in detention. "Oh, I'm so sorry Issei." Asia said apologetically.

Issei the living punching bag sat in the middle of the room, with Asia, Akeno, Kiba, and Rias surrounding him. "I didn't think touching your face would hurt so much." As soon as Issei's swollen eyes caught sight of Koneko, he broke into a cold sweat and began to shake in fear.

Noticing this, Asia turned and noticed Koneko's presence. A cute glare was leveled at the girl by the former nun, "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing he didn't have coming to him." Koneko's dry response annoyed Asia, but the white-haired Devil just ignored this in favor of controlling her emotions. Seeing Issei, beaten and broken as his face was right now, still pissed her off.

A sound of frustration escaped Asia's lips before she directed her attention towards healing Issei's injuries rather than allowing herself to be consumed by her anger. "Let's get you fixed up." She whispered quietly, settling Issei down on the floor forcing him to face away from Koneko.

Natsuki ignored the conversation going on in the room as she sat on the couch. She had gotten a strange feeling when she entered the clubroom.

It's like I'm being watched, but I don't know from where. Nobody else seems to notice. Is something watching us or am I just imagining it?

Natsuki quickly stood on her feet as she felt a small pulse of magic, it was so faint she almost didn't notice it. Everyone else except for Koneko were focused on Issei and Asia, the white-haired girl looked at Natsuki confused by her sudden movement and anxious expression.

The older devil summoned her Sacred Gear, moving faster than Koneko thought possible of the girl. She ran towards the windows, wanking one of them open and quickly grabbing something from outside.

When she turned around, Natsuki was holding a red eagle like creature with blue eyes and yellow accents. The bird struggled, trying to get out of the girl's hands, but Natsuki's grip was too strong.

At this point everyone in the room had noticed what was going on. Issei and Asia looked confused while the rest of the peerage and especially Rias were horrified.

The first person to speak was Akeno, "A phoenix…"

Rias finally snapped out of her stupor; her face now filled with murderous anger. "A phoenix. What is his phoenix doing in my territory?"

Just as Rias moved closer, the phoenix suddenly burst into flames causing Natsuki to drop it as her hands and arms were burned. The bird then disappeared before it could hit the ground.

"Natsuki-san!" Asia ran over to the girl with Issei, Kiba, and Koneko right behind her as she gently held Natsuki's arms. Her hands and arms were as dark as charcoal with blood oozing from the places where her skin had begun to crack.

"What the hell even was that thing?!" Issei yelled, taking in the damage done to his friend.

"It was a Familiar, a phoenix to be exact. One of its abilities is control over fire." Akeno answered before looking back at Rias who had begun to shake a little.

Akeno looked away from her master and towards the 2nd Pawn, "Are you okay, Natsuki-chan?"

Natsuki walked back over to the couches and sat down as the former nun started to heal her. "I'm fine Akeno, it looks worse than it feels. But why was that Familiar watching us?"

Kiba stepped forward "Someone must have sent it to spy on us, so it burned you in order to get away and keep us from interrogating it."

Issei grits his teeth, "So some asshole has been spying on us this whole time?! Dammit! We got to find them and-"

"Issei, that's enough."

Issei faced Rias, "But Buchou…"

Rias smiled at the boy "It's okay Issei, I already know who that Familiar belongs to, and I will deal with it accordingly."

"Alright Buchou." Issei was still angry at what just happened but if Rias said she had it under control, then he would let her handle it.

Rias walked towards the couch, placing a hand on Natsuki's shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay Natsuki?"

"Yeah, I'm sure Rias-Buchou. It's my fault anyway, I should have told you about the feeling I was getting instead of just rushing towards the window and grabbing that bird without know what it was."

Rias' eyes widened a bit. "You mean you didn't see the Familiar?"

Natsuki shook her head, "No, I just felt like I was being watched and then a suddenly felt magic being used."

"Magic?" I didn't feel any magic in the area besides Asia's [Twilight Healing].

"It was really small; I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't trying to figure out who was watching us. Especially since the magic from Asia's Sacred Gear was covering the room."

Rias was still in shock that the Pawn noticed such a small magic signature. Familiars can almost completely mask their magical presence, which made them so affective at recon. And yet Natsuki was able to notice while the rest of us were oblivious…

Natsuki is proving to be quite the unusual specimen.

"It's alright Natsuki, you did the right thing, but for now I think its best that we end today's meeting and reconvene tomorrow." Rias stated once Asia finished healing Natsuki's arms.

The other members soon stood and began to leave the clubroom, Kiba and Koneko looked at the leader with worry while Issei and Asia were confused at Rias' change in attitude. Natsuki looked as if she were about to say something but quickly closed her mouth and followed the others out of the room.

"Are you sure you're okay Rias?" Akeno asked once the two were alone.

"While I'm happy to have my best friend worry about me this is a problem I can handle on my own. I am still the King of this Peerage am I not?" Rias didn't face Akeno as she spoke, looking out the window watching as her servants left the school grounds.

Akeno stared at Rias for a moment, "Yes, you are right Buchou."

Soon after this, Akeno left leaving Rias alone. But before she could continue to think about what had occurred earlier a purple glow encompassed the room as a magic circle appeared. Rias glared at the figure that appeared once the magic circle vanished.

Of course, you show up now, after it's been made apparent what actions  he's  been taking towards me.


Natsuki woke up even more tired than she was the previous morning. She couldn't get what happened the previous day out of her mind. Someone was watching them, someone that made everyone else in the Peerage, specifically Rias, anxious. But why were we being watched? Even though she tried to hide it, Rias was incredibly nervous and a little scared. I don't think she will be able to handle it like she said she would.

"You should not run yourself ragged over this, I am sure your master will tell you and the rest of her Devils in due time." Lux's voice broke through her partner's thoughts.

"I know, I just can't help feeling like this is just the prelude to something bad. And I hate that something is clearly bothering Rias, but I can't do anything to help since Issei, Asia, and I are being kept in the dark". Not to mention I want to find out who this person is and pay them back for thinking they can spy on us so blatantly. Must be one arrogant bastard.

"Yes, Yes I am positive that you will find who this person is and cure your master's aliment." While the words themselves were reassuring, but the girl could hear the sarcasm deeply imbedded in the dragon's tone.

"Do you not like Rias, Lux?"

"I do not hate, nor do I like her, I am merely indifferent to Rias Gremory as a person. However, as a dragon part of me is a little annoyed at having a lesser being in control of me."

Natsuki was confused about Lux's feeling on the matter, "Well technically Rias is in control of me not you, she brought me back as a Devil, so I have to followed her at least until I'm strong enough to strike out on my own."

"You and I are partners Natsuki, we share a body which means you and I are walking this road together. I cannot do anything without you and vice versa."

"Oh. I'm sorry about putting you in this position Lux." She's a powerfully God killing dragon of course she would hate being stuck following the lead of another, of being trapped inside an unworthy body.

Unbeknownst to Natsuki Lux had been able to hear her thoughts, "It is not your fault Natsuki so do not blame yourself. Both for you becoming a Devil and for I becoming a Sacred Gear, besides without the former I doubt you would have ever been able to activate your Gear nor become strong enough for us to interact with one another."

The last sentence caught the teens' attention. "What do you mean when you say that I wouldn't have been able to activate my Gear without fighting Raynare?"

"Sacred Gears are usually activated when the yielder is placed in life-or-death situations in order to protect them, which is what happened when you and the pervert were attacked by that Fallen Angel. Although Sacred Gears can also come fourth due to a fervent desire or will, like the former nun and her desire to heal those who had been injured. However, there are a few rare instances where one's life can be in danger, but their Gear does not appear, this can be because they were killed before they could realize the danger they were in, their desire and will were not stronger enough to push through their mortal limitations, or outside forces were suppressing their power."

Is that what happened with Issei then? I mean Raynare got him right after she stabbed me, maybe his mind didn't truly believe what had happened then was real until I got hurt. I doubt it was because of his desire or will…

"You know I figured you would be more worried about how you missed almost an entire day of school than about your Peerage and Sacred Gears, but I suppose yesterday's events are still at the forefront of your mind."

Natsuki immediately grabbed her phone and saw that the time was 1:49pm. Lux was right, she had missed an entire day of school. She also noticed that she had gotten a lot of missed calls and texts from the rest of the club, most coming from Issei.

Natsuki groaned "Well there's no point in going since school will be over soon anyways." Besides, I would rather wait until tomorrow to get chewed out and given dentition by Sona-Kaichou than have it happen today. And I'm already weeks ahead of all my lessons anyway, so it's not like I'll be missing anything important.

"That may be true, but you are supposed to meet with your Peerage after school today, remember?"

Natsuki let out another groan as she walked to the bathroom to clean herself up.

"You know, this is just adding to the belief that you are nothing more than a drug dealing, street brawling delinquent."


"Honestly, kids today are so incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions."

Natsuki didn't even bother giving the dragon a response as she headed into the shower.


It took Natsuki about forty minutes to finish showering and walk to school, by then school had already ended. Granted, she could have done this much faster, but didn't see the point. As she is walking up the stairs of the old school building the young devil could hear screaming coming from the clubroom, she opened the door and saw Koneko sitting on the couch while Rias, Akeno, and a woman were crowded around the former's desk. The strange woman was busty with long, silver braided hair, pale skin, red eyes a few shades lighter than her own, and was for some reason wearing a maid uniform.

"I told you already, Grayfia." Rias glared at the woman, her anger flaring. "I don't want to marry that bastard!" Honestly, she had this discussion with her brother and his wife so many times, even her parents had gotten involved. She was desperate to end her engagement to Riser, so why couldn't they just let her?!

"Is that why you almost threw away your purity to that young man?" Grayfia asked, hiding her disappointment in Rias' impulsiveness. This marriage had been arranged for years, it upset Grayfia to see Rias so willing to abandon her responsibilities as the heiress to the Gremory Family.

"At least Issei is a good person, Riser is just an asshole!" Rias growled back, getting up from her seat to stand behind her desk, with Akeno backing her up. The sadistic, dark-haired Devil remained by Rias' side, staring down the wife of one of the Four Great Satans without fear. She knew she was outmatched, but if Rias wanted to fight, Akeno would stick by her side to the end.

Natsuki stared at the scene in front of her, one piece of information catching her attention. Rias tried to sleep with Issei?! She thought incredulously.

Natsuki though more of what was said, if this were truly an arranged marriage it would make sense especially adding Rias' recently strange behavior to the mix, she knew that they weren't always an option that those involved preferred. One of the deal-breaking clauses in almost every arranged marriage contract that she could recall in both history and in fiction was an unfaithfulness clause, so sleeping with Issei could have worked if she were willing to take the hit to her reputation. And if she was willing to damage her reputation then Rias clearly didn't want to get married to Riser, whoever the hell he was.

Natsuki also couldn't stop staring at Grayfia. There was something about the Devil maid that just seemed familiar to her, as if they had met before. But that couldn't be the case, I think I would remember meeting a Devil dressed as a maid. So, why am I getting the feeling that we have?

Before Natsuki could think more of this strange new topic, a hand was placed on her shoulder. Natsuki turned her head, revealing the presence of Issei, Kiba, and Asia, oblivious to the tense situation in the room.

"Natsuki! Man, I was wondering where you were! You weren't in class, and you didn't respond to any of my texts." Issei exclaimed as he let go of the girl's shoulder and opened the other door allowing the three newcomers to enter the room.

"And why are you just standing here blocking the-" Issei said as he entered, falling silent at the sight of a silver-haired maid. The perverted Devil blinked before narrowing his eyes. Is this what Kiba was talking about? Something that would piss Buchou off? He thought, remembering what the blond Knight had said on the way to the clubroom.

"Grayfia-sama." Kiba spoke, narrowing his eyes as he deduced the reason for the Lucifer's wife being here rather quickly. So, he's finally become impatient with Rias' stalling.

"Well, everyone's here." Rias spoke, her irritated tone obvious to all. It looked like things would be moving faster than she'd like. Rias would have preferred to have a little bit more time to train up Issei and Natsuki, their Sacred Gears were probably the only things that could defeat Riser. But neither was strong enough yet for her to be confident in her victory.

"Permission to speak freely, Milady?" Rias turned to Grayfia as she asked her question. Despite her sister-in-law's fetish, she knew Grayfia had no need to ask permission to speak. She was just staying 'in character' for her own amusement. Still, there was no reason not to indulge her. Despite her anger, Rias knew that directing it at Grayfia was pointless, especially as she was not at fault in her current predicament.

That, Rias knew, laid with her brother and their parents.

"Sure, why not." Rias breathed out an annoyed sigh as she answered her brother's wife.

But, before Grayfia could speak, a portal made up of flames burst to life in the darkened room.

Natsuki narrowed her eyes and felt something within her soul twinge. As if something within her was repulsed by the nature of these flames, there was just something about this magic that made her want to stomp it out of existence. When the portal's flames dissipated, Natsuki realized that her repulsion quickly turned to sudden hatred.

The flames flickered out of existence with a cry that reminded sound almost exactly like the Familiar they caught spying on them yesterday, revealing the back of a man with spiky blond hair. The man was tall and dressed in a formal red tuxedo. Before even turning around, the voice of the man rang out declaring, "Riser has arrived." Speaking in the third person. That wasn't something Natsuki had expected as her eyes narrowed, observing the arrogant newcomer.

So, this is the punk Rias is betrothed to. Natsuki watched quietly, she moved to take a seat on the couch next to Koneko as the man continued to speak. The way he spoke and the way he carried himself spoke of his confidence in his power. He was acting like it was a bother that he had to come to the human world in the first place and he spoke to Rias with a fondness coated in condescension.

Issei hated this man on the spot. "Okay, who's this asshole?" The brunette Pawn asked, irritated at the way the said asshole disrespectfully addressed Rias. His question was answered by the silver-haired maid.

"This gentleman is Lord Riser Phenex." Grayfia answered the crass servant, stressing her manner of addressing him to hint to the Pawn that he needed to be careful. "He is a Pureblooded Devil of noble birth and third heir in line to the House of Phenex." As third in line he was essentially the 'spare to the spare' which made him less important than the ones above him in the line of succession, though that didn't mean he was weak.

"And that means…" Issei continued to press for answers, not getting the big deal about this annoying Devil being the third in line. Especially when, as far as he knew, Rias was first in line to inherit her family titles. Issei didn't know much about nobility, but what he did know was that first in line outranked third by a good margin.

"It means you just insulted a man who could probably have you executed, Issei." Natsuki spoke, her eyes never leaving Riser's as she stared at him with open contempt. Her statement drew the attention of everyone in the room. And despite being under the stare of some undoubtedly important individuals within Devil hierarchy, she remained calm.

"So, someone in this detestable world knows their place." Riser's arrogant voice sounded, eliciting a scowl from Natsuki. "What is your name?" A dark chuckle rumbled in Natsuki's chest before she corrected the arrogant Devil.

"Know my place?" Natsuki questioned after chuckling. "You are incorrect, I am simply familiar with the type of trash who feels the need to try and crush others beneath their heel." Natsuki titled her head back to stare down Riser, despite sitting, she conveyed her own arrogance with a chilling ease.

"I've always enjoyed crushing the spirits of those fools, would you like to be next on my list, you flaming peacock?" She taunted, unaware of the drastic change in her voice, she sounded as if the voice of another was layered over her own as a faint yellow glow appeared in her eyes. "It has been so long since I've had the pleasure of hearing a weakling like you cry out in agony as he's forced to face reality..." A cruel and vicious smile overtook the Devil Pawn's face at that moment. "The reality that he is nothing in the face of true power."

Riser's face contorted from an arrogant grin to a hideous sneer at Natsuki insult, but before he could act Rias stepped in.

"Natsuki! Stop this instant!" Rias ordered; her tone sharp with rebuke as she drew 'Natsuki's' attention away from Riser to her angered face. "Do not taunt Riser again. Do you understand me Natsuki?" There was no way that she was prepared to face off against Riser or his Peerage, she needed more time.

Rias' intervention allowed Riser to compose himself again while Natsuki bowed her head. "I apologize, Buchou." She responded, her voice returning to how it was before she had begun insulting Riser. What was that? I've never acted like that to a person I hated before. It was like I wasn't in control of myself.

I must apologize to you Natsuki, it appears that my anger had gotten the better of me for a moment. Lux's voice rung out in Natsuki's mind.

Wait, so that was you? But it felt like something I would think in my head but never say out loud.

It was, but the anger over came your usual desire to keep quiet and forced you to speak your thoughts aloud. I am sure that everyone else in the room noticed a change in your appearance and voice. As my partner we influence each other in many ways, one of which being temperament.

Natsuki didn't notice that physical change she went through due to her anger at Riser. He reminded her of a lot of the people she's meet throughout her life, the arrogant assholes who think that they can rule over everyone else, especially the children she grew up with at the orphanage.

It appears that you and I both have an intense hatred of peons who think they can match a dragon.

It appears so.

Riser was the type to not take challenges to his supremacy well, allowing his anger to dictate his actions if he were sufficiently provoked. That was all Natsuki needed to know, there was no way in the deepest pits of hell she was letting this pompous piece of fried chicken marry her master.

What is going on with Natsuki? Rias thought to herself, having not expected Natsuki to be the one to antagonize Riser. Issei yes, but not Natsuki. Natsuki knew and was willing to show respect, she didn't know where this sudden disgust came from. With this and earlier incident with Saji, she felt mildly annoyed at still being unable to fully get a read on her 2nd Pawn.

"So, is she one of your two Pawns then?" Riser asked rhetorically, he already knew the answer thanks to his Familiar's spying on Rias' Peerage. He turned Issei and said, "That must mean this is your 1st." A snort of derision escaped the Phenex. "Your Peerage still remains incomplete, my beloved fiancée." He taunted, drawing Issei's attention like a moth to a flame with his last sentence.

"Say what?! You're joking, right?!" Issei asked disbelievingly, not willing to believe that the beautiful Rias was going to be married to a Devil like Riser.

"He is not." Grayfia answered on Riser's behalf, divulging a little bit of history for Rias' Pawn. "Lady Rias has been engaged to Lord Riser for many years now, due to an agreement between their two families." It was an agreement that left a bad taste in her mouth as she watched how Riser developed, but the agreement was binding unless the conditions for voiding it were met or both parties agreed to end it themselves. And as the latter was unlikely, that left the first option which, while still unlikely, was at least not as impossible as convincing stubborn nobles that they were wrong about something.

Riser made his way to the couch across from Natsuki and Koneko, sitting down before beckoning Rias to sit by his side. The rest of Rias' Peerage took positions opposite of the betrothed pair, standing behind the Pawn and Rook.

Akeno moved to prepare a cup of tea for Riser, as he was a guest, though she had been sorely tempted to poison it. Still, her better nature won out over her desire to at least attempt to kill Riser and she simply brought the beverage as Rias ordered. I hope you choke on it. Riser had been responsible for most of Rias' problems for some time now and Akeno really wanted to rip his smug face off on the behalf of her best friend.

All of this was held behind a perfect smile, none of her anger or hatred had been allowed to seep through.

Picking up the cup with an easy grace, Riser tasted the tea prepared by his fiancée's Queen. "Ah, truly the tea prepared by my beloved's Queen is most delicious." He spoke after a sigh of satisfaction escaped his lips. Perhaps he would keep her as well once he was married to Rias, the least she could do would be to continue to serve his wife once the Phenex claimed her for his own.

Perhaps it could be a wedding gift, truly Riser's generosity knew no bounds.

Once he finished with his tea, Riser returned to his low-key attempts at fondling of Rias, ignoring the Gremory heiress' shaking at his touch. Unfortunately for him, Rias was through playing his game.

Rias stood up, finally done with this entire situation. "That's enough Riser." She would need to shower to wipe the feeling of his touch off her skin. A long, hot shower. Rias repressed a shudder of disgust at having even allowed that Devil to touch her so intimately. If only she had managed to sleep with Issei before Grayfia interfered, then the engagement would have been broken off as a result of her unfaithfulness. "Let it go." She spat, her disgust with her fiancée almost palpable. "Why don't you understand? I have no intention of ever marrying you." Rias would rather give up her claim as the Gremory heir than chain herself down to Riser's side for the rest of her life.

"But my darling." Riser spoke patronizingly. "Riser knows that your family situation doesn't allow the privilege of choice." That was the point of an arranged marriage after all. "To keep the Seventy-Two Pillars from losing anymore pure Devils, that is why this marriage was arranged by our parents so many years ago." Riser tossed his right hand in the air dismissively and crossed his legs. "We're already down to thirty-two pure families, we can't afford to lose anymore. Our children will help keep Devil blood pure for future generations, and with how many Pureblooded Devils that have fallen, both in the war and during this so-called ceasefire, it makes even more sense to have two High-Class bloodlines merge doesn't it?" If one did not care to consider feelings in the equation, each point made by Riser had validity to it.

"You see," she began to deride him with a sick look of satisfaction in her eye, causing Natsuki to begin looking at her with a slight awe, "it is because I have decided that you would make both a horrible husband and an even worse head for the Gremory Clan. You brazenly gamble away your family's money and then threaten the very people who defeated you into returning what you lost hoping that your father and brothers do not catch wind of your shameful and pathetic behavior. You cast aside your servants if they fail you like they are nothing more than mere pieces of trash and no Gremory has nor will ever act in such a manner so long as I am the heir. And the worst part of all of this is your shoddy strategies in your Rating Games," she continued with an icy glare. "You have won many more than you lost, true, but not a single observer has ever claimed that you were victorious because of your intelligence like how a true winner would. You are still ranked no higher than you were last month despite your three consecutive victories, Riser, and I refuse to let the cast-off third born misfit child of another clan take the position of Gremory Head so long as I draw breath. The Gremory will not be losers, Riser, and a loser like you will never be the one whom I choose to marry."

The entire room was stunned into silence after hearing her speech, and Natsuki was desperately fighting off the urge to openly applaud her for calling out the asshat in such a harsh manner like she had. Issei had no such reservations as he laughed at Riser's dumbstruck expression.

Riser had to force a smile on his face despite the rage that burned through him due to Rias' tirade and reached around and placed his arm around her shoulders, eliciting several bad looks from the members of the ORC. He smiled, "Don't make up such lies darling. You will be treated like a queen. Like a goddess. You will never have to work another day in your life. You will have servants working for you at your disposal. You can live your dream life...just become Riser's." Riser started reaching out so he could run his hand over her thigh-

Until a hand shot down between them and grabbed his wrist.

Rias, Riser, and the other ORC members looked surprised at the unexpected action. The two Pure-Bloods looked up to see the red-eyed girl reaching between them to stop the immortal's hand.

Riser blinked before looking down at where his advance had been prematurely stopped. He looked up at the Pawn and asked, "What do you think you're doing?"

Natsuki didn't bother to look at him, "Sorry. It just seemed like you were making continued advances on someone who didn't like it."

Riser looked at the girl in confusion before he just started chuckling. He sighed contently before staring up Natsuki once more, "That's very heroic of you, but Rias is Riser's fiancé. We can do whatever we want with each other. It's one of the rewards of being betrothed to one another. You know, Riser let go of your earlier comments, but now you are really annoying Riser."

"I'm sure you must think that's very romantic..." Natsuki finally looked at Riser and glared, "But it would be more meaningful if you didn't look at her like an object to be won."

Riser easygoing smile slowly started to fade until it became a straight line. The two continued to glare at each other as neither was taking the chance to move.

Riser looked down for a moment before looking back at Natsuki and smirking. His sleeve started to turn orange and red, and the upper portion started being engulfed in flames. It slowly started to creep towards the gripping hand, but Natsuki made no effort to let go or back off.

"Riser." Rias spoke firmly while looking at the Phenex son, "Stop acting childish. There is no reason to try and assert your dominance at every opportunity. It's obnoxious." Riser rolled his eyes and increasing his flames before Rias turned to look at her friend, "Natsuki...please let go of him." She could not stand to see a member of her family being hurt, the burns that Riser were giving Natsuki looked worse than the ones from yesterday.

"Riser-sama," Grayfia's voice did not rise in volume yet sounded even more menacing because of it, "should you continue on this course then I will use the authority of Sirzechs-sama to end the conflict in any manner I see fit to use." She then calmly directed Natsuki, "Sukehiro-san, please release Rias-sama's fiancée."

A bead of nervous sweat fell from Riser's brow, and he pushed back his Battle Lust after finally feeling such a mighty presence after so long. Riser acted as if Natsuki's grip did nothing and he relented, "Riser supposes that if you get involved then Riser will have no choice now."

Natsuki looked into Rias' eyes and saw a firm confidence in her sea-foam orbs. She slowly let go of Riser's wrist before taking a few steps, but instead of returing to her original spot, she stood on the other side of the couch, next to her master. She then looked up to see each of the ORC members giving her grateful looks. Asia was smiling happily as Issei sent her a thumbs-up. Kiba and Koneko, both sent her a quick nod, the former smiling while the first-year student still looked stoic. Akeno had a softer smile while sending her a thankful nod.

Grayfia signed in exasperation once Rias' eyes now joined Natsuki's in glaring defiantly into Riser's own and the maid spoke up, "I was given a suggestion from Sirzechs-sama should these exact events unfold as they have: A Rating Game between Rias-sama and Riser-sama to either annul or permanently seal the betrothal. Do the two of you agree to this?"

Rias finally showed her first emotion, confidence, and replied while smirking towards her betrothed, "I do. Do you, Riser? Or are you afraid of losing?"

He growled at her, but he eventually managed to calm himself under Grayfia's careful watch. The blonde Devil chuckled once to himself, snapping his fingers, and answered, "Riser and his fifteen servants accept this Game." Fifteen orange magic circles then appeared behind him, and the same number of young girls and women arrived.

A full set, Natsuki observed from Rias' side. She briefly looked at Issei to check on him and was mildly impressed that the boy didn't leap for joy at seeing that his dream of a harem was possible; he only cried silently while Asia tried in vain to control him by pinching his arm.

This quiet crying didn't last long as Issei fell to his knees behind the couch and started wailing in both sadness and joy, everyone on the Gremory side just stared at him as he sobbed.

Riser and his peerage were all confused by what was happening. Riser leaned forward, "Is he okay?"

"He's..." Rias just rubbed the bridge of her nose, "His dream is to have a harem."

"Ew what a disgusting barbarian!" A small blue-eyed blonde girl exclaimed from Riser's Peerage. A look of disgust and contempt graced her features as she stared at Issei. Natsuki noticed that the girl bared a striking resemblance to Riser. Must be his sister.

Riser laughed "Oh is that so. Yubelluna!"

A tall, voluptuous woman with long, wavy purple hair that falls all the way down her back and matching eyes moved from the rest of the Peerage and walked towards Riser. The blonde devil pulled the woman towards him and proceeded to try and suck her face off before pulling her in to his chest and groping her as he taunted Issei.

"No matter how long you live, you'll never have what Riser does. You're just a lower-class Devil."

The blush on Issei's face vanished as anger filled him. "Shut up you damn Yakitori! Once I stop sucking at this devil shit, I'll have all the ladies I want!"

"Watch your tone when you speak to Riser. Honestly, you Pawns are so damn disrespectful to your betters."

"Shut up! The only one whose opinion matters to me is Rias-buchou!"

Rias looked at the brunette in shock at awe at his statement. Issei…

The Pawn then summoned his Sacred Gear, "We don't need to play some damn Rating Game, I'll kick your ass right here right now!" Issei charged at the Pureblooded Devil, but as he got halfway across the room when Riser called out to Mira, a young girl with blue hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is styled with six short ponytails, with four of the six. The front of her hair features split bangs going across her forehead, with side bangs framing her face. Her outfit consists of white haori with a red obi, which is worn under a red coat. She wears bandages on her forearms and shins and wears black guards over her hands. For footwear, she wears a pair of zori. But most noticeable is the large Bo staff in her hands.

Issei scoffed, "What's she going to do, she's tiny!" But it appeared that he learned nothing from watching Koneko fight as Mira quickly closed the distance between them, hitting Issei in the stomach with one end of her staff and sending him hurdling up into the ceiling with the other.

Once Issei fell back to the floor, Mira looked to strike him again only for an armored hand to catch the staff mid swing.

Everyone in the room looked up to see Natsuki standing in front of Issei, Mira didn't have time to question the moment as she was quickly backhanded by the older girl, the force of the strike sending her speeding through the air like a bullet as she crashed through the clubroom doors. After a few tumbles and spins, the Devil's body finally stopped as she laid on the hallway floor, bruised, bloody, and unconscious.

"Mira!" The all-female-Peerage looked at their fallen member in shock, fear, and anger as a few of them moved into the hallway to check on her.

Natsuki ignored the glares and turned her head slightly to look at Issei, who was now in the arms of Rias. "Are you okay Issei?"

"Yeah Natsuki… Thanks for the help." While he was happy that Natsuki defended him he still couldn't stop the anger and disappointment in himself for being so weak and once again needing the taller Devil to save him.

"How surprising, while the yielder of the [Boosted Gear] is so laughably weak, the yielder of [Ethereal Domination] is strong enough to be reckoned with." Despite watching his Pawn get demolished, Riser's tone was filled with amusement, after all Mira was his weakest servant so it didn't matter much to him that Natsuki beat her. Riser still has 13 other servants who can get the job done.

Rias raised her head and stared at her brother's wife, anger and blood lust wafting off the Heiress in waves. "Grayfia, tell my brother that I will agree to the Rating Game."

"Very well then." Grayfia accepted their decisions with a graceful bow. "The Game will require fourteen days to be prepared; is that acceptable?"

"Riser, believe me when I say this; We will annihilate you!"

Riser laughed as he stood in front of her Peerage, a few of them glaring at Natsuki as they held Mira's unconscious body. "Whatever you say darling. Grayfia, Riser accepts the terms of this challenge. See you at the game my beloved." Riser and the rest of his Peerage soon disappeared in a flashy show of fire, his overconfident laughter echoing throughout the room.

"I'll need you to have my brother prepare the vacation home, Grayfia." Rias asked politely, already developing more intense training regimens for her Peerage. Oh, and I'll need to get a bunch of training clothes, or finish that repairing spell soon. There was so much to do before training began and so little time. "We'll be using it until October thirtieth." She really hoped she could get everyone strong enough, Issei would probably take the most work, but she believed his [Boosted Gear] along with Natsuki's [Ethereal Domination] were the only things that would be able to defeat Riser's flames and his immortality.

Issei shivered in fear as he sensed impending doom, most likely related to the ORC President's plans to train him to the bone.

"Everyone, pack your bags." Rias ordered, a small smile on her face. "We'll all be taking a little vacation to train for our upcoming match. Make sure to pack the essentials, we won't be returning to Kuoh for some time." With that out of the way, everyone slowly filtered out of the room, even Issei after a little help from Asia.

Natsuki stayed behind for a moment. "Rias-buchou I wanted to apologize for my actions earlier to today. As a servant of the Gremory house, my actions reflect on you and what I did was incredibly poor-"

Rias cut the younger devil off by placing a single finger on her lips. "You have nothing to apologize for Natsuki, you were defending Issei and I from that bastard Riser. Sure, it was a little surprising seeing you act like that, but I really do appreciate it. Thank you, Natsuki."

Rias surprised the girl further by placing a kiss on her cheek after thanking her. Natsuki opened and closed her mouth, making her resemble a fish on land, causing her two senpais to laugh at her expression.

"A- I – No problem, Rias." Natsuki turned away, desperate to escape her embarrassment and quickly left the room, but not before glancing at Grayfia once more.

Akeno looked at Rias, noticing the twitching of her lips as she tried to uphold her smile. "Rias, we'll kick his ass for you. I promise." The Queen squeezed her best friend's shoulder comfortingly before teleporting to her own home to gather her things.

When she was left alone with Grayfia, Rias allowed her smile to drop as she looked at her sister-in-law sadly. "Is there really no other way?" Rias whimpered as Grayfia took the redhead into a hug, pressing Rias' head against her bosom.

"Have faith in your friends and family, they will not let you down." Grayfia brushed her hand through Rias' hair comfortingly. "And trust in your brother, Sirzechs only wants what's best for you." Rias returned her hug tightly before Grayfia had to let her go

"It was my family who got me into this mess in the first place." She whispered before the magic circle transported Grayfia away.

She had just two weeks to prepare, Rias hoped desperately that it would be enough.

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